
## code to prepare `csatraw` dataset goes here

type_vc <- c(rep(c("new", "existing"), 2), "reactivate")
product_vc <- c("basic", "advanced", "premium")

comments_good <- c("great product", "good service", "friendly staff")
comments_bad <- c("too expensive", "unfriendly", "no response")
comments_all <- c(comments_good, comments_bad)

lookup_ls <- list(
  `11` = "great product",
  `12` = "good service",
  `13` = "friendly staff",
  `21` = "too expensive",
  `22` = "unfriendly",
  `23` = "no response"

create_coded_rsp <- function(inp, c_good, c_bad, c_all) {

  size <- round(runif(length(inp), 1, 3))

  res <- vapply(seq_along(inp),
                FUN.VALUE = character(1),
                FUN = function(x) {
    if (inp[x] > 3) {
      paste(sample(c_good, size[x]), collapse = ", ")
    } else if (inp[x] < 3) {
      paste(sample(c_bad, size[x]), collapse = ", ")
    } else {
      paste(sample(c_all, size[x]), collapse = ", ")


# Add list column with comments

csatraw <- tibble::tibble(
  cust_id = stringr::str_pad(sample(150:99999, 150), 5, pad = "0"),
  type = sample(type_vc, 150, replace = TRUE),
  product = sample(product_vc, 150, replace = TRUE),
  item1  = round(runif(150, min = 1, max = 5), 0),
  item1_open = create_coded_rsp(item1, 11:13, 21:23, c(11:13,21:23)),
  item2a = sample(c(0,1,2,2,3,3), 150, replace = TRUE),
  item2b = ifelse(item2a == 0, NA, round(runif(150, min = 1, max = 5), 0)),
  item3a = sample(c(0,1,2,2,3,3), 150, replace = TRUE),
  item3b = ifelse(item3a  == 0, NA, round(runif(150, min = 1, max = 5), 0)),
  item4a = sample(c(0,1,2,2,3,3), 150, replace = TRUE),
  item4b = ifelse(item4a  == 0, NA, round(runif(150, min = 1, max = 5), 0)),
  item5a = sample(c(0,1,2,2,3,3), 150, replace = TRUE),
  item5b = ifelse(item5a  == 0, NA, round(runif(150, min = 1, max = 5), 0)),
  item6a = sample(c(0,1,2,2,3,3), 150, replace = TRUE),
  item6b = ifelse(item6a  == 0, NA, round(runif(150, min = 1, max = 5), 0))

usethis::use_data(csatraw, overwrite = TRUE)

csat <- csatraw

csat <- csat %>%
  rename(csat = item1,
         csat_open = item1_open) %>%
  rename_with(~ gsub("a", "_contact", .x),
              .cols = matches("\\da$")) %>%
  rename_with(~ gsub("b", "_rating", .x),
              .cols = matches("\\db$")) %>%
  rename_with(~ gsub("item2", "postal", .x),
              .cols = starts_with("item2")) %>%
  rename_with(~ gsub("item3", "phone", .x),
              .cols = starts_with("item3")) %>%
  rename_with(~ gsub("item4", "email", .x),
              .cols = starts_with("item4")) %>%
  rename_with(~ gsub("item5", "website", .x),
              .cols = starts_with("item5")) %>%
  rename_with(~ gsub("item6", "shop", .x),
              .cols = starts_with("item6")) %>%
  mutate(type = factor(type, levels = c("new", "existing", "reactivate")),
         product = factor(product, levels = c("basic", "advanced", "premium")),
         across(ends_with("csat") | ends_with("_rating"),
                ~ recode(.x,
                         `1` = "Very unsatisfied",
                         `2` = "Unsatisfied",
                         `3` = "Neutral",
                         `4` = "Satisfied",
                         `5` = "Very satisfied") %>%
                  factor(., levels = c("Very unsatisfied",
                                       "Very satisfied"))),
                ~ recode(.x,
                         `0` = "no contact",
                         `1` = "more than 3 years ago",
                         `2` = "within 1 to 3 years",
                         `3` = "within last year")  %>%
                  factor(., levels = c("no contact",
                                       "more than 3 years ago",
                                       "within 1 to 3 years",
                                       "within last year"))),
         csat_open = purrr::map(csat_open, ~ recode(.x, !!! lookup_ls)),
         csat_open = gsub("11", "great product", csat_open) %>%
           gsub("12", "good service", .) %>%
           gsub("13", "friendly staff", .) %>%
           gsub("21", "too expensive", .) %>%
           gsub("22", "unfriendly", .) %>%
           gsub("23", "no response", .))

usethis::use_data(csat, overwrite = TRUE)
TimTeaFan/dplyover documentation built on Sept. 27, 2021, 3:14 p.m.