
#' LocToRefSeq
#' Convert MSU identifiers to Rap-DB identifiers and map them to RefSeq mRNA 
#' identifiers. Currently only conversions \strong{from} MSU ID are implemented.
#' Conversion from MSU to Rap-DB identifiers uses the table of RAP-DB and MSU 
#' IDs \href{http://rapdb.dna.affrc.go.jp/download/irgsp1.html}{available from 
#' Rap-DB}. CSGNL symbols and gene names are retrieved from the 
#' OryzabaseGeneListEn database, downloaded from 
#' \href{http://www.shigen.nig.ac.jp/rice/oryzabase/download/gene}{Oryzabase}. 
#' Conversion to refSeq mRNA IDs uses the Rice ID IRGSP Build5 database 
#' downloaded from 
#' \href{http://www.shigen.nig.ac.jp/rice/oryzabase/download/riceId}{Oryzabase}.
#' If biomaRt is installed, it can be used for secondary searches for unmatched 
#' MSU IDs.
#' @param LOCs Character vector of MSU locus identifiers
#' @param useBiomart Boolean (default \code{TRUE}). If biomaRt is installed, use it for
#'   secondary searches for genes not matched in the Oryzabase data.
#' @return Returns a list of two \code{data.frame}s, matched for MSU loci that 
#'   were successfully matched to refSeq IDs and notMatched for ones that 
#'   weren't. The \code{data.frame}s each have four columns: tigrId (MSU ID), 
#'   refseq_mrna (refSeq mRNA ID), ensembl_gene_id (Rap-DB ID) and 
#'   symbols (CSGNL recommended gene symbol(s)).
#' @export
#' @import data.table
#' @examples 
#' LocToRefSeq(c('LOC_Os01g03340', 'LOC_Os01g09410', 'LOC_Os01g17396', 'LOC_Os01g18800', 'LOC_Os01g44069', 'LOC_Os01g45470', 'LOC_Os01g53880', 'LOC_Os01g64730', 'LOC_Os01g71820', 'LOC_Os02g07110', 'LOC_Os02g26680', 'LOC_Os02g26700', 'LOC_Os02g41904', 'LOC_Os02g42880', 'LOC_Os02g44630', 'LOC_Os03g15530', 'LOC_Os03g22270', 'LOC_Os03g61160', 'LOC_Os04g58710', 'LOC_Os06g06750', 'LOC_Os07g32170', 'LOC_Os08g24930', 'LOC_Os08g31980', 'LOC_Os09g07154', 'LOC_Os09g25330', 'LOC_Os09g31438', 'LOC_Os10g07229', 'LOC_Os10g18870', 'LOC_Os10g26340', 'LOC_Os10g42210', 'LOC_Os10g42220'))
#' LocToRefSeq(c('LOC_Os03g03034', 'LOC_Os06g36560', 'LOC_Os01g50910'))

LocToRefSeq <- function(LOCs, useBiomart = TRUE) {
  # search RapMsuRefSeq by LOC
  message(paste(dateF(), "Searching Oryzabase database for", length(LOCs), 
  # fast data.table search: sapply over LOCs with grep, unlist results and
  # select columns to output
  matchedRecords <- RapMsuRefSeq[
    unique(unlist(sapply(toupper(LOCs), grep, x = toupper(tigrId),
                         fixed = TRUE))),
    list(rapLocus, tigrId, refseqRnaNucleotideAccessionNo)]
  # remove trailing transcript numbers from tigrId and refSeq ID
  matchedRecords[, tigrId := gsub("\\..*$", "", tigrId)]
  matchedRecords[, refseqRnaNucleotideAccessionNo := gsub(
    "\\..*$", "", refseqRnaNucleotideAccessionNo)]
  data.table::setkey(matchedRecords, tigrId, rapLocus)
  # search again in RAPMSU for unmatched LOC IDs
  unmatchedLocs <- matchedRecords[rapLocus == "", tigrId]
  if (length(unmatchedLocs) > 0) {
    message(paste(dateF(), "Searching RAP-DB ID database for", length(unmatchedLocs), 
                  "gene(s) not matched in Oryzabase"))
    rematchedLocs <- RAPMSU[MSU_ID %in% unmatchedLocs]
    # remove trailng Tx numbers, remove unmatched locs
    rematchedLocs[, tigrId := gsub("\\..*$", "", MSU_ID)]
    rematchedLocs[, rapLocus := toupper(Rap_ID)]
    rematchedLocs[, c("Rap_ID", "MSU_ID") := NULL]
    rematchedLocs <- rematchedLocs[!rapLocus == "NONE"]
    data.table::setkey(rematchedLocs, tigrId)
    # re-join tables, remove NAs and duplicates
    rematchedRecords <- rbind(matchedRecords, rematchedLocs, fill = TRUE)
                     refseqRnaNucleotideAccessionNo := ""]
    rematchedRecords <- unique(rematchedRecords,
                               by = c("rapLocus", "tigrId",
  } else {
    rematchedRecords <- unique(matchedRecords,
                               by = c("rapLocus", "tigrId", 
  # uppercase rapLocus and setkey for match with ensembl during biomaRt search
  rematchedRecords[, rapLocus := toupper(rapLocus)]
  data.table::setkey(rematchedRecords, rapLocus)
  unmatchedRecords <- rematchedRecords[refseqRnaNucleotideAccessionNo == ""]
  # only search rapLocus ids that really don't already have a refSeqID
  matched.so.far <- rematchedRecords[!refseqRnaNucleotideAccessionNo == "",
  unmatchedIds <- unmatchedRecords[rapLocus != "" &
                                     !rapLocus %in% matched.so.far,

  # biomaRt search for unmatched records
  if (useBiomart & length(unmatchedIds > 0)) {
    if (!requireNamespace("biomaRt", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("biomaRt is not installed. Either install it or use useBiomart == FALSE")
    message("Preparing biomaRt object")
    ensembl <- biomaRt::useMart(host = "plants.ensembl.org",
                                biomart = "plants_mart",
                                dataset = "osativa_eg_gene")
    # search BioMart
    message(paste(dateF(), "Running biomaRt query for", length(unmatchedIds), 
                  "record(s) with no RefSeqID in Oryzabase"))
    refSeq <- data.table(biomaRt::getBM(
      attributes = c("ensembl_gene_id", "refseq_mrna"),
      filters = "ensembl_gene_id",
      values = unique(unmatchedIds), 
      mart = ensembl))
    # only process records that returned a hit
    bmMatch <- refSeq[!refseq_mrna == "", .(
      refseqRnaNucleotideAccessionNo = paste(refseq_mrna, collapse = "/")),
      by = ensembl_gene_id]
    setkey(bmMatch, ensembl_gene_id, refseqRnaNucleotideAccessionNo)
    # join BM hits to rematchedRecords and remove NAs
    setkey(rematchedRecords, rapLocus, refseqRnaNucleotideAccessionNo)
    joinedResults <- bmMatch[rematchedRecords]
                  refseqRnaNucleotideAccessionNo := ""]
  } else {
    joinedResults <- rematchedRecords
    joinedResults$refseq_mrna <- ""
    data.table::setnames(joinedResults, "rapLocus", "ensembl_gene_id")
  setnames(joinedResults, "refseqRnaNucleotideAccessionNo", "refseq_mrna")
  message(paste(dateF(), "Merging results"))
  # fast join by tigrId to concatenate duplicates (tigrId with >1
  # rapLocus or refSeqID)
  LocToRefSeq.table <- joinedResults[, .(
    refseq_mrna = paste(unique(refseq_mrna[!refseq_mrna == ""]), collapse = "/"),
    ensembl_gene_id = paste(unique(ensembl_gene_id[!ensembl_gene_id == ""]),
                            collapse =  "/")),
    by = tigrId]
  # add short gene names
  message(paste(dateF(), "Adding short gene names from Oryzabase"))
  LocToRefSeq.table[, symbols := LocToGeneName(tigrId)$symbols,
                    by = tigrId]
  LocToRefSeq.table[is.na(symbols), symbols := '']
  setkey(LocToRefSeq.table, tigrId)
  # split into found / not found and return
  matched <- LocToRefSeq.table[!refseq_mrna == ""]
  notMatched <- LocToRefSeq.table[refseq_mrna == ""]
  message(paste(dateF(), "Done. Found refSeqIDs for", dim(matched)[1], 
  list(matched = matched, notMatched = notMatched)
TomHarrop/oryzr documentation built on May 9, 2019, 4:52 p.m.