
##' @name Plots for Tests of Pathway Structure in iGraph
##' @rdname pathway.structure.plot
##' @title Extensions to iGraph for Plotting Pathway Structure
##' @description Functions to plot outcomes for testing pathway structure with permutation analysis.
##' @param table_obj List. Output of \code{\link[pathway.structure.permutation]{pathway.structure}}
##' @param method Specifies metric for comparision of up and down events: "absolute" (1) for difference or "relative" (2) ratio. May be given as a character or numeric input. Defaults to absolute.
##' @param main,sub,xlab,ylab,xlim,ylim,cex.lab,col,cex,pch Arguments to pass on to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} or \code{\link[stats]{plot.density}}
##' @param guide,legend,annotate Logical. Whether guide lines, legend, or p-value annotation is included on the density plot. Default to TRUE.
##' @param cex.legend,cex.annotation numeric. Relative expansion of legend and annotation test in density plot.
##' @import igraph
##' @importFrom graphics abline legend lines plot points text
##' @importFrom stats density quantile


##' @rdname pathway.structure.plot
##' @examples
##' #generate example graphs
##' library("igraph")
##' graph <- make_graph(unlist(lapply(letters, function(x) rep(x, 2)))[2:51], directed = TRUE)
##' plot(graph)
##' #Example states
##' test.structure(graph, "a", "c")
##' source <- sample(letters, 10)
##' target <- sample(letters, 10)
##' V(graph)$color <- ifelse(names(V(graph)) %in% source, "lightblue", "grey75")  
##' V(graph)$color <- ifelse(names(V(graph)) %in% target, "palevioletred", V(graph)$color)  
##' V(graph)$color <- ifelse(names(V(graph)) %in% intersect(source, target),
##'                          "mediumpurple2", V(graph)$color)  
##' plot(graph, layout = layout.fruchterman.reingold, vertex.color= V(graph)$color, 
##'     vertex.label.family = "mono", vertex.size = 10, vertex.label.color = "black", 
##'     vertex.frame.color= "grey50", main = graph$name)
##' matrix.structure(graph, source, target)
##' table(matrix.structure(graph, source, target))
##' perm_table <- permutation.structure(graph, source, target, letters)
##' #Plot Density Output of Permutation Test
##' pathway_perm_plot_density(perm_table)
##' @export
pathway_perm_plot_density <- function(table_obj, method = "absolute", main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab = "up - down events", ylab = "density", xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, cex.lab = 1, guide = TRUE, legend = TRUE, annotate = TRUE, cex.legend = 1, cex.annotation = 1, col="black"){
  if(is.numeric(method)) method <- c("absolute", "relative")[method]
  if(is.character(method)) method <- tolower(method)
  if(is.na(method) || is.null(method) || method == "") method <- "absolute"
  if(is.null(main)) main <- ""
  if(method == "absolute"){
    plot(density(table_obj$exp$up - table_obj$exp$down), main = main, sub = sub, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, cex.lab = cex.lab, col = col)
      abline(v=table_obj$obs$up - table_obj$obs$down, col="red")
      abline(v=quantile(table_obj$exp$up - table_obj$exp$down, 0.025), col="grey50")
      abline(v=quantile(table_obj$exp$up - table_obj$exp$down, 0.05), col="grey75")
      abline(v=quantile(table_obj$exp$up - table_obj$exp$down, 0.95), col="grey75")
      abline(v=quantile(table_obj$exp$up - table_obj$exp$down, 0.975), col="grey50")
        legend("right", fill=c("red", "grey75", "grey50"), legend=c("observed", "90% interval", "95% interval"), xjust = 1, cex = cex.legend)
      text(min(table_obj$exp$up - table_obj$exp$down), max(density(table_obj$exp$up - table_obj$exp$down)$y), labels = paste("\n\nemp p-val\ndownstream\n", sum(table_obj$obs$up - table_obj$obs$down < table_obj$exp$up - table_obj$exp$down) / length(table_obj$exp$up)), cex = cex.annotation)
      text(max(table_obj$exp$up - table_obj$exp$down), max(density(table_obj$exp$up - table_obj$exp$down)$y), labels = paste("\n\nemp p-val\nupstream\n", sum(table_obj$exp$up - table_obj$exp$down < table_obj$obs$up - table_obj$obs$down) / length(table_obj$exp$up)), cex = cex.annotation)
  } else if(method == "relative"){
    plot(density(table_obj$exp$up / table_obj$exp$down), main = main, sub = sub, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, cex.lab = cex.lab, col = col)
      abline(v=table_obj$obs$up / table_obj$obs$down, col="red")
      abline(v=quantile(table_obj$exp$up / table_obj$exp$down, 0.025), col="grey50")
      abline(v=quantile(table_obj$exp$up / table_obj$exp$down, 0.05), col="grey75")
      abline(v=quantile(table_obj$exp$up / table_obj$exp$down, 0.95), col="grey75")
      abline(v=quantile(table_obj$exp$up / table_obj$exp$down, 0.975), col="grey50")
        legend("right", fill=c("red", "grey75", "grey50"), legend=c("observed", "90% interval", "95% interval"), xjust = 1, cex = cex.legend)
      text(min(table_obj$exp$up / table_obj$exp$down), max(density(table_obj$exp$up / table_obj$exp$down)$y), labels = paste("\n\nemp p-val\ndownstream\n", sum(table_obj$exp$up / table_obj$exp$down < table_obj$obs$up / table_obj$obs$down) / length(table_obj$exp$up)), cex = cex.annotation)
      text(max(table_obj$exp$up / table_obj$exp$down), max(density(table_obj$exp$up / table_obj$exp$down)$y), labels = paste("\n\nemp p-val\nupstream\n", sum(table_obj$obs$up / table_obj$obs$down < table_obj$exp$up / table_obj$exp$down) / length(table_obj$exp$up)), cex = cex.annotation)
  } else {
    warning("Please give a valid method: absolute or relative")

##' @rdname pathway.structure.plot
##' @examples
##' #Plot Density Output of Permutation Test
##' perm_table <- permutation.structure(graph, source, target, letters)
##' pathway_perm_plot_density(perm_table)
##' perm_table2 <- permutation.structure(graph, source, target, letters, fixed_intersect = TRUE)
##' pathway_perm_lines_density(perm_table2, col="lightblue")
##' @export
pathway_perm_lines_density <- function(table_obj, method = "absolute", col="black"){
  if(is.numeric(method)) method <- c("absolute", "relative")[method]
  if(is.character(method)) method <- tolower(method)
  if(is.na(method) || is.null(method) || method == "") method <- "absolute"
  if(method == "absolute"){
    lines(density(table_obj$exp$up - table_obj$exp$down), col = col)
  } else if(method == "relative"){
    lines(density(table_obj$exp$up / table_obj$exp$down), col = col)
  } else {
    warning("Please give a valid method: absolute or relative")

##' @rdname pathway.structure.plot
##' @examples
##' #Plot Raw Output of Permutation Test
##' pathway_perm_plot_raw(perm_table)
##' @export
pathway_perm_plot_raw <- function(table_obj, main = NULL, sub = NULL, xlab="up events", ylab="down events", cex.lab = 1, col = "black", cex = 1, pch = 1){
  plot(table_obj$exp$up, table_obj$exp$down, main = main, sub = sub, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, cex.lab = cex.lab, col = col, cex = cex, pch = pch)
  points(table_obj$obs$up, table_obj$obs$down, col="red")
  legend("topright", fill=c("red", "black"), legend=c("observed", "expected"))

##' @rdname pathway.structure.plot
##' @examples
#test pathway structure between with absolute (difference) or relative (ratio) measures
##' permutation.structure.proportion(perm_table) # defaults to absolute
##' permutation.structure.proportion(perm_table, method = "relative")
##' @export
permutation.structure.proportion <- function(table_obj, method = "absolute"){
  if(is.numeric(method)) method <- c("absolute", "relative")[method]
  if(is.character(method)) method <- tolower(method)
  if(is.na(method) || is.null(method) || method == "") method <- "absolute"
  if(method == "absolute"){
    prop_up <- sum(table_obj$obs$up - table_obj$obs$down < table_obj$exp$up - table_obj$exp$down) / length(table_obj$exp$up)
    prop_down <- sum(table_obj$exp$up - table_obj$exp$down < table_obj$obs$up - table_obj$obs$down) / length(table_obj$exp$up)
  } else if(method == "relative"){
    prop_up <- sum(table_obj$obs$up / table_obj$obs$down < table_obj$exp$up / table_obj$exp$down) / length(table_obj$exp$up)
    prop_down <- sum(table_obj$exp$up / table_obj$exp$down < table_obj$obs$up / table_obj$obs$down) / length(table_obj$exp$up)
  } else {
    warning("Please give a valid method: absolute or relative")
  prop_list <- list(prop_down, prop_up)
  names(prop_list) <- c("down", "up")
TomKellyGenetics/pathway.structure.permutation documentation built on May 9, 2019, 4:53 p.m.