
Defines functions select_cols split_clean plurals tenses within_the_alternate_loop alternate_fun

## Utilities for the package

## Read in and select the appropriate columns for the analysis
select_cols <- function(d){
  d <- d %>%
    dplyr::rename_all(tolower) %>%
    dplyr::select(contains("id"), contains("target"), contains("response"), contains("human"))

  if (ncol(d) > 4){
    stop("More than 4 columns were selected containing 'id', 'target', 'response', or 'human'", call. = FALSE)}
  else if (ncol(d) < 3){
    stop(paste0("Less than 3 columns were selected containing 'id', 'target', 'response', or 'human'\n",
                " - One column should be named 'id', another named 'target', another named 'response', and",
                "optionally one named 'human'. Check your CSV to upload again."), call. = FALSE)}

split_clean <- function(d){
  select_cols(d) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(target = stringr::str_to_lower(target) %>%
                    stringr::str_replace_all(pattern = "[[:punct:]]", replacement = ""),
                  response = stringr::str_to_lower(response) %>%
                    stringr::str_replace_all(pattern = "[[:punct:]]", replacement = "")) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(target = stringr::str_split(target, pattern = " "),
                  response = stringr::str_split(response, pattern = " ") %>%

plurals <- function(x, suf = "es", plural_rule, plural_add_rule){
  if (isTRUE(plural_rule) | isTRUE(plural_add_rule)){
    paste0(x, suf)
  } else {

tenses <- function(x, suf = "ed", tense_rule, tense_add_rule){
  if (isTRUE(tense_rule) | isTRUE(tense_add_rule)){
    paste0(x, suf)
  } else {

within_the_alternate_loop <- function(.x, .a,
                                      plural_rule, plural_add_rule,
                                      tense_rule, tense_add_rule){

  names(.x) = .x

  replace = .a %>%
    dplyr::mutate(in_it1 = alternate_string %in% .x,
                  in_it2 = plurals(alternate_string, "es", plural_rule, plural_add_rule) %in% .x,
                  in_it3 = plurals(alternate_string, "s", plural_rule, plural_add_rule) %in% .x,
                  in_it4 = tenses(alternate_string, "ed", tense_rule, tense_add_rule) %in% .x,
                  in_it5 = tenses(alternate_string, "d", tense_rule, tense_add_rule) %in% .x) %>%
    dplyr::filter(in_it1 | in_it2 | in_it3 | in_it4 | in_it5) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(in_it = in_it1 | in_it2 | in_it3 | in_it4 | in_it5,
                  which_rule = dplyr::case_when(in_it1 ~ "none",
                                                in_it2 ~ "es",
                                                in_it3 ~ "s",
                                                in_it4 ~ "ed",
                                                in_it5 ~ "d"))

  if (nrow(replace) > 0){
    for (i in 1:nrow(replace)){
      what_to_replace = switch(replace$which_rule[[i]],
                               "none" = replace$alternate_string[[i]],
                               "es" = plurals(replace$alternate_string[[i]], "es", plural_rule, plural_add_rule),
                               "s"  = plurals(replace$alternate_string[[i]], "s", plural_rule, plural_add_rule),
                               "ed" = tenses(replace$alternate_string[[i]], "ed", tense_rule, tense_add_rule),
                               "d"  = tenses(replace$alternate_string[[i]], "d", tense_rule, tense_add_rule))
      .x[what_to_replace] <- paste0(replace$target[[i]],
                                    ifelse(replace$which_rule[[i]] == "none", "", replace$which_rule[[i]]))


## Acceptable Spelling List
alternate_fun <- function(d, alternate_df,
                          plural_rule, plural_add_rule,
                          tense_rule, tense_add_rule){

  if (is.null(alternate_df))

  ## Need to make it possible to use other rules within this one
  alternate_df <- alternate_df %>%
    dplyr::mutate(rowname = row_number(target)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(alternate_string = stringr::str_split(acceptable, pattern = ", "))

  .a <- alternate_df %>%
    tidyr::unnest(.) %>%

  d %>%
    ## See if there are matches in the target (per line)
    dplyr::mutate(target = purrr::map(target, ~{
      within_the_alternate_loop(.x, .a,
                                plural_rule, plural_add_rule,
                                tense_rule, tense_add_rule)

    })) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(response = purrr::map(response, ~{
      within_the_alternate_loop(.x, .a,
                                plural_rule, plural_add_rule,
                                tense_rule, tense_add_rule)


match_fun <- function(x, y, root_word_rule) {

  ## depending on root_word_rule should pmatch or match be used
         firstpart = pmatch(unique(x), unique(y)),
         no_firstpart = match(unique(x), unique(y)))


## Main work horse function
match_position_basic <- function(d, alternate_df,
                                 plural_rule, plural_add_rule,
                                 tense_rule, tense_add_rule,
                                 a_the_rule, root_word_rule,
                                 suffix_rule, double_letter_rule){

  if (isTRUE(suffix_rule)){
    tense_rule <- FALSE
    plural_rule   <- FALSE
    tense_add_rule <- FALSE
    plural_add_rule <- FALSE

  if (isTRUE(root_word_rule)){
    root_word_rule <- "firstpart"
  } else {
    root_word_rule <- "no_firstpart"

  ## alternate_spell_rule
  d <- alternate_fun(d, alternate_df,
                     plural_rule, plural_add_rule,
                     tense_rule, tense_add_rule)

  d <- d %>%
    dplyr::mutate(target = purrr::map(target, ~{
      double_letter_fun(.x, double_letter_rule) %>%
        a_the_fun(a_the_rule) %>%

    })) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(response = purrr::map(response, ~{
      double_letter_fun(.x, double_letter_rule) %>%
        a_the_fun(a_the_rule) %>%

    })) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(diff_target_pre = purrr::map2(target, response, ~{
      pasttense_plurals_fun(.x, .y, tense_rule, tense_add_rule, plural_rule, plural_add_rule, root_word_rule)

    })) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(diff_response_pre = purrr::map2(response, target, ~{
      pasttense_plurals_fun(.x, .y, tense_rule, tense_add_rule, plural_rule, plural_add_rule, root_word_rule)


  d %>%
    dplyr::mutate(diff_target = purrr::map(diff_target_pre, ~.x > 0)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(diff_response = purrr::map(diff_response_pre, ~.x > 0))

suffix_fun <- function(chr, use = TRUE){
  if (isTRUE(use)){
  } else {

pasttense_plurals_fun <- function(x, y, tense_rule, tense_add_rule, plural_rule, plural_add_rule, root_word_rule){

  if (isTRUE(tense_rule) & isTRUE(plural_rule)){
    ed1 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "ed"), y, root_word_rule)
    ed2 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "d"), y, root_word_rule)
    ed3 <- match_fun(x, paste0(y, "ed"), root_word_rule)
    ed4 <- match_fun(x, paste0(y, "d"), root_word_rule)
    es1 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "es"), y, root_word_rule)
    es2 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "s"), y, root_word_rule)
    es3 <- match_fun(x, paste0(y, "es"), root_word_rule)
    es4 <- match_fun(x, paste0(y, "s"), root_word_rule)
    reg <- match_fun(x, y, root_word_rule)
    na.omit(c(ed1, ed2, ed3, ed4, es1, es2, es3, es4, reg)) %>% unique %>% as.numeric

  } else if (isTRUE(plural_rule)) {
    es1 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "es"), y, root_word_rule)
    es2 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "s"), y, root_word_rule)
    es3 <- match_fun(x, paste0(y, "es"), root_word_rule)
    es4 <- match_fun(x, paste0(y, "s"), root_word_rule)
    reg <- match_fun(x, y, root_word_rule)
    na.omit(c(es1, es2, es3, es4, reg)) %>% unique %>% as.numeric

  } else if (isTRUE(tense_rule)) {
    ed1 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "ed"), y, root_word_rule)
    ed2 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "d"), y, root_word_rule)
    ed3 <- match_fun(x, paste0(y, "ed"), root_word_rule)
    ed4 <- match_fun(x, paste0(y, "d"), root_word_rule)
    reg <- match_fun(x, y, root_word_rule)
    na.omit(c(ed1, ed2, ed3, ed4, reg)) %>% unique %>% as.numeric

  } else if (isTRUE(tense_add_rule) & isTRUE(plural_add_rule)){
    ed1 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "ed"), y, root_word_rule)
    ed2 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "d"), y, root_word_rule)
    es1 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "es"), y, root_word_rule)
    es2 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "s"), y, root_word_rule)
    reg <- match_fun(x, y, root_word_rule)
    na.omit(c(ed1, ed2, es1, es2, reg)) %>% unique %>% as.numeric

  } else if (isTRUE(tense_add_rule)) {
    ed1 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "ed"), y, root_word_rule)
    ed2 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "d"), y, root_word_rule)
    reg <- match_fun(x, y, root_word_rule)
    na.omit(c(ed1, ed2, reg)) %>% unique %>% as.numeric

  } else if (isTRUE(plural_add_rule)){
    es1 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "es"), y, root_word_rule)
    es2 <- match_fun(paste0(x, "s"), y, root_word_rule)
    reg <- match_fun(x, y, root_word_rule)
    na.omit(c(es1, es2, reg)) %>% unique %>% as.numeric

  } else {
    match(x, y)


a_the_fun <- function(chr, use = TRUE){
  if (isTRUE(use)){
    nam = names(chr)
    chr = stringr::str_replace(chr, pattern = "^a$", replacement = "the")
    names(chr) = chr
  } else {

double_letter_fun <- function(chr, use = FALSE){
  if (isTRUE(use)){
    nam = names(chr)
    chr = stringr::str_replace_all(chr, pattern = "([[:alpha:]])\\1+", replacement = "\\1")
    names(chr) = chr
  } else {

count_matches <- function(d) {

  d %>%
    dplyr::mutate(count_target = purrr::map(diff_target,
                                            ~ifelse(.x, 1, NA)) %>%
                    purrr::map(~.x[complete.cases(.x)]) %>%
                    purrr::map(~length(.x)) %>% unlist) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(count_response = purrr::map(diff_response,
                                              ~ifelse(.x, 1, NA)) %>%
                    purrr::map(~.x[complete.cases(.x)]) %>%
                    purrr::map(~length(.x)) %>% unlist)

format_output <- function(final_table, output, original_data) {

  original_data <- original_data %>%

  if (isTRUE("human" %in% names(final_table))){

    orig_d2 <- original_data %>%
      dplyr::select(-id, -target, -response, -human)

    ft <- final_table %>%
      dplyr::select(human, count_target) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(equal = human == count_target)
    ft <- cbind(original_data$id, original_data$target, original_data$response,
                ft, orig_d2) %>%
      stats::setNames(c("id", "target", "response", "human", "autoscore", "equal",
  } else {

    orig_d2 <- original_data %>%
      dplyr::select(-id, -target, -response)

    ft <- final_table %>%
    ft <- cbind(original_data$id, original_data$target, original_data$response,
                ft, orig_d2) %>%
      stats::setNames(c("id", "target", "response", "autoscore",

  if (output == "text"){

error_check_alternate_df <- function(alternate_df){
  if (!is.null(alternate_df)){
    stopifnot(is.data.frame(alternate_df) | is.matrix(alternate_df))

error_check_rules <- function(...){
  rules <- list(...)

  for (i in seq_along(rules)){
    if (!is.logical(rules[[i]])){
      stop(paste(names(rules)[i], "must be either TRUE or FALSE"), call. = FALSE)

## Infix operator (null-default)
`%||%` <- purrr::`%||%`

#' re-export magrittr pipe operator
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @name %>%
#' @rdname pipe
#' @export

## From tidyverse package
text_col <- function(x) {
  # If RStudio not available, messages already printed in black
  if (!rstudioapi::isAvailable()) {

  if (!rstudioapi::hasFun("getThemeInfo")) {

  theme <- rstudioapi::getThemeInfo()

  if (isTRUE(theme$dark)) crayon::white(x) else crayon::black(x)


autoscore_version <- function(x) {
  version <- as.character(unclass(utils::packageVersion(x))[[1]])
  crayon::italic(paste0(version, collapse = "."))

search_conflicts <- function(path = search()){

  ## Search for conflicts
  confs <- conflicts(path,TRUE)
  ## Grab those with the autoscore package
  autoscore_conflicts <- confs$`package:autoscore`

  ## Find which packages have those functions that are conflicted
  if (length(autoscore_conflicts) != 0){
    other_conflicts <- list()
    for (i in autoscore_conflicts){
      other_conflicts[[i]] <- lapply(confs, function(x) any(grepl(i, x))) %>%
        do.call("rbind", .) %>%
        data.frame %>%
        setNames(c("conflicted")) %>%
        tibble::rownames_to_column() %>%
        .[.$conflicted == TRUE &
            .$rowname != "package:autoscore",]
  } else {
    other_conflicts <- data.frame()
TysonStanley/autoscore documentation built on May 29, 2019, 11:01 p.m.