# Helper functions
#' Safely Calculate a Rate
#' Calculates sum(x) / sum(y) for values for non-missing values in (x, y).
#' @param x A numeric variable acting as a numerator.
#' @param y A numeric variable acting as a denominator.
#' @return A scalar rate.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- c(1, 2, NA, 4)
#' y <- c(5, NA, 6, 7)
#' rate(x, y)
rate <- function(x, y) {
i <- !(is.na(x) | is.na(y))
sum(x[i]) / sum(y[i])
#' Generate a Rate Data for Plotting
#' @param grp A character string of categorical grouping variable names.
#' @param fltr A named list of filters, where each list element name is the
#' name of the variable and the element value is a string of values whose
#' membership is to be evaluated (see examples).
#' @param vals A character string of continuous variables for which a rate will
#' be calculated relative to population. Defaults to "obese."
#' @return A dataframe with rates calculated for each value in vals.
#' @export
#' @import dplyr rlang
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @examples
#' grp <- c("sex", "country")
#' vals <- c("obese", "unemployed")
#' fltr <- list(
#' region = c("South Asia", "Europe & Central Asia"),
#' year = c(2014, 2015, 2016)
#' )
#' make_rate_data(grp, fltr, vals)
make_rate_data <- function(grp, fltr, vals = "obese") {
fltr <- purrr::discard(fltr, is.null)
obesityexplorer::ob %>%
filter(across(all_of(names(fltr)), ~ . %in% fltr[[cur_column()]])) %>%
group_by(!!!syms(grp)) %>%
summarise(across(all_of(vals), list(rate = ~ rate(., .data$pop))),
.groups = "drop"
#' Remap the Sex Input Variable
#' Remaps to c("Male", "Female") if user selects "Both"
#' @param x A scalar string indicating the radio button selection.
#' @return A character vector.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' remap_sex("Male")
#' remap_sex("Both")
#' remap_sex()
remap_sex <- function(x = NULL) {
stopifnot(length(x) == 1 & x %in% c("Male", "Female", "Both"))
if (length(x) == 0 || x == "Both") {
return(c("Female", "Male"))
} else {
#' Create proper label for tooltips and plots
#' @param x scalar string
#' @return A character vector of re-mapped labels.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' create_label("obese_rate")
#' create_label(c("obese_rate", "income"))
create_label <- function(x) {
x == "obese_rate" ~ "Obesity Rate",
x == "smoke_rate" ~ "Smoking Rate",
x == "smoke" ~ "Smoking Rate",
x == "income" ~ "Income Level",
x == "primedu" ~ "Primary Education Rate",
x == "literacy_rate" ~ "Adult Literacy Rate",
x == "literacy" ~ "Adult Literacy Rate",
x == "region" ~ "Region",
x == "unemployed" ~ "Unemployment Rate",
x == "country" ~ "Country",
x == "none" ~ "",
x == "sex" ~ "Sex",
is.null(x) ~ "",
TRUE ~ x
#' List of Custom CSS Specs
#' @return A named list of lists containing CSS specifications
#' @export
custom_css <- function() {
css <- list()
# Input parameter box
css$box <- list(
"border" = "1px solid #d3d3d3",
"border-radius" = "10px",
"margin" = "0px",
"background-color" = "rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.5)"
# Dashboard header parameters
css$header <- list(
"background-color" = "gray",
"padding" = 20,
"color" = "white",
"margin-top" = 20,
"margin-bottom" = 20,
"font-size" = "48px",
"border-radius" = 3
# Caveat for missing smoking data
css$caveat <- list(
"font-size" = "x-small",
"color" = "gray",
"font-style" = "italic"
# Drop-down choices
css$dd <- list("font-size" = "smaller")
# Footnote text
css$sources <- list("font-size" = "xx-small")
css$no_left_pad <- list("margin-left" = "0px")
# Plotly fonts
css$plotly <- list("family" = paste0(
"'Segoe UI',",
"'Helvetica Neue',",
# radio-buttons
css$radio_buttons <- list(
"margin-left" = "10px",
"margin-right" = "5px"
# Return CSS
#' The Obesity Data
#' A dataset containing the obesity dataset for the years 1960-2019. The
#' original dataset has been joined with World Bank indicator data. Data are
#' partitioned into mutually exclusive strata (rows) so that they may be
#' aggregated according to user needs.
#' @format A data frame with 23,138 rows and 18 variables: \describe{
#' \item{country}{The country name.} \item{year}{The year of stratum.}
#' \item{sex}{The sex of individuals in the stratum.} \item{iso2c}{The ISO
#' 2-letter country code.} \item{iso3c}{The ISO 3-letter country code.}
#' \item{region}{The geographic region of the country.} \item{capital}{The
#' capital city of the country.} \item{longitude}{The longitude of the
#' capital city.} \item{latitude}{The latitude of the capital city.}
#' \item{income}{The name of the country income group.} \item{lending}{The
#' name of the IMF country lending category.} \item{lifexp}{The country life
#' expectancy for the stratum.} \item{literacy}{The number of literate
#' individuals for the stratum (row)} \item{pop}{The population count of the
#' stratum (row).} \item{primedu}{The number of individuals in the stratum
#' (row) who have completed basic primary education} \item{smoke}{The number
#' of individuals in the stratum (row) who smoke.} \item{unemployed}{The
#' number of individuals in the stratum (row) who are unemployed.}
#' \item{obese}{The number of individuals in the stratum (row) who are
#' obese.} \item{none}{A placeholder column with level "All" for dashboarding
#' purposes only.} \item{flag_smoke}{ A dichotomous variable indicating
#' whether the smoking data is observed or imputed (missing).}
#' \item{youthpop}{The count of youth in the stratum (row).}}
#' @source \describe{ \item{WHO Obesity
#' Data}{\url{https://www.who.int/data/gho/data/indicators/indicator-details/GHO/prevalence-of-obesity-among-adults-bmi-=-30-(age-standardized-estimate)-(-)}}
#' \item{World Bank Indicators}{\url{https://data.worldbank.org/indicator}}
#' }
#' Dictionary of Country Names
#' A mapping of country IDs and names across datasets.
#' @format A data frame with 262 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{id}{The country ID in Altair's geojson template.}
#' \item{altair}{The country name in Altair (Python).}
#' \item{obesity}{The country name in the obesity dataset.}
#' \item{world_bank}{The country name in World Bank dataset.}
#' \item{pref}{The preferred country name.}
#' \item{iso3c}{The ISO 3-letter country code.}
#' }
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