#' Plot regional similarity
#' Plot the cosine similarity of the mutation profiles of small genomic windows
#' with the rest of the genome.
#' @details
#' Each dot shows the cosine similarity between the mutation profiles of a
#' single window and the rest of the genome. A region with a different mutation
#' profile will have a lower cosine similarity. The dots are colored based on
#' the sizes in mega bases of the windows. This size is the distance between the
#' first and last mutations in a window. The locations of the mutations can be
#' plotted on the bottom of the figure. The cosine similarity can be plotted
#' both with and without oligonucleotide frequency correction. This can be done
#' for all chromosomes at once or separate plots can be made per chromosome.
#' @param region_cossim A region_cossim object.
#' @param per_chrom Boolean. Determines whether to create a separate plot per chromosome. (Default: FALSE)
#' @param oligo_correction Boolean describing whether the oligonucleotide
#' frequency corrected cosine similarities should be plotted. If no correction
#' has been applied then the regular cosine similarities will be plotted.
#' (Default: TRUE)
#' @param max_cossim Maximum cosine similarity for a window to be considered
#' an outlier. Any window with a lower cosine similarity is given a different
#' color. (Default: NA)
#' @param title Optional plot title. (Default: NA). When the default option is
#' used, the number of mutations per window and the step size are shown.
#' @param plot_rug Add a bottom rug to the plot, depicting the location of
#' the mutations. (Default: FALSE)
#' @param x_axis_breaks Vector of custom x-axis breaks. (Default: NA)
#' @return ggplot2 object
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{determine_regional_similarity}}
#' @family regional_similarity
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' ## See the 'determine_regional_similarity()' example for how we obtained the
#' ## following data:
#' regional_sims <- readRDS(system.file("states/regional_sims.rds",
#' package = "MutationalPatterns"
#' ))
#' ## Plot the regional similarity
#' plot_regional_similarity(regional_sims)
#' ## Plot outlier samples with a different color.
#' ## The value of 0.5 that is used here is arbitrarily chosen
#' ## and should in practice be based on the data.
#' plot_regional_similarity(regional_sims, max_cossim = 0.5)
#' ## Plot samples per chromosome
#' fig_l = plot_regional_similarity(regional_sims, per_chrom = TRUE)
#' ## Plot without a title
#' plot_regional_similarity(regional_sims, title = "")
#' ## Add a rug to the plot, that shows the location of the mutations.
#' plot_regional_similarity(regional_sims, plot_rug = FALSE)
#' ## Use custom x axis breaks
#' plot_regional_similarity(regional_sims, x_axis_breaks = c(50, 150))
plot_regional_similarity <- function(region_cossim,
per_chrom = FALSE,
oligo_correction = TRUE,
max_cossim = NA,
title = NA,
plot_rug = FALSE,
x_axis_breaks = NA){
# These variables use non standard evaluation.
# To avoid R CMD check complaints we initialize them to NULL.
chr <- sims <- metadata <- NULL
#Retrieve chromosome lengths.
max_chr_length <- max(region_cossim@chr_lengths / 1000000)
#Set x-axis breaks
if (.is_na(x_axis_breaks)){
x_axis_breaks <- .get_x_axis_breaks(region_cossim, per_chrom)
#Get pos_tb and sim_tb.
pos_tb <- region_cossim@pos_tb
sim_tb <- get_sim_tb(region_cossim)
# Set oligo_correction to FALSE if it has not been performed
if (!("corrected_cossim" %in% colnames(sim_tb))){
oligo_correction = FALSE
#Remove chr from the chrom names, so they are shorter
levels(pos_tb$chr) <- gsub("chr|chromosome_|chromosome|group|group_|chrom", "", levels(pos_tb$chr))
levels(sim_tb$chr) <- gsub("chr|chromosome_|chromosome|group|group_|chrom", "", levels(sim_tb$chr))
sim_tb <- sim_tb %>%
dplyr::mutate(chr = factor(chr, levels = levels(pos_tb$chr)))
#Set point size
windows_per_bp <- nrow(sim_tb) / sum(region_cossim@chr_lengths)
point_size <- 0.0000008 / windows_per_bp
if (per_chrom == TRUE){
point_size <- point_size * 5
if (point_size > 1.5){
point_size <- 1.5
} else if (point_size < 0.03){
point_size <- 0.03
chrom_ends <- .calc_chrom_ends(region_cossim)
#Create plots
if (per_chrom == FALSE){
fig <- .plot_regional_similarity_gg(sim_tb, pos_tb, chrom_ends, x_axis_breaks, point_size, region_cossim@window_size,
region_cossim@stepsize, oligo_correction, max_cossim = max_cossim, title, plot_rug)
} else{
sim_tb_l <- split(sim_tb, sim_tb$chr)
pos_tb_l <- split(pos_tb, pos_tb$chr)
chrom_ends_l <- split(chrom_ends, chrom_ends$chr)
fig_l <- purrr::pmap(list(sim_tb_l, pos_tb_l, chrom_ends_l),
x_axis_breaks = x_axis_breaks, point_size = point_size, window_size = region_cossim@window_size,
stepsize = region_cossim@stepsize, oligo_correction = oligo_correction, max_cossim = max_cossim,
title = title, plot_rug = plot_rug)
#' Determine x axis breaks
#' @param region_cossim A region_cossim object.
#' @param per_chrom Boolean. Determines whether to create a separate plot per chromosome.
#' @return A vector with x-axis breaks.
#' @noRd
.get_x_axis_breaks <- function(region_cossim, per_chrom){
max_chr_length <- max(region_cossim@chr_lengths / 1000000)
#Set x-axis breaks
if (per_chrom == TRUE){
x_axis_break_length <- 10
} else{
x_axis_break_length <- 50
if (max_chr_length < x_axis_break_length){
x_axis_breaks <- x_axis_break_length
} else{
x_axis_breaks <- seq(x_axis_break_length, max_chr_length, by = x_axis_break_length)
#' Determine chromosome start and end positions.
#' @param region_cossim A region_cossim object.
#' @return A tibble containing the start and end position of chromosomes.
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
.calc_chrom_ends <- function(region_cossim){
# These variables use non standard evaluation.
# To avoid R CMD check complaints we initialize them to NULL.
chr <- NULL
chr_pos_tb <- tibble::tibble("chr" = names(region_cossim@chr_lengths), "start" = 1, "end" = as.double(region_cossim@chr_lengths)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(chr = gsub("chr|chromosome_|chromosome|group|group_|chrom", "", chr), chr = factor(chr, levels = chr)) %>%
tidyr::gather(key = "side", value = "pos", -chr) %>%
dplyr::mutate(pos_mb = pos / 1000000)
#' Create a single regional similarity plot
#' @param sim_tb A tibble containing the calculated similarities of the windows.
#' @param pos_tb A tibble containing the mutation positions.
#' @param chrom_ends A tibble containing the start and end position of chromosomes.
#' @param x_axis_breaks A vector with x-axis breaks.
#' @param point_size The point size used for plotting windows
#' @param window_size The number of mutations in a window.
#' @param stepsize The number of mutations that a window slides in each step.
#' @param oligo_correction Boolean describing whether the oligonucleotide
#' frequency corrected cosine similarities should be plotted. If no correction
#' has been applied then the regular cosine similarities will be plotted.
#' @param max_cossim Maximum cosine similarity for a window to be considered
#' an outlier. Any window with a lower cosine similarity is given a different
#' color.
#' @param title Optional plot title. (Default: NA). When the default option is
#' used, the number of mutations per window and the step size are shown.
#' @param plot_rug Add a bottom rug to the plot, depicting the location of
#' the mutations. (Default: FALSE)
#' @return ggplot2 object
#' @noRd
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
.plot_regional_similarity_gg <- function(sim_tb,
# These variables use non standard evaluation.
# To avoid R CMD check complaints we initialize them to NULL.
window_sizes_mb <- window_pos_mb <- pos_mb <- colour <- NULL
# Create title
if (is.na(title)){
title <- paste0(" Mutations per window: ", window_size, "; Step size: ", stepsize)
#Set max y axis and other details
if (oligo_correction){
y_max_databased <- 1.1 * max(sim_tb$corrected_cossim)
y_max <- max(y_max_databased, 1)
y_lab <- "Corrected cosine similarity"
y_min <- 0
sim_type <- "corrected_cossim"
} else{
y_max <- 1
y_lab <- "Cosine similarity"
y_min <- 0
sim_type <- "cossim"
sim_type <- sym(sim_type)
if (!.is_na(max_cossim)){
sim_tb <- sim_tb %>% dplyr::mutate(colour = !!sim_type <= max_cossim)
colour_lab <- "Outlier"
colour_scale <- scale_color_manual(values = c("TRUE" = "red", "FALSE" = "blue"))
} else{
colour_lab <- "Window size (mb)"
# Limits for colours
sim_tb <- dplyr::mutate(sim_tb, colour = ifelse(window_sizes_mb > 4, 4, window_sizes_mb))
# Use the blues gradient from RColorBrewer.
# The lightest 3 colors are removed, because they were hard to see.
colour_scale <- scale_color_gradientn(colours = rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "Blues")[4:9]),
limits = c(0,4),
labels = c(0, 1, 2, 3, ">4"),
breaks = c(0, 1, 2,3, 4))
# Create main figure
fig <- ggplot(sim_tb, aes(x = window_pos_mb, y = !!sim_type)) +
geom_blank(data = chrom_ends, aes(x = pos_mb, y = 0)) +
geom_point(aes(colour = colour), size = point_size) +
facet_grid(. ~ chr, scales = "free_x", space = "free_x") +
labs(x = "Coordinate (mb)", y = y_lab, colour = colour_lab, title = title) +
colour_scale +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(y_min, y_max), expand = FALSE) +
theme_bw() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = x_axis_breaks) +
theme(text = element_text(size = 16), axis.text.x = element_text(size = 12), legend.position = "bottom")
# Optionally add rug containing mutation positions.
if (plot_rug){
fig <- fig +
geom_rug(data = pos_tb, aes(x = pos_mb, y = NULL), sides = "b", size = 0.005)
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