
Defines functions get_userdata set_userdata print.fmcmc_ith_step get_chain_id get_progress get_cl get_conv_checker get_multicore get_kernel get_thin get_burnin get_nchains get_seed get_nsteps get_fun get_initial get_elapsed get_draws get_logpost get_ MCMC_finalize MCMC_init print.fmcmc_last_mcmc print.fmcmc_output append_ set_ptr clear

Documented in get_ get_burnin get_chain_id get_cl get_conv_checker get_draws get_elapsed get_fun get_initial get_kernel get_logpost get_multicore get_nchains get_nsteps get_progress get_seed get_thin get_userdata set_userdata

#' Information about the last `MCMC` call
#' This environment holds a copy of the last call to [MCMC], including the start
#' and end time (to compute total elapsed time) of the call. Since the resulting
#' object of `MCMC` is an object of class [coda::mcmc], this is a way to capture
#' more information in case the user needs it.
#' @name mcmc-output

#' @return The `MCMC_OUTPUT` object is an environment of class, 
#' `c("fmcmc_output", "environment")` that has the following structure:
#' - `time_start`, `time_end` Objects of class [proc.time]. Mark the start and
#'   end of the `MCMC` call.
#' - `data.` A list of environments of length `get_nchains()`. Each environment
#'   will hold information about the particular chain. By default, each environment
#'   holds the elements `logpost` (named numeric vector) and `draws` (numeric matrix).
#'   The `draws` matrix contains the draws from the proposal kernel function. Both 
#'   `logpost` and `draws` have indices that match those of the chain. (see details).
#'   `data.` can also be accessed by the user to store information if needed.
#' - `ptr` An environment. This is used as a pointer that is defined at the beginning
#'   of the MCMC process. The environment will be pointing to the current chain, thus,
#'   if `MCMC` is running chain 2 of 4, `ptr = data.[[2]]`.
#' - `i` Integer. Index of the current chain, so if `MCMC` is running chain 3 of 4,
#'   then `i = 3` (and `ptr = data.[[3]]`, get it?).
#' - `nchains` Integer. The number of chains specified in `MCMC`.
#' - `...` further arguments passed to `MCMC`, e.g., `initial`, `fun`, `nsteps`,
#'   `kernel`, `thin`, etc.
#' It also contains the following **helper functions**:
#' - `c_(x, val)` Combine elements. It will access the current value of `x` in
#'   `ptr`, and will combine it with `val` using [c()]. 
#' - `rbind_(x, val)` Row-combine elements. It will access the current value of `x` in
#'   `ptr`, and will combine it with `val` using [rbind()].
#' - `cbind_(x, val)` Column-combine elements. It will access the current value of `x` in
#'   `ptr`, and will combine it with `val` using [cbind()].
#' `get_*` returns the corresponding variable passed to the last call
#' of [MCMC].
#' @noRd

#' @rdname MCMC
#' @return While the main output of `MCMC` is the `mcmc`(`.list`) object, other information
#' and intermediate outputs of the process are stored in `MCMC_OUTPUT`. For information
#' about how to retrieve/set data, see [mcmc-output].
#' @format NULL
#' @export
MCMC_OUTPUT <- structure(
    time_start = NULL,
    time_end   = NULL,
    data.      = list(),
    data_usr.  = list(),
    ptr        = NULL,
    ptr_usr    = NULL,
    i          = NA_integer_,
    nchains    = 0L,
    loop_envir = NULL   
  ), envir = new.env()),
  class = c("fmcmc_output", "environment"))

#' Clears the MCMC_OUTPUT environment and sets the number of chains
#' @param nchains an integer
#' @param env an optional environment (this is useful in the context of parallel chains.)
#' @noRd 
MCMC_OUTPUT$clear <- function(nchains, env_data, env_data_usr) {
  lapply(MCMC_OUTPUT$data., function(d) rm(list = ls(all.names = TRUE, envir = d), envir = d))
  if (missing(env_data)) {
    # Making some room
    MCMC_OUTPUT$data. <- replicate(
      nchains, list2env({
        list(logpost = numeric(), draws = NULL)
      ), simplify = FALSE)
    # Making more space for the user
    MCMC_OUTPUT$data_usr. <- replicate(
      nchains, list2env({list()}), simplify = FALSE
  } else {
    if (nchains != 1L)
      stop("When clearing with an environment, nchains should be 1.")
    MCMC_OUTPUT$data.     <- list(env_data)
    MCMC_OUTPUT$data_usr. <- list(env_data_usr)
  MCMC_OUTPUT$nchains <- nchains
  MCMC_OUTPUT$info    <- new.env()

#' This function sets the current pointer (useful when running in
#' serial fashion.)
#' @noRd 
MCMC_OUTPUT$set_ptr <- function(i) {
  if (i > MCMC_OUTPUT$nchains)
    stop("fmcmc_output pointer out of range.", call. = FALSE)
  MCMC_OUTPUT$ptr     <- MCMC_OUTPUT$data.[[i]]
  MCMC_OUTPUT$ptr_usr <- MCMC_OUTPUT$data_usr.[[i]]
  MCMC_OUTPUT$i   <- i

# set_user_data <- function()
# get_user_data

#' Append data
#' @param x Name of the object.
#' @param val Value to append.
#' @param what Either "data." or "data_usr.".
#' @param call. Function for combining.
#' @noRd
MCMC_OUTPUT$append_ <- function(x, val, what, call., names.) {
  if (get_nchains() > 1L) {
    for (i in 1L:get_nchains()) {
      env <- MCMC_OUTPUT[[what]][[i]]
      assign(x = x, value = do.call(call., list(val[[i]], env[[x]])), envir = env)
      if (call. == "c")
        names(env[[x]]) <- names.
      else if (call. == "rbind")
        rownames(env[[x]]) <- names.
  } else {
      x = x, value = do.call(call., list(
      envir = MCMC_OUTPUT[[what]][[1L]]
    if (call. == "c")
      names(MCMC_OUTPUT[[what]][[1L]][[x]]) <- names.
    else if (call. == "rbind")
      rownames(MCMC_OUTPUT[[what]][[1L]][[x]]) <- names.


#' @export
print.fmcmc_output <- function(x, ...) {
  if (get_nchains() == 0L)
    cat("-MCMC- has not been called yet. Nothing to show.\n")
  else {
    cat("Last call to MCMC holds the following elements:\n")
    for (i in 1:get_nchains()) {
      cat("Chain N: ", i, "\n", sep = "")
    if (length(x$ptr_usr)) {
      cat("\nIncluding the following userdata (use -get_userdata()- to access it):\n")
      tmp <- get_userdata()
      for (i in 1:get_nchains()) {
        cat("Chain N ", i, "\n", sep = "")
        print(head(tmp[[i]], n = 6L))
        if (nrow(tmp[[i]]) > 6L)
          cat("...", nrow(tmp[[i]]) - 6L, " more...\n")

#' @export
print.fmcmc_last_mcmc <- function(x, ...) {

MCMC_init <- function(...) {
  # Getting the caller environment
  MCMC_OUTPUT$time_start <- proc.time()
  env <- parent.frame()
  # Initializing the variables
  for (n in names(env))
    if (n != "...") 
      assign(n, get(n, envir = env), envir = MCMC_OUTPUT$info)
  # Assigning dots
  dotnames <- names(list(...))
  for (i in seq_len(...length())) 
    assign(dotnames[i], ...elt(i), envir = MCMC_OUTPUT$info)

MCMC_finalize <- function() {
  MCMC_OUTPUT$time_end <- proc.time()

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
#' @param x Character scalar. Name of an argument to retrieve. If `x` was not
#' passed to the last call, the function returns with an error.
get_ <- function(x) {
  if (MCMC_OUTPUT$nchains == 0L)
    stop("-MCMC- has not been called yet.", call. = FALSE)
  # Checking if it exists outside
  if (exists(x, envir = MCMC_OUTPUT, inherits = FALSE)) {
  if (exists(x, envir = MCMC_OUTPUT$info, inherits = FALSE)) {
  # Otherwise, it should be part of the run
  res <- tryCatch(lapply(MCMC_OUTPUT$data., function(env) {
    if (!exists(x, envir = env, inherits = FALSE))
  }), error = function(e) e)
  if (!inherits(res, "error")) {
    # Simplifying the output
    if (get_nchains() == 1L)
      res <- res[[1L]]
  res <- lapply(MCMC_OUTPUT$data_usr., function(env) {
    if (!exists(x, envir = env, inherits = FALSE))
        "The object -", x, "- was not found in the last MCMC call.",
        call. = FALSE
  # Simplifying the output
  if (get_nchains() == 1L)
    res <- res[[1L]]

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
#' @details The function `get_logpost` returns the `logposterior` value at each
#' iteration. The values correspond to a named numeric vector. If `nchains > 1`
#' then it will return a list of length `nchains` with the corresponding logpost
#' values for each chain.
#' @examples 
#' # Getting the logpost -------------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(23133)
#' x <- rnorm(200)
#' y <- -4 + x*2 + rnorm(200)
#' f <- function(p) {
#'   sum(dnorm(y - p[1] - x*p[2], log = TRUE))
#' }
#' # Setting a RAM kernel
#' kern <- kernel_am(eps = 1e-2)
#' ans <- MCMC(fun = f, initial = c(0, 1), nsteps = 2000, kernel = kern)
#' plot(
#'   # Plotting the logpost from the last run
#'   -get_logpost(), 
#'   # Getting the number of chains
#'   main = paste0("nchains: ", get_nchains()),
#'   # And the elapsed time
#'   sub  = sprintf("Run time: %.4f(s)", get_elapsed()[3]),
#'   type = "l",
#'   log = "y"
#' ) 
#' # This also works using multiple chains
#' ans <- MCMC(fun = f, initial = c(0, 0), nsteps=2000, nchains = 2, kernel = kern)
#' # In this case, just like -ans-, 
#' draws <- get_draws()
#' # Plotting proposed points vs accepted
#' plot(
#'   draws[[1]], pch = 20,
#'   col = adjustcolor("gray", alpha = .5),
#'   main = "Accepted vs proposed states\n(chain 1)"
#'   )
#' lines(ans[[1]], pch = 20, col = "tomato", lwd = 2)
#' legend(
#'   "topleft", legend = c("Accepted", "Proposed"), pch = c(NA, 20),
#'   col = c("tomato", "black"), lty = c(1, NA), lwd = c(2, NA)
#' )
get_logpost <- function() {

#' @export
#' @details The function `get_draws()` retrieves the proposed states from the
#' kernel function.
#' @rdname mcmc-output
get_draws <- function() {

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
get_elapsed <- function() {
  get_("time_end") - get_("time_start")

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
get_initial <- function() get_("initial")

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
get_fun <- function() get_("fun")

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
get_nsteps <- function() get_("nsteps")

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
get_seed <- function() get_("seed")

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
get_nchains <- function() get_("nchains")

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
get_burnin <- function() get_("burnin")

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
get_thin <- function() get_("thin")

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
get_kernel <- function() get_("kernel")

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
get_multicore <- function() get_("multicore")

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
get_conv_checker <- function() get_("conv_checker")

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
get_cl <- function() get_("cl")

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
get_progress <- function() get_("progress")

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-output
get_chain_id <- function() get_("chain_id")

#' Functions to interact with the main loop
#' You can use these functions to read variables, store, and retrieve data
#' during the MCMC process.
#' @export
#' @section Advanced usage:
#' The function [ith_step()] is a convenience function that provides
#' access to the environment within which the main loop of the MCMC call is
#' being evaluated. This is a wrapper of `MCMC_OUTPUT$loop_envir` that will
#' either return the value `x` or, if missing, the entire environment. If
#' `ith_step()` is called outside of the `MCMC` call, then it will return with
#' an error.
#' For example, if you wanted to print information if the current value
#' of logpost is greater than the previous value of logpost, you could define
#' the objective function as follows:
#' ```
#' f <- function(p) {
#'   i            <- ith_step("i")
#'   logpost_prev <- ith_step("logpost")[i - 1L]
#'   logpost_curr <- sum(dnorm(y - x*p, log = TRUE))
#'   if (logpost_prev < logpost_curr)
#'     cat("At a higher point!\n")
#'   return(logpost_curr)
#' }
#' ```
#' In the case of the objects `nchains`, `cl`, and `multicore`, the function will
#' always return the default values `1`, `NULL`, and `FALSE`, respectively. Thus, the 
#' user shouldn't rely on these objects to provide information regarding runs
#' using multiple chains. More examples below.
#' @examples 
#' #' # Getting the logpost -------------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(23133)
#' x <- rnorm(200)
#' y <- x*2 + rnorm(200)
#' f <- function(p) {
#'   sum(dnorm(y - x*p, log = TRUE))
#' }
#' ans <- MCMC(fun = f, initial = c(0), nsteps=2000)
#' plot(get_logpost(), type = "l") # Plotting the logpost from the last run
#' # Printing information every 500 step ---------------------------------------
#' # for this we use ith_step()
#' f <- function(p) {
#'   # Capturing info from within the loop
#'   i      <- ith_step("i")
#'   nsteps <- ith_step("nsteps")
#'   if (!(i %% 500)) {
#'     cat(
#'       "////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n",
#'       "Step ", i, " of ", nsteps,". Values in the loop:\n",
#'       "theta0: ", ith_step("theta0"), "\n",
#'       "theta1: ", ith_step()$theta1, "\n",
#'       sep = ""
#'     )

#'   }
#'   sum(dnorm(y - x*p, log = TRUE))
#' }
#' ans0 <- MCMC(fun = f, initial = c(0), nsteps=2000, progress = FALSE, seed = 22)
#' # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#' # Step 500 of 2000. Values in the loop:
#' # theta0: 2.025379
#' # theta1: 1.04524
#' # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#' # Step 1000 of 2000. Values in the loop:
#' # theta0: 2.145967
#' # theta1: 0.2054037
#' # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#' # Step 1500 of 2000. Values in the loop:
#' # theta0: 2.211691
#' # theta1: 2.515361
#' # ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#' # Step 2000 of 2000. Values in the loop:
#' # theta0: 1.998789
#' # theta1: 1.33034
#' # Printing information if the current logpost is greater than max -----------
#' f <- function(p) {
#'   i            <- ith_step("i")
#'   logpost_prev <- max(ith_step("logpost")[1:(i-1)])
#'   logpost_curr <- sum(dnorm(y - x*p, log = TRUE))
#'   # Only worthwhile after the first step
#'   if ((i > 1L) && logpost_prev < logpost_curr)
#'     cat("At a higher point!:", logpost_curr, ", step:", i,"\n")
#'   return(logpost_curr)
#' }
#' ans1 <- MCMC(fun = f, initial = c(0), nsteps=1000, progress = FALSE, seed = 22)
#' # At a higher point!: -357.3584 , step: 2 
#' # At a higher point!: -272.6816 , step: 6 
#' # At a higher point!: -270.9969 , step: 7 
#' # At a higher point!: -269.8128 , step: 24 
#' # At a higher point!: -269.7435 , step: 46 
#' # At a higher point!: -269.7422 , step: 543 
#' # At a higher point!: -269.7421 , step: 788 
#' @name mcmc-loop
#' @param x Name of the element to retrieve. If missing, it will return the entire
#' environment in which the main MCMC loop is running.
#' @return The function `ith_step()` provides access to the following elements:
#'   - `i`            : (int) Step (iteration) number.
#'   - `nsteps`       : (int) Number of steps.
#'   - `chain_id`     : (int) Id of the chain (goes from 1 to -nchains-)
#'   - `theta0`       : (double vector) Current state of the chain.
#'   - `theta1`       : (double vector) Proposed state of the chain.
#'   - `ans`          : (double matrix) Set of accepted states (it will be NA for rows >= i).
#'   - `draws`        : (double matrix) Set of proposed states (it will be NA for rows >= i).
#'   - `logpost`      : (double vector) Value of -fun- (it will be NA for elements >= i).
#'   - `R`            : (double vector) Random values from U(0,1). This is used with the Hastings ratio.
#'   - `thin`         : (int) Thinning (applied after the last step).
#'   - `burnin`       : (int) Burn-in (applied after the last step).
#'   - `conv_checker` : (function) Convergence checker function.
#'   - `kernel`       : (fmcmc_kernel) Kernel object.
#'   - `fun`          : (function) Passed function to MCMC.
#'   - `f`            : (function) Wrapper of -fun-.
#'   - `initial`      : (double vector) Starting point of the chain.
#' The following objects always have fixed values (see ?ith_step): nchains, cl, multicore
#' Other available objects: cnames, funargs, MCMC_OUTPUT, passedargs, progress
#' @format NULL
ith_step <- structure(function(x) {
  if (is.null(MCMC_OUTPUT$loop_envir))
    stop("-ith_step()- should only be used within an -MCMC()- call.", call. = FALSE)
  if (missing(x))
    return(get(x, envir = MCMC_OUTPUT$loop_envir, inherits = FALSE))
}, class = c("fmcmc_ith_step", "function"))

#' @export
print.fmcmc_ith_step <- function(x, ...) {

  tmpf <- tempfile()
  sink(tmpf, type = "output")
  f <- function(p) {
    tryCatch(MCMC(initial = 0, fun = f, nsteps = 1000), error = function(e) e)

  txt <- readLines(tmpf)

  # Main fmcmc objects
  main_obj <- c(
    i            = "(int) Step (iteration) number.", 
    nsteps       = "(int) Number of steps.",
    chain_id     = "(int) Id of the chain (goes from 1 to -nchains-)",
    theta0       = "(double vector) Current state of the chain.",
    theta1       = "(double vector) Proposed state of the chain.",
    ans          = "(double matrix) Set of accepted states (it will be NA for rows >= i).",
    draws        = "(double matrix) Set of proposed states (it will be NA for rows >= i).",
    logpost      = "(double vector) Value of -fun- (it will be NA for elements >= i).",
    R            = "(double vector) Random values from U(0,1). This is used with the Hastings ratio.",
    thin         = "(int) Thinning (applied after the last step).",
    burnin       = "(int) Burn-in (applied after the last step).",
    conv_checker = "(function) Convergence checker function.",
    kernel       = "(fmcmc_kernel) Kernel object.",
    fun          = "(function) Passed function to MCMC.",
    f            = "(function) Wrapper of -fun-.",
    initial      = "(double vector) Starting point of the chain."

  multicore_obj <- c(
    nchains      = "(int) Number of chains. (this will always take the value of 1. See ?ith_step).",
    cl           = "(cluster) If -multicore == TRUE- (always equal to NULL. See ?ith_step).",
    multicore    = "(bool) TRUE when running multicore (always equal to NULL. See ?ith_step). "

  txt_names <- gsub("\\s+:.+", "", txt)
  to_include <- !txt_names %in% c(names(main_obj), names(multicore_obj))
  txt <- txt[to_include]

    "Available objects via the ith_step() function:\n",
    sprintf("  - %-13s: %s\n", names(main_obj), main_obj),
    "The following objects always have fixed values (see ?ith_step): ",
    paste0(names(multicore_obj), collapse = ", "),
    sep = ""

    "Other available objects: ",
    paste(txt_names[to_include], collapse = ", "),
    sep = ""



#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-loop
#' @param ... Named values to be appended to the user data.
#' @return The function [set_userdata()] returns [invisible()]. The only side
#' effect is appending the information by row.
#' @examples 
#' # Saving extra information --------------------------------------------------
#' data("lifeexpect")
#' # Defining the logposterior
#' logpost <- function(p) {
#'   # Reconding the sum of the parameters (just because) 
#'   # and the number of step.
#'   set_userdata(i = ith_step("i"), sum_of_p = sum(p))
#'   with(lifeexpect, {
#'     sum(dnorm(age - (p[1] + p[2]*smoke + p[3]*female), sd = p[4], log = TRUE))
#'   })
#' }
#' # A kernel where sd is positive, the first is average age, so we 
#' # make it positive too
#' kern <- kernel_ram(lb = c(10, -20, -20, .0001), eps = .01)
#' ans <- MCMC(
#'   initial = c(70, -2, 2, 1), fun = logpost, kernel = kern, nsteps = 1000, seed = 1
#'   )
#' # Retrieving the data
#' head(get_userdata())
#' # It also works using multiple chains
#' ans_two <- MCMC(
#'   initial = c(70, -2, 2, 1), fun = logpost, kernel = kern, nsteps = 1000, seed = 1, nchains = 2
#'   )
#' user_dat <- get_userdata()
#' lapply(user_dat, head)
set_userdata <- function(...) {
  # In the first step, setup the data.frame
  i <- ith_step("i")
  if (i == 1L) {
    # Building the data
    MCMC_OUTPUT$ptr_usr[["userdata"]] <- do.call(data.frame, list(...))
    # Resizing to make sure we don't resize every time
    MCMC_OUTPUT$ptr_usr[["userdata"]] <- do.call(rbind, replicate(
      simplify = FALSE
  MCMC_OUTPUT$ptr_usr[["userdata"]][i, ] <- list(...)

#' @export
#' @rdname mcmc-loop
get_userdata <- function() {
USCbiostats/amcmc documentation built on Sept. 22, 2023, 5:07 a.m.