
Defines functions pre_combine_ion_modes remove_ion_dup combine_ion_modes

Documented in combine_ion_modes pre_combine_ion_modes remove_ion_dup

#' @title Combines Peak.lists from Two Ionization Modes
#' @export
#' @description Combines the two single adduct ion mode feature tables into one
#'   for EIC plotting
#' @param Peak.list a named list of data frames (one per ionization mode)
#'   containing intensity matrices across all study samples and Pooled QCs.
#'   Names must be \code{c("Positive","Negative")}.  Alternatively may use
#'   existing database connections by setting to NULL
#' @param search.par a single-row data frame with 11 variables containing
#'   user-defined search parameters. Must contain the columns
#'   \code{"ppm"},\code{"rt"},\code{"Voidrt"},\code{"Corr.stat.pos"},\code{"Corr.stat.neg"},
#'    \code{"CV"},\code{"Minfrac"}, \code{"Endogenous"},
#'   \code{"Solvent"},\code{"gen.plots"}, \code{"keep.singletons"}.
#' @param tbl.id character vector of table names to draw from databases.  First
#'   value should be table containing compounds from positive ionization, second
#'   should be table containing compounds from negative ionization. Default is
#'   NULL.
#' @param method which method to apply to search for duplicate entries. See
#'   \code{search_IonDup()} for details.
#' @param peak.db Formal class SQLiteConnection
#' @param ... Arguments to pass parameters to \code{search_IonDup()}
#' @return data frame containing the intensity matrix for the peaklist with
#'   Duplicate IDs
#' @importFrom igraph clusters graph.adjacency
#' @importFrom stats ave
#' @examples
#' library(LUMA)
#' if(require(lcmsfishdata, quietly = TRUE)) {
#' file <- system.file("extdata","Search_Parameters.txt", package =
#' "lcmsfishdata") # is case sensitive on Linux
#' search.par <- read.table(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
#' class(method) <- method <- "monoMass"
#' Peak.list <- list(Positive =
#'     lcmsfishdata::Peaklist_db$Peaklist_Pos_Solvent_Peaks_Removed, Negative =
#'     lcmsfishdata::Peaklist_db$Peaklist_Neg_Solvent_Peaks_Removed)
#' test <- combine_ion_modes(Peak.list = Peak.list, search.par = search.par,
#'     method = method)
#' colnames(test)[-which(colnames(test) %in%
#'     colnames(Peak.list[["Positive"]]))] #Adds two new columns
#' length(which(duplicated(test[["Duplicate_ID"]]))) #number of ion mode
#' #duplicates found
#' \donttest{
#' class(method) <- method <- "mz"
#' Peak.list <- list(Positive = lcmsfishdata::Peaklist_Pos$output_parsed,
#' Negative = lcmsfishdata::Peaklist_Neg$output_parsed)
#' test <- combine_ion_modes(Peak.list = Peak.list, search.par = search.par,
#' method = method)
#' colnames(test)[-which(colnames(test) %in% colnames(Peak.list[["Positive"]]))]
#' #Adds two new columns
#' dupID.mz <- test[["Duplicate_ID"]][which(duplicated(test[["Duplicate_ID"]]))]
#' length(dupID.mz) #number of ion mode duplicates found
#'  }
#' }
combine_ion_modes = function(Peak.list, search.par, tbl.id, method, peak.db, ...) {

  #Set default values
    if (missing(Peak.list))
        Peak.list = NULL
    if (missing(tbl.id))
        tbl.id = NULL
    if (is.null(Peak.list) && is.null(tbl.id)) {
        stop("Need to specify tbl.id if using databases to retrieve Peak.list!", call. = FALSE)
    if (is.null(Peak.list)) {
        df1 <- read_tbl(mytable = tbl.id[1], peak.db = peak.db)
        df2 <- read_tbl(mytable = tbl.id[2], peak.db = peak.db)
        Peak.list.pos <- df1
        Peak.list.neg <- df2
    } else {
        # Error check
        if (length(grep("Positive", names(Peak.list))) == 0 || length(grep("Negative", names(Peak.list))) == 0) {
            stop("Peaklist must be a named list. Try \n> names(Peak.list) = c(\"Positive\",\"Negative\")", call. = FALSE)

        Peak.list.pos <- Peak.list[["Positive"]]
        Peak.list.neg <- Peak.list[["Negative"]]
    Peak.list.pos[, "Ion.Mode"] <- "Pos"
    Peak.list.neg[, "Ion.Mode"] <- "Neg"

    class(method) <- method
    Peak.list.combined <- search_IonDup(method,Peak.list.pos,Peak.list.neg,search.par,...)

#' @title Removes Ion Mode Duplicates
#' @export
#' @description Removes the ion mode duplicates based on user-modified indices
#'   after visual inspection of EIC_plots
#' @param Peak.list a data frame containing combined ion mode peaklist with
#'   Duplicate IDs. Alternatively can be retrieved from databases.  Default is
#'   NULL
#' @param Key.list list containing two numeric vectors (one per ionization
#'   mode) of ion mode duplicates to keep. Key (vector) corresponding to
#'   positive mode duplicates should be first.
#' @param tbl.id character string corresponding to table name to draw from
#'   database. Default is NULL
#' @param ... Arguments to pass parameters to database functions
#' @return NULL testing
#' @examples
#' library(LUMA)
#' if(require(lcmsfishdata, quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   file <- system.file("extdata","EIC_index_pos.txt", package =
#'   "lcmsfishdata") # is case sensitive on Linux
#'   EIC_index_pos <- read.table(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
#'   file2 <- system.file("extdata","EIC_index_neg.txt", package =
#'   "lcmsfishdata") # is case sensitive on Linux
#'   EIC_index_neg <- read.table(file2, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
#'   Peak.list <- Peaklist_db$Peaklist_Combined_with_Duplicate_IDs
#'   Key.list <- list(Positive = EIC_index_pos, Negative = EIC_index_neg)
#'   test <- remove_ion_dup(Peak.list = Peak.list,
#'                          Key.list = Key.list)
#'   nrow(Peak.list) - nrow(test) ## Number of ion mode duplicates removed
#' }
remove_ion_dup = function(Peak.list, Key.list, tbl.id, ...) {
    if (missing(Peak.list))
        Peak.list = NULL
    if (missing(tbl.id))
        tbl.id = NULL
    if (is.null(Peak.list) && is.null(tbl.id)) {
        stop("Need to specify tbl.id if using databases to retrieve Peak.list!", call. = FALSE)
    if (is.null(Peak.list)) {
        Peak.list <- read_tbl(tbl.id, ...)

    # Get the unique list of Duplicate IDs
    x <- sapply(Peak.list$Duplicate_ID, function(x) sum(as.numeric(Peak.list$Duplicate_ID == x)))

    drops <- Peak.list$Duplicate_ID[x == 1] # Duplicate IDs which only appear once

    List.ID <- Peak.list$Duplicate_ID # List of all duplicate IDs

    res <- !List.ID %in% drops
    Un.ID <- unique(Peak.list$Duplicate_ID[sapply(res, function(x) x == TRUE)]) # List of unique duplicate IDs to get EICs

    # List of duplicate IDs for both positive and negative modes
    Dup.ID.Pos <- Peak.list$Duplicate_ID[sapply(res, function(x) x == TRUE) & sapply(Peak.list$Ion.Mode, function(x) x ==
    Dup.ID.Neg <- Peak.list$Duplicate_ID[sapply(res, function(x) x == TRUE) & sapply(Peak.list$Ion.Mode, function(x) x ==

    # Initialize the drop vectors
    x.pos <- rep(1, length.out = length(Dup.ID.Pos))  #needs to be as long as the number of positive plots in the PDF file
    x.neg <- rep(1, length.out = length(Dup.ID.Neg))  #needs to be as long as the number of negative plots in the PDF file
    EICs <- data.frame(Peak.list[Peak.list$Duplicate_ID %in% Un.ID, "EIC_ID"])

    # Key vectors of plots to keep
    if (length(Key.list) == 2) {
        key.pos <- Key.list[[1]]
        key.neg <- Key.list[[2]]
    } else {
        stop("Key.list must contain a list of length 2.  Each element should be a vector of duplicate IDs to keep.")

    # 1 selects for removal, 0 for keeping; only keep the EICs that were not removed by the user
    key.pos <- as.numeric(row.names(key.pos))
    key.neg <- as.numeric(row.names(key.neg))
    drop.pos <- replace(x.pos, key.pos, 0)  #Creates the drop vector for positive plots
    drop.neg <- replace(x.neg, key.neg, 0)  #Creates the drop vector for negative plots

    drops <- c(drop.pos, drop.neg)
    drops <- sapply(drops, function(x) x > 0)
    EICs <- EICs[drops, ]

    ## The number of spectra to keep is equal to what you told the code
    Peak.list.trimmed <- Peak.list[!Peak.list$EIC_ID %in% EICs, ]


#' @title Combines Peak.lists Simply
#' @export
#' @description Combines Peak.lists from both ionization modes (positive and
#'   negative) for a first look at class separations, e.g. with PCA.
#' @param Peak.list a named list of data frames (one per ionization mode)
#'   containing intensity matrices across all study samples and Pooled QCs.
#'   Names must be \code{c("Positive","Negative")}.  Alternatively may use existing
#'   database connections by setting to NULL and specifying database parameters
#'   with ...
#' @param tbl.id character vector of table names to draw from database.  First
#'   value should be table name for positive mode, second should be table name
#'   for negative mode. Default is NULL
#' @param ... arguments to pass to database functions
#' @return NULL testing
#' @examples
#' library(LUMA)
#' if(require(lcmsfishdata, quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   Peak.list <- list(Positive = lcmsfishdata::Peaklist_Pos[["From_CAMERA"]],
#'                     Negative = lcmsfishdata::Peaklist_Neg[["From_CAMERA"]])
#'   test <- pre_combine_ion_modes(Peak.list = Peak.list)
#'   nrow(test) #Combined features from simply combining Peaklists
#'   sum(sapply(Peak.list, nrow)) #Doesn't remove any ion mode duplicates
#' }
pre_combine_ion_modes = function(Peak.list = NULL, tbl.id, ...) {
  if (missing(tbl.id))
    tbl.id = NULL
  if (is.null(tbl.id) && is.null(Peak.list)) {
    stop("Need to specify tbl.id if using databases to retrieve Peak.list!", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(Peak.list)) {
    df1 <- read_tbl(tbl.id[1], ...)
    df2 <- read_tbl(tbl.id[2], ...)
    Peak.list.pos <- df1
    Peak.list.neg <- df2
  } else {
    # Error check
    if (length(grep("Positive", names(Peak.list))) == 0 || length(grep("Negative", names(Peak.list))) == 0) {
      stop("Peaklist must be a named list. Try \n> names(Peak.list) = c(\"Positive\",\"Negative\")", call. = FALSE)

    Peak.list.pos <- Peak.list[["Positive"]]
    Peak.list.neg <- Peak.list[["Negative"]]
  Peak.list.pos[, "Ion.Mode"] <- "Pos"
  Peak.list.neg[, "Ion.Mode"] <- "Neg"

  Col.names.pos <- colnames(Peak.list.pos)
  colnames(Peak.list.neg) <- Col.names.pos

  Peak.list.combined <- rbind(Peak.list.pos, Peak.list.neg)
USEPA/LUMA documentation built on Aug. 29, 2020, 1:40 p.m.