#' Calculate domestic/import/export commodity flow ratios by state
#' @param state State name.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2012 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param flow_ratio_type Type of commodity flow, can be "domestic", "export", or "import".
#' @param ioschema A numeric value of either 2012 or 2007 specifying the io schema year.
#' @param iolevel BEA sector level of detail, currently can only be "Summary",
#' theoretically can be "Detail", or "Sector" in future versions.
#' @return A data frame contains commodity flow ratios by BEA.
calculateCommodityFlowRatios <- function(state, year, flow_ratio_type, ioschema, iolevel) {
# Load pre-saved FAF4 commodity flow data
FAF <- loadStateIODataFile(paste("FAF", year, sep = "_"),
ver = model_ver)
# Load state FIPS and determine fips code for the state of interest (SoI)
FIPS_STATE <- readCSV(system.file("extdata", "StateFIPS.csv", package = "stateior"))
fips <- FIPS_STATE[FIPS_STATE$State == state, "State_FIPS"]
# Define value_col, orig_col, and dest_col
if (year == 2012) {
value_col <- paste0("value_", year)
} else if (year %in% c(2013:2018)) {
value_col <- paste0("curval_", year)
} else if (year == 2019) {
value_col <- paste0("current_value_", year)
} else if (year == 2020) { # forecast of 2020 data are in 2012 dollar (value_2020)
value_col <- paste0("value_", year)
orig_col <- colnames(FAF)[startsWith(colnames(FAF), "dms_orig")]
dest_col <- colnames(FAF)[startsWith(colnames(FAF), "dms_dest")]
# Generate FAF_2r
if (flow_ratio_type == "domestic") {
FAF <- FAF[FAF$trade_type == 1, c(orig_col, dest_col, "sctg2",
"dms_mode", value_col)]
colnames(FAF) <- c("ORIG", "DEST", "SCTG", "MODE", "VALUE")
FAF$ORIG <- ifelse(FAF$ORIG == fips, "SoI", "RoUS")
FAF$DEST <- ifelse(FAF$DEST == fips, "SoI", "RoUS")
# Aggregate to 2 regions
FAF_2r <- stats::aggregate(VALUE ~ ORIG + DEST + SCTG + MODE, FAF, sum)
# Calculate commodity flow amount in warehousing & storage sector
FAF_2r_ws <- stats::aggregate(VALUE ~ ORIG + DEST, FAF, sum)
} else if (flow_ratio_type == "export") {
FAF <- FAF[FAF$trade_type == 3, c(orig_col, "sctg2", "fr_outmode", value_col)]
colnames(FAF) <- c("ORIG", "SCTG", "MODE", "VALUE")
FAF$ORIG <- ifelse(FAF$ORIG == fips, "SoI", "RoUS")
# Aggregate to 2 regions
FAF_2r <- stats::aggregate(VALUE ~ ORIG + SCTG + MODE, FAF, sum)
# Calculate commodity flow amount in warehousing & storage sector
FAF_2r_ws <- stats::aggregate(VALUE ~ ORIG, FAF, sum)
} else if (flow_ratio_type == "import") {
FAF <- FAF[FAF$trade_type == 2, c(dest_col, "sctg2", "fr_inmode", value_col)]
colnames(FAF) <- c("DEST", "SCTG", "MODE", "VALUE")
FAF$DEST <- ifelse(FAF$DEST == fips, "SoI", "RoUS")
# Aggregate to 2 regions
FAF_2r <- stats::aggregate(VALUE ~ DEST + SCTG + MODE, FAF, sum)
# Calculate commodity flow amount in warehousing & storage sector
FAF_2r_ws <- stats::aggregate(VALUE ~ DEST, FAF, sum)
## Calculate commodity flow amount in transportation sectors
filename <- "Crosswalk_FAFTransportationModetoBEA.csv"
FAF_mode <- readCSV(system.file("extdata", filename, package = "stateior"))
bea <- paste("BEA", ioschema, iolevel, "Code", sep = "_")
FAF_2r_transportation <- merge(unique(FAF_mode[, c(bea, "Code", "Mode")]),
FAF_2r, by.x = "Code", by.y = "MODE")
## Calculate commodity flow ratio
# Load SCTGtoBEA mapping table
SCTGtoBEA <- readCSV(system.file("extdata", "Crosswalk_SCTGtoBEA.csv",
package = "stateior"))
SCTGtoBEA <- unique(SCTGtoBEA[, c("SCTG", bea)])
FAF_2r <- merge(FAF_2r, SCTGtoBEA, by = "SCTG")
if (iolevel == "Detail") {
# Use previous code and approach
} else if (iolevel == "Summary") {
# Determine BEA sectors that need allocation
allocation_sectors <- SCTGtoBEA[duplicated(SCTGtoBEA$SCTG) |
duplicated(SCTGtoBEA$SCTG, fromLast = TRUE), ]
# Use State Emp to allocate
StateEmp <- getStateEmploymentbyBEASummary(year)
# Merge StateEmp with allocation_sectors
Emp <- merge(StateEmp, allocation_sectors, by = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code")
# Merge FAF_2r and Emp
FAF_2r <- merge(FAF_2r, Emp[Emp$State == state, ],
by = c("SCTG", "BEA_2012_Summary_Code"), all.x = TRUE)
FAF_2r[is.na(FAF_2r$State), "State"] <- state
FAF_2r[is.na(FAF_2r$Emp), "Emp"] <- 1
for (sctg in unique(FAF_2r$SCTG)) {
# Calculate allocation factor
weight_vector <- FAF_2r[FAF_2r$SCTG == sctg, "Emp"]
allocation_factor <- weight_vector/sum(weight_vector/4, na.rm = TRUE)
# Allocate Value
value <- FAF_2r[FAF_2r$SCTG == sctg, "VALUE"]*allocation_factor
FAF_2r[FAF_2r$SCTG == sctg, "VALUE"] <- value
# Aggregate by BEA and ORIG/DEST
if (flow_ratio_type == "domestic") {
FAF_2r <- stats::aggregate(VALUE ~ ORIG + DEST + BEA_2012_Summary_Code,
FAF_2r, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
} else if (flow_ratio_type == "export") {
FAF_2r <- stats::aggregate(VALUE ~ ORIG + BEA_2012_Summary_Code,
FAF_2r, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
} else if (flow_ratio_type == "import") {
FAF_2r <- stats::aggregate(VALUE ~ DEST + BEA_2012_Summary_Code,
FAF_2r, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
# Combine FAF_2r with FAF_2r_transportation and FAF_2r_ws
common_cols <- c("BEA_2012_Summary_Code", "ORIG", "DEST", "VALUE")
FAF_2r_ws[, "BEA_2012_Summary_Code"] <- "493"
FAF_2r_transportation <- stats::aggregate(VALUE ~ ORIG + DEST + BEA_2012_Summary_Code,
FAF_2r_transportation, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
FAF_2r <- rbind(FAF_2r[, common_cols], FAF_2r_ws[, common_cols],
FAF_2r_transportation[, common_cols])
# Calculate commodity flow ratio
if (flow_ratio_type == "domestic") {
totalflow <- stats::aggregate(VALUE ~ DEST + BEA_2012_Summary_Code, FAF_2r, sum)
FAF_2r <- merge(FAF_2r, totalflow, by = c("DEST", "BEA_2012_Summary_Code"))
FAF_2r$ratio <- FAF_2r$VALUE.x / FAF_2r$VALUE.y
FAF_2r <- FAF_2r[, c("ORIG", "DEST", "BEA_2012_Summary_Code", "ratio")]
} else {
totalflow <- stats::aggregate(VALUE ~ BEA_2012_Summary_Code, FAF_2r, sum)
FAF_2r <- merge(FAF_2r, totalflow, by = "BEA_2012_Summary_Code")
FAF_2r$ratio <- FAF_2r$VALUE.x / FAF_2r$VALUE.y
if (flow_ratio_type == "export") {
FAF_2r <- FAF_2r[, c("ORIG", "BEA_2012_Summary_Code", "ratio")]
} else if (flow_ratio_type == "import") {
FAF_2r <- FAF_2r[, c("DEST", "BEA_2012_Summary_Code", "ratio")]
} else if (iolevel == "Sector") {
# To be completed
#' Calculate Census import/export commodity flow ratios by BEA for all available states.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2012 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param flow_ratio_type Type of commodity flow, can be "export" or "import".
#' @param ioschema A numeric value of either 2012 or 2007 specifying the io schema year.
#' @param iolevel BEA sector level of detail, currently can only be "Summary",
#' theoretically can be "Detail", or "Sector" in future versions.
#' @return A data frame contains international commodity flow ratios by BEA for all available states.
calculateCensusForeignCommodityFlowRatios <- function(year, flow_ratio_type, ioschema, iolevel) {
# Load pre-saved state export/import data
if (year < 2013) {
trade <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("Census_USATrade",
"_", year),
ver = model_ver)
} else {
trade <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("Census_State",
"_", year),
ver = model_ver)
# Map from NAICS to BEA
bea_code <- paste("BEA", ioschema, iolevel, "Code", sep = "_")
trade <- merge(unique(useeior::MasterCrosswalk2012[, c("NAICS_2012_Code", bea_code)]),
trade, by.x = "NAICS_2012_Code", by.y = "NAICS")
# Adjust the import data using the following logic:
# For each BEA code, find all possible corresponding 4-digit NAICS (dig = 4)
# and create a subset, then determine:
# If nrow of the subset is larger than 0, keep the subset;
# Otherwise, go to the corresponding 3-digit NAICS (dig = dig - 1)
# and repeat the previous steps.
trade_BEA <- data.frame()
for (state in unique(trade$State)) {
for (bea in unique(trade[, bea_code])) {
dig <- 4
ind <- FALSE
while (ind == FALSE & dig > 1) {
tmp <- trade[trade$State == state & trade[, bea_code] == bea &
nchar(trade$NAICS) == dig, ]
if (nrow(tmp) > 0) {
tmp$NAICS_digit <- dig # mark the NAICS digit used for this USEEIO code
ind <- TRUE
} else {
dig <- dig - 1
# If state trade table does not include bea, set Value to 0
if (dig == 1) {
tmp[1, 2:4] <- c(bea, state, year)
tmp$Value <- 0
tmp$NAICS_digit <- ""
trade_BEA <- rbind.data.frame(trade_BEA, tmp)
# Aggregate by BEA and State
trade_BEA <- stats::aggregate(trade_BEA$Value,
by = list(trade_BEA[, bea_code],
trade_BEA$State), sum)
colnames(trade_BEA) <- c(bea_code, "State", "StateValue")
# Calculate US_trade_BEA
US_trade_BEA <- stats::aggregate(trade_BEA$StateValue,
by = list(trade_BEA[, bea_code]), sum)
colnames(US_trade_BEA) <- c(bea_code, "USValue")
# Merge trade_BEA and US_trade_BEA
state_US_trade_BEA <- merge(trade_BEA, US_trade_BEA, by = bea_code)
# Calculate trade ratio
ratio <- state_US_trade_BEA$StateValue/state_US_trade_BEA$USValue
state_US_trade_BEA$SoITradeRatio <- ratio
state_US_trade_BEA[, c("StateValue", "USValue")] <- NULL
#' Calculate domestic hazardous waste management services flow ratios by state
#' @param state State name.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2012 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains hazardous waste management services flow ratios by BEA.
calculateHazWasteManagementServiceFlowRatios <- function(state, year) {
# Modify year due to the fact that RCRAInfo is biennial
year <- ifelse(year %% 2 == 0, year - 1, year)
# Load data
SummaryBR <- utils::read.csv(system.file("extdata",
paste0("RCRAInfoBR/SummaryBR_", year, ".csv"),
package = "stateior"),
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
SummaryBR[, 2:ncol(SummaryBR)] <- lapply(SummaryBR[, 2:ncol(SummaryBR)],
function(x){as.numeric(gsub(",", "", x))})
SummaryBR <- SummaryBR[SummaryBR$`Location Name` %in% toupper(c(state.name, "District of Columbia")), ]
InterstateFlow <- utils::read.csv(system.file("extdata",
paste0("RCRAInfoBR/Interstate_", year, ".csv"),
package = "stateior"),
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, check.names = FALSE)
InterstateFlow[, 2:ncol(InterstateFlow)] <- lapply(InterstateFlow[, 2:ncol(InterstateFlow)],
function(x){as.numeric(gsub(",", "", x))})
InterstateFlow <- InterstateFlow[InterstateFlow$`Location Name` %in% toupper(c(state.name, "District of Columbia")), ]
# Calculate total managed, shipped and received
# Total Managed
TM_SoI <- SummaryBR[SummaryBR$`Location Name` == toupper(state), "Managed (Tons)"]
TM_RoUS <- sum(SummaryBR[SummaryBR$`Location Name` != toupper(state), "Managed (Tons)"])
# Total Interstate Receipts
TR_SoI <- InterstateFlow[InterstateFlow$`Location Name` == toupper(state), "Interstate Receipts (Tons)"]
TR_RoUS <- sum(InterstateFlow[InterstateFlow$`Location Name` != toupper(state), "Interstate Receipts (Tons)"])
# Calculate two-region ICF ratios. !!! imports of HW == exports of HW management service
HazWaste_ICF_2r <- data.frame("SoI2SoI" = 1 - TR_SoI/TM_SoI, # the remainder after exporting service to RoUS
"SoI2RoUS" = TR_SoI/TM_SoI, # receiving HW == exporting service
"RoUS2SoI" = TR_RoUS/TM_RoUS, # receiving HW == exporting service
"RoUS2RoUS" = 1 - TR_RoUS/TM_RoUS) # the remainder after exporting service to SoI
# Adjust ICF ratios if TM value is 0
if (TM_SoI == 0) {
HazWaste_ICF_2r[, c("SoI2SoI", "SoI2RoUS")] <- c(1, 0)
if (TM_RoUS == 0) {
HazWaste_ICF_2r[, c("RoUS2RoUS", "RoUS2SoI")] <- c(1, 0)
# Adjust ICF ratios if TR/TM > 1
if (HazWaste_ICF_2r$SoI2RoUS > 1) {
HazWaste_ICF_2r[, c("SoI2SoI", "SoI2RoUS")] <- c(0, 1)
if (HazWaste_ICF_2r$RoUS2SoI > 1) {
HazWaste_ICF_2r[, c("RoUS2RoUS", "RoUS2SoI")] <- c(0, 1)
#' Calculate domestic waste management services flow ratios by state
#' @param state State name.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2012 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains waste management services flow ratios by BEA.
calculateWasteManagementServiceFlowRatios <- function(state, year) {
# Assume non-haz waste ICF ratios == commodity output ratios
COR <- calculateStateCommodityOutputRatio(year)
SoIWasteCOR <- COR[COR$BEA_2012_Summary_Code == "562" & COR$State == state, "Ratio"]
RoUSWasteCOR <- 1 - SoIWasteCOR
NonHazWaste_ICF_2r <- data.frame("SoI2SoI" = SoIWasteCOR,
"SoI2RoUS" = 1 - SoIWasteCOR,
"RoUS2SoI" = 1 - RoUSWasteCOR,
"RoUS2RoUS" = RoUSWasteCOR)
# Generate haz waste two-region ICF ratios
HazWaste_ICF_2r <- calculateHazWasteManagementServiceFlowRatios(state, year)
# Combine ICF ratios
Waste_ICF_2r <- (HazWaste_ICF_2r + NonHazWaste_ICF_2r)*0.5
#' Calculate domestic interregional electricity flow ratios by state
#' @param state State name.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2012 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains domestic interregional electricity flow ratios by state.
calculateElectricityFlowRatios <- function(state, year) {
state_abb <- getStateAbbreviation(state)
# Load consumption data
CodeDesc <- loadStateIODataFile("EIA_SEDS_CodeDescription", ver = model_ver)
Consumption <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("EIA_SEDS_StateElectricityConsumption_",
ver = model_ver)
# Subset SoI and RoUS total consumption
consumption_desc <- "Electricity total consumption (i.e., retail sales)"
ConsumptionMSN <- CodeDesc[CodeDesc$Description == consumption_desc &
CodeDesc$Unit == "Million kilowatthours", "MSN"]
Consumption_SoI <- Consumption[Consumption$MSN == ConsumptionMSN &
Consumption$State == state_abb,
Consumption_RoUS <- Consumption[Consumption$MSN == ConsumptionMSN &
Consumption$State == "US",
as.character(year)] - Consumption_SoI
# Subset SoI and RoUS net interstate trade
trade_desc <- "Net interstate flow of electricity (negative indicates flow out of state)"
NetInterstateTradeMSN <- CodeDesc[CodeDesc$Description == trade_desc &
CodeDesc$Unit == "Million kilowatthours", "MSN"]
NetInterstateTrade_SoI <- Consumption[Consumption$MSN == NetInterstateTradeMSN &
Consumption$State == state_abb,
NetInterstateTrade_RoUS <- Consumption[Consumption$MSN == NetInterstateTradeMSN &
Consumption$State == "US",
as.character(year)] - NetInterstateTrade_SoI
# Note that abs(NetInterstateTrade_SoI)==abs(NetInterstateTrade_RoUS)
if (NetInterstateTrade_SoI < 0) {
# If NetInterstateTrade_SoI < 0, SoI is a net exporter
# the amount of net export is considered total electricity traded from SoI to RoUS
Elec_ICF_2r <- data.frame("SoI2SoI" = 1,
"SoI2RoUS" = abs(NetInterstateTrade_SoI)/Consumption_RoUS,
"RoUS2SoI" = 0,
"RoUS2RoUS" = 1 - abs(NetInterstateTrade_SoI)/Consumption_RoUS)
} else {
# If NetInterstateTrade_SoI > 0, SoI is a net importer
# the amount of net import is considered total electricity traded from RoUS to SoI
Elec_ICF_2r <- data.frame("SoI2SoI" = 1 - abs(NetInterstateTrade_RoUS)/Consumption_SoI,
"SoI2RoUS" = 0,
"RoUS2SoI" = abs(NetInterstateTrade_RoUS)/Consumption_SoI,
"RoUS2RoUS" = 1)
# NetInterstateTrade_SoI = 0 means there is no interstate trade between SoI and RoUS
# ICF_SoI2SoI and ICF_RoUS2RoUS are both 0
#' Calculate domestic interregional utilities flow ratios by state,
#' utilities include electricity generation, transmission and distribution,
#' natural gas distribution and water, sewage and other
#' @param state State name.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2012 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains domestic interregional utilities flow ratios by state.
calculateUtilitiesFlowRatios <- function(state, year) {
# Get state employment for utilities sector
EmploymentFBS <- getFlowsaData("Employment", year)
StateDetailEmp <- mapFlowBySectorfromNAICStoBEA(EmploymentFBS, year, "Detail")
StateDetailEmp$State <- mapFIPS5toLocationNames(StateDetailEmp$FIPS, "FIPS")
utilities <- c("221100", "221200", "221300")
StateUtilitiesEmp <- StateDetailEmp[StateDetailEmp$BEA_2012_Detail_Code %in% utilities &
StateDetailEmp$State == state, ]
# Calulate weight and ratios, matching utilities sector order
weight <- StateUtilitiesEmp[match(utilities, StateUtilitiesEmp$BEA_2012_Detail_Code),
ratios <- weight/sum(weight)
# Assume natural gas distribution and water, sewage and other are all 100% local.
Gas_ICF_2r <- Water_ICF_2r <- data.frame("SoI2SoI" = 1,
"SoI2RoUS" = 0,
"RoUS2SoI" = 0,
"RoUS2RoUS" = 1)
# Generate electricity two-region ICF ratios
Elec_ICF_2r <- calculateElectricityFlowRatios(state, year)
# Combine ICF ratios based on state employment
Utilities_ICF_2r <- Elec_ICF_2r*ratios[1] + Gas_ICF_2r*ratios[2] + Water_ICF_2r*ratios[3]
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