#' Get US Make table of specified iolevel and year.
#' @param iolevel Level of detail, can be "Sector", "Summary, "Detail".
#' @param year A numeric value specifying the year of interest.
#' @return The US make table of specified iolevel and year.
getNationalMake <- function(iolevel, year) {
# Load pre-saved US Make table
dataset <- paste(iolevel, "Make", year, "BeforeRedef", sep = "_")
Make <- loadDatafromUSEEIOR(dataset)*1E6
# Keep industry and commodity
Make <- Make[getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, "Industry"),
getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, "Commodity")]
#' Get industry-level GVA for all states at a specific year.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state GVA for all states at a specific year.
getStateGVA <- function(year) {
# Load pre-saved state GVA data
StateGVA <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_GVA_", year), ver = model_ver)
StateGVA <- StateGVA[, c("GeoName", "LineCode", as.character(year))]
#' Map state table to BEA Summary, mark sectors that need allocation
#' @param statetablename Name of pre-saved state table,
#' can be GVA, Tax, Employment Compensation, and GOS.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state value for all states with row names being BEA sector code.
mapStateTabletoBEASummary <- function(statetablename, year) {
# Load and adjust State tables
StateTable <- adjustGVAComponent(year, statetablename)
# Load State GVA to BEA Summary sector-mapping table
GVAtoBEAmapping <- loadBEAStateDatatoBEASummaryMapping("GVA")
# Merge state table with BEA Summary sector code and name
StateTableBEA <- merge(StateTable, GVAtoBEAmapping, by = "LineCode")
#' Calculate allocation factors based on state-level data, such as employment
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param allocationweightsource A string specifying the source being used
#' as the weight in the allocation.
#' @return A data frame contains allocation factors
#' for all states with row names being BEA sector code.
calculateStatetoBEASummaryAllocationFactor <- function(year, allocationweightsource) {
# Define BEA_col and year_col
BEA_col <- "BEA_2012_Summary_Code"
year_col <- as.character(year)
# Load State GVA to BEA Summary sector-mapping table
GVAtoBEAmapping <- loadBEAStateDatatoBEASummaryMapping("GVA")
# Determine BEA sectors that need allocation
allocation_sectors <- GVAtoBEAmapping[duplicated(GVAtoBEAmapping$LineCode) |
fromLast = TRUE), ]
allocation_codes <- allocation_sectors[, BEA_col]
# Generate a mapping table only for allocation_codes based on MasterCrosswalk2012
crosswalk <- useeior::MasterCrosswalk2012[useeior::MasterCrosswalk2012[, BEA_col]
%in% allocation_codes, ]
# Generate allocation_weight df based on pre-saved data
if (allocationweightsource == "Employment") {
# Load BEA State Emp to BEA Summary mapping
EmptoBEAmapping <- loadBEAStateDatatoBEASummaryMapping("Employment")
sectors <- unique(crosswalk[crosswalk$BEA_2012_Sector_Code %in% c("44RT", "FIRE", "G"), BEA_col])
EmptoBEAmapping <- EmptoBEAmapping[EmptoBEAmapping[, BEA_col] %in% sectors, ]
# For real estate (FIRE) and gov (G) sectors, calculate allocation factors using US GVA by industry
allocation_factors <- merge(EmptoBEAmapping,
useeior::Summary_ValueAdded_IO[, year_col, drop = FALSE],
by.x = BEA_col, by.y = 0)
for (linecode in unique(allocation_factors$LineCode)) {
weight_vector <- allocation_factors[allocation_factors$LineCode == linecode, year_col]
allocation_factors[allocation_factors$LineCode == linecode, "factor"] <- weight_vector/sum(weight_vector)
# Load BEA state Emp
BEAStateEmp <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_Employment_", year),
ver = model_ver)
# Map BEA state Emp (from LineCode) to BEA Summary
BEAStateEmp <- merge(BEAStateEmp[BEAStateEmp$GeoName %in%
c(state.name, "District of Columbia"),
c("GeoName", "LineCode", year_col)],
allocation_factors[, c(BEA_col, "LineCode", "factor")],
by = "LineCode")
# Adjust BEA state Emp value based on allocation factor
BEAStateEmp[, year_col] <- BEAStateEmp[, year_col]*BEAStateEmp$factor
allocation_weight <- stats::aggregate(BEAStateEmp[, year_col],
by = list(BEAStateEmp$GeoName,
BEAStateEmp[, BEA_col]),
colnames(allocation_weight) <- c("GeoName", BEA_col, "Weight")
# Add US allocation weight (Summary Gross Output)
US_GrossOutput <- cbind.data.frame("United States *",
useeior::Summary_GrossOutput_IO[, year_col, drop = FALSE])
colnames(US_GrossOutput) <- colnames(allocation_weight)
# Calculate allocation factor
df <- merge(rbind(allocation_weight, US_GrossOutput), allocation_sectors, by = BEA_col)
for (state in unique(df$GeoName)) {
for (linecode in unique(df$LineCode)) {
weight_vector <- df[df$GeoName == state & df$LineCode == linecode, "Weight"]
factor <- weight_vector/sum(weight_vector)
df[df$GeoName == state & df$LineCode == linecode, "AllocationFactor"] <- factor
# Check if allocation factors add up to 1 (±1E-10)
df_agg <- stats::aggregate(df$AllocationFactor,
by = list(df$GeoName, df$LineCode),
colnames(df_agg) <- c("GeoName", "LineCode", "Value")
check_condition <- abs(df_agg$Value - 1) > 1E-10
if (any(check_condition)) {
geoname <- df_agg[check_condition, "GeoName"]
linecode <- df_agg[check_condition, "LineCode"]
logging::logwarn(glue::glue("In {geoname}, allocation factors from {linecode}",
"to BEA industries do not add up to 1."))
stop("Allocation factors do not add up to 1.")
#' Allocate state table (GVA, Tax, Employment Compensation, and GOS)
#' to BEA Summary based on specified weight
#' @param statetablename Name of pre-saved state table,
#' can be GVA, Tax, Employment Compensation, and GOS.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param allocationweightsource Source of allocation weight, can be "Employment".
#' @return A data frame contains allocated state value
#' for all states with row names being BEA sector code.
allocateStateTabletoBEASummary <- function(statetablename, year, allocationweightsource) {
# Define BEA_col and year_col
BEA_col <- "BEA_2012_Summary_Code"
year_col <- as.character(year)
# Generate StateTableBEA
StateTableBEA <- mapStateTabletoBEASummary(statetablename, year)
# Generate allocation factor
allocation_df <- calculateStatetoBEASummaryAllocationFactor(year, allocationweightsource)
total_before_allocation <- unique(StateTableBEA[StateTableBEA$LineCode %in% allocation_df$LineCode,
c("GeoName", "LineCode", year_col)])
# Merge StateTableBEA with allocation_df
StateTableBEA_allocation <- merge(StateTableBEA, allocation_df,
by = c("LineCode", "GeoName", BEA_col))
# Modify value in StateTableBEA_allocation
value <- StateTableBEA_allocation[, year_col]*StateTableBEA_allocation$AllocationFactor
StateTableBEA_allocation[, year_col] <- value
# Check if allocated amount add up to total (±1E-3) before proceeding to next step
check_df <- stats::aggregate(StateTableBEA_allocation[, year_col],
by = list(StateTableBEA_allocation$GeoName,
colnames(check_df) <- c("GeoName", "LineCode", "Value")
check_df <- merge(check_df, total_before_allocation,
by = c("GeoName", "LineCode"))
check_condition <- abs(check_df$Value - check_df[, year_col]) > 1E-3
if (any(check_condition)) {
geoname <- check_df[check_condition, "GeoName"]
linecode <- check_df[check_condition, "LineCode"]
logging::logwarn(glue::glue("In {geoname}, allocated amount from {linecode}",
"to BEA industries do not add up to the total before allocation."))
stop("Allocated amount do not add up to the total before allocation.")
# Append StateTableBEA_allocation to un-allocated StateTableBEA
StateTableBEA <- rbind(StateTableBEA_allocation[, c("GeoName", BEA_col, year_col)],
StateTableBEA[!StateTableBEA$LineCode %in% StateTableBEA_allocation$LineCode,
c("GeoName", BEA_col, year_col)])
# Sort StateTableBEA
StateTableBEA <- StateTableBEA[order(StateTableBEA$GeoName, StateTableBEA[, BEA_col]), ]
# Re-number rownames
rownames(StateTableBEA) <- NULL
#' Calculate state-US GVA (value added) ratios at BEA Summary level.
#' There are two prerequisite steps embedded in thus function.
#' Prerequisite #1: state_GVA is calculated from the SAGDP state GVA data,
#' via getStateGVA(year), which is originally by LineCode then mapped to
#' BEA industries using mapStateTabletoBEASummary("GVA", year).
#' Prerequisite #2: where GVA must be allocated from one LineCode to multiple
#' BEA industries, including sectors of retail, real estate, fed gov non-defense,
#' and state & local gov, allocation factors are calculated using
#' calculateStatetoBEASummaryAllocationFactor(year, "Employment")).
#' When using state employment (from BEA) as source for allocation,
#' introduce national GVA to disaggregate state employment
#' in real estate and gov industries from LineCode to BEA Summary.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains ratios of state/US GVA (value added)
#' for all states at a specific year at BEA Summary level.
calculateStateUSValueAddedRatio <- function(year) {
# Define BEA_col and year_col
BEA_col <- "BEA_2012_Summary_Code"
year_col <- as.character(year)
# Generate state GVA (value added) table
StateValueAdded <- allocateStateTabletoBEASummary("GVA", year, "Employment")
# Extract US value added
US_VA <- StateValueAdded[StateValueAdded$GeoName == "United States *", ]
# Extract state value added
StateVA <- StateValueAdded[StateValueAdded$GeoName != "United States *", ]
# Generate sum of state GVA (value added)
StateVA_sum <- stats::aggregate(StateVA[, year_col], by = list(StateVA[, BEA_col]), sum)
colnames(StateVA_sum) <- c(BEA_col, "StateVA_sum")
# Merge sum of state GVA with US VA to get VA of Overseas region
OverseasVA <- merge(StateVA_sum, US_VA, by = BEA_col)
OverseasVA[, paste0(year, ".x")] <- OverseasVA[, year_col] - OverseasVA$StateVA_sum
OverseasVA[, paste0(year, ".y")] <- OverseasVA[, year_col]
OverseasVA$GeoName <- "Overseas"
# Merge state GVA and US value added tables
VA_Ratio_df <- merge(StateVA, US_VA[, -1], by = BEA_col)
# Append Overseas value added to VA_Ratio_df
VA_Ratio_df <- rbind(VA_Ratio_df, OverseasVA[, colnames(VA_Ratio_df)])
# Calculate the state-US GVA (value added) ratios
VA_Ratio_df$Ratio <- VA_Ratio_df[, paste0(year, ".x")]/VA_Ratio_df[, paste0(year, ".y")]
VA_Ratio_df <- VA_Ratio_df[order(VA_Ratio_df$GeoName, VA_Ratio_df[, BEA_col]),
c(BEA_col, "GeoName", "Ratio")]
rownames(VA_Ratio_df) <- NULL
#' Calculate state-US GVA (value added) ratios by BEA State LineCode.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains ratios of state/US GVA (value added)
#' for all states at a specific year by BEA State LineCode.
calculateStateUSVARatiobyLineCode <- function(year) {
# Define year_col
year_col <- as.character(year)
# Load LineCode-coded State ValueAdded
ValueAdded <- getStateGVA(year)
# Extract US value added
US_VA <- ValueAdded[ValueAdded$GeoName == "United States *", ]
# Generate sum of State ValueAdded table
StateVA <- ValueAdded[ValueAdded$GeoName != "United States *", ]
StateVA_sum <- stats::aggregate(StateVA[, year_col], by = list(StateVA$LineCode),
sum, na.rm = TRUE)
colnames(StateVA_sum) <- c("LineCode", year_col)
# Merge sum of state GVA with US VA to get VA of Overseas region
OverseasVA <- merge(StateVA_sum, US_VA, by = "LineCode")
value <- OverseasVA[, paste0(year, ".y")] - OverseasVA[, paste0(year, ".x")]
OverseasVA[, paste0(year, ".x")] <- value
OverseasVA$GeoName <- "Overseas"
# Merge state and US ValueAdded by LineCode
VA_Ratio_df <- merge(StateVA, US_VA[, -1], by = "LineCode")
# Append Overseas VA to StateVA
VA_Ratio_df <- rbind(VA_Ratio_df, OverseasVA[, colnames(VA_Ratio_df)])
# Calculate the state-US ValueAdded ratios by LineCode
VA_Ratio_df$Ratio <- VA_Ratio_df[, paste0(year, ".x")]/VA_Ratio_df[, paste0(year, ".y")]
VA_Ratio_df <- VA_Ratio_df[order(VA_Ratio_df$LineCode, VA_Ratio_df$GeoName),
c("LineCode", "GeoName", "Ratio")]
#' Calculate state industry output by BEA State LineCode
#' by multiplying state_US_VA_ratio_LineCode by USGrossOutput_LineCode.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state industry output by BEA State LineCode.
calculateStateIndustryOutputbyLineCode <- function(year) {
# Define BEA_col and year_col
BEA_col <- "BEA_2012_Summary_Code"
year_col <- as.character(year)
# Generate state_US_VA_ratio_LineCode
state_US_VA_ratio_LineCode <- calculateStateUSVARatiobyLineCode(year)
# Get US Industry Output from US Make table
US_Summary_Make <- getNationalMake("Summary", year)
# Sum US_Summary_Make by row to get US_Summary_IndustryOutput
USGrossOutput <- as.data.frame(rowSums(US_Summary_Make))
colnames(USGrossOutput) <- year_col
# Load State GVA to BEA Summary sector-mapping table
GVAtoBEAmapping <- loadBEAStateDatatoBEASummaryMapping("GVA")
# Generate LineCode-coded US Gross Output
USGrossOutput <- merge(USGrossOutput, GVAtoBEAmapping, by.x = 0, by.y = BEA_col)
USGrossOutput <- stats::aggregate(USGrossOutput[, year_col],
by = list(USGrossOutput$LineCode), sum)
colnames(USGrossOutput) <- c("LineCode", year_col)
# Calculate state industry output by LineCode
StateGrossOutput <- merge(state_US_VA_ratio_LineCode, USGrossOutput, by = "LineCode")
StateGrossOutput[, year_col] <- StateGrossOutput[, year_col]*StateGrossOutput$Ratio
# Re-order
StateGrossOutput <- StateGrossOutput[order(StateGrossOutput$LineCode,
c("LineCode", "GeoName", year_col)]
#' Estimate state commodity output and ratios from alternative sources, including
#' USDA Census of Agriculture, NOAA Fisheries, USFS Forestry Inventory, and ORNL
#' Feight Analysis Framework (FAF).
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state commodity output from alternative sources
#' and calculated state/US commodity ratios for each state.
estimateStateCommodityOutputRatiofromAlternativeSources <- function(year) {
# Generate Ag, Fishery, Forestry commodity output
AgFisheryForestry <- getAgFisheryForestryCommodityOutput(year)
# Generate FAF commodity output
FAF <- getFAFCommodityOutput(year)
# Combine all commodity output
StateCommodityOutputRatio <- rbind(AgFisheryForestry, FAF)
#' Load BEA State Employment data from pre-saved .rds files and State Employment
#' FlowBySector data from flowsa.
#' Map to BEA Summary sectors.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains State Employment by BEA Summary.
getStateEmploymentbyBEASummary <- function(year) {
# BEA State Emp
BEAStateEmp <- loadStateIODataFile(paste0("State_Employment_", year),
ver = model_ver)
EmptoBEAmapping <- loadBEAStateDatatoBEASummaryMapping("Employment")
BEAStateEmp <- merge(BEAStateEmp[, c("GeoName", "LineCode", as.character(year))],
EmptoBEAmapping, by = "LineCode")
# Aggregate StateEmployment by BEA
BEAStateEmp <- stats::aggregate(BEAStateEmp[, as.character(year)],
by = list(BEAStateEmp$BEA_2012_Summary_Code,
BEAStateEmp$GeoName), sum)
colnames(BEAStateEmp) <- c("BEA_2012_Summary_Code", "State", "Emp")
# Employment FlowBySector from flowsa
EmpFBS <- getFlowsaData("Employment", year)
EmpFBS <- mapFlowBySectorfromNAICStoBEA(EmpFBS, year, "Summary")
EmpFBS$State <- mapFIPS5toLocationNames(EmpFBS$FIPS, "FIPS")
# Prioritize BEAStateEmp, replace NAs in Emp with values from EmpFBS
StateEmp <- merge(BEAStateEmp[BEAStateEmp$State %in% EmpFBS$State, ],
EmpFBS, by = c("State", "BEA_2012_Summary_Code"), all = TRUE)
StateEmp[is.na(StateEmp$Emp), "Emp"] <- StateEmp[is.na(StateEmp$Emp), "FlowAmount"]
# Replace the remaining NAs in Emp with zero
StateEmp[is.na(StateEmp$Emp), "Emp"] <- 0
# Drop unwanted columns
StateEmp <- StateEmp[, colnames(BEAStateEmp)]
#' Estimate state Ag, Fishery and Forestry commodity output ratios
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state Ag, Fishery and Forestry commodity output
#' for specified state with row names being BEA sector code.
getAgFisheryForestryCommodityOutput <- function(year) {
# Load state FIPS
FIPS_STATE <- readCSV(system.file("extdata", "StateFIPS.csv", package = "stateior"))
# Load USDA_ERS_FIWS data from flowsa
USDA_ERS_FIWS <- getFlowsaData("USDA_ERS_FIWS", year)
# Select All Commodities as Ag products
Ag <- USDA_ERS_FIWS[USDA_ERS_FIWS$ActivityProducedBy == "All Commodities", ]
# Convert State_FIPS to numeric values
Ag$State_FIPS <- as.numeric(substr(Ag$Location, 1, 2))
# Map to state names
Ag <- merge(Ag, FIPS_STATE, by = "State_FIPS")
# Calculate Commodity Output Ratio
Ag$Ratio <- Ag$FlowAmount/sum(Ag$FlowAmount)
# Assign BEA Code
Ag$BEA_2012_Summary_Code <- "111CA"
Ag$Value <- Ag$FlowAmount
# Re-order columns and drop unwanted columns
Ag <- Ag[, c("BEA_2012_Summary_Code", "State", "Value", "Ratio")]
# Load Fishery Landings and Forestry CutValue data from flowsa
Fishery <- getFlowsaData("NOAA_FisheriesLandings", year)
FisheryForestry <- rbind(Fishery,
USDA_ERS_FIWS[USDA_ERS_FIWS$ActivityProducedBy == "All Species", ])
# Convert State_FIPS to numeric values
FisheryForestry$State_FIPS <- as.numeric(substr(FisheryForestry$Location, 1, 2))
# Map to state names
FisheryForestry <- merge(FisheryForestry[, c("State_FIPS", "FlowAmount")],
FIPS_STATE, by = "State_FIPS")
FisheryForestry <- stats::aggregate(FisheryForestry$FlowAmount,
by = list(FisheryForestry$State), sum)
colnames(FisheryForestry) <- c("State", "Value")
# Calculate Commodity Output Ratio
FisheryForestry$Ratio <- FisheryForestry$Value/sum(FisheryForestry$Value)
# Assign BEA Code
FisheryForestry$BEA_2012_Summary_Code <- "113FF"
# Re-order columns and drop unwanted columns
FisheryForestry <- FisheryForestry[, colnames(Ag)]
# Combine Ag and FisheryForestry
AgFisheryForestry <- rbind(Ag, FisheryForestry)
#' Estimate state FAF commodity output ratios
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @return A data frame contains state FAF commodity output
#' for specified state with row names being BEA sector code.
getFAFCommodityOutput <- function(year) {
# Define BEA_col
BEA_col <- "BEA_2012_Summary_Code"
# Load state FIPS
FIPS_STATE <- readCSV(system.file("extdata", "StateFIPS.csv",
package = "stateior"))
# Load pre-saved FAF4 commodity flow data
FAF <- loadStateIODataFile(paste("FAF", year, sep = "_"), ver = model_ver)
# Define value_col and origin_col
if (year == 2012) {
value_col <- paste0("value_", year)
} else if (year %in% c(2013:2018)) {
value_col <- paste0("curval_", year)
} else {
value_col <- paste0("current_value_", year)
origin_col <- colnames(FAF)[startsWith(colnames(FAF), "dms_orig")]
# Keep domestic and export trade, keep useful columns, then rename
FAF <- FAF[FAF$trade_type %in% c(1, 3),
c(origin_col, "sctg2", paste0("value_", year))]
colnames(FAF) <- c("State_FIPS", "SCTG", "Value")
# Calculate state commodity output by SCTG
FAF <- merge(FAF, FIPS_STATE, by = "State_FIPS", all.x = TRUE)
FAF <- stats::aggregate(FAF$Value, by = list(FAF$SCTG, FAF$State), sum)
colnames(FAF) <- c("SCTG", "State", "Value")
# Map FAF from SCTG to BEA Summary commodities
# Load SCTGtoBEA mapping table
SCTGtoBEA_filename <- system.file("extdata",
package = "stateior")
SCTGtoBEA <- unique(readCSV(SCTGtoBEA_filename))[, c("SCTG", BEA_col)]
FAF <- merge(FAF, SCTGtoBEA, by = "SCTG")
# Determine BEA sectors that need allocation
allocation_sectors <- SCTGtoBEA[duplicated(SCTGtoBEA$SCTG) |
duplicated(SCTGtoBEA$SCTG, fromLast = TRUE), ]
allocation_sectors <- allocation_sectors[!allocation_sectors[, BEA_col]
%in% c("111CA", "113FF", "311FT"), ]
# Use State Emp to allocate
StateEmp <- getStateEmploymentbyBEASummary(year)
# Merge StateEmp with allocation_sectors
StateEmp <- merge(StateEmp, allocation_sectors, by = BEA_col)
# Process FAF for each state
# Generate AFF
AgFisheryForestry <- getAgFisheryForestryCommodityOutput(year)
FAF_state_ls <- list()
for (state in unique(FAF$State)) {
FAF_state <- FAF[FAF$State == state, ]
# Step 1. Calculate foods (311FT) as
# 311FT = (111CA + 113FF + 311FT) - (Ag + ForestryandFishery)
FAF_total <- sum(FAF[FAF[, BEA_col] %in% c("111CA", "113FF", "311FT"), "Value"])
AFF_total <- sum(AgFisheryForestry[AgFisheryForestry$State == state, "Value"])
FAF_state[FAF_state$BEA == "331FT", "Value"] <- FAF_total - AFF_total
# Drop "111CA" and "113FF" from FAF
FAF_state <- FAF_state[!FAF_state[, BEA_col] %in% c("111CA", "113FF"), ]
# Step 2. Separate FAF_state to
# FAF_state_1 (does not need allocation)
# FAF_state_2 (needs allocation)
FAF_state_1 <- FAF_state[!FAF_state$SCTG %in% allocation_sectors$SCTG, ]
FAF_state_2 <- FAF_state[FAF_state$SCTG %in% allocation_sectors$SCTG, ]
# Step 2.1. Aggregate FAF_state_1 by BEA industries
FAF_state_1 <- stats::aggregate(FAF_state_1$Value,
by = list(FAF_state_1$State,
FAF_state_1[, BEA_col]),
colnames(FAF_state_1) <- c("State", BEA_col, "Value")
# Step 2.2. Allocate FAF_state_2 from SCTG to BEA using BEA state employment
Emp <- StateEmp[StateEmp$State == state, ]
# Merge with FAF_state_2
FAF_state_2 <- merge(FAF_state_2, Emp, by = c("State", "SCTG", BEA_col))
for (sctg in unique(FAF_state_2$SCTG)) {
# Calculate allocation factor
weight_vector <- FAF_state_2[FAF_state_2$SCTG == sctg, "Emp"]
allocation_factor <- weight_vector/sum(weight_vector, na.rm = TRUE)
# Allocate Value
value <- FAF_state_2[FAF_state_2$SCTG == sctg, "Value"]*allocation_factor
FAF_state_2[FAF_state_2$SCTG == sctg, "Value"] <- value
# Aggregate by BEA
FAF_state_2 <- stats::aggregate(FAF_state_2$Value,
by = list(FAF_state_2$State,
FAF_state_2[, BEA_col]),
sum, na.rm = TRUE)
colnames(FAF_state_2) <- c("State", BEA_col, "Value")
# Combine FAF_state_1 and FAF_state_2
FAF_state_new <- rbind(FAF_state_1, FAF_state_2)
# Aggregate by BEA
FAF_state_new <- aggregate(FAF_state_new$Value,
by = list(FAF_state_new$State,
FAF_state_new[, BEA_col]),
colnames(FAF_state_new) <- colnames(FAF_state_1)
FAF_state_ls[[state]] <- FAF_state_new
FAF <- do.call(rbind, FAF_state_ls)
# Calculate total commodity output ratio
for (commodity in unique(FAF[, BEA_col])) {
commodity_total <- sum(FAF[FAF[, BEA_col] == commodity, "Value"])
ratio <- FAF[FAF[, BEA_col] == commodity, "Value"]/commodity_total
FAF[FAF[, BEA_col] == commodity, "Ratio"] <- ratio
# Drop rows where Ratio==0
FAF <- FAF[FAF$Ratio > 0, ]
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