#' Validate result based on specified tolerance
#' @param result A data object to be validated
#' @param abs_diff A logical value indicating whether to validate absolute values
#' @param tolerance A numeric value setting tolerance of the comparison
#' @return A list contains confrontation details and validation results
validateResult <- function(result, abs_diff = TRUE, tolerance) {
result[is.na(result)] <- 0
# Validate result
if (abs_diff) {
validation <- as.data.frame(abs(result) < tolerance)
} else {
validation <- as.data.frame(result < tolerance)
if (!is.null(rownames(result))) {
validation$rownames <- rownames(result)
} else if (!is.null(names(result))) {
validation$rownames <- names(result)
} else {
validation$rownames <- rownames(validation)
if (ncol(validation) <= 3) {
if (class(result) == "data.frame") {
result <- result[, 1]
validation$result <- round(result, abs(log10(tolerance)))
validation <- reshape2::melt(validation,
id.vars = c("rownames", "result"),
variable.name = "check")
} else {
validation_self <- validation
validation_result <- round(result, abs(log10(tolerance)))
validation_result$rownames <- rownames(validation_result)
validation_self <- reshape2::melt(validation_self,
id.vars = "rownames")
validation_self$variable <- as.character(validation_self$variable)
validation_result <- reshape2::melt(validation_result,
id.vars = "rownames",
value.name = "result")
validation_result$variable <- as.character(validation_result$variable)
validation <- merge(validation_self, validation_result,
by = c("rownames", "variable"))
validation$check <- "abs(result) < tolerance"
#' Extract validation passes or failures
#' @param validation A data.frame contains validation details
#' @param failure A logical value indicating whether to report failure or not
#' @return A data.frame contains validation results
extractValidationResult <- function(validation, failure = TRUE) {
if (failure) {
val_result <- validation[validation$value == FALSE,
setdiff(colnames(validation), "value")]
} else {
val_result <- validation[validation$value == TRUE,
setdiff(colnames(validation), "value")]
val_result$check <- as.character(val_result$check)
#' Format validation result
#' @param result Validation result to be formatted
#' @param abs_diff A logical value indicating whether to validate absolute values
#' @param tolerance A numeric value setting tolerance of the comparison
#' @return A list contains formatted validation results
formatValidationResult <- function(result, abs_diff = TRUE, tolerance) {
# Validate result
validation <- validateResult(result, abs_diff, tolerance)
# Extract passes and failures
passes <- extractValidationResult(validation, failure = FALSE)
failures <- extractValidationResult(validation, failure = TRUE)
N_passes <- nrow(passes)
N_failures <- nrow(failures)
return(list("Result" = as.data.frame(result),
"Pass" = passes, "N_Pass" = N_passes,
"Failure" = failures, "N_Failure" = N_failures))
#' Check order of names (n1 and n2). Stop function execution if n1 != n2.
#' @param n1 Name vector #1
#' @param n2 Name vector #2
#' @param note Note about n1 and n2
checkNamesandOrdering <- function(n1, n2, note) {
if (!identical(n1, n2)) {
stop(paste(note, "not the same or not in the same order."))
#' Report failures from validation in printed messages
#' @param failures A data frame or a vector of failures
reportValidationResult <- function(failures) {
if (any(nrow(failures) == 0, length(failures) == 0)) {
cat("There are no failures.\n\n")
} else {
cat("There are", nrow(failures), "failures, and they are")
print(knitr::kable(failures, "simple"))
#' Validate state Use against US Use, cell-by-cell
#' @param domestic A logical value indicating whether to compare Domestic Use or not
#' @param rel_diff A logical value indicating whether to validate relative difference or not
#' @return A data.frame or vector contains failures
validateStateUseAgainstNationlUse <- function(domestic = FALSE, rel_diff = FALSE) {
if (domestic) {
Use_ls <- State_Summary_DomesticUse_ls
df0 <- US_Summary_DomesticUse
} else {
Use_ls <- State_Summary_Use_ls
df0 <- US_Summary_Use
df1 <- Reduce("+", Use_ls)
rownames(df1) <- gsub(".*\\.", "", rownames(df1))
df1 <- df1[rownames(df0), colnames(df0)]
# Compare aggregated state Use table against US Use table
if (rel_diff) {
failures <- formatValidationResult((df1 - df0)/df0, abs_diff = TRUE, tolerance = 1E-3)[["Failure"]]
rownames(failures) <- NULL
colnames(failures) <- c("Commodity", "Industry/Final Demand", "Relative Diff", "Validation")
# Provide values in df0 and df1 for failures
if (nrow(failures) > 0) {
failures[, c("US", "StateSum")] <- 0
for (i in 1:nrow(failures)) {
row <- failures[i, "Commodity"]
col <- failures[i, "Industry/Final Demand"]
failures[i, "US"] <- df0[row, col]
failures[i, "StateSum"] <- df1[row, col]
} else {
failures <- formatValidationResult(df1 - df0, abs_diff = TRUE, tolerance = 5E6)[["Failure"]]
rownames(failures) <- NULL
colnames(failures) <- c("Commodity", "Industry/Final Demand", "Absolute Diff", "Validation")
# Compare failures to US values
if (nrow(failures) > 0) {
failures[, "AbsDiffPortioninNationalTotals"] <- 0
for (i in 1:nrow(failures)) {
row <- failures[i, "Commodity"]
col <- failures[i, "Industry/Final Demand"]
failures[i, "AbsDiffPortioninNationalTotals"] <- failures[i, "Absolute Diff"]/df0[row, col]
#' Validate Leontief matrix (L) of two-region model and final demand against
#' SoI and RoUS output.
#' @param state A text value specifying state of interest.
#' @param year A numeric value between 2007 and 2017 specifying the year of interest.
#' @param ioschema A numeric value of either 2012 or 2007 specifying the io schema year.
#' @param iolevel BEA sector level of detail, can be "Detail", "Summary", or "Sector".
#' @return A list of validation components and result.
validateTwoRegionLagainstOutput <- function(state, year, ioschema, iolevel) {
# Define industries and commodities
industries <- getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, "Industry")
commodities <- getVectorOfCodes(iolevel, "Commodity")
ita_column <- ifelse(iolevel == "Detail", "F05100", "F051")
# Define state abbreviation
state_abb <- state.abb[which(state.name == state)]
logging::loginfo("Generating A matrix of SoI Make table ...")
# SoI Make
TwoRegionMake <- TwoRegionMake_ls[[state]]
SoI_Make <- TwoRegionMake[endsWith(rownames(TwoRegionMake), state_abb),
endsWith(colnames(TwoRegionMake), state_abb)]
# SoI commodity output
# SoI_Commodity_Output <- State_Summary_CommodityOutput_ls[[state]]
TwoRegionCommodityOutput <- TwoRegionCommodityOutput_ls[[state]]
SoI_Commodity_Output <- TwoRegionCommodityOutput[endsWith(names(TwoRegionCommodityOutput),
# SoI A matrix
SoI_A <- useeior:::normalizeIOTransactions(SoI_Make, SoI_Commodity_Output)
# Check column sums of SoI_A
if (all(abs(colSums(SoI_A) - 1) < 1E-3)) {
logging::loginfo("FACT CHECK: column sums of A matrix of SoI Make table == 1.")
} else {
logging::logwarn("Column sums of A matrix of SoI Make table != 1")
logging::loginfo("Generating A matrix of RoUS Make table ...")
# RoUS Make
RoUS_Make <- TwoRegionMake[endsWith(rownames(TwoRegionMake), "RoUS"),
endsWith(colnames(TwoRegionMake), "RoUS")]
# RoUS commodity output
RoUS_Commodity_Output <- TwoRegionCommodityOutput[endsWith(names(TwoRegionCommodityOutput),
# RoUS A matrix
RoUS_A <- useeior:::normalizeIOTransactions(RoUS_Make, RoUS_Commodity_Output)
# Check column sums of RoUS_A
if (all(abs(colSums(RoUS_A) - 1) < 1E-3)) {
logging::loginfo("FACT CHECK: column sums of A matrix of RoUS Make table == 1.")
} else {
logging::logerror("Column sums of A matrix of RoUS Make table != 1")
# Two-region A matrix
# Commodity Commodity Industry Industry
# +-----------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
# Commodity SoI | 0 | 0 |norm(SoI2SoI_Use, SoI_TIO)|norm(SoI2RoUS_Use, RoUS_TIO)|
# +-----------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
# Commodity RoUS| 0 | 0 |norm(RoUS2SoI_Use, SoI_TIO)|norm(RoUS2RoUS_Use,RoUS_TIO)|
# +-----------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
# Industry SoI |norm(SoI_Make, SoI_TCO)| 0 | 0 | 0 |
# +-----------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
# Industry RoUS| 0 |norm(RoUS_Make, RoUS_TCO)| 0 | 0 |
# +-----------------------+-------------------------+---------------------------+----------------------------+
# Total column sum must equal 1 Total column sum can but shouldn't equal 1
logging::loginfo("Generating two-region Domestic Use tables ...")
ls <- TwoRegionDomesticUsewithTrade_ls[[state]]
TwoRegionIndustryOutput <- TwoRegionIndustryOutput_ls[[state]]
SoI_Industry_Output <- TwoRegionIndustryOutput[endsWith(names(TwoRegionIndustryOutput),
RoUS_Industry_Output <- TwoRegionIndustryOutput[endsWith(names(TwoRegionIndustryOutput),
# If industry/comm output == 0, it's not viable to generate A matrix, hence set it to 1.
SoI_Industry_Output[SoI_Industry_Output == 0] <- 1
logging::loginfo("Generating A matrix of SoI2SoI Domestic Use table ...")
SoI2SoI_A <- useeior:::normalizeIOTransactions(ls[["SoI2SoI"]][, industries],
logging::loginfo("Generating A matrix of RoUS2SoI Domestic Use table ...")
RoUS2SoI_A <- useeior:::normalizeIOTransactions(ls[["RoUS2SoI"]][, industries],
logging::loginfo("Generating A matrix of SoI2RoUS Domestic Use table ...")
SoI2RoUS_A <- useeior:::normalizeIOTransactions(ls[["SoI2RoUS"]][, industries],
logging::loginfo("Generating A matrix of RoUS2RoUS Domestic Use table ...")
RoUS2RoUS_A <- useeior:::normalizeIOTransactions(ls[["RoUS2RoUS"]][, industries],
logging::loginfo("Assembling the complete A matrix ...")
# Assemble A matrix
A_top <- cbind(diag(rep(0, length(commodities)*2)),
cbind(rbind(SoI2SoI_A, RoUS2SoI_A),
rbind(SoI2RoUS_A, RoUS2RoUS_A)))
colnames(A_top) <- c(1:ncol(A_top))
A_btm <- cbind(as.matrix(Matrix::bdiag(list(as.matrix(SoI_A),
diag(rep(0, length(industries)*2)))
A <- as.matrix(rbind(A_top, setNames(A_btm, colnames(A_top))))
rownames(A) <- paste(c(rep(c(state, "RoUS"), each = length(commodities)),
rep(c(state, "RoUS"), each = length(industries))),
c(rep(commodities, 2), rep(industries, 2)),
c(rep("Commodity", length(commodities)*2),
rep("Industry", length(industries)*2)),
sep = ".")
colnames(A) <- rownames(A)
logging::loginfo("Generating the L matrix ...")
# Calculate L matrix
I <- diag(nrow(A))
L <- solve(I - A, tol = 1E-20)
logging::loginfo("Calculating y (Final Demand totals) of SoI and RoUS ...")
# Calculate Final Demand (y)
FD_columns <- getFinalDemandCodes("Summary")
ita_column <- ifelse(iolevel == "Detail", "F05100", "F051")
SoI2SoI_y <- rowSums(ls[["SoI2SoI"]][, c(FD_columns, ita_column, "ExportResidual")])
SoI2RoUS_y <- rowSums(ls[["SoI2RoUS"]][, c(FD_columns, ita_column)])
RoUS2SoI_y <- rowSums(ls[["RoUS2SoI"]][, c(FD_columns, ita_column)])
RoUS2RoUS_y <- rowSums(ls[["RoUS2RoUS"]][, c(FD_columns, ita_column, "ExportResidual")])
y <- c(SoI2SoI_y + SoI2RoUS_y, RoUS2SoI_y + RoUS2RoUS_y, rep(0, length(industries)*2))
names(y) <- rownames(L)
logging::loginfo("Validating L*y == commodity and industry output ...")
# Validate L * y == Output
# Output = c(SoI_TCO, RoUS_TCO, SoI_TIO, RoUS_TIO)
output <- c(SoI_Commodity_Output, RoUS_Commodity_Output,
SoI_Industry_Output, RoUS_Industry_Output)
validation <- as.data.frame(L %*% y - output)
colnames(validation) <- "L*y-output"
validation$rel_diff <- validation$`L*y-output`/output
validation$Ly <- as.numeric(L %*% y)
validation$output <- output
validation[validation$output == 1, "rel_diff"] <- 0
logging::loginfo("Validation complete.")
return(list(A = A, L = L, y = y, Validation = validation))
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