
# The function arguments are defined in the documentation for
# function NDepositsPmf.
CalcNegBinomialPmf <- function( nDepEst,
                                nGridPoints = 40,
                                power = 1.0,
                                isOptimized = TRUE,
                                probRightTail = 0.001 ){

  CheckInput <- function(df){

    colNames <- c("Name", "Weight", "N90", "N50", "N10")
    if(any(colnames(df) != colNames)){
      stop( sprintf( "Dataframe with the number of deposit estimates has\n"),
            sprintf( "one or more incorrect column names.\n"),
            sprintf( "The column names must be \"Name Weight N90 N50 N10\".\n"),
            call. = FALSE )

      stop( sprintf( "Dataframe with the number of deposit estimates has\n"),
            sprintf( "one or more missing entries.\n"),
            call. = FALSE )
    if(any(df[, -1] < 0)){
      stop( sprintf( "Dataframe with the number of deposit estimates has\n"),
            sprintf( "one or more negative values.\n"),
            call. = FALSE )
    for(i in 1:nrow(df)){
      if(!(df[i, "N90"] <= df[i, "N50"] && df[i, "N50"] <= df[i, "N10"])){
        stop( sprintf( "Row %4d of dataframe with the number of deposit\n", i),
              sprintf( "estimates is mis-ordered.\n"),
              call. = FALSE )


  CalcParms <- function(nDepEst, nGridPoints, power, isOptimized){

    fn <- function(params, nDepEst, power){

      prevOp <- options(warn = -1)

      theProb <- params[1]
      theSize <- params[2]
      nDeposits <- qnbinom(c(0.90, 0.50, 0.10), size = theSize,
                           prob = theProb, lower.tail = FALSE)
      cost <- 0.0
      for(k in 1:nrow(nDepEst)){
        absDiff <- abs(nDeposits - nDepEst[k, c("N90", "N50", "N10")])
        currentCosts <- nDepEst[k, "Weight"] * (absDiff)^power
        cost <- cost + sum(currentCosts)



    lowBnd <- sum(nDepEst$N90 * nDepEst$Weight) / sum(nDepEst$Weight)
    upBnd <- sum(nDepEst$N10 * nDepEst$Weight) / sum(nDepEst$Weight)

    mean_seq <- seq(from = lowBnd + 0.01, to = upBnd, length.out = nGridPoints)

    sdMax <- upBnd - lowBnd
    varMax <- sdMax^2

    cost <- matrix(0, nrow = nGridPoints, ncol = nGridPoints)
    theProb <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nGridPoints, ncol = nGridPoints)
    theSize <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nGridPoints, ncol = nGridPoints)

    for(i in 1:nGridPoints){

      var_seq <- seq(from = mean_seq[i] + 0.01,
                     to = varMax,
                     length.out = nGridPoints)

      for(j in 1:nGridPoints){

        theProb[i,j] = mean_seq[i] / var_seq[j]
        theSize[i,j] <- mean_seq[i] * theProb[i,j] / (1 - theProb[i,j])

        cost[i,j] <- fn(c(theProb[i,j], theSize[i,j]), nDepEst, power)

    index <- which.min(cost)
    j <- index %/% nGridPoints + 1
    i <- index - (j-1) * nGridPoints

      tmp <- optim(c(theProb[i,j], theSize[i,j]), fn, NULL, nDepEst, power)
      if(tmp$convergence > 0){
        stop( sprintf( "Optimization failed\n"),
              call. = FALSE )
      } else{
        result <- list(theProb = tmp$par[1], theSize = tmp$par[2])
    } else {
      result <- list(theProb = theProb[i,j], theSize = theSize[i,j])



  nDepEst$Name <- NULL

  # Remove the estimates with zero weight
  nDepEst <- nDepEst[nDepEst$Weight > 0, ]

  params <- CalcParms(nDepEst, nGridPoints, power, isOptimized)

  # x is the upper trunation point. The upper truncation point is the
  # quantile above which the sum of the probabilities is less than (or equal to)
  # probRightTail.
  x <- qnbinom( 1-probRightTail, size = params$theSize, prob = params$theProb )

  # Now compute the lower truncation point, if any.
  # The lower truncation point is that quantile at which the probability is
  # less than (or equal to) the probability at the upper truncation point.
  nDeposits <- 0:x
  pmf <- dnbinom( nDeposits, size = params$theSize, prob = params$theProb )

  areTooSmall <- (pmf < pmf[length(pmf)])
  nDeposits <- nDeposits[!areTooSmall]
  pmf <- pmf[!areTooSmall]

  # Normalize the pmf so that it sums to 1.
  pmf <- pmf/sum(pmf)

  return( list( nDeposits = nDeposits, probs = pmf ) )

# The function arguments are defined in the documentation for
# function NDepositsPmf.
CalcCustomPmf <- function( nDeposits, relProbabilities ) {

  if( length( nDeposits ) != length( relProbabilities ) ) {
    stop( sprintf( "Function CalcCustomPmf\n" ),
          sprintf( "The length of nDeposits must equal the length of relProbabilities.\n" ),
          call. = FALSE )

  if( any( nDeposits < 0 ) ) {
    stop( sprintf( "Function CalcCustomPmf\n" ),
          sprintf( "All elements of nDeposits must be >= 0.\n" ),
          call. = FALSE )

  if( any( diff( nDeposits ) <= 0 ) ) {
    stop( sprintf( "Function CalcCustomPmf\n" ),
          sprintf( "All elements of nDeposits must be in strictly ascending order.\n" ),
          call. = FALSE )

  if( any( relProbabilities < 0.0 ) ) {
    stop( sprintf( "Function CalcCustomPmf\n" ),
          sprintf( "All elements of relProbabilities must be >= 0.\n" ),
          call. = FALSE )

  probs <- relProbabilities / sum( relProbabilities )

  return( list( nDeposits=nDeposits, probs=probs ) )


#' @title Plot both the pmf and the elicitation percentiles for the number of
#' undiscovered deposits
#' @description Plots both the probability mass function (pmf) and the
#' elicitation percentiles for the number of
#' undiscovered deposits in the permissive tract. However, if the pmf type
#' is Custom, then there are no elicitation percentiles, and, hence,
#' they are not plotted.
#' @param object
#' An object of class "NDepositsPmf"
#' @param isMeanPlotted
#' Logical variable indicating whether the mean is plotted on the pmf.
#' @param areLinesAdded
#' Logical variable indicating whether vertical lines are added to the pmf.
#' A vertical line is added for each number of an undiscovered deposit, making
#' it easier to perceive the associated probability mass.
#' @param isUsgsStyle
#' Make the plot format similar to the U.S. Geological Survey style.
#' @details
#' The elicitation percentiles are defined in the User's Guide.
#' If the range for the horizontal axis is large (for example, 0 to 300) then
#' the plot of the pmf using bars may appear odd. In this case,
#' set argument pmfPlotSymbol to "point".
#' In the plot of the elicitation percentiles, the count refers to the number
#' of assessment members who estimated the same number of undiscovered
#' deposits, for the specified percentile.
#' @examples
#' pmf1 <- NDepositsPmf("NegBinomial", list(nDepEst = ExampleDepEst1))
#' plot(pmf1)
#' pmf2 <- NDepositsPmf("Custom", list(nDeposits = 1, relProbabilities = 1))
#' plot(pmf2)
#' @export
plot.NDepositsPmf <- function( object,
                               isMeanPlotted = FALSE,
                               areLinesAdded = TRUE,
                               isUsgsStyle = TRUE) {

  df <- data.frame(nDeposits = object$nDeposits,
                   probs = object$probs)

  p <- ggplot2::ggplot(df)

  if(isMeanPlotted == TRUE) {
    p <- p + ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = object$theMean, colour = "red")

    for(i in 1:length(object$nDeposits)){
      df1 <- data.frame( x = rep.int(object$nDeposits[i], 2),
                        y = c(0, object$probs[i]))
      p <- p + ggplot2::geom_line(ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y), data = df1)

  p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = nDeposits, y = probs)) +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(name = "Number of undiscovered deposits",
                                limits = range(df$nDeposits) + c(-1,1)) +
    ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = "Probability",
                                limits = c(0, max(df$probs)))

    p <- p + ggplot2::theme_bw()

  if(object$type == "Custom") {
  } else {

    df$accdf <- c(1, 1-cumsum(df$probs)[-length(df$probs)])

    a <- table(object$pmf.args$nDepEst$N90)
    b <- table(object$pmf.args$nDepEst$N50)
    c <- table(object$pmf.args$nDepEst$N10)

    df2 <- data.frame(nDeposits = c(as.integer(names(a)),
                      Percentiles = c(rep.int(90, length(a)),
                                      rep.int(50, length(b)),
                                      rep.int(10, length(c))),
                      Sizes = c(as.vector(a),

    q <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
      ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = nDeposits,
                                       y = Percentiles,
                                       size = Sizes),
                          data = df2, colour = "red", shape = 1, stroke = 1.1) +
      ggplot2::geom_point(ggplot2::aes(x = nDeposits,
                                       y = accdf * 100),
                          data = df) +
      ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = "Elicitation percentiles", limits = c(0,100),
                                  breaks = c(0, 10, 50, 90, 100)) +
      ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(name = "Number of undiscovered deposits") +
      ggplot2::scale_size(name = "Count", breaks = min(df2$Sizes):max(df2$Sizes))

      q <- q + ggplot2::theme_bw()

    q <- q + ggplot2::theme(legend.position = c(1,1), legend.justification = c(1.1,1.1))

    if(isUsgsStyle) {
      p <- p + ggplot2::ggtitle("A.") +
        ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0,
                                                          face = "italic"))
      q <- q + ggplot2::ggtitle("B.") +
        ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0,
                                                          face = "italic"))
    } else {
      p <- p + ggplot2::ggtitle("(a)") +
        ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0))
      q <- q + ggplot2::ggtitle("(b)") +
        ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0))

    plot(p, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=1))
    plot(q, vp=grid::viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=2))



#' @title Summarize the pmf for the number of undiscovered deposits
#' @description Summarize the probability mass function (pmf) for
#' the number of undiscovered deposits in the permissive tract.
#' @param object
#' An object of class "NDepositsPmf"
#' @examples
#' pmf <- NDepositsPmf("NegBinomial", list(nDepEst = ExampleDepEst1))
#' summary(pmf)
#' @export
summary.NDepositsPmf <- function( object) {

  cat(sprintf("Summary of the pmf for the number of undiscovered deposits\n"))
  cat(sprintf("within the permissive tract.\n"))
  cat( sprintf( "Type: %s\n", object$type ))
  cat( sprintf( "Description: %s\n", object$description ))
  cat( sprintf( "Mean: %g\n", object$theMean ))
  cat( sprintf( "Variance: %g\n", object$theVar ))
  cat( sprintf( "Standard deviation: %g\n", sqrt(object$theVar) ))
  cat( sprintf( "Mode: %d\n", object$nDeposits[which.max(object$probs)] ))
  cat( sprintf( "Smallest number of deposits in the pmf: %d\n",
                min(object$nDeposits) ))
  cat( sprintf( "Largest number of deposits in the pmf: %d\n",
                max(object$nDeposits) ))
  cat( sprintf( "Information entropy: %g\n",
                max(object$entropy) ))

  cat( sprintf( "\n###############################################################\n"))


#' @title Construct the pmf for the number of undiscovered deposits
#' @description Construct the probability mass function (pmf) for the number of
#' undiscovered deposits within the permissive tract
#' @param type
#' Character string with the type of pmf (See Details).
#' @param pmf.args
#' List with the arguments for the specified type (See Details).
#' @param description
#' Character string with a short description of the pmf.
#' @details
#' The type must be either "NegBinomial" or "Custom". Each type, as well as
#' it associated arguments, is described below.
#' \emph{NegBinomial}
#' List pmf.args has one required element and four optional arguments.
#' The required element \code{nDepEst} is a dataframe containing
#' the estimates of the numbers of undiscovered deposits by the members of the
#' assessment team. Each row of the dataframe has information for one member.
#' There are five columns in the dataframe.
#' Column 1 ("Name") lists the member identifiers.
#' Column 2 ("Weight") lists the weights that multiply the cost function.
#' Column 3 ("N90") lists the estimated number of the undiscovered deposits,
#' n90, for which P( N >= n90 ) = 0.9 where N is the random variable representing
#' the number of undiscovered deposits.
#' Likewise, column 4 ("N50") lists n50 for which P( N >= n50 ) = 0.5, and
#' column 5 ("N10") lists n10 for which P( N >= n10 ) = 0.1. Within each row
#' of the dataframe, n90, n50, and n10 must be in strickly ascending order. That
#' is, n90 <= n50 <= n10.
#' There are four optional arguments that may be added to the list of parameters
#' for the pmf: \code{nGridPoints}, \code{power},
#' \code{isOptimized}, and \code{probRightTail}.
#' To understand the first three arguments,
#' it is necessary to understand how the two
#' parameters that are needed to characterize a negative binomial pmf are
#' estimated. The two parameters are specified on a two-dimensional grid, and
#' \code{nGridPoints} is the number of grid points in each dimension of the
#' grid. At
#' each grid point, a cost function is calculated, and a parameter in that
#' cost function is \code{power}.
#' If the value of argument \code{isOptimized} is FALSE, then
#' the two parameter values associated with the grid point with the lowest cost
#' are used as the parameters for negative binomial pmf. Otherwise, these two
#' parameter values are the starting point for an optimization that finds their
#' optimal values.
#' To understand the fourth optional argument, it is necessary to understand
#' the negative binomial pmf itself. The random variable that represents the
#' number of undiscovered deposits extends from 0 to infinity. Of course,
#' the probability calculations cannot be performed for an infinite range.
#' At some point in the right tail, the probabilities are
#' so small that they have no practical effect on the probability calculations.
#' Thus, the pmf is truncated at an appropriate large value. This upper
#' truncation point is the quantile above which the sum of the probabilities
#' (from that quantile to infinity)
#' is less than (or equal to) \code{probRightTail}.
#' The lower truncation point is that quantile for which the probability is
#' less than or equal to that at the upper truncation point. After truncation,
#' the pmf is normalized so that the sum of its probabilities is 1.
#' The default values for these four optional arguments are appropriate for
#' most assessments, so they should rarely be changed.
#' The computation of the negative binomial pmf requires
#' a long time---but usually less than a minute.
#' \emph{Custom}
#' List pmf.args has two elements, which are named "nDeposits" and
#' "relProbabilities". nDeposits is an integer vector, and relProbabilities is
#' a real vector.
#' Regarding vector nDeposits, all elements must be in strictly ascending order.
#' That is,
#' 0 <= nDeposits[1] < nDeposits[2] < nDeposits[3] and so on. Regarding
#' vector relProbabilities, the elements are postive,
#' real-valued numbers. The sum of the elements in relProbabilities is
#' not required to be 1. Vector nDeposits
#' and vector relProbabilites must have the same length.
#' @return If the input arguments have an error, the R-value NULL is returned.
#' Otherwise, a list with the following components is returned.
#' @return \item{Type}{Input argument type}
#' @return \item{pmf.args}{Input argument pmf.args}
#' @return \item{description}{Input argument description}
#' @return \item{call}{Function call}
#' @return \item{probs}{Vector containing just the non-zero probabilities
#' in the pmf.}
#' @return \item{nDeposits}{Vector containing the number of undiscovered
#' deposits that are associated with the non-zero probabilities in the pmf.
#' The size of vector nDeposits is equal to the size of vector probs.}
#' @return \item{theMean}{The expected value (mean) of the number of
#' undiscovered deposits within the permissive tract.}
#' @return \item{theVar}{The variance of the number of undiscovered deposits
#' within the permissive tract.}
#' @return \item{entropy}{The information entropy, which is calculated with
#' the natural logarithm.}
#' @references
#' Ellefsen, K.J., Phillips, J.D.,
#' 2017, Probability calculations for three-part mineral resource assessments,
#' U.S. Geological Survey Report Techniques and Methods XXXX, XX p.
#' @examples
#' pmf1 <- NDepositsPmf("NegBinomial", list(nDepEst = ExampleDepEst1))
#' plot(pmf1)
#' pmf2 <- NDepositsPmf("NegBinomial",
#'          list(nDepEst = ExampleDepEst1, probRightTail = 0.0005,
#'          nGridPoints = 65, power = 1.0, isOptimized = FALSE))
#' plot(pmf2)
#' pmf3 <- NDepositsPmf("Custom", list(nDeposits = 1, relProbabilities = 1))
#' plot(pmf3)
#' pmf4 <- NDepositsPmf("Custom",
#'          list(nDeposits = c(2, 3), relProbabilities = c(0.3, 0.7)))
#' plot(pmf4)
#' @export
NDepositsPmf <- function( type, pmf.args, description="" ) {

  CalcSummaryStats <- function( probs, nDeposits, base=exp(1) )

    theMean <- sum( probs * nDeposits )
    theVar <- sum( probs * nDeposits^2 ) - theMean^2
    theEntropy <- - sum( probs * log( probs, base=base ) )

    return( list( theMean=theMean, theVar=theVar, theEntropy=theEntropy ) )


  if(!any(type == c("NegBinomial", "Custom"))) {
    stop( sprintf( "Function NDepositsPmf\n" ),
          sprintf( "Argument type must be either NegBinomial or Custom.\n"),
          sprintf( "It is specified as %s\n", type),
          call. = FALSE )

  pmf <- switch( type,
                 NegBinomial = do.call( CalcNegBinomialPmf, pmf.args ),
                 Custom = do.call( CalcCustomPmf, pmf.args ) )

  # Obviously, it must be greater than 0. Greater than 5000 is preferable.
  nTotalDraws <- 20000

  stats <- CalcSummaryStats( pmf$probs, pmf$nDeposits )

  rval <- list( type = type,
                pmf.args = pmf.args,
                description = description,
                call = sys.call(),
                probs = pmf$probs,
                nDeposits = pmf$nDeposits,
                theMean = stats$theMean,
                theVar = stats$theVar,
                entropy = stats$theEntropy )

  class(rval) <- "NDepositsPmf"
USGS-R/MapMark4 documentation built on May 18, 2019, 9:16 p.m.