
Defines functions as.character.repgendate print.repgendate remove_repgendate is.repgendate as.repgendate formatOpenDateLabel formatUTCTimeLabel boundDate calculateTotalDays isFirstDayOfMonth toEndOfTime toEndOfMonth toStartOfMonth toEndOfDay toStartOfDay flexibleTimeParse

Documented in as.character.repgendate as.repgendate boundDate calculateTotalDays flexibleTimeParse formatOpenDateLabel formatUTCTimeLabel isFirstDayOfMonth is.repgendate print.repgendate remove_repgendate toEndOfDay toEndOfMonth toEndOfTime toStartOfDay toStartOfMonth

## Utility functions that deal with time, timezone, dates, etc

#' @title Will attempt to parse a DV, UTC time, or offset time.
#' @description A convienence function that will attempt to parse a (day
#'   point-type) date, UTC time, or offset time extremes JSON.
#' @param x A character vector of length one or greater of the dates/times.
#' @param timezone A character vector of length one, indicating a time zone code.
#' @param shiftTimeToNoon Reference time to 12:00 p.m. if TRUE; interpret
#'        literally when FALSE.
#' @param attachUTCOffset parse the UTC offset from supplied timezone to time vector 
#'        and attach to returned time if TRUE
#' @return time vector
#' @importFrom lubridate parse_date_time
#' @importFrom lubridate hours
#' @export
flexibleTimeParse <- function(x, timezone, shiftTimeToNoon = TRUE, attachUTCOffset = FALSE) {
  format_str <- c("Ymd HMOS z", "Ymd T* z*", "Ymd HMS")
  time <- parse_date_time(x,format_str, tz=timezone,quiet = TRUE)
  dvTimes <- x[which(is.na(time))]
    time <- as.repgendate(time)
  #Handle DVs
  #Try the DV format for dates that are still NA
  #Add noon as the time if necessary
  which.still.NA <- is.na(time)
  format_str_DV <- "Ymd"
  time[which.still.NA] <- parse_date_time(x[which.still.NA],format_str_DV, tz=timezone,quiet = TRUE)
  if (shiftTimeToNoon) {
    time[which.still.NA] <- time[which.still.NA] + hours(12)
  #parse and attach UTC offset to returned time
  if (attachUTCOffset){
  	UtcOffset <- paste0(as.POSIXlt(time)$gmtoff/3600,":00", collapse=NULL)
  	if (UtcOffset < 10) {
  	  splitTime <- strsplit(UtcOffset,split = "-")
  	  UtcOffset <- paste0("-","0",splitTime[[1]][2])
  	time <- paste0(time, UtcOffset, collapse=NULL)

#'given a datetime, will remove time and set 0000 as start
#'@importFrom lubridate hour minute
#'@param time datetime to shift to start
#'@rdname toEndOfDay 
toStartOfDay <- function(time){
  hour(time) <- 0
  minute(time) <- 0

#' Given a datetime, will remove time and set 23:59.
#' @param time datetime to shift to start
#' @rdname toStartOfDay
#' @importFrom lubridate hour<-
#' @importFrom lubridate minute<-
#' @export
toEndOfDay <- function(time) {
  hour(time) <- 23
  minute(time) <- 59

#' Given a datetime, will change the date to the 1st, plus remove time and set
#' 00:00. This is used to set the labels for Five Year Groundwater Summary
#' reports.
#' @param time datetime to shift to start
#' @rdname toEndOfMonth
#' @importFrom lubridate day<-
#' @importFrom lubridate hour<-
#' @importFrom lubridate minute<-
#' @export
toStartOfMonth <- function(time){
  day(time) <- 1
  hour(time) <- 0
  minute(time) <- 0

#' Given a datetime, will change the date to the 30th, remove time, and set 
#' 23:59. This is used to set the labels for Five Year Groundwater Summary 
#' reports.
#' @param time A datetime to shift to start.
#' @rdname toStartOfMonth
#' @importFrom lubridate day<-
#' @importFrom lubridate hour<-
#' @importFrom lubridate minute<-
#' @export
toEndOfMonth <- function(time) {
  day(time) <- 30
  hour(time) <- 23
  minute(time) <- 59

#' A hacky fix for 9999 year issue which prevents the rectangles from displaying
#' on the graphs. Apologies to the people of 2100 who have to revisit this.
#' @param time datetime to shift to "the end of time"
#' @importFrom lubridate year<-
#' @export
toEndOfTime <- function(time){
  year(time) <- 2100

#' Checks to see if the date passed in is the first of the month
#' @description For a date passed into the function, returns true or false 
#' depending on if that date is the first of the month
#' @param date the date to check to see if it's the first of the month
#' @importFrom lubridate day<-
#' @return TRUE or FALSE depending on if the date is the first day of the month
isFirstDayOfMonth <- function(date) {
  isFirst <- day(date) == 1

#' Calculate the number of days between two dates
#' @description For two dates passed into the function returns the number of days
#' between the two dates
#' @param startDate the start date for calculating the difference in days
#' @param endDate the end date for calculating the difference in days
#' @return days numeric number of days between the two dates
calculateTotalDays <- function(startDate, endDate) {
  days <- as.numeric(difftime(strptime(endDate, format="%Y-%m-%d"), strptime(startDate,format="%Y-%m-%d"), units="days"))

#' Bound Date
#' @description Applied bounds to the provided date using a number of padding days.
#' For example, if the date is less than the start of the provided date range then
#' the date will be set to be the start of the date range - padding days.
#' @param date The date to bound
#' @param dateRange The date range to bound the date with
#' @param padDays [DEFAULT: 1] The number of days to pad the date with
boundDate <- function(date, dateRange, padDays=1){
  if(date < dateRange[[1]]){
    date <- dateRange[[1]] - days(padDays)
  } else if(date > dateRange[[2]]){
    date <- dateRange[[2]] + days(padDays)

#' Format Time as a label with the UTC Offset
#' @description Formats a time datum as a text
#' label including the UTC offset at the end.
#' @param time The time datum to format as a text label
#' @param markOpen Whether or not to replace open-ended times with "Open"
formatUTCTimeLabel <- function(time, markOpen=FALSE){
  formatted_time <- ""
    #If we are marking open-ended times as "Open", do so
      formatted_time <- formatOpenDateLabel(time)
    #If this time didn't get turned into "Open" above, then format it
    if(as.character(formatted_time) != "Open"){
      tzf <- format(as.POSIXct(time), "%z")
      tzf <- sub("([[:digit:]]{2,2})$", ":\\1", tzf)
      formatted_time <- paste0(format(as.POSIXct(time), " %b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S"), " (UTC ", tzf, ")")

#' Format Open Date Label
#' @description Replace open ended dates (1700 or less and 9999) with "Open"
#' @param dates The date to format
formatOpenDateLabel <- function(dates){
  newDates <- as.character(dates)
  if(length(dates[which(as.numeric(year(dates)) >= 9999)]) > 0){
    newDates[which(as.numeric(year(dates)) >= 9999)] <- as.character("Open")
  if(length(dates[which(as.numeric(year(dates)) <= 1700)]) > 0){
    newDates[which(as.numeric(year(dates)) <= 1700)] <- c("Open")

#' Setup special repgen date as method
#' For non-daily values, use a special class for the dates with 
#' times, so that they print correctly.
#' See print.repgendate and as.character.repgendate
#' @param x a date vector
#' @export
as.repgendate <- function(x){
    class(x) <- c("repgendate", class(x))

#' Setup special repgen date is method
#' For non-daily values, use a special class for the dates with 
#' times, so that they print correctly.
#' See print.repgendate and as.character.repgendate
#' @param x a date vector
#' @export
is.repgendate <- function(x){
  "repgendate" %in% class(x)

#' Remove repgendate class
#' For non-daily values, use a special class for the dates with 
#' times, so that they print correctly.
#' See print.repgendate and as.character.repgendate
#' @param x a date vector
#' @export
remove_repgendate <- function(x){
    class_i <- which(class(x) == "repgendate")
    class(x) <- class(x)[-class_i]

#' Setup special repgen date print method
#' Need this so that HH:SS are not dropped when there is only one
#' value in a vector and it has 00:00 as the time. print.POSIXct
#' drops the time for those cases. A class of repgendate is added
#' in flexibleTimeParse. 
#' @param x a date vector with class "repgendate"
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @method print repgendate
#' @export
print.repgendate <- function(x,...){
  print(format(x,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"))

#' Setup special repgendate as.character method
#' Need this so that whisker.render does not drop HH:SS when there 
#' is only one value in a vector and it has 00:00 as the time. A 
#' class of repgendate is added in flexibleTimeParse. 
#' @param x a date vector with class "repgendate"
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @method as.character repgendate
#' @export
as.character.repgendate <- function(x, ...){
  format(x,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

#' Addition method for class repgendate
#' Having this special class limits what arithmetic can be done thanks
#' to lubridate's "Period" class (e.g. time + hours(4)) because adding
#' the special class to "Period" won't work unless you define an 
#' addition method for `+`. This is the addition method for adding Period
#' and repgendate classes, but other arithmetic operations will need to 
#' do the same.
#' @param e1 object of class "repgendate" (from repgen)
#' @param e2 object of class "Period" (from lubridate)
#' @export
setMethod("+", signature(e1 = "repgendate", e2 = "Period"),
          function(e1, e2) lubridate:::add_period_to_date(e2, e1))
USGS-R/repgen documentation built on April 14, 2021, 2:47 p.m.