
Defines functions condition

Documented in condition

#' Conditioned Graphs
#' Facilitates producing a series of graphs conditioned by a grouping variable.
#' Graphs are created by executing \code{plot.call} for each unique value in
#' the variable specified by \code{group}. The columns and rows are set by
#' \code{num.cols} and \code{num.rows}. If both are set to missing \code{NA},
#' then each page contains 1 graph, and the graphics setup should provide for
#' mulitple pages. If one of \code{num.cols} or \code{num.rows} is set to a
#' numeric value, the other is calculated from the number of graphs so that all
#' graphs would be displayed on a single page. If both \code{num.cols} and
#' \code{num.rows} are set to numeric values, then each page would contain a
#' maximum of \code{num.cols} times \code{num.rows} and multiple pages would be
#' needed if that were less than the total number of graphs.\cr
#' The order of the graphs is controlled by the type of \code{group}. If
#' \code{group} is a factor, then the order is set by the order of the levels,
#' otherwise the order is set by the order from \code{unique}.
#' @param plot.call either a simple call to a graphics function or a sequence
#' of calls enclosed in curly braces(\{\})
#' @param data the data.frame containing the variables used in \code{plot.call}
#' and \code{group}.
#' @param group a character string identifying the grouping variable in
#' \code{data}.
#' @param format the orientation of the graphs. If "table," then the graphs are
#' created beginning in the upper-left hand corner. If "grid," then the graphs
#' are created beginning in the lower-left See \bold{Details}. hand corner.
#' @param num.cols the number of columns on each page. See \bold{Details}.
#' @param num.rows the number of rows on each page. See \bold{Details}.
#' @param explanation where to place an explanation if necessary. See
#' \code{\link{setLayout}} for details.
#' @param share character, if \code{share} contains "x", then the code in 
#'\code{plot.call} is set up to share x-axes; if \code{share} contains "y", 
#'then the code in \code{plot.call} is set up to share y-axes. The default is
#'not to share either axes.
#' @param group.name a character string to prepend to each value in
#' \code{group} to create the graph title.
#' @param xtitle the x-axis title (also called x-axis caption).
#' @param ytitle the y-axis title (also called y-axis caption).
#' @param caption the figure caption.
#' @return The value returned by \code{plot.call} is returned invisibly. If
#' used correctly, it could be used to add an explanation.
#' @note This function is designed to facilitate the production of conditioned
#' graphs, but may not render each collection completely. For example, graphs
#' arranged in table format will not have x-axis labels for incomplete
#' columns.\cr
#' A call must be made to \code{setPage} or \code{setPDF} to set up the
#' graphics page before calling \code{condition}. The returned value can be
#' used to create an explanation, if desired. If \code{explanation} is not
#' \code{NULL}, then the graph is set to the explanation and there is no need
#' to call \code{setGraph} to set up the explanation.\cr
#' The called plotting function must set the \code{margin} argument to
#' \code{.margin}. See the demos for examples.
#' @seealso \code{\link{setLayout}}, \code{\link{setPage}},
#' \code{\link{setPDF}}, \code{\link{unique}}
#' @references Cleveland, W.S., 1993, Visualizing data: Summit, New Jersey,
#' Hobart Press, 360 p.
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # See for examples of condition:
#' demo(topic="Coplot-complexScatterPlot", package="smwrGraphs")
#' demo(topic="Coplot-simpleBoxPlot", package="smwrGraphs")
#' }
#' @export condition
condition <- function(plot.call, data, group, format="grid",
											num.cols=NA, num.rows=NA , explanation=NULL,
											share="", group.name="",
											xtitle="", ytitle="", caption="") {
	## Get the group data
	## This works if group is expressed as a name
	group <- eval(group, envir=data)
	if(length(group) == 1) # treat as character and extract from data
		group <- data[[group]]
		gps <- levels(group[, drop=TRUE])
		gps <- unique(group)
	format <- match.arg(format, c("table", "grid"))
	N <- length(gps)
	if(is.na(num.cols) && is.na(num.rows)) { # set both to 1
		num.cols <- 1L
		num.rows <- 1L
	else if(is.na(num.cols) && !is.na(num.rows)) # make enough for 1 page
		num.cols <- (N + num.rows - 1) %/% num.rows
	else if(!is.na(num.cols) && is.na(num.rows)) # ditto
		num.rows <- (N + num.cols - 1) %/% num.cols
	GrMax <- num.cols * num.rows
	shx <- -1
	if(num.rows > 1L && share %cn% "x") {
		shx <- 1.1
	shy <- -1
	if(num.cols > 1L && share %cn% "y") {
		shy <- 1.1
	Grkey <- GrMax - num.cols + 1L
	ToDo <- 0L
	Fig <- par("fig")
	for(i in gps) {
		if(ToDo == 0L) { # need to set up layout
			AA.lo <- setLayout(num.rows=num.rows, num.cols=num.cols,
												 shared.x=shx, shared.y=shy,
												 explanation=explanation, xtop=1.2, yright=0.5)
			ToDo <- 1L
		if(format == "table")
			grd <- ToDo
			grd <- (((GrMax + num.cols) - ToDo) %/% num.cols - 1) * num.cols +
			(ToDo + num.cols - 1) %% num.cols + 1
		AA.gr <- setGraph(grd, AA.lo)
		if(ToDo > 1L) { # If AA.mar has been set
			AA.gr <- AA.mar
			AA.gr[2L] <- AA.gr[2L] - 1.2
		retval <- eval(substitute(plot.call), 
									 envir=c(data[group == i, ], list(.margin=AA.gr)),
		if(ToDo == 1L) {
			AA.mar <- par("mar") # Retain for all future margins, see above code
		## Add a graph title by brute force rather than add Title
		mtext(paste(group.name, i, sep=""), side=3, line=0.3, adj=0, family="USGS", cex=9/8)
		## Add the caption if ToDo is 1, and add titles if requested
		if(grd == Grkey) {
			if(xtitle != "" || ytitle != "") {
				## Need to make sure that the base line for the figure is OK
				Fig1 <- Fig
				Fig1[3L] <- par("fig")[3L]
				par(fig=Fig1, mar=AA.mar, # captures the upper and right
				if(xtitle != "")
					mtext(text=xtitle, side=1, line=AA.mar[1L] - 2.1, adj=0.5,
								at=0.5, family="USGS", cex=9/8)
				if(ytitle != "")
					mtext(text=ytitle, side=2, line=AA.mar[2L] - 1.75, las=0, adj=0.5,
								at=0.5, family="USGS", cex=9/8)
		ToDo <- ToDo + 1L
		if(ToDo > GrMax)
			ToDo <- 0L
		setGraph("explanation", AA.lo)
USGS-R/smwrGraphs documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:11 a.m.