
Defines functions setPage

Documented in setPage

#' Graphics Page
#' Sets up a graphics page. The functions \code{setPage}, \code{setRStudio}, and 
#'\code{setGD} set up onscreen devices. The functions \code{setPDF}, \code{setSweave},
#'\code{setKnitr}, and \code{setPNG} set up files for graphics output.
#' If \code{layout} is "portrait," then the page size is 8.5 by 11 inches and
#' the graph area is 7.25 by 9.5 inches.
#' If \code{layout} is "landscape," then the page size is 11 by 8.5 inches and 
#' the graph area is 9.5 by 7.25 inches.
#' If \code{layout} is "square," then the page size is 7 by 7 inches
#' and the graph area is 6.5 by 6.5 inches (\code{setPage} only).
#' If \code{layout} is "slide," then the page size is 10 by 7.5 inches and the
#' graph area is 9.5 by 7.0 inches (\code{setPage} only).
#' \code{Layout} may also be a tagged list, with components \code{width} and 
#' \code{height} giving the width and height of the page, the width and height
#' of the graph area is 0.5 inch less that the page, except for \code{setPDF} 
#' where it is 0.1 inch less.
#' The user may specify a graphics device other than the default for
#' the system. This may be necessary when running under certain user
#' environments like RStudio (TM).
#' @rdname setPage
#' @aliases setPage setPDF setSweave setGD setKnitr setPNG setRStudio
#' @param layout A description of the orientation and shape of the graphics
#' page. See \bold{Details}.
#' @param font a description of the font. The choices are "preview," which is
#' 12 point Arial Narrow; "USGS," which is 8 point Arial Narrow; "EST," which
#' is 8 point Times New Roman; "PPT," which is 24 point Arial; and "PDF," which
#' is 8 point Arial Helvetica-Narrow. "PDF" should be chosen if the graphs are
#' to be saved to a portable document format (pdf) file.
#' @param name the name of the graphics page or the filename for
#' \code{setSweave}.
#' @param multiple logical, if \code{TRUE}, then allow multiple pages.
#' @param device the name of the graphics device. See \bold{Details}.
#' @param basename the base name of the pdf file name.
#' @param multiplefiles logical, if \code{TRUE}, then modify \code{basename}
#' to create multiple files for multiple pages.
#' @param height the height of the graphics page.
#' @param width the width of the graphics page.
#' @param \dots additional arguments, which are ignored by \code{setSweave},
#' \code{setKnitr}, and \code{setPNG}.
#' @return For \code{setPage} and \code{setPDF}, a list with two components:
#' dev, the device number; and name, the name or basename. For \code{setGD}
#' \code{setSweave}, \code{setKnitr}, \code{setPNG}, and \code{setRStudio}
#' nothing is returned.
#' @note The focus of all of the graphics functions is on producing near-publication
#'ready figures for U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) report series. The function \code{setPDF} 
#'should be used to create the PDF files for those figures. The fonts that are used in
#'graphs created by calling \code{setPDF} closely mimic those required in USGS reports.
#'One peculiarity of the fonts is that bold expressions do not appear bold in the PDF, but 
#'the font is tagged bold.
#'The functions \code{setSweave}, \code{setKnitr}, and \code{setPNG}
#' are graphics set up functions to be used when using \code{Sweave},
#' \code{knitr} and \code{markdown}, respectively. The functions 
#' \code{setSweave} and \code{setPDF} require a call to \code{dev.off} to 
#' close the graphics device after all graphics are completed; \code{knitr} 
#' and \code{markdown} automatically close the graphics device, so the call
#' to \code{dev.off} is not needed in those scripts.
#' The function \code{setRStudio} is designed to set up the default graphics
#' device in RStudio rather than open a separate graphics screen. This is useful
#' for preview only as some features of the graphics system cannot be replicated
#' on that graphics device.
#' The function \code{setGD} is designed to be a quick and easy
#' graphics page setup function. It is designed to be used by functions to set
#' up the graphics environment if the user fails to do so.
#' @seealso \code{\link{setLayout}}, \code{\link{setGraph}}
#' @keywords dplot
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # See for examples of setGD:
#' demo(topic="AnnualFlowBarChart", package="smwrGraphs")
#' demo(topic="Coplot-complexScatterPlot", package="smwrGraphs")
#' demo(topic="Coplot-simpleBoxPlot", package="smwrGraphs")
#' demo(topic="DurationHydrograph", package="smwrGraphs")
#' demo(topic="FlowDur-Measurements", package="smwrGraphs")
#' demo(topic="HydroPrecip", package="smwrGraphs")
#' # See for examples of setPage:
#' demo(topic="PiperScript", package="smwrGraphs")
#' # See for examples of setPDF:
#' demo(topic="MeasurementRating", package="smwrGraphs")
#' demo(topic="PiperScript", package="smwrGraphs")
#' demo(topic="RightAxisExample", package="smwrGraphs")
#' demo(topic="TopAxisExample", package="smwrGraphs")
#' # See for examples of setSweave:
#' vignette(topic="BoxPlots", package="smwrGraphs")
#' vignette(topic="DateAxisFormats", package="smwrGraphs")
#' vignette(topic="GraphAdditions", package="smwrGraphs")
#' vignette(topic="GraphGallery", package="smwrGraphs")
#' vignette(topic="GraphSetup", package="smwrGraphs")
#' vignette(topic="LineScatter", package="smwrGraphs")
#' vignette(topic="PiperPlot", package="smwrGraphs")
#' vignette(topic="ProbabilityPlots", package="smwrGraphs")
#' }
#' @export setPage
setPage <- function(layout="portrait", font="preview", name="USGS",
                    multiple=FALSE, device="default") {
  font <- match.arg(font, c("preview", "USGS", "EST", "PPT", "PDF"))
  ## Set global variables for lineweights and PDF
  if(font == "PPT")
  	options(.lwt_factor = 2)
  	options(.lwt_factor = 1)
  options(.pdf_graph = FALSE)
  fontSize <- switch(font, 
  wfont <- switch(font,
                  preview="Arial Narrow",
                  USGS="Arial Narrow",
                  EST="Times New Roman",
  qfont <- switch(font,
                  preview=paste("Arial Narrow", c("", " Bold", " Italic",
                    " Bold Italic"), sep=""),
                  USGS=paste("Arial Narrow", c("", " Bold", " Italic",
                    " Bold Italic"), sep=""),
                  EST=paste("Times", c("-Roman", "-Bold", "-Italic",
                    "-Bold-Italic"), sep=""),,
                  PPT=paste("Arial", c("", " Bold", " Italic",
                    " Bold Italic"), sep=""),
                  PDF=paste("Helvetica", c("", "-Bold", "-Oblique",
                    "-BoldOblique"), sep=""))
  xfont <- switch(font,
  if(is.character(layout)) {
    layout <- match.arg(layout, c("portrait", "landscape", "square", "slide"))
    if(layout == "portrait") {
      fin <- c(7.25, 9.5)
    else if(layout == "landscape"){
      fin <- c(9.5, 7.25)
    else if(layout == "slide") {
      fin <- c(9.5, 7.0)
    else { # square, useful for diagnostic plots
      fin <- c(6.5, 6.5)
  } # End of character layout
  else { # must be named vector or tagged list
    width <- layout[["width"]]
    height <- layout[["height"]]
    fin <- c(width, height) - 0.5
  name <- make.names(name) # make a legal name
  ## Set up the graph sheet
  ## Erase what is there for windows (OK for anything else)
  assign(".SavedPlots", NULL, envir=.GlobalEnv)
  ## Get the default graphics device
  if(device == "default")
    device <- options("device")$device
    device <- get(device, mode="function")
  ## Best guess for the default graphics device and set 
  Strikes <- 0
  Windoze <- TRUE
  if(!exists("windows", mode="function")) {
    Windoze <- FALSE
    Strikes <- 1
    windowsFonts <- function(...) return()
    windowsFont <- function(...) return()
  if(!exists("quartz", mode="function")) {
    Strikes <- Strikes + 1
    quartzFonts <- function(...) return()
    quartzFont <- function(...) return()
  if(!exists("X11", mode="function")) {
    Strikes <- Strikes + 1
    X11Fonts <- function(...) return()
  ## Needed because on Windoze X11 esists, but fonts are set with windowsFonts
  if(!exists("X11Fonts", mode="function"))
    X11Fonts <- function(...) return()
  if(Strikes == 3) # You're outa here
    stop("Interactive graphics device not found.")
    device(width=width, height=height, pointsize=fontSize, rescale='fixed',
           title=name, record=multiple)
    device(width=width, height=height, pointsize=fontSize, title=name)
  ## Set up the USGS font, It is OK to set up for devices not present
  ##  with dummy calls
  windowsFonts(USGS = windowsFont(wfont))
  quartzFonts(USGS = quartzFont(qfont))
  X11Fonts(USGS = X11Fonts(xfont)[[1L]])
  ## Set up for possible export to PDF file (currently only Windoze)
  if(!('USGS' %in% names(pdfFonts()))) # do it only once!
    pdfFonts('USGS' = Type1Font("Helvetica-Narrow",
  dev <- dev.cur()
  ## Check to make sure fin is OK
  Maxfin <- par("fin")
  par(fin=pmin(fin, Maxfin), las=1)
  invisible(list(dev=dev, name=name))
USGS-R/smwrGraphs documentation built on Oct. 11, 2022, 6:11 a.m.