
Defines functions get_ii_table

Documented in get_ii_table

#' Get influential individuals table.
#' @param cdd_directory Cdd run directory. Will search for the files skipped_individuals1.csv and
#' raw_results_"model name"_linbase.csv (if nonlinear=F) or raw_results_"model name".csv (if nonlinear=T)
#' @param model.filename The base model file name.
#' @param cutoff The dOFV cutoff value for influential individual identification.
#' @param max_rows Number of infuential individuals to print in the pdf file.
#' @param skip A character vector with names of the skipped parts in the qa run. Will check if "cdd" is one of the vector elements.
#' By default skip=NULL.
#' @param nonlinear A logical indicating whether nonlinear qa have been run.
#' @param quiet A logical indicating whether function should not write the warning message if some file not found. By default quiet=FALSE.
#' @return A list of 7 arguments.
#' cdd_files_exist - a logical indicating whether needed files exist in the input directory.
#' cdd.data - a data frame of all id numbers and dOFV values for each id.
#' all_dofv - a vector of all dofv values.
#' cdd_highest_dofv - A data frame of one most influential individual. Will be used for summary table.
#' ii_table - A data frame of all influential individuals, where max row number is set to max_rows.
#' infl_id - A numeric vector with all influential individual ID numbers.
#' fig_height_infl - A numeric for idividual plots hight.
#' @export
get_ii_table <- function(cdd_directory,model.filename,cutoff,max_rows,skip=NULL,nonlinear,quiet=F){
  skipped.id.file <- file.path(cdd_directory,"skipped_individuals1.csv")
  if(!nonlinear) {
    raw.results.file <- file.path(cdd_directory,paste0("raw_results_",sub('.([^.]*)$','',model.filename),"_linbase.csv"))
  } else {
    raw.results.file <- file.path(cdd_directory,paste0("raw_results_",sub('.([^.]*)$','',model.filename),".csv"))

  cdd_files_exist <- TRUE
  infl_id <- c()
  all_dofv <- c()
  if(file.exists(raw.results.file) && file.exists(skipped.id.file) && all(skip!="cdd")) {
    data_full <- create.data.full(raw.results.file,skipped.id.file)
    cdd.data.all <- data_full$cdd.data.all
    if(nrow(cdd.data.all)>3) {
      if(any(colnames(cdd.data.all)=="cdd.delta.ofv")) {
        all_dofv <- cdd.data.all$cdd.delta.ofv[-1]
        cdd.data.all <- cdd.data.all %>% dplyr::select(c(ID,cdd.delta.ofv)) %>% dplyr::slice(-1)
        colnames(cdd.data.all) <- c("id", "dOFV")

        #find negative delta ofv values, if exist
        fail_ID <- c()
        if(!all(is.na(cdd.data.all$dOFV))) {
          if (any(cdd.data.all$dOFV < 0)) {
            negat.delta.row <- which(cdd.data.all$dOFV < 0)
            fail_ID <- cdd.data.all$id[negat.delta.row]
            cdd.data <- as.data.frame(cdd.data.all[-negat.delta.row,])
            if(nrow(cdd.data)==0) {
              cdd.data <- data.frame()
          } else {
            cdd.data <- as.data.frame(cdd.data.all)
        } else {
          if(!quiet) {
            message("ERROR: In the file ",raw.results.file," all dofv values are NA!")
          cdd.data <- data.frame()

        if(nrow(cdd.data)!=0) {
          #get individual with the highest dofv
          cdd_highest_dofv <- cdd.data[which.max(cdd.data$dOFV),]
          cdd_highest_dofv <- cdd_highest_dofv %>%
          colnames(cdd_highest_dofv) <- c("","dOFV")

          # find influential individuals, where delta ofv values are bigger than cutoffs
          if(any(cdd.data$dOFV > cutoff)) {
            ii_table <- as.data.frame(subset(cdd.data,dOFV > cutoff))
            ii_table <- ii_table[order(ii_table$dOFV,decreasing = T),]
            ii_table[,2] <- format(round(as.numeric(ii_table[,2]),1),trim=T,digits=1,nsmall=1)
            infl_id <- as.numeric(ii_table$id)
            ii_table <- ii_table %>%
            colnames(ii_table)[which(colnames(ii_table)=="id")] <- "Subjects"

            # only cdd max rows
            if(nrow(ii_table) > max_rows) {
              ii_table <- ii_table[1:max_rows,]
          } else {
            ii_table <- data.frame(c("No influential individuals detected"),stringsAsFactors = F)
            colnames(ii_table) <- NULL
            cdd_highest_dofv <- data.frame("None","",stringsAsFactors = F)
            colnames(cdd_highest_dofv) <- c("","dOFV")
        } else {
          cdd_highest_dofv <- data.frame("All dOFV values are negative","",stringsAsFactors = F)
          colnames(cdd_highest_dofv) <- c("","dOFV")
          ii_table <- data.frame(c("All dOFV values are negative"),stringsAsFactors = F)
          colnames(ii_table) <- NULL
      } else {
        if(!quiet) {
          message("WARNING: No column 'cdd.delta.ofv' found in the file ",raw.results.file,"!")
        ii_table <- error_table(col=1)
        cdd_highest_dofv <- error_table("CDD")
        cdd.data <- error_table(col=1)
    } else {
      if(!quiet) {
        message("ERROR: Only one individual in the input file. More than one individual needed to run CDD!")
      ii_table <- error_table(col=1)
      cdd_highest_dofv <- error_table("CDD")
      cdd.data <- error_table(col=1)
  } else {
    cdd_files_exist <- FALSE
    if(any(skip=="cdd")) {
      cdd_highest_dofv <- data.frame("CDD","SKIPPED",stringsAsFactors = F)
      colnames(cdd_highest_dofv) <- c("","dOFV")
      cdd.data <- data.frame("SKIPPED",stringsAsFactors = F)
      colnames(cdd.data) <- NULL
    } else {
      if(!file.exists(raw.results.file) && !quiet) {
        message("WARNING: File ",raw.results.file," not found!")
      if(!file.exists(skipped.id.file) && !quiet) {
        message("WARNING: File ",skipped.id.file," not found!")
      cdd_highest_dofv <- error_table("CDD")
      cdd.data <- error_table(col=1)
    ii_table <- error_table(col=1)

  if(length(infl_id)<=3) {
    fig_height_infl <- 5
  } else if(length(infl_id)<=6) {
    fig_height_infl <- 7
  } else {
    fig_height_infl <- 15

UUPharmacometrics/pmutils documentation built on June 1, 2024, 5:29 p.m.