## function that gets an n \times p matrix of p genotypes of n individuals, and a null model, and tests the genotypes associations with the outcomes.
## Genetic data are always assumed complete.
## Types of tests:
## Variant set: SKAT, burden, SKAT-O. Multiple types of p-values. Default: Davies with Kuonen if does not converge.
testVariantSet <- function(nullmod, G, weights, test = c("Burden", "SKAT", "SMMAT"),
burden.test = c("Score", "Wald"), rho = 0,
pval.method = c("davies", "kuonen", "liu"),
return.scores = FALSE, return.scores.cov = FALSE){
test <- match.arg(test)
burden.test <- match.arg(burden.test)
pval.method <- match.arg(pval.method)
if (test == "SKAT") {
out <- .testVariantSetSKAT(nullmod, G, weights, rho, pval.method,
return.scores, return.scores.cov)
if (test == "Burden") {
out <- .testVariantSetBurden(nullmod, G, weights, burden.test)
if (test == "SMMAT") {
out <- .testVariantSetSMMAT(nullmod, G, weights, pval.method)
## create the burden score, than calls the appropriate single variant test function.
## can easily implement GxE interaction with the burden score... later!
.testVariantSetBurden <- function(nullmod, G, weights, burden.test){
burden <- matrix(colSums(t(G) * weights))
Xtilde <- calcXtilde(nullmod, burden)
if (burden.test == "Score") {
out <- .testGenoSingleVarScore(Xtilde, G = burden, resid = nullmod$resid)
if (burden.test == "Wald"){
out <- .testGenoSingleVarWald(Xtilde, Ytilde = nullmod$Ytilde,
n = length(nullmod$Ytilde), k = ncol(nullmod$model.matrix))
.testVariantSetSKAT <- function(nullmod, G, weights, rho = 0, pval.method,
return.scores = FALSE, return.scores.cov = FALSE){
U <- as.vector(crossprod(G, nullmod$resid))
G <- calcXtilde(nullmod, G)
if (length(rho) == 1) {
out <- .runSKATTest(scores = U, geno.adj = G,
weights = weights, rho = rho, pval.method = pval.method,
optimal = FALSE)
} else {
out <- .runSKATTest(scores = U, geno.adj = G,
weights = weights, rho = rho, pval.method = pval.method,
optimal = TRUE)
.testVariantSetSMMAT <- function(nullmod, G, weights, pval.method) {
G <- t(t(G) * weights)
U <- as.vector(crossprod(G, nullmod$resid))
G <- calcXtilde(nullmod, G)
V <- crossprod(G)
burden.scores <- sum(U)
burden.distMat <- sum(V)
burden.pval <- pchisq(burden.scores^2/burden.distMat, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)
V.rowSums <- rowSums(V)
U <- U - V.rowSums * burden.scores / burden.distMat
V <- V - tcrossprod(V.rowSums) / burden.distMat
if(mean(abs(V)) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)) return(list(pval_burden=burden.pval, pval_hybrid=burden.pval, err=0))
Q <- sum(U^2)
# lambda for p value calculation
lambda <- eigen(V, only.values = TRUE, symmetric=TRUE)$values
lambda <- lambda[lambda > 0]
pv <- .calcPval(Q, lambda, pval.method)
pval <- pv["pval"]
err <- pv["err"]
out.pval <- tryCatch(pchisq(-2*log(burden.pval)-2*log(pval), df=4, lower.tail = FALSE), error = function(e) { NA })
if(is.na(out.pval)) {
err <- 1
out.pval <- burden.pval
out <- list(pval_burden=burden.pval, pval_hybrid=out.pval, err=err)
.runSKATTest <- function(scores, geno.adj, weights, rho, pval.method, optimal){
# covariance of scores
V <- crossprod(geno.adj)
# vectors to hold output
nrho <- length(rho)
out.Q <- rep(NA, nrho); names(out.Q) <- paste("Q", rho, sep="_")
out.pval <- rep(NA, nrho); names(out.pval) <- paste("pval", rho, sep="_")
out.err <- rep(NA, nrho); names(out.err) <- paste("err", rho, sep="_")
# for SKAT-O need to save lambdas
if(optimal){ lambdas <- vector("list", nrho) }
for(i in 1:nrho){
if(rho[i] == 0){
# Variance Component Test
Q <- sum((weights*scores)^2) # sum[(w*scores)^2] # for some reason SKAT_emmaX divides this by 2
distMat <- weights*t(weights*V) # (weights) V (weights) = (weights) X' P X (weights)
}else if(rho[i] == 1){
# Burden Test
Q <- sum(weights*scores)^2 # (sum[w*scores])^2 # for some reason SKAT_emmaX divides this by 2
distMat <- crossprod(weights,crossprod(V, weights)) # weights^T V weights
}else if(rho[i] > 0 & rho[i] < 1){
rhoMat <- matrix(rho[i], nrow=length(scores), ncol=length(scores)); diag(rhoMat) <- 1
cholRhoMat <- t(chol(rhoMat, pivot=TRUE))
Q <- crossprod(crossprod(weights*cholRhoMat,scores)) # scores' (weights) (rhoMat) (weights) scores
distMat <- crossprod(cholRhoMat, crossprod(weights*t(weights*V), cholRhoMat)) # (cholRhoMat) (weights) X' P X (weights) (cholRhoMat)
# lambda for p value calculation
lambda <- eigen(distMat, only.values = TRUE, symmetric=TRUE)$values
lambda <- lambda[lambda > 0]
if(optimal){ lambdas[[i]] <- lambda }
# p value calculation
if(length(scores) == 1){
pval <- pchisq(as.numeric(Q/distMat), df=1, lower.tail=FALSE)
err <- 0
pv <- .calcPval(Q, lambda, pval.method)
pval <- pv["pval"]
err <- pv["err"]
# update results
out.Q[i] <- Q
out.pval[i] <- pval
out.err[i] <- err
out <- as.list(c(out.Q, out.pval, out.err))
if(length(scores) == 1){
# pvalue is the same for all rhos
out2 <- list(min.pval=out.pval[1], opt.rho=NA, pval_SKATO=out.pval[1])
# find the minimum p-value
minp <- min(out.pval)
out2 <- list(min.pval=minp, opt.rho=rho[which.min(out.pval)])
# get qmin(rho); i.e. the (1-minp)th percentile of dist of each Q
qmin <- rep(NA, nrho)
for(i in 1:nrho){
qmin[i] <- skatO_qchisqsum(minp, lambdas[[i]])
# calculate other terms
Z <- t(t(geno.adj)*weights)
zbar <- rowMeans(Z)
zbarTzbar <- sum(zbar^2)
M <- tcrossprod(zbar)/zbarTzbar
ZtImMZ <- crossprod(Z, crossprod(diag(nrow(M)) - M, Z))
lambda.k <- eigen(ZtImMZ, symmetric = TRUE, only.values = TRUE)
lambda.k <- lambda.k$values[lambda.k$values > 0]
mua <- sum(lambda.k)
sum.lambda.sq <- sum(lambda.k^2)
sig2a <- 2*sum.lambda.sq
trMatrix <- crossprod(crossprod(Z,crossprod(M,Z)),ZtImMZ)
sig2xi <- 4*sum(diag(trMatrix))
kera <- sum(lambda.k^4)/sum.lambda.sq^2 * 12
ldf <- 12/kera
# calculate tau(rho)
tau <- ncol(Z)^2*rho*zbarTzbar + (1-rho)*sum(crossprod(zbar, Z)^2)/zbarTzbar
# find min{(qmin(rho)-rho*chisq_1)/(1-rho)} with integration
otherParams <- c(mu = mua, degf = ldf, varia = sig2a+sig2xi)
# integrate
re <- tryCatch({
integrate(integrateFxn, lower = 0, upper = 40, subdivisions = 2000, qmin = qmin, otherParams = otherParams, tau = tau, rho = rho, abs.tol = 10^-25)
}, error=function(e) NA)
out2[["pval_SKATO"]] <- 1-re[[1]]
# update results
out <- c(out, out2)
# return results
.calcPval <- function(Q, lambda, pval.method) {
if(!requireNamespace("survey")) stop("package 'survey' must be installed to calculate p-values for SKAT")
if(!requireNamespace("CompQuadForm")) stop("package 'CompQuadForm' must be installed to calculate p-values for SKAT")
err <- 0
if(pval.method == "kuonen"){
pval <- survey:::saddle(x = Q, lambda = lambda)
err <- ifelse(is.na(pval), 1, 0)
}else if(pval.method == "davies"){
tmp <- suppressWarnings(CompQuadForm::davies(q = Q, lambda = lambda, acc = 1e-06))
pval <- tmp$Qq
if((tmp$ifault > 0) | (pval <= 0) | (pval >= 1)) {
pval <- survey:::saddle(x = Q, lambda = lambda)
err <- ifelse(is.na(pval), 1, 0)
}else if(pval.method == "liu"){
pval <- CompQuadForm::liu(q = Q, lambda = lambda)
err <- 0
if(err > 0){
pval <- CompQuadForm::liu(q = Q, lambda = lambda)
return(c(pval=pval, err=err))
# function to calculate q_min value
# basically a qchisqsum() function that takes the quantile/percentile and the lambda values
# matches the first 2 moments and the kurtosis
# based upon liu et al (2009) paper
skatO_qchisqsum <- function(p, lambdas){
mu <- sum(lambdas)
sum.lambda.sq <- sum(lambdas^2)
s1 <- sum(lambdas^3)/(sum.lambda.sq^(3/2))
s2 <- sum(lambdas^4)/(sum.lambda.sq^2)
if(s1^2 > s2){
a <- 1/(s1-sqrt(s1^2-s2))
d <- s1*a^3 - a^2
l <- a^2 - 2*d
}else{ # s1^2 <= s2
l <- 1/s2 # in liu et al, this is l=1/s1^2; matches kurtosis instead of skewness to improve tail prob estimates
qmin <- qchisq(1-p, df=l)
pval <- (qmin - l)/sqrt(2*l) * sqrt(2*sum.lambda.sq) + mu
## function to integrate; the first term of the optimal integrand
# it's a non-central sum of weighted chi-squares
integrateFxn <- function(x, qmin, otherParams, tau, rho){
n.r <- length(rho)
n.x <- length(x)
t1 <- tau %x% t(x)
tmp <- (qmin - t1)/(1-rho)
minval <- apply(tmp,2,min)
degf <- otherParams["degf"]
mu <- otherParams["mu"]
varia <- otherParams["varia"]
temp.q<-(minval - mu)/sqrt(varia)*sqrt(2*degf) + degf
re<-pchisq(temp.q ,df=degf) * dchisq(x,df=1)
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