
#' Creating representation for reaction parameters
#' This function creates assignment (in the format required for ODE solver) for each each of the specified 
#' paramterers based on their assigned/specified value. This function is called from the "makeModel.R" function.
#' @param x  model name (required)
#' @return This function returns model parameters in the format appropriate for the ODEs solver

#makeODEParameters.function <- function(x){
makeODEParameters <- function(x){
  hlp <- c()
  # Get the number of parameters (with initial values)
  par.iv.length <- length(x$parameters$initVal)
  # Create an assignment for each parameter (assign it its initial value)
  if (par.iv.length > 0)
    for (i in 1:par.iv.length)
      hlp <- c(hlp, paste(as.character(x$parameters$pName[i]), " <- ", x$parameters$initVal[i]))

#makeODEParameters <- cmpfun(makeODEParameters.function)
Vessy/sysBio documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:55 p.m.