
#' Creating a stochastic matrix
#' This function creates a stochastic matrix of the model (required for the stochastic simulation)
#' This function is called from the "makeModel.R" function.
#' @param x  model name (required)
#' @param tmpDF a data frame that contains information about reactions, species, stoichometric coefficients, etc. 
#'     (temp data frame used within the "makeModel.R" function) (required)
#' @return This function returns a stochastic matrix that corresponds to a defined model.

#makeStMat.function <- function(x, tmpDF){
makeStMat <- function(x, tmpDF){
  if (!exists(deparse(substitute(x))))
    stop("Specified model does not exist!")
 # Calculate "amounts" of each species per reaction
 tmpDF.hlp <- plyr::ddply(tmpDF, .variable=c("reactionNumber", "species"), function(x) data.frame(tot=sum(as.numeric(x$stoch)*as.numeric(x$side))))     
 tmpDF.hlp2 <- tmpDF.hlp[as.numeric(tmpDF.hlp$tot) != 0, ]
 # Transform the numbers into a matrix
 matrix.hlp <- reshape2::acast(tmpDF.hlp2, species~reactionNumber, value.var="tot", fill=0)
 # Check the size of the matrix. 
 # It is possible for daply to return an array instead of matrix, in case there is only a single species (e.g., zero order reaction)
 #if (!is.matrix(matrix.hlp)) {
#   matrix.hlp2 <- as.matrix(daply(tmpDF.hlp2, .(species, reactionNumber), function(x) x$tot))
# } else {
   # Order matrix rows and columns
   # and return the matrix
  # We used intersect in case there are more species defined than used in reactions (in case they are defined for rules, etc)
   matrix.hlp[intersect(rownames(matrix.hlp),x$species$sName),sort(colnames(matrix.hlp)), drop=FALSE]


#makeStMat <- cmpfun(makeStMat.function)
Vessy/sysBio documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:55 p.m.