
function(session, input, output) {
  # enables the helper functionality in the UI
  wd <- getwd()
  src_dir <- file.path(wd,"scripts")
  req_files <- list.files(src_dir, full.names = T)
  for (i in req_files) {
    }, error = function(e){
      print(sprintf("Error in sourcing : %s", i))
  conn <<- .logGeneration()
  message("Log File saved at ", conn$file)
  shinyhelper::observe_helpers(help_dir = "help_mds")
  # stop the h2o cluster once the app is shutdown
  onStop(function() {
      h2o::h2o.shutdown(prompt = F)
      }, silent = T)
    .status("Shutting Down Application", conn = conn$con)
      rm(list = ls())
  # List of reactive values
  rv <- reactiveValues()
  rv$seed <- -1
  rv$use_h2o <- F
    updateTabsetPanel(session = session, inputId = "tabs", "import_data")
  ## Set maximum size of uploaded files to 300mb
  options(shiny.maxRequestSize = 300*1024^2)
  #### Toggle control for transform
    if(input$data_format == "examples"){
      shinyjs::hide(id = "transform")
      shinyjs::show(id = "transform")
  #### Toggle control for sidebar ####
  # Enable or disable fileInputs based on type of data selected
    ids = c("standard_count", "standard_annot")
    lapply(ids, shinyjs::toggleElement, anim = T, animType = "fade",
           condition = input$data_format == "standard")

  #### Import data, action click ####
  data <- eventReactive(input$import_data, {
    rv$seed <- -1
    rv$use_h2o <- F
    rv$classification <- NULL
    disable_btns <- c("download_plots", "back_varimp", "fwd_varimp", 
                      "generate_report", "run_model","nav_to_exp",
                      "fwd","back","download_pca", "run_model")
    lapply(disable_btns, shinyjs::disable)
    updateSelectInput(session = session, inputId ="simulations",
                      label = "Simulations", choices = SIM_CHOICES)
      data <- .catch_faults(
        expr = format_data(format = input$data_format, count = input$standard_count,
                           annot = input$standard_annot, session = session,
                           transform = input$transform, conn = conn),
        session = session, conn = conn
      # Create a global variable for dynamic ui element
      B_GROUP <<- unique(data$annot_data$Condition) 
      # update the slider input with the maximum number of proteins found in the dataset
      updateSliderInput(session = session, inputId = "prot_num",
                        min = 1, max = data$n_prot, value = data$n_prot)
      updateSelectInput(session = session, inputId = "b_group",
                        choices = B_GROUP)
    message = "Progress:", value = 0.2, detail = "Loading Data...")
  #### Visualize EDA ####
  output$dataset_name <- renderText(
    paste("Dataset Filename:",data()$dataset_name)
  # Condition Summary Table
  output$cond_sum_table <- DT::renderDataTable({
    validate(need(!is.null(data()), "Data Formatting in Progress"))
    validate(need(!is.null(data()$cond_sum_table), "Data Not Imported"))
                  options = list(dom = 't', autoWidth = TRUE,
                                 selection = 'none'))
  # Data Summary Table
  output$sum_table <- DT::renderDataTable(
                  options = list(dom = 't', autoWidth = TRUE,
                                 selection = 'none'))
  # Boxplot for Proteins
  output$global_boxplot <- plotly::renderPlotly({
    shiny::validate(shiny::need(data()$wide_data, 'No Data Found to visualize'),
                    shiny::need(data()$annot_data, 'No Data Found to visualize'))
    qc_boxplot(data = data()$wide_data, annot = data()$annot_data)
  mean_sd_plt <- reactive({
    meanSDplot(data = data()$est_var, session = session, conn = conn)
  # Mean and Standard Deviation Plot
  output$mean_sd_plot <- renderPlot({
    updateTabItems(session = session, inputId = "tabs", "explore_simulated")
  #switches to the data exploration tabs which are populated with the EDA
    shiny::need(!is.null(data()), "Data Processing")
    updateTabsetPanel(session = session, "myNavBar", selected = "Explore Data")
  #### Toggle control for simulate data tab ####
  # toggle the elements that are needed when default fold change is not selected
    shinyjs::toggleElement(id = "seed")
    ids = c("da_prots", "b_group", #"da_prots_file", "diff_prot", "diff_prot_help", 
            "b_group_help", "fc_values", "fc_values_help")
    lapply(ids, shinyjs::toggleElement, anim = T, animType = "fade",
           condition = input$exp_fc != T)
    ids <- c("da_prots_file", "diff_prot", "diff_prot_help")
    if(input$da_prots == "Upload csv file" && input$exp_fc != T){
      shinyjs::hideElement(id = "diff_prot", anim = T, animType = "fade")
      shinyjs::hideElement(id = "diff_prot_help", anim = T, animType = "fade")
      shinyjs::showElement(id = "da_prots_file", anim = T, animType = "fade")
    } else if(input$da_prots == "Text Input" && input$exp_fc != T){
      shinyjs::hideElement(id = "da_prots_file", anim = T, animType = "fade")
      shinyjs::showElement(id = "diff_prot", anim = T, animType = "fade")
      shinyjs::showElement(id = "diff_prot_help", anim = T, animType = "fade")
    } else{
      lapply(ids, shinyjs::hideElement, anim = T, animType = "fade")
  da_prots_up <-reactive(
   scan(input$da_prots_file$datapath, character(), sep = ",",
        strip.white = TRUE))
  # Fold Change Editable table #
  # render the fold change datatable, and update the baseline groups as selected
  # from the drop down menu provide in the UI
    validate(need(input$b_group, "No Baseline Group"))
    choices <- B_GROUP[!B_GROUP %in% input$b_group]
    group <- sprintf("%s - %s", choices, input$b_group)
    #create a global table
    fc_values <<- data.table(Group = group,
                             `Fold Change Value` = rep(NA, length(group)-1),
                             orig_group = as.character(choices))
    # render editable table to ui
    output$fc_values <- DT::renderDT(fc_values, rownames = F,
                                     options = list(dom = 't',
                                                    columnDefs = list(
                                                      list(targets = c(2),
                                                           visible = F))),
                                     selection = 'none',
                                     editable = list(target = 'cell',
                                                     disable = list(columns = 0)),
                                     class = 'cell-border stripe')
  proxy = DT::dataTableProxy('fc_values')
  # Record the changes to the cell and update the table
    info <- input$fc_values_cell_edit
    info$col <- 2 # hardcoded, since renderDT take column indexed 0 to N
    info$value <- as.numeric(info$value)
      er <- sprintf("Only Numeric Values accepted as Fold Change values, found: %s",
      showNotification(er, duration = 15, id = "error",
                       type = "error", session = session)
      validate(need(info$value, "Only Numeric Values accepted"))
    if(info$value <= 1){
      showNotification("Please enter values greater than baseline group", duration = 15,
                       type = "error", id = "error", session = session)
      validate(need(as.numeric(info$value) > 1,
                    "Please enter values greater than baseline group, i.e values > 1"))
    fc_values <<- DT::editData(fc_values,info)
    DT::replaceData(proxy, fc_values, resetPaging = F, rownames = F)  # important
  # toggle the validation input ui 
    shinyjs::toggleElement(id = "n_val_samp_grp",
                           condition = input$sim_val == T)
    shinyjs::toggleElement(id = "n_val_samp_grp_help",
                           condition = input$sim_val == T)
    s_ids <- c('sd_ip', 'sd_equality')
    m_ids <- c('mean_ip', "mean_equality")
    if(input$rank_proteins == "Mean"){
      lapply(s_ids, shinyjs::hide, anim = TRUE)
      lapply(m_ids, shinyjs::show, anim = TRUE)
    }else if(input$rank_proteins == "SD"){
      lapply(m_ids, shinyjs::hide, anim = TRUE)
      lapply(s_ids, shinyjs::show, anim = TRUE)
      ids <- c(s_ids, m_ids)
      lapply(ids, shinyjs::show, anim = TRUE)
  #### Simulate Data Button Click ####
  simulations <- eventReactive(input$simulate,{
      exp_fc <- ifelse(input$exp_fc, 'data', '')
      if(exp_fc ==""){
        baseline <- data.table(Group = input$b_group,
                               `Fold Change Value` = 1,
                               orig_group = input$b_group)
        exp_fc <- rbind(baseline, fc_values)
        if(input$da_prots != "Text Input"){
          diff_prots <- da_prots_up()
          diff_prots <- unlist(strsplit(input$diff_prot, ","))
        diff_prots <- input$diff_prot
        rv$seed <- input$seed
      data <- simulate_grid(data = data()$wide_data,
                            annot = data()$annot_data,
                            est_var = data()$est_var,
                            num_simulation = input$n_sim,
                            exp_fc = exp_fc,
                            list_diff_proteins = diff_prots,
                            samples_per_group = input$n_samp_grp,
                            sim_valid = input$sim_val,
                            rank_proteins = input$rank_proteins,
                            mean_ip = (input$mean_ip/100),
                            mean_equality = tolower(input$mean_equality),
                            sd_ip = (input$sd_ip/100),
                            sd_equality = tolower(input$sd_equality),
                            valid_samples_per_grp = input$n_val_samp_grp,
                            seed = rv$seed,
                            session = session, conn = conn)
    message = "Progress:", value = 0.2, detail = "Simulating Data...")
    enable_btns <- c("run_model","nav_to_exp","fwd","back","download_pca",
    lapply(enable_btns, shinyjs::enable)
  #### Toggle Switch for previous/next/download buttons, updates select input ####
  observeEvent(input$simulate, {
    rv$classification <- NULL
    disable_btns <- c("download_plots", "back_varimp", "fwd_varimp", 
                      "generate_report", "run_model")
    lapply(disable_btns, shinyjs::disable)
    validate(need(nrow(data()$wide_data) != 0, "Import Data using the Import Data Menu"))
    sc <- sprintf("Simulation %s", seq(1, input$n_sim))
    SIM_CHOICES <<-'c',lapply(sc, function(x){
      sprintf("%s Sample Size %s", x,
              as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(input$n_samp_grp, ','))))
    updateSelectInput(session = session, inputId ="simulations", label = "Simulations",
                      choices = SIM_CHOICES)
    m1 <- round(quantile(data()$est_var$promean, probs = input$mean_ip/100),
               digits = 4)
    m2 <- ifelse(input$mean_equality == "High",
    s1 <- round(quantile(data()$est_var$prosd, probs = input$sd_ip/100),
               digits = 4)
    s2 <- ifelse(input$sd_equality == "High",
    if(input$rank_proteins == 'Mean'){
      s1 <- s2 <- 0
    }else if(input$rank_proteins == 'SD'){
      m1 <- m2 <- 0
    output$mean_sd_plot <- renderPlot({
        geom_hline(yintercept = s1, linetype = 'dashed', color = 'green')+
        geom_vline(xintercept = m1, linetype = 'dashed', color = 'red')+
        annotate('rect', xmin = ifelse(m1>m2,m2,m1), xmax = ifelse(m1>m2,m1,m2),
                 ymin = ifelse(s1>s2,s2,s1), ymax = ifelse(s1>s2,s1,s2),
                 alpha = 0.1, fill = 'yellow')
    # output$adv_meansd <- renderText({
    #   expr = paste("The region highlighted in",
    #                "<font color = \"#FFFF00\"> Yellow </font> is the region",
    #                "from which proteins are selected",
    #                "The <font color = \"#FF0000\"> Red </font> dashed line",
    #                "depcits the", input$mean_ip, "% Mean Abundance quantiles",
    #                "The <font color = \"#00FF00\"> Green </font> dashed line",
    #                "depitcs the", input$sd_ip ,"% Standard deviation quantiles")
    # })
  #### Backend for previous and next buttons ####
  observeEvent(input$back, {
    curr <- which(SIM_CHOICES == input$simulations)
    if(curr > 1){
      updateSelectInput(session = session, "simulations",
                        choices = SIM_CHOICES, selected = SIM_CHOICES[curr - 1])
    curr <- which(SIM_CHOICES == input$simulations)
    if(curr >= 1 && curr <= length(SIM_CHOICES)-1){
      updateSelectInput(session = session, "simulations",
                        choices = SIM_CHOICES, selected = SIM_CHOICES[curr + 1])
  #### Backend for download all plots ####
  output$download_pca <- downloadHandler(
    filename = sprintf("PCA_plots_%s.pdf", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")),
    content = function(file){
        p <- list()
        pdf(file = file, height = 11, width = 8.5)
        for(i in seq_along(SIM_CHOICES)){
          .status(sprintf("Plotting %s plot", i), 
                 value = i/length(SIM_CHOICES), session = session)
          vals <- unlist(stringr::str_extract_all(SIM_CHOICES[i],'\\d+'))
          sim <- sprintf("simulation%s",vals[1])
          p <- append(p, list(designSampleSizePCAplot(simulations()[[vals[2]]], 
                                             which = sim, conn= conn,
                                             session = session, save.pdf = F,
                                             dot_size = 2)+
                                theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 5, colour = "black"), 
                                      axis.text.y = element_text(size = 5, colour = "black"),
                                      axis.ticks = element_line(colour = "black"), 
                                      axis.title.x = element_text(size = 9, vjust = -0.4), 
                                      axis.title.y = element_text(size = 9, vjust = 0.3),
                                      title = element_text(size = 8, vjust = 1.5),
                                      plot.margin = unit(rep(0.5, 4), "cm"))
          if(length(p)== 4 || i == max(seq_along(SIM_CHOICES))){
  "grid.arrange", c(p, ncol=2, nrow=2))
            p <- list()
      , session = session)
  #### Render PCA plots for selected simulations ####
  output$pca_plot <- renderPlot({
      validate(need(SIM_CHOICES !=0, 'No Simulations run yet'))
      vals <- unlist(stringr::str_extract_all(input$simulations,'\\d+'))
      sim <- sprintf("simulation%s",vals[1])
      designSampleSizePCAplot(simulations()[[vals[2]]], which = sim,
                              save.pdf = F, session = session)+
        labs(title = sprintf("Simulation : %s, Sample Size : %s", vals[1], 
      shiny::showNotification("No Simulations Found", duration = NULL)

    updateTabItems(session = session, inputId = "tabs", "plan_experiment")
  #### Toggle switches and control for selectInputs in Analyze Tab ####
    vals <- unlist(strsplit(input$n_samp_grp, ","))
    samp_size <<- sprintf("Sample%s", vals)
    updateSelectInput(session = session, inputId = "s_size", label = "Sample Size",
                      choices = samp_size)
  ##### Toggle switches based on input classifier for H2o #####
  observeEvent(input$checkbox_inputs, {
    rv$use_h2o <- ifelse("Use h2o Package" %in% input$checkbox_inputs, T, F)
    op <- tuning_params(checkbox = input$checkbox_inputs,
                         alg = input$classifier)
      lapply(op$hide_ids, shinyjs::hideElement, anim = T, animType = "fade")
      lapply(op$show_ids, shinyjs::showElement, anim = T, animType = "fade")
      lapply(op$ids, shinyjs::hideElement, anim = T, animType = "fade")
  }, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
  observeEvent(input$classifier, {
    op <- tuning_params(checkbox = input$checkbox_inputs,
                        alg = input$classifier)
      lapply(op$hide_ids, shinyjs::hideElement, anim = T, animType = "fade")
      lapply(op$show_ids, shinyjs::showElement, anim = T, animType = "fade")
      lapply(op$ids, shinyjs::hideElement, anim = T, animType = "fade")
  #### Run Classification #####
      st <- Sys.time()
      .status(sprintf("Start Time: %s", Sys.time()), log = conn$con)
        rv$classification <- ss_classify_caret(n_samp = input$n_samp_grp,
                                               sim_data = simulations(),
                                               classifier = input$classifier,
                                               k = 10, session = session,
                                               conn = conn)
        shiny::showNotification("No h2o for you yet! Go Fish!", duration = NULL,
                                type = "error")
        validate(need(rv$use_h2o, "No h2o for you yet! Go Fish!"))
    et <- Sys.time()
    .status(sprintf("End Time: %s", Sys.time()), log = conn$con)
    output$default <- renderText({ 
      sprintf("Classification Completed in %s minutes",
              round(difftime(et, st, units = 'min'), digits = 2))
    },message = "Progress:", value = 0.2, detail = "Training"
    CURRMODEL <<- input$classifier
    enable_btns <- c("download_plots", "back_varimp", "fwd_varimp", 
    lapply(enable_btns, shinyjs::enable)
  observeEvent(input$back_varimp, {
    curr <- which(samp_size == input$s_size)
    if(curr > 1){
      updateSelectInput(session = session, "s_size",
                        choices = samp_size, selected = samp_size[curr - 1])
    curr <- which(samp_size == input$s_size)
    if(curr >= 1){
      updateSelectInput(session = session, "s_size",
                        choices = samp_size, selected = samp_size[curr + 1])
  ##### Render Model training plots ####
  output$acc_plot <- renderPlot({
    validate(need(SIM_CHOICES != 0, "No Simulations run yet, Click 'Simulate'"),
                  "No Trained Models Found, Click 'Run Model'"),
             need(CURRMODEL == input$classifier,
                  sprintf("No Trained Models Found for %s, Click 'Run Model'", 
      validate(need(SIM_CHOICES !=0, "No Simulations run yet, Click 'Simulate'"),
               need(rv$classification$models, "No Trained Models Found"))
    op <- designSampleSizeClassificationPlots(data = rv$classification,
                                              protein_importance_plot = F,
                                              predictive_accuracy_plot = T,
                                              use_h2o = rv$use_h2o,
                                              alg =  names(MODELS)[which(MODELS %in% 
                                              save.pdf = F, session = session,
                                              conn = conn)
    updateSelectInput(session = session, inputId = "s_size", label = "Sample Size",
                      choices = samp_size, 
                      selected = paste0("Sample",op$optimal_size))
      labs(title = sprintf("Classifier %s",
                            names(MODELS)[which(MODELS %in% input$classifier)]))
  output$importance_plot <- renderPlot({
    validate(need(!is.null(rv$classification), "No Trained Models Found"),
             need(CURRMODEL == input$classifier, "No Trained Models Found"))
      validate(need(!is.null(rv$classification$models), "No Trained Models Found"),
               need(CURRMODEL == input$classifier, "No Trained Models Found"))
    designSampleSizeClassificationPlots(data = rv$classification, 
                                        protein_importance_plot = T,
                                        predictive_accuracy_plot = F,
                                        save.pdf = F, session = session,
                                        conn = conn,
                                        samp = as.numeric(gsub("Sample","",
  #### Download buttons for models plots/and data #####
  output$download_plots <- downloadHandler(
    filename = sprintf("classification_plot_%s.pdf",
                       format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")),
    content = function(file){
      plots <- list(designSampleSizeClassificationPlots(data = rv$classification,
                                                        protein_importance_plot = F,
                                                        predictive_accuracy_plot = T,
                                                        use_h2o = rv$use_h2o,
                                                        alg =  names(MODELS)[which(MODELS %in% 
                                                        save.pdf = F, session = session,
                                                        conn = conn)$plot+
                      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 5, colour = "black"), 
                            axis.text.y = element_text(size = 5, colour = "black"),
                            axis.ticks = element_line(colour = "black"), 
                            axis.title.x = element_text(size = 9, vjust = -0.4), 
                            axis.title.y = element_text(size = 9, vjust = 0.3),
                            title = element_text(size = 8, vjust = 1.5),
                            plot.margin = unit(rep(0.5, 4), "cm")))
      for(i in seq_along(samp_size)){
        plots <- append(plots, list(
          designSampleSizeClassificationPlots(data = rv$classification, 
                                              protein_importance_plot = T,
                                              predictive_accuracy_plot = F,
                                              save.pdf = F, session = session,
                                              conn = conn,
                                              samp = as.numeric(gsub("Sample","",
            theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 5, colour = "black"), 
                  axis.text.y = element_text(size = 5, colour = "black"),
                  axis.ticks = element_line(colour = "black"), 
                  axis.title.x = element_text(size = 9, vjust = -0.4), 
                  axis.title.y = element_text(size = 9, vjust = 0.3),
                  title = element_text(size = 8, vjust = 1.5),
                  plot.margin = unit(rep(0.5, 4), "cm"))
      seqs <- seq(4,length(plots), 4)
        pdf(file = file)
        for(i in seqs){
          .status(sprintf("Plotting %s plot", i), value = i/length(plots),
                 session = session)
"grid.arrange", c(plots[(i-3):i], ncol=2, nrow=2))
      }, session = session)
  output$generate_report <- downloadHandler(
    filename =  sprintf("Report_%s.pdf", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")),
    content = function(file){
      withProgress(message = 'Rendering, please wait!', {
        tempReport <- file.path(tempdir(), "Report.Rmd")
        file.copy("Report.Rmd", tempReport, overwrite = T)
        params <- list(data = rv$classification, use_h2o= rv$use_h2o,
                       alg = names(MODELS)[which(MODELS %in% input$classifier)],
                       sample = input$s_size,
                       annot = ifelse(is.null(input$standard_annot$datapath),
                                      "MSstatsSampleSize Package",
                       count = ifelse(is.null(input$standard_count$datapath),
                                      "MSstatsSampleSize Package",
                       n_sim = input$n_sim,
                       fc = input$exp_fc,
                       sim_by = input$sel_sim_prot,
                       fc_values = input$fc_values,
                       baseline = input$b_group,
                       list_diff_prots = input$diff_prot,
                       set_seed = input$set_seed,
                       seed = input$seed,
                       valid = input$sim_val,
                       valid_sample = input$n_val_samp_grp,
                       transform = input$transform,
                       rank = input$rank_proteins,
                       mean_qq = input$mean_ip,
                       sd_qq = input$sd_ip,
                       mean_eq = input$mean_equality,
                       sd_eq = input$sd_equality)
        rmarkdown::render(tempReport, output_file = file, params = params,
                          envir = new.env(parent = globalenv()))
  #### Download Log button
  output$log_down <- downloadHandler(
    filename = "Log_MSstatsSSE.txt",
    content <- function(file){
      file.copy(conn$file, file)
Vitek-Lab/MSstatsSampleSize documentation built on Aug. 28, 2020, 10:39 a.m.