### polyCub.SV: Product Gauss Cubature over Polygonal Domains
### Copyright (C) 2009-2014,2017-2018 Sebastian Meyer
### This file is part of the R package "polyCub",
### free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2,
### a copy of which is available at https://www.R-project.org/Licenses/.
#' Product Gauss Cubature over Polygonal Domains
#' Product Gauss cubature over polygons as proposed by
#' Sommariva and Vianello (2007).
#' @inheritParams plotpolyf
#' @param f a two-dimensional real-valued function to be integrated over
#' \code{polyregion} (or \code{NULL} to only compute nodes and weights).
#' As its first argument it must take a coordinate matrix, i.e., a
#' numeric matrix with two columns, and it must return a numeric vector of
#' length the number of coordinates.
#' @param nGQ degree of the one-dimensional Gauss-Legendre quadrature rule
#' (default: 20) as implemented in function \code{\link[statmod]{gauss.quad}}
#' of package \CRANpkg{statmod}. Nodes and weights up to \code{nGQ=60} are cached
#' in \pkg{polyCub}, for larger degrees \pkg{statmod} is required.
#' @param alpha base-line of the (rotated) polygon at \eqn{x = \alpha} (see
#' Sommariva and Vianello (2007) for an explication). If \code{NULL} (default),
#' the midpoint of the x-range of each polygon is chosen if no \code{rotation}
#' is performed, and otherwise the \eqn{x}-coordinate of the rotated point
#' \code{"P"} (see \code{rotation}). If \code{f} has its maximum value at the
#' origin \eqn{(0,0)}, e.g., the bivariate Gaussian density with zero mean,
#' \code{alpha = 0} is a reasonable choice.
#' @param rotation logical (default: \code{FALSE}) or a list of points
#' \code{"P"} and \code{"Q"} describing the preferred direction. If
#' \code{TRUE}, the polygon is rotated according to the vertices \code{"P"} and
#' \code{"Q"}, which are farthest apart (see Sommariva and Vianello, 2007). For
#' convex polygons, this rotation guarantees that all nodes fall inside the
#' polygon.
#' @param engine character string specifying the implementation to use.
#' Up to \pkg{polyCub} version 0.4-3, the two-dimensional nodes and weights
#' were computed by \R functions and these are still available by setting
#' \code{engine = "R"}.
#' The new C-implementation is now the default (\code{engine = "C"}) and
#' requires approximately 30\% less computation time.\cr
#' The special setting \code{engine = "C+reduce"} will discard redundant nodes
#' at (0,0) with zero weight resulting from edges on the base-line
#' \eqn{x = \alpha} or orthogonal to it.
#' This extra cleaning is only worth its cost for computationally intensive
#' functions \code{f} over polygons which really have some edges on the
#' baseline or parallel to the x-axis. Note that the old \R
#' implementation does not have such unset zero nodes and weights.
#' @param plot logical indicating if an illustrative plot of the numerical
#' integration should be produced.
#' @return The approximated value of the integral of \code{f} over
#' \code{polyregion}.\cr
#' In the case \code{f = NULL}, only the computed nodes and weights are
#' returned in a list of length the number of polygons of \code{polyregion},
#' where each component is a list with \code{nodes} (a numeric matrix with
#' two columns), \code{weights} (a numeric vector of length
#' \code{nrow(nodes)}), the rotation \code{angle}, and \code{alpha}.
#' @author Sebastian Meyer\cr
#' These R and C implementations of product Gauss cubature are based on the
#' original \acronym{MATLAB} implementation \code{polygauss} by Sommariva and
#' Vianello (2007), which is available under the GNU GPL (>=2) license from
#' \url{https://www.math.unipd.it/~alvise/software.html}.
#' @references
#' Sommariva, A. and Vianello, M. (2007):
#' Product Gauss cubature over polygons based on Green's integration formula.
#' \emph{BIT Numerical Mathematics}, \bold{47} (2), 441-453.
#' \doi{10.1007/s10543-007-0131-2}
#' @keywords math spatial
#' @family polyCub-methods
#' @importFrom graphics points
#' @example examples/setting.R
#' @example examples/polyCub.SV.R
#' @export
polyCub.SV <- function (polyregion, f, ...,
nGQ = 20, alpha = NULL, rotation = FALSE, engine = "C",
plot = FALSE)
polys <- xylist(polyregion) # transform to something like "owin$bdry"
# which means anticlockwise vertex order with
# first vertex not repeated
stopifnot(isScalar(nGQ), nGQ > 0,
is.null(alpha) || (isScalar(alpha) && !is.na(alpha)))
## DEGREE "N" (as requested) (ORDER GAUSS PRIMITIVE)
nw_N <- gauss.quad(nGQ)
nw_M <- gauss.quad(nGQ + 1)
## Special case f=NULL: compute and return nodes and weights only
if (is.null(f)) {
return(lapply(X = polys, FUN = polygauss, nw_MN = c(nw_M, nw_N),
alpha = alpha, rotation = rotation, engine = engine))
## Cubature over every single polygon of the "polys" list
f <- match.fun(f)
int1 <- function (poly) {
nw <- polygauss(poly, c(nw_M, nw_N), alpha, rotation, engine)
fvals <- f(nw$nodes, ...)
cubature_val <- sum(nw$weights * fvals)
## if (!isTRUE(all.equal(0, cubature_val))) {
## if ((1 - 2 * as.numeric(poly$hole)) * sign(cubature_val) == -1)
## warning("wrong sign if positive integral")
## }
respolys <- vapply(X=polys, FUN=int1, FUN.VALUE=0, USE.NAMES=FALSE)
int <- sum(respolys)
if (plot) {
plotpolyf(polys, f, ..., use.lattice=FALSE)
for (i in seq_along(polys)) {
nw <- polygauss(polys[[i]], c(nw_M, nw_N), alpha, rotation, engine)
points(nw$nodes, cex=0.6, pch = i) #, col=1+(nw$weights<=0)
## this wrapper provides a partially memoized version of
## unname(statmod::gauss.quad(n, kind="legendre"))
gauss.quad <- function (n)
if (n <= 61) { # results cached in R/sysdata.rda
} else if (requireNamespace("statmod")) {
unname(statmod::gauss.quad(n = n, kind = "legendre"))
} else {
stop("package ", sQuote("statmod"), " is required for nGQ > 60")
#' Calculate 2D Nodes and Weights of the Product Gauss Cubature
#' @param xy list with elements \code{"x"} and \code{"y"} containing the
#' polygon vertices in \emph{anticlockwise} order (otherwise the result of the
#' cubature will have a negative sign) with first vertex not repeated at the
#' end (like \code{owin.object$bdry}).
#' @param nw_MN unnamed list of nodes and weights of one-dimensional Gauss
#' quadrature rules of degrees \eqn{N} and \eqn{M=N+1} (as returned by
#' \code{\link[statmod]{gauss.quad}}): \code{list(s_M, w_M, s_N, w_N)}.
#' @inherit polyCub.SV params references
#' @keywords internal
#' @useDynLib polyCub, .registration = TRUE
polygauss <- function (xy, nw_MN, alpha = NULL, rotation = FALSE, engine = "C")
xyrot <- if (identical(FALSE, rotation)) {
if (is.null(alpha)) { # choose midpoint of x-range
xrange <- range(xy[["x"]])
alpha <- (xrange[1L] + xrange[2L]) / 2
angle <- 0
xy[c("x", "y")]
} else {
## convert to coordinate matrix
xy <- cbind(xy[["x"]], xy[["y"]], deparse.level=0)
## determine P and Q
if (identical(TRUE, rotation)) { # automatic choice of rotation angle
## such that for a convex polygon all nodes fall inside the polygon
QP <- vertexpairmaxdist(xy)
Q <- QP[1L,,drop=TRUE]
P <- QP[2L,,drop=TRUE]
} else if (is.list(rotation)) { # predefined rotation
P <- rotation$P
Q <- rotation$Q
stopifnot(is.vector(P, mode="numeric") && length(P) == 2L,
is.vector(Q, mode="numeric") && length(Q) == 2L)
stopifnot(any(P != Q))
rotation <- TRUE
} else {
stop("'rotation' must be logical or a list of points ",
"\"P\" and \"Q\"")
rotmat <- rotmatPQ(P,Q)
angle <- attr(rotmat, "angle")
if (is.null(alpha)) {
Prot <- rotmat %*% P
alpha <- Prot[1]
xyrot <- xy %*% t(rotmat) # = t(rotmat %*% t(xy))
## convert back to list
list(x = xyrot[,1L,drop=TRUE], y = xyrot[,2L,drop=TRUE])
## number of vertices
L <- length(xyrot[[1L]])
if (engine == "R") {
toIdx <- c(seq.int(2, L), 1L)
nwlist <- mapply(.polygauss.side,
xyrot[[1L]], xyrot[[2L]],
xyrot[[1L]][toIdx], xyrot[[2L]][toIdx],
MoreArgs = c(nw_MN, alpha),
nodes <- c(lapply(nwlist, "[[", 1L),
lapply(nwlist, "[[", 2L),
dim(nodes) <- c(length(nodes)/2, 2L)
weights <- unlist(lapply(nwlist, "[[", 3L),
recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
} else { # use C-implementation
## degrees of cubature and vector template for results
M <- length(nw_MN[[1L]])
N <- length(nw_MN[[3L]])
zerovec <- double(L*M*N)
## rock'n'roll
nwlist <- .C(C_polygauss,
as.double(xyrot[[1L]]), as.double(xyrot[[2L]]),
as.double(nw_MN[[1L]]), as.double(nw_MN[[2L]]),
as.double(nw_MN[[3L]]), as.double(nw_MN[[4L]]),
as.integer(L), as.integer(M), as.integer(N),
x = zerovec, y = zerovec, w = zerovec)[c("x", "y", "w")]
nodes <- cbind(nwlist[[1L]], nwlist[[2L]], deparse.level=0)
weights <- nwlist[[3L]]
## remove unset nodes from edges on baseline or orthogonal to it
## (note that the R implementation does not return such redundant nodes)
if (engine == "C+reduce" && any(unset <- weights == 0)) {
nodes <- nodes[!unset,]
weights <- weights[!unset]
## back-transform rotated nodes by t(t(rotmat) %*% t(nodes))
## (inverse of rotation matrix is its transpose)
list(nodes = if (rotation) nodes %*% rotmat else nodes,
weights = weights, angle = angle, alpha = alpha)
## The working horse .polygauss.side below is an R translation
## of the original MATLAB implementation by Sommariva and Vianello (2007).
.polygauss.side <- function (x1, y1, x2, y2, s_loc, w_loc, s_N, w_N, alpha)
if ((x1 == alpha && x2 == alpha) || (y2 == y1))
## side lies on base-line or is orthogonal to it -> skip
if (x2 == x1) { # side is parallel to base-line => degree N
s_loc <- s_N
w_loc <- w_N
half_pt_x <- (x1+x2)/2
half_length_x <- (x2-x1)/2
half_pt_y <- (y1+y2)/2
half_length_y <- (y2-y1)/2
x_gauss_side <- half_pt_x + half_length_x * s_loc
y_gauss_side <- half_pt_y + half_length_y * s_loc
scaling_fact_minus <- (x_gauss_side - alpha) / 2
## construct nodes and weights: x and y coordinates ARE STORED IN MATRICES.
## A COUPLE WITH THE SAME INDEX IS A POINT, i.e. P_i=(x(k),y(k)).
## Return in an unnamed list of nodes_x, nodes_y, weights
## (there is no need for c(nodes_x) and c(weights))
alpha + tcrossprod(scaling_fact_minus, s_N + 1), # degree_loc x N
rep.int(y_gauss_side, length(s_N)), # length: degree_loc*N
tcrossprod(half_length_y*scaling_fact_minus*w_loc, w_N) # degree_loc x N
## NOTE: The above .polygauss.side() function is already efficient R code.
## Passing via C only at this deep level (see below) turned out to be
## slower than staying with R! However, stepping into C already for
## looping over the edges in polygauss() improves the speed.
## ## @useDynLib polyCub C_polygauss_side
## .polygauss.side <- function (x1, y1, x2, y2, s_M, w_M, s_N, w_N, alpha)
## {
## if ((x1 == alpha && x2 == alpha) || (y2 == y1))
## ## side lies on base-line or is orthogonal to it -> skip
## return(NULL)
## parallel2baseline <- x2 == x1 # side is parallel to base-line => degree N
## M <- length(s_M)
## N <- length(s_N)
## loc <- if (parallel2baseline) N else M
## zerovec <- double(loc * N)
## .C(C_polygauss_side,
## as.double(x1), as.double(y1), as.double(x2), as.double(y2),
## as.double(if (parallel2baseline) s_N else s_M),
## as.double(if (parallel2baseline) w_N else w_M),
## as.double(s_N), as.double(w_N), as.double(alpha),
## as.integer(loc), as.integer(N),
## x = zerovec, y = zerovec, w = zerovec)[c("x", "y", "w")]
## }
#' @importFrom stats dist
vertexpairmaxdist <- function (xy)
## compute euclidean distance matrix
distances <- dist(xy)
size <- attr(distances, "Size")
## select two points with maximum distance
maxdistidx <- which.max(distances)
lowertri <- seq_along(distances) == maxdistidx
mat <- matrix(FALSE, size, size)
mat[lower.tri(mat)] <- lowertri
QPidx <- which(mat, arr.ind=TRUE, useNames=FALSE)[1L,]
rotmatPQ <- function (P, Q)
direction_axis <- (Q-P) / vecnorm(Q-P)
## determine rotation angle [radian]
rot_angle_x <- acos(direction_axis[1L])
rot_angle_y <- acos(direction_axis[2L])
rot_angle <- if (rot_angle_y <= pi/2) {
if (rot_angle_x <= pi/2) -rot_angle_y else rot_angle_y
} else {
if (rot_angle_x <= pi/2) pi-rot_angle_y else rot_angle_y
## rotation matrix
rot_matrix <- diag(cos(rot_angle), nrow=2L)
rot_matrix[2:3] <- c(-1,1) * sin(rot_angle) # clockwise rotation
structure(rot_matrix, angle=rot_angle)
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