

testthat::test_that("aggre leaves original data untouched", {
  x <- sire[1:100,]
  BL <- list(fot= seq(0,20,1/12), age= c(0:100, Inf), per= c(1960:2014))
  x <- lexpand(x, birth = bi_date, entry = dg_date, exit = ex_date,
               status = status %in% 1:2, breaks=BL)
  ## scramble order
  x <- x[sample(x = .N, size = .N, replace = FALSE)]
  setkeyv(x, NULL)
  forceLexisDT(x, breaks = BL, allScales = c("fot", "per", "age"), key = FALSE)
  xor <- copy(x)
  ag1 <- aggre(x, by = list(gender = factor(sex, 1, "f"), sex, surv.int = fot, per, agegr = age))
  testthat::expect_identical(x, xor)

testthat::test_that("aggre works with by = NULL", {
  sr <- popEpi::sire[dg_date < ex_date,][1:1000,]
  BL <- list(fot= seq(0,20,1), age= c(0:100, Inf), per= c(1960:2014))
  x <- lexpand(sr, birth  = bi_date, entry = dg_date, exit = ex_date,
               status = status %in% 1:2, breaks=BL)
  ag1 <- aggre(x, by = NULL)
  testthat::expect_equal(as.numeric(ag1), c(9539.1903286174274, 1000, 373, 627))

testthat::test_that("aggre and lexpand produce the same results", {
  sr <- popEpi::sire[dg_date < ex_date,][1:1000,]
  BL <- list(fot= seq(0,20,1/12), age= c(0:100, Inf), per= c(1960:2014))
  x <- lexpand(sr, birth  = bi_date, entry = dg_date, exit = ex_date,
               status = status %in% 1:2, breaks=BL)
  if (!is.data.table(x)) setDF2DT(x)
  e <- quote(list(gender = factor(sex, 1, "f"), sex, surv.int = fot, per, agegr = age))
  v <- c("gender", "sex", "sex", "surv.int", "per", "agegr")
  forceLexisDT(x, breaks = BL, allScales = c("fot", "per", "age"))
  x2 <- aggre(x, by = e, verbose = FALSE)
  x3 <- aggre(x, by = e, type = "full", verbose = FALSE)
  x4 <- lexpand(sr, birth  = bi_date, entry = dg_date, exit = ex_date,
                status = status %in% 1:2, aggre.type = "non-empty",
                breaks=BL, aggre = list(gender = factor(sex, 1, "f"), sex, surv.int = fot, per, agegr = age))
  x5 <- lexpand(sr, birth  = bi_date, entry = dg_date, exit = ex_date,
                status = status %in% 1:2, aggre.type = "cartesian",
                breaks=BL, aggre = list(gender = factor(sex, 1, "f"), sex, surv.int = fot, per, agegr = age))
  x[, fot := popEpi:::cutLow(fot, BL$fot)]
  x[, age := popEpi:::cutLow(age, BL$age)]
  x[, per := popEpi:::cutLow(per, BL$per)]
  x <- x[, list(pyrs = sum(lex.dur), obs = sum(lex.Xst)), keyby = e]
  x <- x[pyrs > 0 & !is.na(pyrs)]
  if (!is.data.table(x2)) setDF2DT(x2)
  if (!is.data.table(x3)) setDF2DT(x3)
  if (!is.data.table(x4)) setDF2DT(x4)
  if (!is.data.table(x5)) setDF2DT(x5)
  setkeyv(x, v)
  setkeyv(x2, v)
  setkeyv(x3, v)
  setkeyv(x4, v)
  setkeyv(x5, v)
  testthat::expect_equal(x2$pyrs, x$pyrs, tolerance = 1e-05)
  testthat::expect_equal(x2$from0to1, x$obs, tolerance = 1e-05)
  testthat::expect_equal(sum(x2$pyrs), sum(x3$pyrs), tolerance = 1e-05)
  testthat::expect_equal(sum(x2$from0to1), sum(x3$from0to1), tolerance = 1e-05)
  testthat::expect_equal(sum(x2$pyrs), sum(x4$pyrs), tolerance = 1e-05)
  testthat::expect_equal(sum(x2$from0to1), sum(x4$from0to1), tolerance = 1e-05)
  testthat::expect_equal(x3$pyrs, x5$pyrs, tolerance = 1e-05)
  testthat::expect_equal(x3$from0to0, x5$from0to0, tolerance = 1e-05)
  testthat::expect_equal(sum(x3$from0to1), sum(x5$from0to1), tolerance = 1e-05)
  testthat::expect_equal(x2$pyrs, x4$pyrs, tolerance = 1e-05)
  testthat::expect_equal(x2$from0to0, x4$from0to0, tolerance = 1e-05)
  testthat::expect_equal(sum(x2$from0to1), sum(x4$from0to1), tolerance = 1e-05)

testthat::test_that("aggre()'s by argument works flexibly", {
  BL <- list(fot = 0:5, per = c(1995,2015))
  for (cond in c(FALSE, TRUE)) {
    x <- Lexis(data = sire[dg_date < ex_date,][1:500, ], entry = list(fot = 0, age = dg_age, per = get.yrs(dg_date)),
               exit = list(per = get.yrs(ex_date)), exit.status = status, 
               entry.status = 0)
    x <- splitMulti(x, breaks = BL)
    setattr(x, "class", c("Lexis", "data.frame"))
    x$agegr <- cut(x$dg_age, 2)
    if (cond) {
      forceLexisDT(x, breaks = BL, allScales = c("fot", "per", "age"))
    a <- aggre(x, by = list(agegr = cut(dg_age, 2), sex, fot, per = per), type = "unique")
    b <- aggre(x, by = c("agegr", "sex", "fot", "per"), type = "unique")
    testthat::expect_equal(a, b)
    a <- aggre(x, by = cut(dg_age, 2), type = "unique")
    setnames(a, "cut", "agegr")
    attr(a, "aggre.meta")$by <- "agegr"
    b <- aggre(x, by = c("agegr"), type = "unique")
    c <- aggre(x, by = list(agegr = cut(dg_age, 2)), type = "unique")
    d<- aggre(x, by = agegr, type = "unique")
    testthat::expect_equal(a, b)
    testthat::expect_equal(b, c)
    testthat::expect_equal(c, d)

testthat::test_that("subset argument works properly", {
  x <- sire[dg_date < ex_date, ][1:1000,]
  BL <- list(fot= seq(0,20,1/12), age= c(0:100, Inf), per= c(1960:2014))
  x <- lexpand(x, birth = bi_date, entry = dg_date, exit = ex_date,
               status = status %in% 1:2, breaks=BL)
  # setDT2DF(x)
  x2 <- x[x$dg_age <= 55L, ]
  forceLexisDT(x, breaks = BL, allScales = c("fot", "per", "age"), key = FALSE)
  forceLexisDT(x2, breaks = BL, allScales = c("fot", "per", "age"), key = FALSE)
  ag <- quote(list(gender = factor(sex, 1, "f"), sex, surv.int = fot, per, agegr = age))
  ag1 <- aggre(x, by = ag, subset = dg_age <= 55L)
  ag2 <- aggre(x2, by = ag)
  ag3 <- aggre(x, by = ag, type = "full", subset = dg_age <= 55L)
  ag4 <- aggre(x2, by = ag, type = "full") 
  testthat::expect_identical(ag1, ag2)
  testthat::expect_identical(ag3, ag4)

testthat::test_that("at.risk column works as intended", {
  ## normal case - no late entry. Just lots of breaks.
  x <- sire[dg_date < ex_date, ][1:1000,]
  BL <- list(fot= seq(0,20,1/12), age= c(0:100, Inf), per= c(1960:2014))
  x <- Lexis(data = x, 
             entry = list(fot = 0, age = dg_age, per = get.yrs(dg_date)),
             exit = list(per = get.yrs(ex_date)), exit.status = status, 
             entry.status = 0)
  x <- splitMulti(x, breaks = BL, drop = TRUE)
  ag <- aggre(x, by = list(sex, fot))
  setkey(ag, sex, fot)
  ## total events and changes in at.risk should be congruent here
  ag[, ndiff := at.risk - c(at.risk[-1], NA), by = list(sex)]
  ag[!is.na(ndiff), events := from0to0 + from0to1 + from0to2]
  testthat::expect_equal(ag$ndiff, ag$events)
  ## compare at.risk with manually computed at.risk and events
  x[, evented := detectEvents(x, breaks = attr(x, "breaks"), by = "lex.id") != 0L]
  x[, normalEntry := fot %in% BL$fot]
  x[, cutFot := cutLow(fot, BL$fot)]
  byDT <- CJ(sex = 1, 
             cutFot = BL$fot[-length(BL$fot)])
  n.start <- x[byDT, .(sum(normalEntry & !duplicated(lex.id)),
                       sum(evented)), by = .EACHI,
               on = names(byDT)]
  n.start[is.na(ag$ndiff), V2 := NA]
  testthat::expect_equal(ag$at.risk, n.start$V1)
  testthat::expect_equal(ag$ndiff, n.start$V2)

testthat::test_that("at.risk column works as intended, Vol. 2", {
  ## period analysis case - some observations are late entry.
  BL <- list(fot=seq(0, 5, by = 1/12),
             per = c(2008,2013))
  x <- Lexis(data = sire[dg_date < ex_date,], 
             entry = list(fot = 0, age = dg_age, per = get.yrs(dg_date)),
             exit = list(per = get.yrs(ex_date)), exit.status = status, 
             entry.status = 0)
  x <- splitMulti(x, breaks = BL, drop = TRUE)
  a <- aggre(x, by = list(sex, per, fot))
  setkey(a, sex, per, fot)
  a[, ndiff := at.risk - c(at.risk[-1], NA), by = list(sex, per)]
  a[!is.na(ndiff), events := from0to0 + from0to1 + from0to2]
  x[, normalEntry := fot %in% BL$fot]
  x[, cutPer := cutLow(per, BL$per)]
  x[, cutFot := cutLow(fot, BL$fot)]
  byDT <- CJ(sex = 1, cutPer = BL$per[-length(BL$per)], 
             cutFot = BL$fot[-length(BL$fot)])
  n.start <- x[byDT, sum(normalEntry & !duplicated(lex.id)), by = .EACHI,
               on = names(byDT)]
  testthat::expect_equal(a$at.risk, n.start$V1)
WetRobot/popEpi documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 3:53 a.m.