#' Plot the fitting heatmaps for TDE test.
#' This function is used for plotting the fitting heatmaps.
#' @import ggplot2 RColorBrewer gridExtra viridis pheatmap
#' @return a plot
#' @author Wenpin Hou <whou10@jhu.edu>
#' @export
#' @param testobj output object from lamian_test(). It is a list.
#' @param showRowName logical. If FALSE (default), row names (i.e. gene names) of the heatmaps will not be shown in the plot.
#' @param cellWidthTotal a numeric number. Total width of each heatmap cell.
#' @param cellHeightTotal when showRowName = TRUE, cellHeightTotal is suggested to be ten times the number of genes (rows).
#' @param showCluster (no implemented yet). if TRUE, "cluster" should be a slot in testobj, and it will be label in the heatmap. If FALSE, no need to pass in "cluster".
#' @param colann a data frame. Each column represent the annotation feature for the cells. row names should be the same as the name of the cells in the data.
#' @param rowann a data frame. Each column represent the annotation feature for the genes. row names should be the same as the name of the genes in the data.
#' @param annotation_colors a list. Will be passed onto the annotation_colors input in pheatmap().
#' @param type One of c('Time', 'Variable')
#' @param subsampleCell logical. If TRUE, will subsample cells.
#' @param numSubsampleCell a numeric number indicating the number of cells users want to subsampled. Only useful when subsampleCell == TRUE.
#' @examples
#' data(mantestobj)
#' plotTDEHm(testobj = mantestobj, type = 'variable', numSubsampleCell = 5)
plotTDEHm <-
showRowName = FALSE,
cellWidthTotal = 250,
cellHeightTotal = 400,
showCluster = FALSE,
colann = NULL,
rowann = NULL,
annotation_colors = NULL,
type = 'time',
subsampleCell = TRUE,
numSubsampleCell = 1e3) {
fit <- testobj$populationFit
if (subsampleCell) {
if (toupper(type) == 'TIME') {
id <- round(seq(1, ncol(fit), length.out = numSubsampleCell))
fit <- fit[, id]
} else if (toupper(type) == 'VARIABLE') {
id <- round(seq(1, ncol(fit[[1]]), length.out = numSubsampleCell))
for (i in seq_len(length(fit))) {
fit[[i]] <- fit[[i]][, id]
testobj$pseudotime <-
sort(sample(testobj$pseudotime, numSubsampleCell))
rownames(testobj$cellanno) <- testobj$cellanno[, 1]
testobj$cellanno <-
print('subsample done!')
if ('expr.ori' %in% names(testobj)) {
expr <- testobj$expr.ori[, names(testobj$pseudotime)]
} else {
expr <- testobj$expr[, names(testobj$pseudotime)]
fit.bak = fit
clu <- testobj$cluster
if (toupper(type) == 'VARIABLE') {
if ('XDEType' %in% names(testobj))
XDEType <- testobj$XDEType
XDEType <- getXDEType(testobj)
fit.scale <- do.call(cbind, fit)
fit.scale <- fit.scale[names(testobj$cluster),]
fit.scale <- scalematrix(fit.scale)
colnames(fit.scale) <-
paste0(rep(names(fit), each = ncol(fit.scale) / length(fit)), ';cell', seq(1, ncol(fit.scale)))
res <- data.frame(
clu = clu,
cor = sapply(names(clu), function(i)
cor(fit.scale[i, seq(1, ncol(fit.scale) / 2)], seq(
1, ncol(fit.scale) / 2
# changepoint = sapply(names(clu), function(i) which.min(abs(fit.scale[i, seq(1, ncol(fit.scale)/2)]))),
changepoint = sapply(names(clu), function(i) {
v <- fit.scale[i, seq(1, ncol(fit.scale) / 2)]
which(v[-length(v)] * v[-1] < 0)[1]
XDEType = XDEType[names(clu)]
res <-
res[order(res$clu, res$XDEType, res$changepoint, res$cor),]
} else {
fit.scale <- scalematrix(fit)
dimnames(fit.scale) <- dimnames(fit)
res <- data.frame(
clu = clu,
cor = sapply(names(clu), function(i)
cor(fit.scale[i, seq(1, ncol(fit.scale) / 2)], seq(
1, ncol(fit.scale) / 2
changepoint = sapply(names(clu), function(i) {
v <-
fit.scale[i, seq(round(ncol(fit.scale) * 0.1), round(ncol(fit.scale) *
which(v[-length(v)] * v[-1] < 0)[1]
# changepoint = sapply(names(clu), function(i) which.min(abs(fit.scale[i, seq(round(ncol(fit.scale)*0.01), round(ncol(fit.scale)*0.99))]))))
res <- res[order(res$clu, res$changepoint, res$cor),]
fit.scale <- fit.scale[rownames(res),]
# colnames(fit.scale) <- paste0(colnames(fit.scale), '_', seq(1, ncol(fit.scale)))
## ------------------------
## plot original expression
## ------------------------
cellanno <- testobj$cellanno
expr <- expr[, names(testobj$pseudotime)]
if (toupper(type) == 'VARIABLE') {
tmp <- lapply(names(fit), function(i) {
expr[rownames(fit.scale), colnames(expr) %in% cellanno[cellanno[, 2] %in% rownames(testobj$design)[testobj$design[, 2] == sub('.*_', '', i)], 1]]
expr.scale <- do.call(cbind, tmp)
} else if (toupper(type) == 'TIME') {
expr.scale <- expr
expr.scale <- scalematrix(expr.scale)
expr.scale <- expr.scale[rownames(fit.scale),]
## plot ------------------------
expr.scale[expr.scale > quantile(as.vector(expr.scale), 0.98)] <-
quantile(as.vector(expr.scale), 0.98)
expr.scale[expr.scale < quantile(as.vector(expr.scale), 0.02)] <-
quantile(as.vector(expr.scale), 0.02)
fit.scale[fit.scale > quantile(as.vector(fit.scale), 0.98)] <-
quantile(as.vector(fit.scale), 0.98)
fit.scale[fit.scale < quantile(as.vector(fit.scale), 0.02)] <-
quantile(as.vector(fit.scale), 0.02)
### annotate rows and columns
if (is.null(colann)) {
if (toupper(type) == 'VARIABLE') {
colann <- data.frame(
# sample = cellanno[match(colnames(expr.scale),cellanno[, 1]), 2],
pseudotime = testobj$pseudotime[colnames(expr.scale)],
group = as.character(testobj$design[cellanno[match(colnames(expr.scale), cellanno[, 1]), 2], 2]),
expression = 'Original',
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
col.group = grDevices::colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(n = 9, name = "YlGnBu"))(length(unique(colann$group)))
names(col.group) = unique(colann$group)
} else if (toupper(type) == 'TIME') {
colann <- data.frame(
# sample = cellanno[match(colnames(expr.scale),cellanno[, 1]), 2],
pseudotime = testobj$pseudotime[colnames(expr.scale)],
expression = 'Original',
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
rownames(colann) = colnames(expr.scale)
col.expression = brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Pastel1")[seq_len(2)]
names(col.expression) = c('Original', 'Model Fitted')
col.pseudotime = grDevices::colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(n = 9, name = "YlGnBu"))(length(unique(colann$pseudotime)))
names(col.pseudotime) = unique(colann$pseudotime)
if (is.null(rowann)) {
if (toupper(type) == 'VARIABLE') {
rowann = data.frame(
cluster = as.character(clu),
XDEType = as.character(XDEType[names(clu)]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
} else if (toupper(type) == 'TIME') {
rowann = data.frame(cluster = as.character(clu),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(rowann) = names(clu)
rowann <- rowann[rownames(fit.scale), , drop = FALSE]
if (length(unique(clu)) < 8) {
col.clu = brewer.pal(8, 'Set1')[seq_len(length(unique(clu)))]
} else {
col.clu = grDevices::colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, 'Set1'))[seq_len(length(unique(clu)))]
names(col.clu) = unique(clu)
if (is.null(colann) | is.null(annotation_colors)) {
if (toupper(type) == 'VARIABLE') {
col.XDEType = brewer.pal(8, 'Dark2')[seq_len(length(unique(res$XDEType)))]
names(col.XDEType) = unique(res$XDEType)
annotation_colors = list(
pseudotime = col.pseudotime,
group = col.group,
expression = col.expression,
cluster = col.clu,
XDEType = col.XDEType
} else if (toupper(type) == 'TIME') {
annotation_colors = list(pseudotime = col.pseudotime,
expression = col.expression,
cluster = col.clu)
#### save png
cpl = grDevices::colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7, name = "RdYlBu")))(100)
plist <- list()
p1 <- pheatmap::pheatmap(
cluster_rows = FALSE,
cluster_cols = FALSE,
show_rownames = showRowName,
show_colnames = FALSE,
color = cpl,
annotation_col = colann,
annotation_row = rowann,
annotation_colors = annotation_colors,
cellwidth = cellWidthTotal / ncol(expr.scale),
cellheight = cellHeightTotal / nrow(expr.scale),
border_color = NA,
silent = TRUE
plist[[1]] <- p1[[4]]
## --------------------
## plot fitting values
## --------------------
if (toupper(type) == 'VARIABLE') {
colann.fit <-
pseudotime = rep(seq(1, ncol(fit.scale) / length(fit)), length(fit)),
group = gsub(sub('_.*', '_', names(fit)[1]), '', sub(';.*', '', colnames(fit.scale))),
expression = 'Model Fitted',
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
} else if (toupper(type) == 'TIME') {
colann.fit <-
pseudotime = testobj$pseudotime[colnames(fit.scale)],
expression = 'Model Fitted',
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
col.pseudotime = grDevices::colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(n = 9, name = "YlGnBu"))(length(unique(colann.fit$pseudotime)))
names(col.pseudotime) = unique(colann.fit$pseudotime)
annotation_colors$pseudotime <- col.pseudotime
rownames(colann.fit) = colnames(fit.scale)
p2 <- pheatmap::pheatmap(
cluster_rows = FALSE,
cluster_cols = FALSE,
show_rownames = showRowName,
show_colnames = FALSE,
color = cpl,
annotation_col = colann.fit,
annotation_row = rowann,
annotation_colors = annotation_colors,
cellwidth = cellWidthTotal / ncol(fit.scale),
cellheight = cellHeightTotal / nrow(fit.scale),
border_color = NA,
silent = TRUE
plist[[3]] <- p2[[4]]
plist[[2]] <- ggplot(data = NULL) + geom_blank() + theme_void()
print(grid.arrange(grobs = plist, layout_matrix = matrix(c(
1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3
), nrow = 1)))
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