# various internal functions
##### function to obtain probability matrix of adjacent-categorical model ####
p_adj_cate<- function(Z){
k<- ncol(Z)
p1_pj<- p1_pj_inv<- Z
ZZ<- 0
for(j in 1:k){
ZZ<- ZZ+Z[,j]
p1_pj[,j]<- exp(ZZ)
p1_pj_inv[,j]<- 1/p1_pj[,j]
p1<- 1/(rowSums(p1_pj_inv)+1)
pj<- p1_pj
for(j in 1:k){
pj[,j]<- p1/p1_pj[,j]
cbind(1-rowSums(pj), pj)
#### surrogate residual ####
SR.acat<- function(y, X, alpha, beta, ndraw=1){
y <- Y1; X <- X; alpha <- alpha1; beta <- beta1; ndraw <- 1
y <- as.integer(y)
n <- length(y)
z <- sapply(alpha[2:(length(alpha)-1)], function(a) a+as.matrix(X)%*%beta)
p.acat<- p_adj_cate(z)
F.acat<- t(apply(p.acat, 1, cumsum))
F.acat<- cbind(0, F.acat)
S <- sapply(1:n, function(k) runif(ndraw, F.acat[k,y[k]+1], F.acat[k,y[k]+2]))
S <- sapply(1:n, function(k) runif(ndraw, F.acat[k,y[k]], F.acat[k,y[k]+1]))
##### Probability based residual #####
PR.acat<- function(y,X, alpha, beta){
z<- sapply(alpha[2:(length(alpha)-1)], function(a) a+as.matrix(X)%*%beta)
p.acat<- p_adj_cate(z)
n<- length(y)
# calculate probability based residual based on fitted value (prbabilities)
pyej<- p.acat[cbind(1:n, y)]
pysj<- sapply(1:n, function(x) sum(p.acat[x,1:y[x]])) - pyej
PR<- -1+2*pysj+pyej
#PR<- 1-2*pysj-pyej
} #end of the function of probability-based residual
##### Generalized residual (Franses and Paap 2001) added for revision #####
GR.acat<- function(y, X, alpha, beta){
y <- as.integer(y)
n<- length(y)
z<- sapply(alpha[2:(length(alpha)-1)], function(a) a+as.matrix(X)%*%beta)
p.acat<- p_adj_cate(z)
F.acat<- t(apply(p.acat, 1, cumsum))
F.acat<- cbind(0, F.acat)
Pj<- sapply(1:n, function(x) p.acat[x,y[x]])
Fj<- sapply(1:n, function(x) F.acat[x,y[x]+1])
Fj_1<- sapply(1:n, function(x) F.acat[x,y[x]])
fj<- dnorm(qnorm(Fj))
fj_1<- dnorm(qnorm(Fj_1))
} # end of function
##### deviance residual (-2*loglik) #####
DR.acat<- function(y, X, alpha, beta){
n<- length(y)
z<- sapply(alpha[2:(length(alpha)-1)], function(a) a+as.matrix(X)%*%beta)
p.acat<- p_adj_cate(z)
return(-2*log(p.acat[cbind(1:n, y)]))
# Running models ----------------------------------------------------------
load(file = "data/df_ParA.RData")
Y1 <- df_ParA$data$Y1; Y2 <- df_ParA$data$Y2
X <- df_ParA$data$X
# fit.adj1<- vglm(Y1~X, family=acat(link = "logitlink", reverse=TRUE, parallel=TRUE))
fit.adj1 <- vglm(Y1~X, family=acat(reverse=TRUE, parallel=TRUE))
fit1 <- VGAM::vglm(Y1 ~ X,
family =
link = "logit",reverse=TRUE,
parallel = TRUE))
fit.adj2<- vglm(Y2~X, family=acat(reverse=TRUE, parallel=TRUE))
head(t(apply(fit.adj1@fitted.values, 1, cumsum)))
rbind(coef(fit.adj1), coef(fit1),
c(df_ParA$alpha1[c(-1, -7)], df_ParA$beta1))
# rbind(coef(fit.adj1), coef(fit1)[-length(coef(fit1))],
# c(df_ParA$alpha1[c(-1, -7)], df_ParA$beta1))
# + I(X ^ 2)
rbind(coef(fit.adj2), c(df_ParA$alpha2[c(-1, -5)], df_ParA$beta2))
SR1<- SR.acat(Y1, X, alpha = alpha1, beta = beta1)
SR2<- SR.acat(Y2, X, alpha = alpha2, beta = beta2)
## obtain SBC residuals (Li and Shepherd 2012 JASA/Biometrika)
PR1<- PR.acat(Y1, X, alpha = alpha1, beta = beta1)
PR2<- PR.acat(Y2, X, alpha = alpha2, beta = beta2)
## obtain generalized residuals (Franses and Paap 2001 book)
GR1<- GR.acat(Y1, X, alpha = alpha1, beta = beta1)
GR2<- GR.acat(Y2, X, alpha = alpha2, beta = beta2)
## obtain deviance residuals
DR1<- DR.acat(Y1, X, alpha = alpha1, beta = beta1)
DR2<- DR.acat(Y2, X, alpha = alpha2, beta = beta2)
# Use generate_residuals -------------------------------------------------
# Fit cumulative link models
load(file = "data/df_ParA.RData")
fit_clm1 <- VGAM::vglm(Y1 ~ X, data = df_ParA$data, family =
VGAM::cumulative(link = "logit",reverse=TRUE,parallel = TRUE))
fit_clm2 <- VGAM::vglm(Y2 ~ X, data = df_ParA$data, family =
VGAM::cumulative(link = "logit",reverse=TRUE,parallel = TRUE))
# fit_clm1 <- VGAM::vglm(Y1 ~ X, data = df_ParA$data, family =
# VGAM::acat(reverse=TRUE, parallel=TRUE))
# fit_clm2 <- VGAM::vglm(Y2 ~ X, data = df_ParA$data, family =
# VGAM::acat(reverse=TRUE, parallel=TRUE))
# coef(fit_clm1)
# fit_clm1@family@infos()$link
# SR1 <- generate_residuals(fit_clm1, method = "latent",boot_id = NULL)
# SR2 <- generate_residuals(fit_clm2, method = "latent", boot_id = NULL)
SR1 <- generate_residuals(fit_clm1, method = c("jitter"),
jitter.scale = c("response"),
boot_id = NULL)
SR2 <- generate_residuals(fit_clm2, method = c("jitter"),
jitter.scale = c("response"),
boot_id = NULL)
## obtain SBC residuals (Li and Shepherd 2012 JASA/Biometrika)
PR1 <- generate_residuals(fit_clm1, method = "Sign", boot_id = NULL)
PR2 <- generate_residuals(fit_clm2, method = "Sign", boot_id = NULL)
## obtain generalized residuals (Franses and Paap 2001 book)
GR1 <- generate_residuals(fit_clm1, method = "General", boot_id = NULL)
GR2 <- generate_residuals(fit_clm2, method = "General", boot_id = NULL)
## obtain deviance residuals
DR1 <- generate_residuals(fit_clm1, method = "Deviance", boot_id = NULL)
DR2 <- generate_residuals(fit_clm2, method = "Deviance", boot_id = NULL)
## visualize residual vs. residual
par(mar=c(4, 4.8, 2.5, 1.5))
plot(PR1, PR2, pch=".", main = "Sign-based Residuals",
xlab = expression(paste(R[1]^"ALT")),
ylab = expression(paste(R[2]^"ALT")))
plot(GR1, GR2, pch=".", main = "Generalized Residuals",
xlab = expression(paste(R[1]^"ALT")),
ylab = expression(paste(R[2]^"ALT")), xlim = c(-4,4), ylim=c(-4,4))
plot(DR1, DR2, pch='.', main = "Deviance Residuals",
xlab = expression(paste(R[1]^"ALT")),
ylab = expression(paste(R[2]^"ALT")))
plot(SR1, SR2, pch=".", main = "Surrogate Residuals", xaxt="n", yaxt="n",
xlab = expression(R[1]), ylab = expression(R[2]),
xlim = c(-1/2,1/2), ylim=c(-1/2,1/2))
axis(1, at=seq(-0.5, 0.5, 0.25), labels = seq(-0.5, 0.5, 0.25))
axis(2, at=seq(-0.5, 0.5, 0.25), labels = seq(-0.5, 0.5, 0.25))
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