
### functions needed for real data analysis ###

#### functions for generating surrogate residual  ####

## redefine gumbel distribution ##
# For log-log link
pgumbel <- function(q, location = 0, scale = 1) {
  q <- (q - location) / scale
qgumbel <- function(p, location = 0, scale = 1) {
  -scale * log(-log(p)) + location
rgumbel <- function (n, location = 0, scale = 1) {
  qgumbel(runif(n, min = 0, max = 1), location = location, scale = scale)

# For complimentary log-log link
pGumbel <- function(q, location = 0, scale = 1) {
  q <- (q - location) / scale
  1 - exp(-exp(q))
qGumbel <- function(p, location = 0, scale = 1) {
  scale * log(-log(1 - p)) + location
rGumbel <- function (n, location = 0, scale = 1) {
  qGumbel(runif(n, min = 0, max = 1), location = location, scale = scale)

## modified rtrunc()
rtrunc <- function (n, spec, a = -Inf, b = Inf, ...) {
  qtrunc(runif(n, min = 0, max = 1), spec, a = a, b = b, ...)
qtrunc <- function (p, spec, a = -Inf, b = Inf, ...) {
  tt <- p
  G <- get(paste("p", spec, sep = ""), mode = "function")
  Gin <- get(paste("q", spec, sep = ""), mode = "function")
  G.a <- G(a, ...)
  G.b <- G(b, ...)
  pmin(pmax(a, Gin(G(a, ...) + p * (G(b, ...) - G(a, ...)), ...)), b)

SR<- function(y, X, model, alpha=NULL, beta=NULL, ndraw=1, dist="norm"){
  y<- as.numeric(y)
  if(min(y)==0) y=y+1
    if((is.null(alpha) | is.null(beta))){
      stop("Alpha and beta must be provided if model is not provided.")
      #alpha<- c(-Inf,alpha,Inf)
      if(missing(X) | sum(X^2)==0){
        Lhat<- 0 
        Lhat<- as.vector(as.matrix(X)%*%beta)
      alpha<- c(-Inf,-model$coeff[1],Inf)
      beta<- model$coeff[-1]
      alpha<- c(-Inf,model$zeta,Inf)
      beta<- model$coeff
    if(missing(X) | sum(X^2)==0){
      Lhat<- 0 
      Lhat<- as.vector(as.matrix(X)%*%beta)
  n<- length(y)
  alpha.mat<- matrix(rep(alpha, n), nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)
  lower<- alpha.mat[cbind(1:n, y)]
  upper<- alpha.mat[cbind(1:n, y+1)]
  #S<- matrix(rtnorm(n*ndraw, Lhat, 1, lower = lower, upper = upper), n, ndraw)
    S<- matrix(rtrunc(n*ndraw, spec = dist, a = lower, b = upper, mean=Lhat), n, ndraw)  # n*ndraw numbers with every n matches a, b, mean
    if(dist %in% c("logis", "Gumbel", "gumbel")){
      S<- matrix(rtrunc(n*ndraw, spec = dist, a = lower, b = upper, loc=Lhat), n, ndraw)
      stop("Distribution not supported! Supported distributions currently are 'norm', 'logis', 'Gumbel'.")
  r<- S-Lhat
} # end of the function

## function to obtain \hat{\phi}}
Pcor_SR<- function(y1, y2, x, model1, model2, alpha1=NULL, beta1=NULL, alpha2=NULL, beta2=NULL, link1="probit", link2="probit", n.avg=100, method="kendall"){
  if(link1=="probit") distribution1="norm"
  if(link1=="logit" | link1=="logistic"){link1="logistic"; distribution1="logis"}
  if(link1=="cloglog") distribution1="Gumbel"
  if(link1=="loglog") distribution1="gumbel"
  if(link1=="cauchit") distribution1="cauchy"
  if(link2=="probit") distribution2="norm"
  if(link2=="logit" | link2=="logistic"){link2="logistic"; distribution2="logis"}
  if(link2=="cloglog") distribution2="Gumbel"
  if(link2=="loglog") distribution2="gumbel"
  if(link2=="cauchit") distribution2="cauchy"
  n<- length(y1)
  dat<- data.frame(y1, y2, x)
  if(!is.null(alpha1) & !is.null(alpha2) & !is.null(beta1) & !is.null(beta2) & missing(model1) & missing(model2)){
    sr1<- SR(y1, x, alpha=alpha1, beta=beta1, ndraw = n.avg, dist = distribution1)
    sr2<- SR(y2, x, alpha=alpha2, beta=beta2, ndraw = n.avg, dist = distribution2)
    fit1<- fit2<- NULL
    if(is.null(c(alpha1, alpha2)) & is.null(c(beta1, beta2)) & !missing(model1) & !missing(model2)){
      sr1<- SR(y1, x, model=model1, ndraw = n.avg, dist = distribution1)
      sr2<- SR(y2, x, model=model2, ndraw = n.avg, dist = distribution2)
      stop("Either models or alpha's and beta's should be supplied")
  # calculate \hat{\phi}
    cor.est<- sapply(1:n.avg, function(yy) cor(sr1[,yy], sr2[,yy], method = "kendall"))
    cor.est<- sapply(1:n.avg, function(yy) cor(sr1[,yy], sr2[,yy]))
    cor.est<- t(sapply(1:n.avg, function(yy) wolfCOP(para = data.frame(cbind(sr1[,yy], sr2[,yy])), as.sample = TRUE))) 
  return(list(phi=mean(cor.est), phi_all=cor.est, dist1=distribution1, dist2=distribution2, sr1=sr1, sr2=sr2))
}## end of function

## function to perform bootstrap inference
Pcor_SR_boot<- function(y1, y2, x, B=2000, link1="probit", link2="probit", n.avg=100, method="kendall", H0=0){
  pcor.est<- rep(NA, B)
  if(length(unique(y1))>2 & length(unique(y2))>2){ 
    for(i in 1:B){
        index<- sample(length(y1), replace=T)
        y1.b<- y1[index]
        y2.b<- y2[index]
        if(is.vector(x)) x.b<- x[index] else x.b<- x[index,]
        fit1<- polr(as.factor(y1.b)~ x.b, method=link1)
        fit2<- polr(as.factor(y2.b)~ x.b, method=link2)
        pcor.est[i]<- Pcor_SR(y1.b, y2.b, x.b, model1 = fit1, model2 = fit2, link1=link1, link2=link2, n.avg=n.avg, method=method)$phi
      }, error=function(e){})
    if(length(unique(y1))==2 & length(unique(y2))>2){
      for(i in 1:B){
          index<- sample(length(y1), replace=T)
          y1.b<- y1[index]
          y2.b<- y2[index]
          if(is.vector(x)) x.b<- x[index] else x.b<- x[index,]
          fit1<- glm(y1.b~ x.b, family = binomial(link =link1))
          fit2<- polr(as.factor(y2.b)~ x.b, method=link2)
          pcor.est[i]<- Pcor_SR(y1.b, y2.b, x.b, model1 = fit1, model2 = fit2, link1=link1, link2=link2, n.avg=n.avg, method=method)$phi
        }, error=function(e){})
      for(i in 1:B){
          index<- sample(length(y1), replace=T)
          y1.b<- y1[index]
          y2.b<- y2[index]
          if(is.vector(x)) x.b<- x[index] else x.b<- x[index,]
          fit1<- glm(y1.b~ x.b, family = binomial(link =link1))
          fit2<- glm(y2.b~ x.b, family = binomial(link =link2))
          pcor.est[i]<- Pcor_SR(y1.b, y2.b, x.b, model1 = fit1, model2 = fit2, link1=link1, link2=link2, n.avg=n.avg, method=method)$phi
        }, error=function(e){})
  Bstar<- sum(!
  pcor.est1<- pcor.est[!]
    pval<- 2*min(mean(pcor.est1>0), mean(pcor.est1<0))
    pval<- 2*min(mean(pcor.est1<H0), mean(pcor.est1> -1*H0), 0.5)
  return(list(est=mean(pcor.est1), sd=sd(pcor.est1), pval=pval, CI=quantile(pcor.est1, probs = c(0.025, 0.975)), Bcount=Bstar))
XiaoruiZhu/parasol documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 7:34 a.m.