knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, cache = FALSE, fig.align = "center", fig.pos = "H", fig.height = 12, fig.width = 10 ) options( width = 10000, knitr.kable.NA = "NA" ) # scrollable text output local({ hook_output <- knitr::knit_hooks$get("output") knitr::knit_hooks$set(output = function(x, options) { if (!is.null(options$max.height)) { options$attr.output <- c( options$attr.output, sprintf('style="max-height: %s;"', options$max.height) ) } hook_output(x, options) }) }) chunk_idx <- 1 doc_dir <- file.path(params$sim_path, "docs") write_filename <- params$write_filename
#' Wrap text/code in knitr code chunk string #' #' @param code String of code to wrap in knitr code chunk #' @param chunk_args String of arguments to place in the knitr code chunk header #' @return String of code, wrapped inside the knitr code chunk ``` markers write_code_chunk <- function(code = "", chunk_args = "") { sprintf("\n```r\n%s\n```\n", chunk_args, code) } #' Write text to vector (write_flag = TRUE) or to console (write_flag = FALSE) #' #' @param ... Text to write to vector or to console #' @param old_text Previous text to append to when writing to a vector #' @param write_flag Boolean indicating whether to write text to a vector #' (write_flag = TRUE) or to console (write_flag = FALSE) #' @return If write_flag = TRUE, returns vector of text. Otherwise, text is #' written to console via `cat()`. write <- function(..., old_text = NULL, write_flag) { if (write_flag) { return(c(old_text, ...)) } else { dots_list <- list(...) %>% purrr::map( function(x) { if (stringr::str_detect(x, "`r .*`")) { # run r code before printing results in cat() out <- stringr::str_replace( x, "`r .*`", eval(parse(text = stringr::str_extract(x, "(?<=`r )(.*?)(?=`)"))) ) } else { out <- x } return(out) } ), args = c(dots_list, list(sep = ""))) } } #' Write text to file #' #' @param path Path to output file #' @param ... Text to output to file write_to_file <- function(path, ...) { storelines <- readLines(path) storelines <- c(storelines, ...) writeLines(storelines, path) } #' Get order of objects to display #' #' @param obj_names Vector of all object names that need to be displayed. #' @param obj_order Vector of object names in the desired appearance order. #' @return Vector of object names in the order in which they will be displayed. get_object_order <- function(obj_names, obj_order = NULL) { if (is.null(obj_order)) { return(obj_names) } else { return(intersect(obj_order, obj_names)) } } #' Get all experiments under a given directory name #' #' @param dir_name name of directory #' @return list of named experiments get_descendants <- function(dir_name) { experiments <- list() for (d in list.dirs(dir_name)) { if (file.exists(file.path(d, "experiment.rds"))) { if (identical(d, params$sim_path)) { exp_name <- "Base" } else { exp_name <- stringr::str_replace_all( stringr::str_remove(d, paste0(params$sim_path, "/")), "/", " - " ) } experiments[[exp_name]] <- readRDS(file.path(d, "experiment.rds")) } } return(experiments) } #' Check if experiment exists #' #' @param dir_name name of directory or vector thereof #' @param recursive logical; if TRUE, checks if experiment exists under the #' given directory(s); if FALSE, checks if any experiment exists under the #' directory(s) and its descendants #' @return TRUE if experiment exists and FALSE otherwise experiment_exists <- function(dir_name, recursive = FALSE) { res <- purrr::map_lgl( dir_name, function(d) { if (!recursive) { exp_fname <- file.path(d, "experiment.rds") return(file.exists(exp_fname)) } else { descendants <- get_descendants(d) return(length(descendants) > 0) } } ) return(any(res)) } #' Displays content for specified part of recipe #' #' @param field_name part of recipe to show; must be one of "dgp", "method", #' "evaluator", or "visualizer" #' @param write_flag Boolean indicating whether to write text to a vector #' (write_flag = TRUE) or to console (write_flag = FALSE) #' @return content for recipe show_recipe <- function(field_name = c( "dgp", "method", "evaluator", "visualizer" ), write_flag = FALSE) { field_name <- match.arg(field_name) func_name <- dplyr::case_when( field_name == "evaluator" ~ "eval", field_name == "visualizer" ~ "viz", TRUE ~ field_name ) descendants <- get_descendants(dir_name = params$sim_path) objs <- purrr::map(descendants, ~ .x[[paste0("get_", field_name, "s")]]()) obj_names <- unique(purrr::reduce(sapply(objs, names), c)) if (field_name %in% c("method", "evaluator")) { obj_header <- "\n\n#### %s {.tabset .tabset-pills .tabset-circle .tabset-recipe}\n\n" showtype_header <- "\n\n##### %s {.tabset .tabset-pills}\n\n" exp_header <- "\n\n###### %s \n\n" } else { obj_header <- "\n\n### %s {.tabset .tabset-pills .tabset-circle .tabset-recipe}\n\n" showtype_header <- "\n\n#### %s {.tabset .tabset-pills}\n\n" exp_header <- "\n\n##### %s \n\n" } if (params$use_icons) { if (params$use_vmodern) { description_label <- "`r fontawesome::fa('readme', fill = 'white')`" code_label <- "`r fontawesome::fa('code', fill = 'white')`" } else { description_label <- "`r fontawesome::fa('readme')`" code_label <- "`r fontawesome::fa('code')`" } } else { description_label <- "Description" code_label <- "Code" } if (all(sapply(objs, length) == 0)) { if (write_flag) { return("N/A") } else { return(cat("N/A")) } } recipe <- c() for (idx in 1:length(obj_names)) { obj_name <- obj_names[idx] description_fpath <- file.path( doc_dir, paste0(field_name, "s"), paste0(obj_name, ".md") ) if (params$use_vmodern) { recipe <- write( "\n\n<div class='panel panel-default padded-panel'>\n\n", old_text = recipe, write_flag = write_flag ) } recipe <- write( sprintf(obj_header, obj_name), sprintf(showtype_header, description_label), pasteMd(description_fpath), old_text = recipe, write_flag = write_flag ) if (params$show_code) { recipe <- write( sprintf(showtype_header, code_label), old_text = recipe, write_flag = write_flag ) keep_objs <- purrr::compact(purrr::map(objs, obj_name)) is_identical <- all( purrr::map_lgl(keep_objs, ~ isTRUE(check_equal(.x, keep_objs[[1]]))) ) for (exp in names(keep_objs)) { obj <- keep_objs[[exp]] if (!is_identical) { recipe <- write( sprintf(exp_header, exp), old_text = recipe, write_flag = write_flag ) } recipe <- write( "\n\n**Function**\n\n", old_text = recipe, write_flag = write_flag ) if (write_flag) { recipe <- sprintf( "show_recipe(%s_objs, '%s', '%s', what = 'function')", func_name, obj_name, exp ) %>% write_code_chunk(chunk_args = "max.height='200px'") %>% write(old_text = recipe, write_flag = write_flag) } else { vthemes::subchunkify( obj[[paste0(func_name, "_fun")]], chunk_idx, other_args = "max.height='200px'" ) chunk_idx <<- chunk_idx + 1 } recipe <- write( "\n\n**Input Parameters**\n\n", old_text = recipe, write_flag = write_flag ) if (write_flag) { recipe <- sprintf( "show_recipe(%s_objs, '%s', '%s', what = 'parameters')", func_name, obj_name, exp ) %>% write_code_chunk(chunk_args = "max.height='200px'") %>% write(old_text = recipe, write_flag = write_flag) } else { vthemes::subchunkify( obj[[paste0(func_name, "_params")]], chunk_idx, other_args = "max.height='200px'" ) chunk_idx <<- chunk_idx + 1 } if (is_identical) { break } } } if (params$use_vmodern) { recipe <- write( "\n\n</div>\n\n", old_text = recipe, write_flag = write_flag ) } } return(recipe) } #' Reads in file if it exists and returns NULL if the file does not exist #' #' @param filename name of .rds file to try reading in #' @return output of filename.rds if the file exists and NULL otherwise get_results <- function(filename) { if (file.exists(filename)) { results <- readRDS(filename) } else { results <- NULL } return(results) } #' Displays output (both from evaluate() and visualize()) from saved results under #' a specified directory #' #' @param dir_name name of directory #' @param depth integer; depth of directory from parent/base experiment's folder #' @param base logical; whether or not this is a base experiment #' @param show_header logical; whether or not to show section header #' @param verbose integer; 0 = no messages; 1 = print out directory name only; #' 2 = print out directory name and name of evaluators/visualizers #' @param write_flag Boolean indicating whether to write text to a vector #' (write_flag = TRUE) or to console (write_flag = FALSE) #' @return content results from evaluate() and visualize() from the experiment show_results <- function(dir_name, depth, base = FALSE, show_header = TRUE, verbose = 1, write_flag = FALSE) { if (verbose >= 1) { inform(paste0(paste(rep("*", depth), collapse = ""), basename(dir_name))) } if (depth == 1) { header_template <- "\n\n%s %s {.tabset .tabset-pills .tabset-vmodern}\n\n" } else { if (base || !experiment_exists(dir_name)) { header_template <- "\n\n%s %s {.tabset .tabset-pills}\n\n" } else { header_template <- "\n\n%s %s {.tabset .tabset-pills .tabset-circle}\n\n" } } results <- c() if (show_header) { results <- sprintf( header_template, paste(rep("#", depth), collapse = ""), basename(dir_name) ) %>% write(old_text = results, write_flag = write_flag) } if (base) { results <- sprintf( "\n\n%s Base - %s {.tabset .tabset-pills .tabset-circle}\n\n", paste(rep("#", depth + 1), collapse = ""), basename(dir_name) ) %>% write(old_text = results, write_flag = write_flag) depth <- depth + 1 } showtype_template <- paste0( "\n\n", paste(rep("#", depth + 1), collapse = ""), " %s\n\n" ) figname_template <- paste0( "\n\n", paste(rep("#", depth + 2), collapse = ""), " %s\n\n" ) invisible_header <- paste0( "\n\n", paste(rep("#", depth + 3), collapse = ""), " {.tabset .tabset-pills}\n\n" ) plt_template <- paste0( "\n\n", paste(rep("#", depth + 4), collapse = ""), " %s\n\n" ) if (params$use_icons) { if (params$use_vmodern) { evaluator_label <- "`r fontawesome::fa('table', fill = 'white')`" visualizer_label <- "`r fontawesome::fa('chart-bar', fill = 'white')`" code_label <- "`r fontawesome::fa('code', fill = 'white')`" } else { evaluator_label <- "`r fontawesome::fa('table')`" visualizer_label <- "`r fontawesome::fa('chart-bar')`" code_label <- "`r fontawesome::fa('code')`" } } else { evaluator_label <- "Evaluators" visualizer_label <- "Visualizers" code_label <- "Varying Parameters" } exp_fname <- file.path(dir_name, "experiment.rds") eval_fname <- file.path(dir_name, "eval_results.rds") viz_fname <- file.path(dir_name, "viz_results.rds") exp <- get_results(exp_fname) eval_results <- get_results(eval_fname) viz_results <- get_results(viz_fname) if (!is.null(eval_results) && params$show_eval) { results <- write( sprintf(showtype_template, evaluator_label), old_text = results, write_flag = write_flag ) eval_names <- get_object_order(names(eval_results), params$eval_order) for (eval_name in eval_names) { evaluator <- exp$get_evaluators()[[eval_name]] if (evaluator$doc_show) { if (verbose >= 1) { inform(paste0(paste(rep(" ", depth + 1), collapse = ""), eval_name)) } results <- write( sprintf(figname_template, eval_name), old_text = results, write_flag = write_flag ) if (is.null(evaluator$doc_nrows)) { eval_results_show <- eval_results[[eval_name]] } else { keep_rows <- 1:min(evaluator$doc_nrows, nrow(eval_results[[eval_name]])) eval_results_show <- eval_results[[eval_name]][keep_rows, ] if (nrow(eval_results[[eval_name]]) > evaluator$doc_nrows) { omitted_nrows <- nrow(eval_results[[eval_name]]) - evaluator$doc_nrows results <- write( sprintf( "Showing preview of %s results. %s rows have been omitted.\n\n", eval_name, omitted_nrows ), old_text = results, write_flag = write_flag ) } } if (write_flag) { results <- sprintf( "show_results('%s', '%s', 'evaluator')", dir_name, eval_name ) %>% write_code_chunk(chunk_args = "results = 'asis'") %>% write(old_text = results, write_flag = write_flag) } else { vthemes::pretty_DT, c(list(eval_results_show), evaluator$doc_options) ) %>% vthemes::subchunkify(i = chunk_idx) chunk_idx <<- chunk_idx + 1 } } } } if (!is.null(viz_results) && params$show_viz) { results <- write( sprintf(showtype_template, visualizer_label), old_text = results, write_flag = write_flag ) viz_names <- get_object_order(names(viz_results), params$viz_order) for (viz_name in viz_names) { visualizer <- exp$get_visualizers()[[viz_name]] if (visualizer$doc_show) { if (verbose >= 1) { inform(paste0(paste(rep(" ", depth + 1), collapse = ""), viz_name)) } results <- write( sprintf(figname_template, viz_name), invisible_header, old_text = results, write_flag = write_flag ) plts <- viz_results[[viz_name]] if (!inherits(plts, "list")) { plts <- list(plt = plts) } if (is.null(names(plts))) { names(plts) <- 1:length(plts) } for (plt_name in names(plts)) { if (length(plts) != 1) { results <- write( sprintf(plt_template, plt_name), old_text = results, write_flag = write_flag ) } plt <- plts[[plt_name]] is_plot <- inherits(plt, "plotly") || inherits(plt, "gg") || inherits(plt, "ggplot") if (params$use_vmodern && is_plot) { chunk_args <- "fig.height = %s, fig.width = %s, out.width = '100%%', add.panel = TRUE" add_class <- "panel panel-default padded-panel" } else { chunk_args <- "fig.height = %s, fig.width = %s, out.width = '100%%'" add_class <- NULL } if (write_flag) { results <- sprintf( "show_results('%s', '%s', 'visualizer')", dir_name, viz_name ) %>% write_code_chunk( chunk_args = sprintf( chunk_args, visualizer$doc_options$height, visualizer$doc_options$width ) ) %>% write(old_text = results, write_flag = write_flag) } else { vthemes::subchunkify(plt, i = chunk_idx, fig_height = visualizer$doc_options$height, fig_width = visualizer$doc_options$width, other_args = "out.width = '100%'", add_class = add_class ) chunk_idx <<- chunk_idx + 1 } } } } } if (!is.null(exp) && params$show_code) { if ((length(exp$get_vary_across()$dgp) != 0) || (length(exp$get_vary_across()$method) != 0)) { results <- write( sprintf(showtype_template, code_label), "\n\n**Parameter Values**\n\n", old_text = results, write_flag = write_flag ) if (write_flag) { results <- sprintf( "show_results('%s', NULL, 'vary_params')", dir_name ) %>% write_code_chunk(chunk_args = "max.height='200px'") %>% write(old_text = results, write_flag = write_flag) } else { vthemes::subchunkify(exp$get_vary_across(), chunk_idx, other_args = "max.height='200px'" ) chunk_idx <<- chunk_idx + 1 } } } return(results) } #' Displays output of experiment for all of its (saved) descendants #' #' @param dir_name name of parent experiment directory #' @param depth placeholder for recursion; should not be messed with #' @param write_flag Boolean indicating whether to write text to a file #' (write_flag = TRUE) or to console (write_flag = FALSE) #' @param write_filename Name of file to write to if write_flag = TRUE #' @param ... other arguments to pass into show_results() show_descendant_results <- function(dir_name, depth = 1, write_flag = FALSE, write_filename = NULL, ...) { children <- list.dirs(dir_name, recursive = FALSE) if (length(children) == 0) { return() } for (child_idx in 1:length(children)) { child <- children[child_idx] if (!experiment_exists(child, recursive = TRUE)) { next } if (experiment_exists(child, recursive = FALSE) && (experiment_exists(list.dirs(child, recursive = TRUE)[-1]) || (depth == 1))) { base <- TRUE } else { base <- FALSE } results <- show_results(child, depth, base, write_flag = write_flag, ...) if (write_flag) { write_to_file(path = write_filename, results) } show_descendant_results(child, depth + 1, write_flag, write_filename, ...) } } #' Clean output file (e.g., remove excessive blank lines) #' #' @param path Path to output file clean_file <- function(path) { storelines <- readLines(path) rle_out <- rle(storelines == "") line_ids <- which((rle_out$lengths > 2) & rle_out$values) keep_lines <- rep(TRUE, length(storelines)) for (line_id in line_ids) { num_blank <- rle_out$lengths[line_id] line_ptr <- sum(rle_out$lengths[1:line_id]) # only allow for max of two consecutive blank lines keep_lines[(line_ptr - num_blank + 3):line_ptr] <- FALSE } writeLines(storelines[keep_lines], path) } #' Insert lines to add extra resources (css/js) for simChef R Markdown theme #' #' @param path Path to output file insert_simChef_resources <- function(path) { storelines <- readLines(path) pattern <- "<Insert extra simChef resources here>" replace <- sprintf( '<script src="%s"></script>\n\n<link rel="stylesheet" href="%s">', system.file("rmd", "js", "simchefNavClass.js", package = utils::packageName()), system.file("rmd", "css", "simchef.css", package = utils::packageName()) ) storelines[storelines == pattern] <- replace writeLines(storelines, path) } #' Remove lines with simChef R Markdown theme-specific code #' #' @param path Path to output file remove_simChef_resources <- function(path) { storelines <- readLines(path) pattern <- "add.panel = function" line_id <- which(stringr::str_detect(storelines, pattern)) remove_lines <- (line_id - 2):(line_id + 5) storelines <- storelines[-remove_lines] pattern <- "<Insert extra simChef resources here>" remove_lines <- which(stringr::str_detect(storelines, pattern)) storelines <- storelines[-remove_lines] writeLines(storelines, path) }
if (params$write) { if (params$use_vmodern) { insert_simChef_resources(write_filename) } else { remove_simChef_resources(write_filename) } } else { if (params$use_vmodern) { htmltools::HTML('<script src="js/simchefNavClass.js"></script>\n\n<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/simchef.css">') } }
if (params$use_vmodern) { objectives <- write( "\n\n<div class='panel panel-default padded-panel'>\n\n", pasteMd(file.path(doc_dir, "")), "\n\n</div>\n\n", write_flag = params$write ) } else { objectives <- write( pasteMd(file.path(doc_dir, "")), write_flag = params$write ) } if (params$write) { write_to_file(path = write_filename, "\n\n## Objectives\n\n", objectives) }
dgp_recipe <- show_recipe(field_name = "dgp", write_flag = params$write) if (params$write) { write_to_file(path = write_filename, "\n\n## Data Generation\n\n", dgp_recipe) }
method_recipe <- show_recipe(field_name = "method", write_flag = params$write) if (params$write) { write_to_file( path = write_filename, "\n\n## Methods and Evaluation\n\n", "\n\n### Methods\n\n", method_recipe ) }
eval_recipe <- show_recipe(field_name = "evaluator", write_flag = params$write) if (params$write) { write_to_file(path = write_filename, "\n\n### Evaluation\n\n", eval_recipe) }
viz_recipe <- show_recipe(field_name = "visualizer", write_flag = params$write) if (params$write) { write_to_file(path = write_filename, "\n\n## Visualizations\n\n", viz_recipe) }
if (params$verbose > 0) { inform(sprintf("Creating R Markdown report for %s...", params$sim_name)) } # show results if (experiment_exists(params$sim_path)) { base_header <- write( sprintf("\n\n# Base %s \n\n", params$sim_name), "\n\n## {.tabset .tabset-pills .tabset-circle}\n\n", write_flag = params$write ) base_results <- show_results( params$sim_path, depth = 2, base = FALSE, show_header = FALSE, verbose = params$verbose, write_flag = params$write ) if (params$write) { write_to_file(path = write_filename, base_header, base_results) } } show_descendant_results( params$sim_path, verbose = params$verbose, write_flag = params$write, write_filename = write_filename )
if (params$write) { clean_file(path = write_filename) }
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