  echo = FALSE,
  warning = FALSE,
  message = FALSE,
  cache = FALSE,
  fig.align = "center",
  fig.pos = "H",
  fig.height = 12,
  fig.width = 10

  width = 10000,
  knitr.kable.NA = 'NA'

  hook_output <- knitr::knit_hooks$get("output")
    # scrollable text output
    output = function(x, options) {
      if (!is.null(options$max.height)) {
        options$attr.output <- c(
          sprintf('style="max-height: %s;"', options$max.height)
      hook_output(x, options)
    # add panel around figures
    add.panel = function(before, options, envir) {
      if (before) {
        htmltools::HTML("<div class='panel panel-default padded-panel'>")
      } else {
#' Get all experiments under a given directory name.
#' @param dir_name Name of directory.
#' @return List of named experiments.
get_descendants <- function(dir_name) {
  experiments <- list()
  for (d in list.dirs(dir_name)) {
    if (file.exists(file.path(d, "experiment.rds"))) {
      if (identical(d, params$sim_path)) {
        exp_name <- "Base"
      } else {
        exp_name <- stringr::str_replace_all(
          stringr::str_remove(d, paste0(params$sim_path, "/")),
          "/", " - "
      experiments[[exp_name]] <- readRDS(file.path(d, "experiment.rds"))

#' Reads in file if it exists and returns NULL if the file does not exist.
#' @param filename Name of .rds file to try reading in.
#' @return Output of filename.rds if the file exists and NULL otherwise.
get_results <- function(filename) {
  if (file.exists(filename)) {
    results <- readRDS(filename)
  } else {
    results <- NULL

#' Show recipe content.
#' @param objs List of DGP/Method/Evaluator/Visualizer objects. Should be one of
#'   `dgp_objs`, `method_objs`, `eval_objs`, or `viz_objs` defined below.
#' @param name Name of DGP/Method/Evaluator/Visualizer.
#' @param experiment_name Name of the Experiment.
#' @param what Either "function" or "parameters", indicating whether to return 
#'   the function code or parameters.
show_recipe <- function(objs, name, experiment_name,
                        what = c("function", "parameters")) {
  what <- match.arg(what)
  obj <- objs[[experiment_name]][[name]]
  field_name <- tolower(class(obj)[1])
  func_name <- dplyr::case_when(
    field_name == "evaluator" ~ "eval",
    field_name == "visualizer" ~ "viz",
    TRUE ~ field_name
  if (identical(what, "function")) {
    return(obj[[paste0(func_name, "_fun")]])
  } else if (identical(what, "parameters")) {
    return(obj[[paste0(func_name, "_params")]])

#' Show results of Evaluator, Visualizer, or Varying Across Parameters.
#' @param dir_name Name of directory of Experiment.
#' @param name Name of Evaluator/Visualizer.
#' @param field_name One of "evaluator", "visualizer", or "vary_params", 
#'   indicating whether to return the results of an Evaluator, Visualizer, or
#'   the varying across parameters of the Experiment, respectively.
show_results <- function(dir_name, name,
                         field_name = c("evaluator", "visualizer", "vary_params")) {
  field_name <- match.arg(field_name)
  exp_fname <- file.path(dir_name, "experiment.rds")
  eval_fname <- file.path(dir_name, "eval_results.rds")
  viz_fname <- file.path(dir_name, "viz_results.rds")

  exp <- get_results(exp_fname)
  eval_results <- get_results(eval_fname)
  viz_results <- get_results(viz_fname)

  if (field_name == "evaluator") {
    doc_nrows <- exp$get_evaluators()[[name]]$doc_nrows
    if (is.null(doc_nrows)) {
      eval_results_show <- eval_results[[name]]
    } else {
      keep_rows <- 1:min(doc_nrows, nrow(eval_results[[name]]))
      eval_results_show <- eval_results[[name]][keep_rows, ]
  } else if (field_name == "visualizer") {
  } else if (field_name == "vary_params") {

Simulation Experiment Recipe {.tabset .tabset-vmodern}

descendants <- get_descendants(dir_name = params$sim_path)
dgp_objs <- purrr::map(descendants, ~.x$get_dgps())
method_objs <- purrr::map(descendants, ~.x$get_methods())
eval_objs <- purrr::map(descendants, ~.x$get_evaluators())
viz_objs <- purrr::map(descendants, ~.x$get_visualizers())

Yu-Group/simChef documentation built on March 25, 2024, 3:22 a.m.