Man pages for Yu-Group/simChef
Intensive Computational Experiments Made Easy

abortSignals an error with default subclass "simChef_error".
abort_if_missing_subclassCheck an object for a subclass and signal an error if the...
abort_on_invalid_user_actionConstructs a helpful message and signals an error when the...
add_funsHelper functions for adding components to an 'Experiment'.
add_na_countsDeveloper function to add number of NAs to evaluator results
check_equalCheck equality of 'Experiment' components.
check_results_namesHelper function to throw informative error when column names...
class_metric_vec_constructorHelper function for constructing 'metric_vec' methods for...
clear_cacheClear cached results from 'Experiment'.
compare_tibble_rowsCompare two tibbles.
compute_dgpDistribute simulation computation by DGPs.
compute_dgp_methodDoubly nested distributed simulation computation nested by...
compute_dgp_method_repsTriply nested distributed simulation computation nested by...
compute_dgp_repDoubly nested distributed simulation computation nested by...
compute_methodDistribute simulation computation by Methods.
compute_method_repDoubly nested distributed simulation computation nested by...
compute_repDistribute simulation computation by replicates.
create_assign_strCreate an assignment string and print to console.
create_dgpCreate a new 'DGP' (data-generating process)
create_doc_templateInitialize documentation template for the R Markdown results...
create_evaluatorCreate a new 'Evaluator'
create_experimentCreate a new 'Experiment'.
create_fun_strCreate a function call string and print to console.
create_list_args_strCreate a string with list arguments
create_methodCreate a new 'Method'
create_rmdRender an R Markdown file summarizing the results of an...
create_visualizerCreate a new 'Visualizer'
DGP'R6' class representing a data-generating process
do_call_handlerCall a function with given parameters and capture errors,...
eval_constructorDeveloper function to construct basic Evaluator.
eval_feature_importance_funsEvaluate and/or summarize feature importance scores.
eval_feature_selection_curve_funsEvaluate and/or summarize ROC or PR curves for feature...
eval_feature_selection_err_funsEvaluate and/or summarize feature selection errors.
eval_pred_curve_funsEvaluate and/or summarize ROC or PR curves.
eval_pred_err_funsEvaluate and/or summarize prediction errors.
eval_reject_probEvaluate the rejection probability of a hypothesis test.
eval_summarizerDeveloper function for summarizing evaluation results.
eval_testing_curve_funsEvaluate and/or summarize ROC or PR curves for feature...
eval_testing_err_funsEvaluate and/or summarize error metrics when conducting...
evaluate_experimentEvaluate an 'Experiment'.
Evaluator'R6' class representing an evaluator
event_colLogic for 'event_level' in custom 'yardstick' metrics.
Experiment'R6' class representing a simulation experiment.
export_visualizersExport cached 'Visualizer' results to image.
finalize_estimator_internal_constructorHelper function for constructing...
fit_experimentFit an 'Experiment'.
fix_duplicate_param_namesFix duplicate 'vary_across' parameter names.
fpNumber of false positives
generate_dataGenerate data from each 'DGP' in the 'Experiment'.
get_cached_resultsRetrieve cached results from previously saved 'Experiment'.
get_dot_argsGet dot (...) arguments.
get_funsHelper functions for getting components in an 'Experiment'.
get_matching_rowsGet matching rows from x based on id
get_plot_dataDeveloper function to get data for plotting in Visualizers.
get_save_dirGet results directory for an 'Experiment'.
HTMLMark Characters as HTML
informSignals a message with default subclass "simChef_message".
init_docsInitialize documentation template for the R Markdown results...
init_sim_projectCreate a simulation project
library_templatesFunctions to create boilerplate code for specific types of...
list_col_to_chrConvert a list column to a readable character column.
list_to_tibbleCoerce list into a tibble.
list_to_tibble_rowCoerce list into a tibble row.
load_allLoad All Simulation Functions in R/
maybe_get_vary_params_colConvert '.vary_params' keyword to plotting variable in data
Method'R6' class representing a method
negNumber of estimated negative cases
obj_sizeGet the size of an object, including environments.
paste_mdRead Markdown file into R Markdown.
pipe_valueFind last non-comment line, add a |> to the end, then add...
plot_eval_constructorDeveloper function for plotting results from Evaluator.
plot_feature_importancePlot feature importances.
plot_feature_selection_curvePlot ROC/PR curves for feature selection.
plot_feature_selection_errPlot feature selection error according to various metrics.
plot_fit_constructorDeveloper function for plotting results from particular...
plot_pred_curvePlot ROC/PR curves.
plot_pred_errPlot prediction error according to various metrics.
plot_reject_probPlot the rejection probability of a hypothesis test.
plot_testing_curvePlot ROC/PR curves for feature rankings, ranked by p-values.
plot_testing_errPlot testing error evaluation results according to various...
posNumber of estimated positive cases
remove_funsHelper functions for removing components of an 'Experiment'.
remove_sourceRemove source code from functions.
render_docsRender an R Markdown file summarizing the results of an...
rescale_curveRescale ROC/PR curves onto the same x-axis grid
run_experimentRun the full 'Experiment' pipeline (fitting, evaluating, and...
run_testsRun Tests
save_experimentSave an 'Experiment'.
set_doc_optionsSet R Markdown options for 'Evaluator' and 'Visualizer'...
set_export_viz_optionsSet 'ggplot2::ggsave' export options for a 'Visualizer'.
set_rmd_optionsSet R Markdown options for 'Evaluator' and 'Visualizer'...
set_save_dirSet results directory for an 'Experiment'.
shared_error_argsArguments that are shared by multiple signal functions.
shared_eval_lib_argsArguments that are shared by multiple 'Evaluator' library...
shared_experiment_helpers_argsArguments that are shared by multiple Experiment helper funs.
shared_viz_lib_argsArguments that are shared by multiple 'Visualizer' library...
simplify_tibbleSimplify tibble.
test_sim_dirTest simChef Ingredients
tpNumber of true positives
update_funsHelper functions for updating components of an 'Experiment'.
use_dgp_templateFunction to create boilerplate code for creating DGPs.
use_evaluator_templateFunction to create boilerplate code for creating Evaluators.
use_experiment_templateFunction to create boilerplate code for creating Experiments.
use_init_docs_templateFunction to create boilerplate code for creating the...
use_library_templateFunction to create boilerplate code for loading in packages
use_method_templateFunction to create boilerplate code for creating Methods.
use_render_docs_templateFunction to create boilerplate code for creating the Rmd...
use_run_templateFunction to create boilerplate code for running an...
use_variable_templateFunction to create boilerplate code for assigning descriptive...
use_visualizer_templateFunction to create boilerplate code for creating Visualizers
vary_acrossVarying across parameters in an 'Experiment'.
visualize_experimentVisualize results of an 'Experiment'.
Visualizer'R6' class representing a visualizer
warnSignals a warning with default subclass "simChef_warning".
Yu-Group/simChef documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 9:19 p.m.