remove_funs: Helper functions for removing components of an 'Experiment'.

remove_funsR Documentation

Helper functions for removing components of an Experiment.


Helper functions for removing DGPs, Methods, Evaluators, and Visualizers already added to an Experiment.


remove_dgp(experiment, name = NULL, ...)

remove_method(experiment, name = NULL, ...)

remove_evaluator(experiment, name = NULL, ...)

remove_visualizer(experiment, name = NULL, ...)



An Experiment object.


A name to identify the object to be removed. If NULL (default), remove all objects of that class from the experiment. For example, remove_dgp() will remove all DGPs from the experiment.


Not used.


The original Experiment object passed to ⁠remove_*⁠.


## create toy DGPs, Methods, Evaluators, and Visualizers

# generate data from normal distribution with n samples
normal_dgp <- create_dgp(
  .dgp_fun = function(n) rnorm(n), .name = "Normal DGP", n = 100
# generate data from binomial distribution with n samples
bernoulli_dgp <- create_dgp(
  .dgp_fun = function(n) rbinom(n, 1, 0.5), .name = "Bernoulli DGP", n = 100

# compute mean of data
mean_method <- create_method(
  .method_fun = function(x) list(mean = mean(x)), .name = "Mean(x)"

# evaluate SD of mean(x) across simulation replicates
sd_mean_eval <- create_evaluator(
  .eval_fun = function(fit_results, vary_params = NULL) {
    group_vars <- c(".dgp_name", ".method_name", vary_params)
    fit_results %>%
      dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(tidyselect::all_of(group_vars))) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(sd = sd(mean), .groups = "keep")
  .name = "SD of Mean(x)"
# plot SD of mean(x) across simulation replicates
sd_mean_plot <- create_visualizer(
  .viz_fun = function(fit_results, eval_results, vary_params = NULL,
                      eval_name = "SD of Mean(x)") {
    if (!is.null(vary_params)) {
      add_aes <- ggplot2::aes(
        x = .data[[unique(vary_params)]], y = sd, color = .dgp_name
    } else {
      add_aes <- ggplot2::aes(x = .dgp_name, y = sd)
    plt <- ggplot2::ggplot(eval_results[[eval_name]]) +
      add_aes +
    if (!is.null(vary_params)) {
      plt <- plt + ggplot2::geom_line()
  .name = "SD of Mean(x) Plot"

# initialize experiment with toy DGPs, Methods, Evaluators, and Visualizers
# using piping %>% and add_* functions
experiment <- create_experiment(name = "Experiment Name") %>%
  add_dgp(normal_dgp) %>%
  add_dgp(bernoulli_dgp) %>%
  add_method(mean_method) %>%
  add_evaluator(sd_mean_eval) %>%

# example usage of removing DGPs, Methods, Evaluators, and Visualizers
experiment <- experiment %>%
  remove_dgp("Normal DGP") %>%
  remove_dgp("Bernoulli DGP") %>%
  remove_method("Mean(x)") %>%
  remove_evaluator("SD of Mean(x)") %>%
  remove_visualizer("SD of Mean(x) Plot")

Yu-Group/simChef documentation built on March 25, 2024, 3:22 a.m.