#' @import stats
#' @import utils
#' @import graphics
#' @import data.table
#' Calculate refined shortest paths between detections
#' Estimates the RSP for a series of animals tracked with acoustic transmitters. Intermediate
#' locations between consecutive acoustic detections (either on the same or different receivers) are estimated
#' according to the defined \code{distance} and \code{time.step} arguments. The error of estimated locations increase proportionally as
#' the animal moves away from the first detection, and decreases as it approaches the second detection (argument \code{er.ad}). If
#' the animal is not detected for a long time (default is a daily absence), the detections are broken into a
#' new track (argument \code{max.time}).
#' @param input The output of one of \code{\link[actel]{actel}}'s main functions (\code{\link[actel]{explore}}, \code{\link[actel]{migration}} or \code{\link[actel]{residency}})
#' @param t.layer A transition layer. Can be calculated using the function \code{\link[actel]{transitionLayer}}.
#' @param coord.x,coord.y The names of the columns containing the x and y positions of the stations in the spatial object.
#' @param distance Distance (in metres) by which RSP point should be spaced (between detections at different stations). Defaults to 250 metres.
#' @param recaptures Logical: if TRUE, a recapture.csv dataset containing the recapture locations of tracked animals will be included in the analysis.
#' @param time.step Time lapse (in minutes) between RSP points added between detections at the same station. Defaults to 10 minutes. Must not be larger than \code{min.time}.
#' @param er.ad Increment rate of the position errors for the estimated locations (in metres). If left unset, defaults to 5\% of the \code{distance} argument.
#' @param min.time Minimum time required between receiver detections (in minutes) for RSP to be calculated. Default to 10 minutes.
#' @param max.time Maximum time allowed between receiver detections (in hours) for RSP to be calculated. Defaults to 24 hours.
#' @param debug Logical: If TRUE, the function progress is saved to an RData file.
#' @param verbose Logical: If TRUE, detailed messages and progression are displayed. Otherwise, a single progress bar is shown.
#' @param tags Vector of transmitters for which to calculate RSP. By default all transmitters will be analysed.
#' @return Returns a list of RSP tracks for each transmitter detected, as well as auxiliary information.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Import river shapefile
#' water <- actel::shapeToRaster(shape = paste0(system.file(package = "RSP"), "/River_latlon.shp"),
#' size = 0.0001, buffer = 0.05)
#' # Create a transition layer with 8 directions
#' tl <- actel::transitionLayer(x = water, directions = 8)
#' # Import example output from actel::explore()
#' data(input.example)
#' # Run RSP analysis
#' rsp.data <- runRSP(input = input.example, t.layer = tl, coord.x = "Longitude", coord.y = "Latitude")
#' }
#' @export
runRSP <- function(input, t.layer, coord.x, coord.y, distance = 250, tags = NULL, recaptures = FALSE,
time.step = 10, min.time = 10, max.time = 24, er.ad, verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
if (debug) {
on.exit(save(list = ls(), file = "RSP_debug.RData"), add = TRUE)
message("!!!--- Debug mode has been activated ---!!!")
if (is.null(input$rsp.info))
stop("'input' could not be recognised as an actel analysis result.\n", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(er.ad))
er.ad <- distance * 0.05
if (time.step > min.time)
warning("'time.step' should not be larger than 'min.time'.", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
if (recaptures == TRUE) {
if ("recaptures.csv" %in% list.files()){
recap <- read.csv("recaptures.csv")
} else {
stop("Missing 'recaptures.csv' file. Please provide the data or set recaptures = FALSE")
message("M: Calculating RSP for the '", input$rsp.info$analysis.type, "' data compiled on ", input$rsp.info$analysis.time)
# Unpack study data
detections <- input$valid.detections
spatial <- input$spatial
tz <- input$rsp.info$tz
if (!missing(tags)) {
if(any(link <- is.na(match(tags, names(detections)))))
stop("Could not find tag(s) ", paste(tags[link], collapse = ", ") , " in the detection data.", call. = FALSE)
detections <- detections[match(tags, names(detections))]
# RSP related changes
detections <- prepareDetections(detections = detections,
spatial = spatial, coord.x = coord.x, coord.y = coord.y)
RSP.time <- system.time(recipient <- includeRSP(detections = detections, transition = t.layer, max.time = max.time, min.time = min.time, recaptures = recaptures,
tz = tz, distance = distance, time.step = time.step, er.ad = er.ad, verbose = verbose, debug = debug))
rsp.detections <- recipient$output
tracks <- recipient$tracks
if (debug)
message("M: Percentage of detections valid for RSP: ",
round(sum(unlist(lapply(rsp.detections, function(x) sum(x$Position == "Receiver")))) / sum(unlist(lapply(detections, nrow))) * 100, 1), "%")
attributes(spatial)$spatial_columns <- c(coord.x, coord.y)
return(list(detections = rsp.detections, tracks = tracks, spatial = spatial, bio = input$rsp.info$bio, tz = tz, crs = terra::crs(t.layer)))
#' Recreating RSP for a particular tracked animal
#' Estimates the RSP individually for all tracks of a particular animal.
#' @param df.track Detection data for that individual as imported using RSPete.
#' @param tz Time zone of the study area.
#' @param distance Maximum distance between RSP locations.
#' @param time.step Time lapse in minutes to be considered for consecutive detections at the same station.
#' @param transition TransitionLayer object as returned by LTDpath.
#' @param er.ad Incremental error per additional RSP point.
#' @param path.list A list of previously calculated paths.
#' @inheritParams runRSP
#' @return A dataframe with the RSP estimations for all identified tracks for that animal.
calcRSP <- function(df.track, tz, distance, min.time, time.step, transition, er.ad, path.list, verbose) {
aux.RSP <- as.data.frame(df.track[-(1:.N)]) # Save RSP
station.shifts <- c(FALSE, df.track$Standard.name[-1] != df.track$Standard.name[-nrow(df.track)])
time.shifts <- df.track$Time.lapse.min > min.time
different.station.shift <- station.shifts & time.shifts
same.station.shift <- !station.shifts & time.shifts
if (verbose)
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(df.track),
initial = 0, style = 3, width = 60)
# Add intermediate positions to the RSP track:
for (i in 2:nrow(df.track)) {
if (verbose)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) # Progress bar
if (same.station.shift[i]) {
# Number of intermediate positions to add:
intermediate.points <- as.integer(df.track$Time.lapse.min[i] / time.step)
if (different.station.shift[i]) {
A <- with(df.track, c(Longitude[i - 1], Latitude[i - 1]))
B <- with(df.track, c(Longitude[i], Latitude[i]))
path.name <- paste0("from", paste0(A[1], B[1]), "to", paste0(A[2], B[2]))
if (any(names(path.list) == path.name)) {
AtoB.df <- path.list[[path.name]]
} else {
# definitive AtoB's
AtoB <- gdistance::shortestPath(transition, A, B, output = "SpatialLines")
AtoB.spdf <- suppressWarnings(methods::as(AtoB, "SpatialPointsDataFrame"))
AtoB.df <- suppressWarnings(methods::as(AtoB.spdf, "data.frame")[, c(4, 5)])
# wgs84 version just for distance calcs
AtoB.wgs84.spdf <- suppressWarnings(methods::as(AtoB, "SpatialPointsDataFrame"))
AtoB.wgs84.df <- suppressWarnings(methods::as(AtoB.wgs84.spdf, "data.frame")[, c(4, 5)])
colnames(AtoB.wgs84.df) <- c("x", "y")
# Prepare to calculate distance between coordinate pairs
start <- AtoB.wgs84.df[-nrow(AtoB.df), ]
stop <- AtoB.wgs84.df[-1, ]
aux <- cbind(start, stop)
# Distance in meters
AtoB.df$Distance <- c(0, apply(aux, 1, function(m) geosphere::distm(x = m[1:2], y = m[3:4])))
rm(AtoB.wgs84.df, AtoB.wgs84.spdf)
# Cumulative distance
AtoB.df$cumSum <- cumsum(AtoB.df$Distance)
AtoB.dist <- sum(AtoB.df$Distance)
# Prepare to find points to keep
n.points <- round(AtoB.dist / distance, 0)
if (n.points == 0) {
if (verbose) {
warning("One of the inter-station RSP segments within ", df.track$Track[1],
" is too short to fit extra \n detections (Total distance: ", round(AtoB.dist, 0),
"m). Adding one single point between detections.", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
n.points <- 1
markers <- AtoB.dist / 2
} else {
markers <- seq(from = distance, to = distance * n.points, by = distance)
# Find rows closest to markers
rows.to.keep <- sapply(markers, function(x) which.min(abs(AtoB.df$cumSum - x)))
AtoB.df <- AtoB.df[rows.to.keep, c(1, 2, 4)]
# Save condensed data frame for later use
path.list[[length(path.list) + 1]] <- AtoB.df
names(path.list)[length(path.list)] <- path.name
intermediate.points <- nrow(AtoB.df)
if (exists("intermediate.points")) {
# Auxiliar dataset to save intermediate positions:
mat.aux <- as.data.frame(df.track[-(1:.N)])
# Add intermediate timeframe
time.increment <- df.track$Time.lapse.min[i] * 60 / (intermediate.points + 1)
baseline <- df.track$Timestamp[i - 1] # Base timeframe
incremented.baseline <- baseline
if (intermediate.points == 1) {
incremented.baseline <- baseline + (as.numeric(difftime(df.track$Timestamp[i], df.track$Timestamp[i - 1], units = "secs"))/ 2)
mat.aux[1, "Timestamp"] <- incremented.baseline
if (intermediate.points > 1) {
for (pos2 in 1:intermediate.points) {
incremented.baseline <- incremented.baseline + time.increment
mat.aux[pos2, "Timestamp"] <- incremented.baseline
if (mat.aux$Timestamp[nrow(mat.aux)] == df.track$Timestamp[i])
mat.aux <- mat.aux[-nrow(mat.aux), ]
# Add timelapse for RSP
mat.aux$Time.lapse.min[1] <- as.numeric(difftime(mat.aux$Timestamp[1], df.track$Timestamp[i - 1], units = "mins"))
if(nrow(mat.aux) > 1)
mat.aux$Time.lapse.min[2:nrow(mat.aux)] <- as.numeric(difftime(mat.aux$Timestamp[-1], mat.aux$Timestamp[-nrow(mat.aux)], units = "mins"))
# Correct timelapse for receiver detection
df.track$Time.lapse.min[i] <- as.numeric(difftime(df.track$Timestamp[i], mat.aux$Timestamp[nrow(mat.aux)], units = "mins"))
base <- df.track$Error[i]
if (nrow(mat.aux) <= 2) {
mat.aux$Error <- base + er.ad
} else {
med.point <- round(nrow(mat.aux) / 2, 0)
incremented.base <- base
# Increasing error
for (pos2 in 1:med.point) {
incremented.base <- incremented.base + er.ad
mat.aux$Error[pos2] <- incremented.base
# Fail safe for even intermediate points
if (nrow(mat.aux) %% 2 == 0) {
mat.aux$Error[med.point + 1] <- incremented.base
start.decreasing <- med.point + 2
} else {
start.decreasing <- med.point + 1
# Decreasing error
for (pos2 in start.decreasing:nrow(mat.aux)) {
incremented.base <- incremented.base - er.ad
mat.aux$Error[pos2] <- incremented.base
# Repeat data from detected station
mat.aux$CodeSpace <- df.track$CodeSpace[i]
mat.aux$Signal <- df.track$Signal[i]
mat.aux$Transmitter <- df.track$Transmitter[i]
mat.aux$Track <- df.track$Track[i]
# Fit in remaining variables
if (same.station.shift[i]) {
mat.aux$Latitude <- df.track$Latitude[i]
mat.aux$Longitude <- df.track$Longitude[i]
} else {
mat.aux$Latitude <- AtoB.df$y
mat.aux$Longitude <- AtoB.df$x
# if (exists("AtoB"))
# rm(AtoB.df, AtoB, AtoB.spdf)
# else
# rm(AtoB.df)
mat.aux$Date <- as.Date(mat.aux$Timestamp, tz = tz)
mat.aux$Position <- "RSP"
aux.RSP <- rbind(aux.RSP, mat.aux) # Save RSP
if (verbose)
tracks.save <- rbind(aux.RSP, df.track)
tracks.save <- tracks.save[order(tracks.save$Timestamp), ]
row.names(tracks.save) <- 1:nrow(tracks.save)
return(list(output = tracks.save, path.list = path.list))
#' Recreating RSP for all tracked animals
#' Automatically estimates the RSP for all tracked individuals within a particular study area.
#' @param detections Detection data for that individual as imported using RSPete.
#' @param transition TransitionLayer object as returned by LTDpath.
#' @param tz Timezone of the study area.
#' @param recaptures If the recapture locations will be included in the analysis.
#' @inheritParams runRSP
#' @return A list with the RSP estimations of individual tracks per transmitter.
includeRSP <- function(detections, transition, tz, distance, time.step, er.ad, min.time, max.time, verbose, debug = FALSE, recaptures) {
if (debug)
on.exit(save(list = ls(), file = "includeRSP_debug.RData"), add = TRUE)
path.list <- list() # Empty list to save already calculated paths
if (!verbose)
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(detections),
initial = 0, style = 3, width = 60)
# Recreate RSP individually
aux <- lapply(seq_along(detections), function(i) {
if (verbose)
message(crayon::bold(crayon::green((paste("Analysing:", names(detections)[i])))))
recipient <- nameTracks(detections = detections[[i]], max.time = max.time, recaptures = recaptures, tz = tz) # Fine-scale tracking
detections[[i]] <<- recipient$detections
tracks <- recipient$tracks
track.aux <- split(detections[[i]], detections[[i]]$Track)
tag.aux <- lapply(which(tracks$Valid), function(j) {
if (verbose)
message("Estimating ", names(detections)[i], " RSP: ", names(track.aux)[j])
# Recreate RSP
df.track <- track.aux[[j]]
df.track$Time.lapse.min <- c(0, as.numeric(difftime(df.track$Timestamp[-1], df.track$Timestamp[-nrow(df.track)], units = "mins")))
function.recipient <- calcRSP(df.track = df.track, tz = tz, distance = distance, verbose = verbose, min.time = min.time,
time.step = time.step, transition = transition, er.ad = er.ad, path.list = path.list)
# return path.list directly to environment above
path.list <<- function.recipient$path.list
# return rest to lapply list
# update track n
tracks$new.n[which(tracks$Valid)] <- sapply(tag.aux, nrow)
# combine tracks
tag.recipient <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(tag.aux))
# pass path.list to main envir.
path.list <<- path.list
# Convert variables to factors
tag.recipient$Position <- as.factor(tag.recipient$Position)
tag.recipient$Track <- as.factor(tag.recipient$Track)
tag.recipient$Receiver <- as.factor(tag.recipient$Receiver)
tag.recipient$Transmitter <- as.factor(tag.recipient$Transmitter)
tag.recipient$Standard.name <- as.factor(tag.recipient$Standard.name)
tag.recipient <- tag.recipient[order(tag.recipient$Timestamp), ]
if (!verbose)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) # Progress bar
return(list(detections = tag.recipient, tracks = tracks))
if (!verbose)
output <- lapply(aux, function(x) x$detections)
tracks <- lapply(aux, function(x) x$tracks)
names(output) <- names(detections)
names(tracks) <- names(detections)
return(list(output = output, tracks = tracks))
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