
Defines functions addNicePoints drawBar drawViolinPlot drawPoints drawBoxPlot errorBars

Documented in addNicePoints drawBar drawBoxPlot drawPoints drawViolinPlot errorBars

#' @include np_utility.R
#' @title draw custom error bars
#' @description
#' Draws error bars with an optional cap at one end
#' @details
#' The input data frame \code{x} should have columns labels 'at','start',and 'stop' with at determining the x-axis location and start and stop indicating the position of the segment on the y-axis. If \code{side=TRUE} then the x and y axises are swapped to support horizontal plotting. Each row of the data frame will produce one bar and an optional cap can be drawn at the 'stop' location.
#' @param x named list or data frame; \code{x$start}, \code{x$stop} and \code{x$at} must all be defined as numeric vectors in a named list or data.frame object. In the case of a data frame, each row returns a single error bar.
#' @param capType character; can be set to 'none', 'bar', 'ball'. If set to 'bar' or ball, a round point or a line segment will be used to cap the end of the error bar.
#' @param capSize numeric; \code{capSize} is the distance that the cap extends away from the error bar. Set to \code{\link{NULL}} to suppress the cap regardless of the \code{capType} setting.
#' @param side logical; if set to true, the error bars will be drawn horizontally.
#' @param col color; a vector of line colors.
#' @param lType positive integer; corresponds to lty line type in base R.
#' @param width positive numeric; corresponds to lwd line width setting in base R.
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' library(dplyr)
#' iData<-iris %>% group_by(Species) %>%
#'    summarize(Average=mean(Sepal.Length),SD=sd(Sepal.Length))
#' barplot(iData$Average,ylim=c(0,10),names=levels(iris$Species),ylab="sepal length")
#' loc<-c(.7,1.9,3.1)
#' top<-iData$SD*2+iData$Average
#' bottom<-iData$SD*-2+iData$Average
#' errorBars(data.frame(at=loc,start=iData$Average,stop=top),capType="ball",capSize=2)
#' errorBars(data.frame(at=loc,start=iData$Average,stop=bottom),capType="ball",capSize=2)
#' @export
errorBars<-function(x,capType=c("none","bar","ball"),capSize=NULL,side=FALSE,col="black",lType=1,width=1) {
  if(side) {
    if(capType[1]=="bar" & !is.null(capSize)) {
    } else if (capType[1]=="ball" & !is.null(capSize)) {
  } else {
    if(capType[1]=="bar" & !is.null(capSize)) {
    } else if (capType[1]=="ball" & !is.null(capSize)) {

#' @title draw a custom box and whisker plot
#' @description
#' takes a date frame with columns labeled 'at', 'q1', 'q3', 'min', 'max', 'median' and 'width' to draw a series of boxplots.
#' @details
#' The input data frame \code{x} should include columns labels named 'at','q1',and 'q3', 'median', 'min', 'max' and 'width' in any order.
#' Each row will draw a box and whisker plot. The columns 'q1' and 'q3' refer to the 25\% and 75\% cumulative distribution values that bound the interquartile range.
#' If \code{side=TRUE} then the x and y axises are swapped to support horizontal plotting. The box and whiskers can be suppressed leaving only the median line and the optional center marker if so desired.
#' @param x named list or data frame; \code{x$at}, \code{x$q2}, \code{x$q4}, \code{x$median}, \code{x$min}, \code{x$max} and \code{x$width} must all be defined as numeric vectors in a named list or data.frame object.
#' @param col character; color vector that controls the line color.
#' @param fill character; color vector that determines the interior color of the box.
#' @param drawBox logical; draws the box and whiskers if set to \code{\link{TRUE}}. The median line will be drawn regardless.
#' @param drawDot logical; draws a circle at the center of the median bar if set to \code{\link{TRUE}}.
#' @param whiskerLty positive integer; sets the line type or \code{lty} option for plotting the whiskers.
#' @param side logical; if set to \code{\link{TRUE}}, the box plots will be drawn horizontally.
#' @param lWidth positive integer; corresponds to lwd line width setting in base R.
#' @param capWidth numeric; size of the error bar cap relative to the box width.
#' @param capType character; should be equal to \code{none}, \code{bar}, or \code{ball}. Controls how the caps are drawn for the box plot whiskers.
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' library(dplyr)
#' iData<-iris %>% group_by(Species) %>%
#'    summarize(median=median(Sepal.Length),min=min(Sepal.Length),max=max(Sepal.Length),
#'    q1=quantile(Sepal.Length)[2],q3=quantile(Sepal.Length)[4]) %>%
#'    bind_cols(at=c(1:3),width=c(.2,.3,.4))
#' plot(1,1,type="n",xlim=c(0,4),ylim=c(0,9))
#' #\donttest{drawBoxPlot(iData)}
#' @importFrom graphics segments rect points
#' @seealso \code{\link[graphics]{boxplot}}, \code{\link{niceBox}}
drawBoxPlot<-function(x,col="black",fill=NULL,drawBox=T,drawDot=F, whiskerLty =2,side=FALSE,lWidth=1,capWidth=.25,capType="bar"){
  if(side) {
      errorBars(bind_cols(at=x$at,start=x$q1,stop=x$min),capType=capType,capSize=capWidth*x$width,col=col,lType= whiskerLty,width=lWidth,side=side)
      errorBars(bind_cols(at=x$at,start=x$q3,stop=x$max),capType=capType,capSize=capWidth*x$width,col=col,lType= whiskerLty,width=lWidth,side=side)
  } else {
      errorBars(bind_cols(at=x$at,start=x$q1,stop=x$min),capType=capType,capSize=capWidth*x$width,col=col,lType= whiskerLty,width=lWidth)
      errorBars(bind_cols(at=x$at,start=x$q3,stop=x$max),capType=capType,capSize=capWidth*x$width,col=col,lType= whiskerLty,width=lWidth)

#' @title draw dots for a dot plot
#' @description
#' takes a data frame of locations, values and an optional subgrouping factor and adds the data points to the active plot
#' @details
#' This function adds data points to a chart. These can be organized exactly as specified (linear), as a jitter cloud (jitter), as a waterfall plot (distribution) or as a swarm (beeswarm).
#' A factor labeled pfact can be included in \code{x} and used to highlight individual data points by setting \code{subgroup=\link{TRUE}}. All graphic customization options can given as vectors and will be iterated over during plotting.
#' Note that the size/cex option can not be used to highlight pfact levels in a beeswarm plot and only the first element of the vector will be used.
#' The function silently returns the final xy positions.
#' @param x named list or data frame; \code{x$at}, \code{x$data} and \code{x$pfact} (optional) should all be defined. These vectors are used to place the the point on the chart and determine the point level grouping (highlighting)
#' @param type character; determines how the points are arranged. Options are 'jitter', 'linear', 'beeswarm' and 'distribution'.
#' @param col character; vector of color names for plotting points. If length is greater than one it will be used for subgroups or will iterate over the groups.
#' @param size numeric; vector of cex values for point size. If length is greater than one it will be used for subgroups or will iterate over the groups.
#' @param shape numeric; vector determining point shapes (pch). If length is greater than one it will be used for subgroups or will iterate over the groups.
#' @param highlight logical; Should the point highlighting option be turned on (assumes that pfact is defined).
#' @param width numeric; determines how far points can deviate from the center category label for \code{type} options other than 'linear'.
#' @param sidePlot logical; plots dots for a horizontal rather than vertical axis.
#' @param swarmOverflow character; How to handle beeswarms that would normally overflow the \code{width} argument. Valid options are "random", "gutter", "wrap", "omit", and "none".
#' @param calcOnly logical; Will return just xy plotting data but will plot nothing if set to \code{TRUE}. Setting drawPoints to false will still plot outlier data.
#' @import dplyr
#' @import beeswarm
#' @importFrom graphics points stripchart
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' boxplot(iris$Sepal.Length~iris$Species,ylab="Sepal Length")
#' iData<-data.frame(at=as.numeric(iris$Species),data=iris$Sepal.Length)
#' drawPoints(iData,type="jitter",col=c("red","blue","purple"))
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[graphics]{points}}, \code{\link[graphics]{stripchart}}, \code{\link[beeswarm]{beeswarm}}
drawPoints<-function(x, type="jitter",col="black",size=1,shape=1,highlight=FALSE,width=.2, sidePlot=FALSE,swarmOverflow="random",calcOnly=FALSE) {
  #Process color options
  if(any(names(x)=="subgroup")) {
  } else {
    if(highlight) {
      if(length(myLevels)>1) {
        for (i in 2:length(myLevels)){
          #Unlike grouping colors, mistakes in the highlighting would be hard to catch
          #Better to throw and error if the color vector does not meet expectations in this case
    } else {
      if(length(myLevels)>1) {
        for (i in 2:length(myLevels)){
          newCol[which(as.character(gfact)==myLevels[i])]<-col[(i-1) %% length(col)+1]

  #Process pch shape options
    if(highlight) {
      if(length(myLevels)>1) {
        for (i in 2:length(myLevels)){
    } else {
      if(length(myLevels)>1) {
        for (i in 2:length(myLevels)){
          newShape[which(as.character(gfact)==myLevels[i])]<-shape[(i-1) %% length(shape)+1]

  #Process size/cex options
    if(highlight) {
      if(length(myLevels)>1) {
        for (i in 2:length(myLevels)){
    } else {
      if(length(myLevels)>1) {
        for (i in 2:length(myLevels)){
          newSize[which(as.character(gfact)==myLevels[i])]<-size[(i-1) %% length(size)+1]

  #Jitter plotting
  if(type=="jitter" | type=="Jitter") {
    if(sidePlot) {
      if(calcOnly==FALSE) {
    } else {
      if(calcOnly==FALSE) {
    #Linear plotting
  } else if (type=="linear" | type=="Linear") {
    if(sidePlot) {
      if(calcOnly==FALSE) {
    } else {
      if(calcOnly==FALSE) {
    #Beeswarm plotting
  } else if (type=="beeswarm" | type=="Beeswarm" |  type=="BeeSwarm") {
    #I had a hard time getting the beeswarm point wise coloring and grouping working properly
    #While there is surely a better way, the swarms are calculated separately for each group with only the new x coordinate saved for plotting later.
    for(i in 1:length(levels(factor(x$fact)))) {
        for(n in 1:length(levels(factor(x$subgroup)))){
          cFilter<-(x$fact==levels(factor(x$fact))[i] & x$subgroup==levels(factor(x$subgroup))[n])
          #this is here to avoid running subset calculations for subgroups with no samples
      } else {
    for(i in 1:length(filter)){
      if(!is.null(filter[[i]])) {
        #Note that the col option has been factorized and needs an as.character wrapper to function properly
        if(sidePlot) {
          if(calcOnly==FALSE) {
        } else {
          if(calcOnly==FALSE) {

    #Distribution plotting
  } else if (type=="distribution" | type=="Distribution") {
    distData<-x %>% mutate(groupAt=paste0("level_",.data$at),rowNum=seq(1,length(data))) %>%
      group_by(.data$groupAt) %>%
      arrange(-data,.by_group=TRUE) %>%
      mutate(spread=.data$at-width+row_number()*width*2/length(data)) %>%
    if(sidePlot) {
      if(calcOnly==FALSE) {
    } else {
      if(calcOnly==FALSE) {
  } else {
    warning(paste0("drawPoints argument type=",type," is not a recognized option.\nPlease set to either 'jitter', 'linear', 'beeswarm', or 'distribution'"), call.=FALSE)

#' @title draw a violin plot
#' @description Produce a violin plot with optional box plot and strip plot overlays
#' @details
#' This uses  \code{\link[KernSmooth]{bkde}} from the \code{KernSmooth} package to calculated kernel density estimates and estimate the
#' optimal bandwidth \code{h} setting. This data is then used to draw a violin plot with an optional boxplot drawn as an overlay
#' to better characterize the quartile distribution. Likewise, a strip chart of individual data points
#' can be added on top of these two plots to full characterize the data distribution. This uses \code{\link{niceBox}} to handle
#' the box plot and strip chart overlays.
#' @param x numeric; A vector of numeric values that will be subset and formated by the factor(s) in \code{by}.
#' @param groups factor; A factor used to subset \code{x} to draw the violins.
#' @param at numeric; a numeric vector of where each factor level should be plotted
#' @param h numeric; Bandwidth for the kernel density estimates. Will cycle over values if multiple bandwidths are given
#' @param plotColors list; a named list of vectors of colors that set the color options for all NicePlot functions.
#' @param sidePlot logical; If \code{\link{TRUE}}, the x and y ploting axis are swapped
#' @param borderCol R color string; Color of the border of the violins
#' @param borderWidth numeric; Thickness of the violin borders (lwd)
#' @param fill R color string; Color of the interior of the violins
#' @param width numeric; Relative width of the violins. A value of 1 will cause the violins to cover their entire lane and potentially just touch.
#' @param trimViolins logical; Should the violins be truncated at the edges of the data range.
#' @param samplePoints integer; The number of points used to draw each side of the violin. This is generally obtained from \code{theme$curvePoints}.
#' @importFrom KernSmooth bkde
#' @importFrom purrr map map_dbl
#' @importFrom graphics polygon
#' @seealso \code{\link{niceVio}}, \code{\link[KernSmooth]{bkde}}, \code{\link[KernSmooth]{dpik}}
drawViolinPlot <- function(x,groups,at=seq(1,length(levels(groups))),h=NULL, plotColors=basicTheme$plotColors, sidePlot=FALSE,
                           borderCol=plotColors$lines, borderWidth=1, fill=plotColors$fill, width=1, trimViolins=TRUE,samplePoints=NULL) {
  #Make an list of kernal desinsity estimates. Each list element as x and y components for plotting
  if(trimViolins) {
    kernals<-purrr::map(myLevels, function(y) if(length(x[groups==y])>1) {
        {if(is.null(h)){k<-KernSmooth::bkde(x[groups==y],gridsize = points,range.x = c(min(x[groups==y]),max(x[groups==y])))}
          else if(is.na(h[1]) | !is.numeric(h[1])) {k<-KernSmooth::bkde(x[groups==y],gridsize = points,range.x = c(min(x[groups==y]),max(x[groups==y])))}
          else {k<-KernSmooth::bkde(x[groups==y],bandwidth = h[1], gridsize = points,range.x = c(min(x[groups==y]),max(x[groups==y])))}
        error = function(e) {
          k<- -1
          warning(paste0("KernSmooth bkde: Unable to estimate bandwith for group ",y),call.=FALSE)
    } else {-1}
  } else {
    kernals<-purrr::map(myLevels, function(y) if(length(x[groups==y])>1) {
        {if(is.null(h)) {k<-KernSmooth::bkde(x[groups==y],gridsize = points)}
          else if (is.na(h[1]) | !is.numeric(h[1])) {k<-KernSmooth::bkde(x[groups==y],gridsize = points)}
          else {k<-KernSmooth::bkde(x[groups==y],bandwidth=h[1], gridsize = points)}
        error = function(e) {
          k<- -1
          warning(paste0("KernSmooth bkde: Unable to estimate bandwith for group ",y),call.=FALSE)
  #Use polygon to plot symmetrical kernel densities by category to draw violins
  vioWidth<-purrr::map_dbl(kernals, function(z) if(!is.null(z) & !is.numeric(z)) {max(z$y)*2/width} else {
  for(i in 1:length(myLevels)){
    if(!is.null(kernals[[i]]) & !is.numeric(kernals[[i]])) {
        polygon(c(kernals[[i]]$x,rev(kernals[[i]]$x)),c(at[myLevels[i]]+kernals[[i]]$y/vioWidth[i],rev(at[myLevels[i]]-kernals[[i]]$y/vioWidth[i])),col=fill[(i-1) %% length(fill) + 1],border=borderCol[(i-1) %% length(borderCol) + 1],lwd=borderWidth)
      } else {
        polygon(c(at[myLevels[i]]+kernals[[i]]$y/vioWidth[i],rev(at[myLevels[i]]-kernals[[i]]$y/vioWidth[i])),c(kernals[[i]]$x,rev(kernals[[i]]$x)),col=fill[(i-1) %% length(fill) + 1],border=borderCol[(i-1) %% length(borderCol) + 1],lwd=borderWidth)

#' @title drawBar
#' @description Add a bar plot with options error pars to the active plotting environment
#' @details
#' This function draws a series of bars based on a data frame. The expected columns include \code{yt} (location top of the bar),
#' \code{yb} or bottom of the bar, \code{at} indicating where the bar should be drawn, \code{Group} which is a unique ID per row, \code{fact} which contains an optional stacking factor
#' \code{UpperError} for the top of the error bar and \code{LowerError} for the location of the bottom of the error bar. The construction of the dataframe is handled automatically from input data
#' by \code{\link{niceBar}}.
#' @param x dataframe; Gives top and bottom y-axis positions for the bar plots as well as error bar parameters. See example for details.
#' @param plotColors list; a named list of vectors of colors that set the color options for all NicePlot functions. Names left unspecified will be added and set to default values automatically.
#' @param errorBars Logical; Should error bars be drawn. Defaults to true but is ignored if \code{stack=\link{TRUE}}.
#' @param errorCap character; Determines the style for the ends of the error bars. Valid options are \code{ball}, \code{bar} or \code{none}.
#' @param errorLineType numeric; Sets \code{lty} line type for drawing the error bars.
#' @param width numeric; cex like scaling factor controlling the width of the bars.
#' @param sidePlot logical; Plots bar hight on the x axis if set to \code{\link{TRUE}}.
#' @param stacked logical; draws a stacked barplot if set to \code{\link{TRUE}}.
#' @param capSize numeric; cex like scaling value the controls the size of the caps on the error bars.
#' @param lineWidth numeric; Sets the \code{lwd} options for controling line plotting thickness for the bar plot.
#' @param normalize logical; Normalizes stacked bars to 100\%. If \code{stacked==\link{TRUE}} and \code{normalize==\link{TRUE}} the stacked bars will all go to 100\%. Otherwise the bars represent the cumuative value.
#' @param logScale numeric; the logarithm base to use for the log scale transformation.
#' @param logAdjustment numeric; a number added to each value prior to log trasformation. Defaults value is 1.
#' @examples
#' data(iris)
#' library(dplyr)
#' data<-iris  %>% group_by(Species) %>%
#'     summarize(yt=mean(Sepal.Length),yb=0,UpperError=sd(Sepal.Length),
#'     LowerError=sd(Sepal.Length)) %>%
#'     ungroup() %>% select(yt,yb,UpperError,LowerError,Group=Species) %>%
#'     bind_cols(at=1:3,fact=1:3)
#' plot(type="n",xlim=c(0,4),ylim=c(0,max(iris$Sepal.Length)),-1,xaxt="n")
#' # drawBar(data, width=.3, lineWidth=3,plotColors=list(lines="blue",fill="darkgrey"),
#' # errorBars = T, errorCap = "none")
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr select mutate
#' @importFrom graphics rect
#' @seealso \code{\link[graphics]{barplot}}, \code{\link{niceBar}}, \code{\link{errorBars}}
drawBar <- function(x, plotColors, errorBars=FALSE, errorCap="ball", errorLineType=1, width=.5, sidePlot=FALSE, stacked=FALSE,capSize=2,lineWidth=1,normalize=FALSE, logScale=FALSE, logAdjustment=1) {
  #This section builds out the color list to match the number of factors for stacked bar plots
    if(length(colorOrder)<length(levels(x$Stack))) {
      warning("There are fewer colors in plotColors$fill than factor levels for stacking. Stacks will have repeated colors. Use plotColors=list(fill=c(...)) to make a custom color vector.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
  if(sidePlot) {
    #IE plot with xy axis flipped
      #Build stacks by position using factor levels. Missing factor levels are skipped.
      for (at in unique(x$at)) {
        if(normalize==TRUE) {
          temp$yt<-temp$yt/sum(temp$ty) * 100
        if(logScale!=FALSE & !is.na(logScale) & !is.null(logScale)){
          temp$yt<-logScale^temp$yt - logAdjustment
          for(i in rev(levels(factor(temp$Stack)))) {
            rect(log(temp[temp$Stack==i,"yb"]+hAdjust+logAdjustment,logScale),at-width,log(temp[temp$Stack==i,"yt"]+hAdjust+logAdjustment,logScale),at+width,col=colorOrder[as.character(i)],border=plotColors$lines[1], lwd=lineWidth)
        } else {
          for(i in rev(levels(factor(temp$Stack)))) {
            rect(temp[temp$Stack==i,"yb"]+hAdjust,at-width,temp[temp$Stack==i,"yt"]+hAdjust,at+width,col=colorOrder[as.character(i)],border=plotColors$lines[1], lwd=lineWidth)
    } else {
      rect(x$yb,x$at-width,x$yt,x$at+width,col=plotColors$fill,border=plotColors$lines, lwd=lineWidth)
        if(errorCap[1]=="bar") {
          x %>% mutate(stop=.data$yt + .data$UpperError,start=.data$yt) %>% errorBars(capType="bar",capSize=width*.25,side=TRUE,col=plotColors$lines,width=lineWidth,lType=errorLineType)
          x %>% mutate(stop=.data$yt - .data$LowerError,start=.data$yt) %>% errorBars(capType="bar",capSize=width*.25,side=TRUE,col=plotColors$lines,width=lineWidth,lType=errorLineType)
        } else if(errorCap[1]=="ball"){
          x %>% mutate(stop=.data$yt + .data$UpperError,start=.data$yt) %>% errorBars(capType="ball",capSize=capSize,side=TRUE,col=plotColors$lines,width=lineWidth,lType=errorLineType)
          x %>% mutate(stop=.data$yt - .data$LowerError,start=.data$yt) %>% errorBars(capType="ball",capSize=capSize,side=TRUE,col=plotColors$lines,width=lineWidth,lType=errorLineType)
        } else {
          x %>% mutate(stop=.data$yt + .data$UpperError,start=.data$yt) %>% errorBars(capType="none",capSize=width*.25,side=TRUE,col=plotColors$lines,width=lineWidth,lType=errorLineType)
          x %>% mutate(stop=.data$yt - .data$LowerError,start=.data$yt) %>% errorBars(capType="none",capSize=width*.25,side=TRUE,col=plotColors$lines,width=lineWidth,lType=errorLineType)
  }else {
    #IE plot xy normally
      #Build stacks by position using factor levels. Missing factor levels are skipped.
      for (at in unique(x$at)) {
        if(normalize==TRUE) {
          temp$yt<-temp$yt/sum(temp$yt,na.rm=TRUE) *100
        if(logScale!=FALSE & !is.na(logScale) & !is.null(logScale)){
          temp$yt<-logScale^temp$yt - logAdjustment
          for(i in rev(levels(factor(temp$Stack)))) {
            rect(at-width, log(temp[temp$Stack==i,"yb"]+hAdjust + logAdjustment,logScale),at+width,log(temp[temp$Stack==i,"yt"]+hAdjust+logAdjustment,logScale),col=colorOrder[as.character(i)],border=plotColors$lines[1], lwd=lineWidth)
        } else {
         for(i in rev(levels(factor(temp$Stack)))) {
            rect(at-width, temp[temp$Stack==i,"yb"]+hAdjust,at+width,temp[temp$Stack==i,"yt"]+hAdjust,col=colorOrder[as.character(i)],border=plotColors$lines[1], lwd=lineWidth)
    } else {
      rect(x$at-width,x$yb,x$at+width,x$yt,col=plotColors$fill,border=plotColors$lines, lwd=lineWidth)
        if(errorCap[1]=="bar") {
          x %>% mutate(stop=.data$yt + .data$UpperError,start=.data$yt) %>%
          x %>% mutate(stop=.data$yt - .data$LowerError,start=.data$yt) %>% errorBars(capType="bar",capSize=width*.25,side=FALSE,col=plotColors$lines,width=lineWidth,lType=errorLineType)
        } else if(errorCap[1]=="ball"){
          x %>% mutate(stop=.data$yt + .data$UpperError,start=.data$yt) %>%
            select(.data$at,.data$stop,.data$start) %>%
          x %>% mutate(stop=.data$yt - .data$LowerError,start=.data$yt) %>%
            select(.data$at,.data$stop,.data$start) %>%
        } else {
          x %>% mutate(stop=.data$yt + .data$UpperError,start=.data$yt) %>% errorBars(capType="none",capSize=width*.25,side=FALSE,col=plotColors$lines,width=lineWidth,lType=errorLineType)
          x %>% mutate(stop=.data$yt - .data$LowerError,start=.data$yt) %>% errorBars(capType="none",capSize=width*.25,side=FALSE,col=plotColors$lines,width=lineWidth,lType=errorLineType)

#' @title Add a datapoint overlay to a box or violin plot
#' @description This function prepares data based on settings from \code{\link{niceBox}}, \code{\link{niceDots}}, or \code{\link{niceVio}}
#' and passes the data on to \code{\link{drawPoints}}.
#' @details This function takes in cleaned data from \code{\link{prepCategoryWindow}} and reorganizes to to create a dot plot overlay for a graph.
#' This code is used by both \code{\link{niceBox}} and \code{\link{niceVio}} and has been moved to an independent function to make the code more compact and easier to maintain.
#' This code is also used to draw the outlier dots in a boxplot by setting \code{drawPoints = \link{FALSE}}.
#' @examples
#' #Add a beeswarm plot overlay to a boxplot in the iris data set:
#' data(iris)
#' data<-list(data=iris$Sepal.Length)
#' boxplot(iris$Sepal.Length~iris$Species)
#' addNicePoints(data,by=iris$Species,pointMethod="beeswarm",plotAt=1:3)
#' #Add an outlier point to a boxplot:
#' boxplot(iris$Sepal.Length~iris$Species, outline=FALSE)
#' addNicePoints(data,by=iris$Species,pointMethod="linear",plotAt=1:3,
#'     drawPoints=FALSE,outliers=1.5)
#' @param prepedData list; a list object returned by \code{\link{prepCategoryWindow}}
#' @param by factor or dataframe of factors; One or more factors that control how the data is grouped. The first column is the primary grouping factor and the second and thrid columns are used for sub-grouping and highlighting as needed.
#' @param filter logical vector; Used to further filter the data if necissary.
#' @param sidePlot logical; switches the axis to plot horizontally instead of vertically.
#' @param subgroup logical; Should the data be faceted into subgroups within the primary factor levels. Ignored if \code{by} is a \code{\link[base]{factor}}.
#' @param plotAt numeric; A vector of where to draw each set of points
#' @param pointHighlights logical; will use additional factors in \code{by} to highlight points in the dot plot.
#' @param pointMethod character; method to be used for ploting dots. Can be set to "jitter", "linear", "beeswarm" or "distribution".
#' @param pointShape positive integer; sets pty for plotting data points. Can be a vector to support additional graphical customization.
#' @param pointSize positive integer; sets the cex multiplier for point size.
#' @param width numeric; A multiplier that controls how wide the ploting elements will be. Setting \code{width=1.1} would result in plot elements being 10\% wider.
#' @param pointLaneWidth numeric; This controls how far data point dots can move along the categorical axis when plotting. Used for \code{pointMethod} options 'jitter', 'beeswarm', and 'distribution'.
#' @param plotColors list; a named list of vectors of colors that set the color options for all NicePlot functions. Names left unspecified will be added and set to default values automatically.
#' @param drawPoints logical; draws a dot plot overlay of the data for each box. Setting this to false causes just the outlier points to be ploted. Used in \code{\link{niceBox}}.
#' @param outliers positive numeric; number of interquartile ranges (IQR) past the Q1 (25\%) and Q3 (75\%) cumulative distribution values. Outliers are often defined as \eqn{1.5 \times IQR}{1.5 * IQR} and extreme outliers are more than \eqn{3 \times IQR}{3 * IQR} away from the inner 50\% data range.
#' @param dataCols numeric; A number of representing the number of data columns to be plotted. These is a combination of the dimentions of \code{prepedData} and/or the number of primary and secondary grouping factors. Used to determine the maximum ploting width for the points.
#' @param swarmOverflow character; How to handle beeswarms that would normally overflow the \code{pointLaneWidth} argument. Valid options are "random", "gutter", "wrap", "omit", and "none".
#' @param calcOnly logical; Will return just xy plotting data but will plot nothing if set to \code{TRUE}. Setting drawPoints to false will still plot outlier data.
#' @importFrom stats sd start
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by ungroup mutate select filter
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{drawPoints}}, \code{\link{niceBox}}, \code{\link{niceVio}}, \code{\link{niceDots}}, \code{\link[beeswarm]{beeswarm}}, \code{\link[base]{jitter}}, \code{\link{drawPoints}}
addNicePoints<-function(prepedData,by,filter=TRUE,sidePlot=F,subgroup=F,plotAt,pointHighlights=F,pointMethod="jitter",pointShape=16,pointSize=1,width=1,pointLaneWidth=.9,plotColors=formatPlotColors(list(1)),drawPoints=T,outliers=F,dataCols=1,swarmOverflow="random", calcOnly=FALSE) {
  #CASE: by is a factor data is a numeric vector
    if(is.factor(by)) {
        if(drawPoints) {
          bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter]) %>%
            mutate(at=facetLoc[.data$fact]) %>%
            drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
        } else {
          bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter]) %>%
            mutate(at=facetLoc[.data$fact]) %>%
            drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = TRUE)
      } else {
          bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter]) %>%
            mutate(at=facetLoc[.data$fact]) %>%
            drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
        } else {
          #draws outliers if drawPoints is off
          #This gets thrown off if there are levels with no outliers so there is some addtional handling of color levels here.
            tempCols<-rep(tempCols,(length(levels(by[filter])) %% length(tempCols)) +1)
          pointDat<-bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter]) %>%
            mutate(at=facetLoc[.data$fact],colCheck=tempCols[by[filter]]) %>%
            group_by(.data$fact) %>%
            mutate(tFilter=quantileTrim(data,threshold=outliers,returnFilter = TRUE)[[2]]==FALSE) %>%
            filter(.data$tFilter) %>% ungroup()
          drawPoints(pointDat,highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth,col=tempCols[tempCols %in% as.character(pointDat$colCheck)],swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
          #Not drawn, just for populating xypos for all data points
          bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter]) %>%
            mutate(at=facetLoc[.data$fact]) %>%
            drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = TRUE)
    } else {
      #CASE: by is not a factor, data is a numeric vector and subgroup is TRUE
      if(subgroup) {
        if(outliers==FALSE) {
          if(drawPoints) {
            if(pointHighlights) {
              bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1],subgroup=by[filter,2],pfact=by[filter,3]) %>%
                mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
                drawPoints(highlight=TRUE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/length(levels(by[,2])),col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
            } else {
              bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1],subgroup=by[filter,2]) %>%
                mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
                drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/length(levels(by[,2])),col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
          } else {
            bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1],subgroup=by[filter,2]) %>%
              mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
              drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/length(levels(by[,2])),col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = TRUE)
        } else {
          if(drawPoints) {
            if(pointHighlights) {
              bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1],subgroup=by[filter,2],pfact=by[filter,3]) %>%
                mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
                drawPoints(highlight=TRUE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/length(levels(by[,2])),col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
            } else {
              bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1],subgroup=by[filter,2]) %>%
                mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
                drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/length(levels(by[,2])),col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
          } else {
            #draw the outlier points if drawPoints == FALSE and outliers != FALSE
            #This gets thrown off if there are levels with no outliers so there is some addtional handling of color levels here.
              tempCols<-rep(tempCols,(length(levels(by[filter,2])) %% length(tempCols)) +1)
            pointDat<-bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1],subgroup=by[filter,2]) %>%
              mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel],colCheck=tempCols[by[filter,2]]) %>%
              group_by(.data$facetLevel) %>%
              mutate(tFilter=quantileTrim(data,threshold=outliers,returnFilter = TRUE)[[2]]==FALSE) %>%
              filter(.data$tFilter) %>% ungroup()
            drawPoints(pointDat,highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/length(levels(by[,2])),col=tempCols[tempCols %in% as.character(pointDat$colCheck)],swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
            #Not drawn, just for populating xypos for all data points
            bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1],subgroup=by[filter,2]) %>%
              mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
              drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/length(levels(by[,2])),col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = TRUE)
      } else {
        #CASE: by is not a factor, data is a numeric vector and subgroup is FALSE
        if(outliers==FALSE) {
          if(drawPoints) {
            if(pointHighlights) {
              bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1],pfact=by[filter,2]) %>%
                mutate(at=facetLoc[.data$fact]) %>%
                drawPoints(highlight=TRUE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
            } else {
              bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1]) %>%
                mutate(at=facetLoc[.data$fact]) %>%
                drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
          } else {
            bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1]) %>%
              mutate(at=facetLoc[.data$fact]) %>%
              drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = TRUE)
        } else {
          if(drawPoints) {
            if(pointHighlights) {
              bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1],pfact=by[filter,2]) %>%
                mutate(at=facetLoc[.data$fact]) %>%
                drawPoints(highlight=TRUE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
            } else {
              bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1]) %>%
                mutate(at=facetLoc[.data$fact]) %>%
                drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
          } else {
            #draws outliers if drawPoints is off
            #This gets thrown off if there are levels with no outliers so there is some addtional handling of color levels here.
              tempCols<-rep(tempCols,(length(levels(by[filter,1])) %% length(tempCols)) +1)
            pointDat<-bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1]) %>%
              mutate(at=facetLoc[.data$fact],colCheck=tempCols[by[filter,1]]) %>%
              group_by(.data$fact) %>%
              mutate(tFilter=quantileTrim(data,threshold=outliers,returnFilter = TRUE)[[2]]==FALSE) %>%
              filter(.data$tFilter) %>% ungroup()
            drawPoints(pointDat,highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth,col=tempCols[tempCols %in% as.character(pointDat$colCheck)],swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
            #Not drawn, just for populating xypos for all data points
            bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1]) %>%
              mutate(at=facetLoc[.data$fact]) %>%
              drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = TRUE)
  } else {
    #CASE: data is a dataframe, by is a factor, subgroup is ignored
    if(is.factor(by)) {
      if(outliers==FALSE) {
          bind_cols(prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter]) %>%
            tidyr::gather(factor_key=TRUE, key=subgroup,value=data,-.data$fact) %>%
            mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
            drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/dataCols,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
        } else {
          bind_cols(prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter]) %>%
            tidyr::gather(factor_key=TRUE, key=subgroup,value=data,-.data$fact) %>%
            mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
            drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/dataCols,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = TRUE)
      } else {
        if(drawPoints) {
          bind_cols(prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter]) %>%
            tidyr::gather(factor_key=TRUE, key=subgroup,value=data,-.data$fact) %>%
            mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
            drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/dataCols,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
        } else {
          #draws outliers if drawPoints is off
          #This gets thrown off if there are levels with no outliers so there is some addtional handling of color levels here.
            tempCols<-rep(tempCols,(length(levels(by[filter])) %% length(tempCols)) +1)
          pointDat<-bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter]) %>%
            tidyr::gather(factor_key=TRUE, key=subgroup,value=data,-.data$fact) %>%
            mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel],colCheck=tempCols[.data$subgroup]) %>%
            group_by(.data$facetLevel) %>%
            mutate(tFilter=quantileTrim(data,threshold=outliers,returnFilter = TRUE)[[2]]==FALSE) %>%
            filter(.data$tFilter) %>% ungroup()
          drawPoints(pointDat,highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/dataCols,col=tempCols[tempCols %in% as.character(pointDat$colCheck)],swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
          #Not drawn, but included to populated xypos for all points.
          bind_cols(prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter]) %>%
            tidyr::gather(factor_key=TRUE, key=subgroup,value=data,-.data$fact) %>%
            mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
            drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/dataCols,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = TRUE)
    } else {
      #CASE: data is a dataframe, by is a dataframe, subgroup is ignored
      if(outliers==FALSE) {
          if(pointHighlights) {
            bind_cols(prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1],pfact=by[filter,2]) %>%
              tidyr::gather(factor_key=TRUE, key=subgroup,value=data,-.data$fact,-.data$pfact) %>%
              mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
              drawPoints(highlight=TRUE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/dataCols,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
          } else {
            bind_cols(prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1]) %>%
              tidyr::gather(factor_key=TRUE, key=subgroup,value=data,-.data$fact) %>%
              mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
              drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/dataCols,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
        } else {
          bind_cols(prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1]) %>%
            tidyr::gather(factor_key=TRUE, key=subgroup,value=data,-.data$fact) %>%
            mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
            drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/dataCols,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = TRUE)
      } else {
        if(drawPoints) {
          if(pointHighlights) {
            bind_cols(prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1],pfact=by[filter,2]) %>%
              tidyr::gather(factor_key=TRUE, key=subgroup,value=data,-.data$fact,-.data$pfact) %>%
              mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
              drawPoints(highlight=TRUE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/dataCols,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
          } else {
            bind_cols(prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1]) %>%
              tidyr::gather(factor_key=TRUE, key=subgroup,value=data,-.data$fact) %>%
              mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
              drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/dataCols,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
        } else {
          #draws outliers if drawPoints is off
          #This gets thrown off if there are levels with no outliers so there is some additional handling of color levels here.
            tempCols<-rep(tempCols,(dim(prepedData[[1]])[2] %% length(tempCols)) +1)
          pointDat<-bind_cols(data=prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1]) %>%
            tidyr::gather(factor_key=TRUE, key=subgroup,value=data,-.data$fact) %>%
            mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel],colCheck=tempCols[.data$subgroup]) %>%
            group_by(.data$facetLevel) %>%
            mutate(tFilter=quantileTrim(data,threshold=outliers,returnFilter = TRUE)[[2]]==FALSE) %>%
            filter(.data$tFilter) %>% ungroup()
          drawPoints(pointDat,highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/dataCols,col=tempCols[tempCols %in% as.character(pointDat$colCheck)],swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = calcOnly)
          #record positions for all of the points
          bind_cols(prepedData[[1]],fact=by[filter,1]) %>%
            tidyr::gather(factor_key=TRUE, key=subgroup,value=data,-.data$fact) %>%
            mutate(facetLevel=paste0(.data$fact,.data$subgroup,sep="."),at=facetLoc[.data$facetLevel]) %>%
            drawPoints(highlight=FALSE,sidePlot=sidePlot,type=pointMethod,shape=pointShape,size=pointSize,width=.5*width*pointLaneWidth/dataCols,col=plotColors$points,swarmOverflow=swarmOverflow, calcOnly = TRUE)
ZachHunter/NicePlots.R documentation built on Sept. 23, 2023, 4:04 a.m.