
Defines functions node_path make_node_map predict_sparse_nodes make_statement make_rule generate_rules rulefit rulefit.gbm rulefit.GBMFit print.rulefit train train.rulefit predict.rulefitFit summary.rulefitFit

## work back from node map to get all nodes passed through
node_path <- function(cid, tree) {

  if (cid == 1) return(numeric(0))

  k <- do.call(cbind, tree[3:5])
  p <- row(k)[which(k == (cid - 1))]

  return(c(cid, node_path(p, tree)))

make_node_map <- function(mod, n.trees) {
  ## Number of internal nodes
  nt <- seq.int(n.trees)
  l <- lapply(mod$trees[nt], function(t) seq_along(t[[1]]))

  ## Don't need the path of the root node
  paths <- lapply(nt, function(i) {
    lapply(l[[i]], node_path, mod$trees[[i]])

  nodes_per_tree <- lengths(l)
  nodes_per_tree[1] <- 0

  i <- cumsum(nodes_per_tree)

  res <- mapply(function(p, n) relist(unlist(p) + n, p), paths, i, SIMPLIFY = F)

  term <- lapply(mod$trees[nt], function(t) which(t[[1]] == -1))

  nodes <- mapply('[', relist(seq_along(unlist(l)), l), term, SIMPLIFY = F)

  ## unlist one level
  list(rules = unlist(res, recursive = F), nodes = nodes, termn = term)

## predict node membership sparse matrix
predict_sparse_nodes = function(rf, newx) {
  ## check variables
  v <- rf$base_model$var.names
  stopifnot(all(v %in% names(newx)))

  nm <- rf$node_map
  nt <- seq.int(rf$n.trees)

  ## overwrite GBM tree data to predict the node id
  for (i in nt) {
    rf$base_model$trees[[i]][[2]][nm$termn[[i]]] <- nm$nodes[[i]]

  ## reorder newx to be in same order model was trained
  node_ids <- predict(rf$base_model, newx[v], nt, single.tree = TRUE)

  ### rule values to put in sparse matrix
  v <- sapply(t(node_ids), function(i) nm$rules[i])

  ## create row index
  rows <- split(v, rep(seq.int(nrow(node_ids)), each=rf$n.trees))
  rows <- rep(seq_along(rows), sapply(rows, function(r) length(unlist(r))))

  ## create column index
  cols <- unlist(v)

    i = as.integer(rows),
    j = as.integer(cols),
    dims = as.integer(c(nrow(node_ids), max(unlist(nm$rules))))

## helper class to bundle split info
make_statement <- function(mod, tree, p, c, dir) {
  v <- tree[[1]][p] + 1 # variable position (+1 because its zero indexed)
  lvls <- mod$var.levels[[v]]

  type <-
    if (dir == 0) "missing" else
      if (mod$var.type[v] > 0) "factor" else
        if (is.character(lvls)) "ordered" else "numeric"

  sv <- tree[[2]][p] # split value

  value <- switch(type,
    "missing" = NULL,
    "factor"  = lvls[mod$c.splits[[sv + 1]] == dir],
    "ordered" = if (dir == -1) lvls[lvls <= sv + 1] else lvls[lvls > sv + 1],
    "numeric" = sv)

      name   = mod$var.names[v],
      value  = value,
      dir    = dir),
    class = c(paste0("statement_", type), "statement"))

### create list of statements working back from a terminal node
make_rule <- function(mod, tree, n) {

  if (n == 1) return()

  ## tree / term node position
  k <- do.call(cbind, tree[3:5])

  # parent and direction
  p <- row(k)[which(k == (n - 1))]
  d <- col(k)[which(k == (n - 1))]

  dir <- c(-1, 1, 0)

  ## recurse
    c(list(make_statement(mod, tree, p, n, dir[d])), make_rule(mod, tree, p)),
    class = "rule")

## generate all of the decision tree rules from a given tree ensemble
generate_rules <- function(mod, nm) {

  nt <- seq_along(nm$nodes)

  ## Loop over trees
  ## loop over terminal node positions
  ## extract recursive rules
  rules <- lapply(mod$trees[nt], function(t) {
    n <- seq_along(t[[2]])
    lapply(n, function(i) make_rule(mod, t, i))

  unlist(rules, recursive = FALSE)

#' @export
rulefit <- function(mod, n.trees) UseMethod("rulefit")

## wrap a tree ensemble in a class and generate the rules
#' @export
rulefit.gbm <- function(mod, n.trees) {

  nm <- make_node_map(mod, n.trees)
  rules <- generate_rules(mod, nm)

      base_model  = mod,
      n.trees     = n.trees,
      rules       = rules,
      node_map    = nm),

#' @export
rulefit.GBMFit <- function(mod, n.trees) {

  ## convert the model to gbm 2.1
  old <- gbm3::to_old_gbm(mod)

  ## check distribution is in right format
  if(is.null(old$distribution$name)) {
    old$distribution <- list(name=old$distribution)

  nm <- make_node_map(old, n.trees)
  rules <- generate_rules(old, nm)

      base_model  = old,
      n.trees     = n.trees,
      rules       = rules,
      node_map    = nm,
      fit         = NULL,
      support     = numeric(0)),

## print method for rulefit class
#' @export
print.rulefit <- function(object) {
  cat(sprintf("RuleFit object with %d rules\n", length(object$rules)))
  cat(sprintf("Rules generated from %s model show below\n", class(object$base_model)))
  cat(paste0(rep("-", 80), collapse = ""), sep = "\n")

## train generic
#' @export
train <- function(rf, x, y, bag=NULL, parallel=FALSE, ...) UseMethod("train")

## train method for rulefit class
#' @export
train.rulefit <- function(rf, x, y, threshold=0.1, bag=NULL, parallel=FALSE,  ...) {
  nodes <- predict_sparse_nodes(rf, x)
  rf$support <- Matrix::colSums(nodes)/nrow(nodes) ## support
  v <- sqrt(rf$support * (1 - rf$support)) < threshold ## rule variance threshold

  if (any(v)) nodes[,v] <- FALSE

  rf$fit <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(nodes, y, parallel=parallel, keep=TRUE, ...)

  if (!is.null(bag)) {
    lambda <- rf$fit$glmnet.fit$lambda

    if (parallel) {
      betas <- foreach(i = seq.int(bag), .combine = `+`) %dopar% {
        n <- sample(seq.int(nrow(nodes)), nrow(nodes), replace = TRUE)
        fit <- glmnet(nodes[n,], y[n], lambda=lambda, ...)
    } else {
      betas <- Reduce(`+`, lapply(seq.int(bag), function(i) {
        n <- sample(seq.int(nrow(nodes)), nrow(nodes), replace = TRUE)
        fit <- glmnet(nodes[n,], y[n], lambda=lambda, ...)
    betas <- betas / bag
    rf$fit$glmnet.fit$beta <- betas

  class(rf) <- c("rulefit", "rulefitFit")

## predict method for rulefit class
#' @export
predict.rulefitFit <- function(object, newx, s=c("lambda.1se", "lambda.min"), nodes=FALSE, ...) {
  s <- match.arg(s)
  X <- predict_sparse_nodes(object, newx)

  if (nodes) {
    cf <- coef(object$fit, s=s)[-1]
    return(X[,which(cf != 0)])

  predict(object$fit, X, s=s, ...)[,1] ## return vector

## summary method for rulefit class
#' @export
summary.rulefitFit <- function(object, s=c("lambda.1se", "lambda.min"), dedup=TRUE, ...) {
  s <- match.arg(s)
  cf <- coef(object$fit, s=s)[-1]

  res <- data.frame(
    support = object$support[cf != 0],
    coefficient = cf[cf != 0],
    node = which(cf != 0),
    rule = sapply(object$rules[cf != 0], toString))

  if (dedup) {

    sums <- aggregate(.~rule, res, sum)
    maxs <- aggregate(.~rule, res, max)
    nums <- aggregate(.~rule, res, list)

    res <- sums
    res$support <- maxs$support
    res$node <- nums$node


  res$importance <- abs(res$coefficient) * sqrt(res$support * (1 - res$support))

  res <- res[order(res$importance, decreasing = TRUE),]
  row.names(res) <- NULL

  ## reorder the columns
  cols <- c("node","support","coefficient","importance","rule")

Zelazny7/rulefit documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:20 a.m.