
Defines functions path_to_root path_between gather_perm gather_dist gather_dci calculate_dci_inv_thresh calculate_dci_dia_thresh calculate_dci_pot_thresh calculate_dci_inv calculate_dci_dia calculate_dci_pot calculate_dci

Documented in calculate_dci calculate_dci_dia calculate_dci_dia_thresh calculate_dci_inv calculate_dci_inv_thresh calculate_dci_pot calculate_dci_pot_thresh gather_dci gather_dist gather_perm path_between path_to_root

#' Calculate different forms of the DCI for a \code{\link{river_net}} object
#' @details
#' Passability values are probabilities from 0 to 1 where 0 indicates fully
#'   impassable and 1 indicates fully passable. If the values in the supplied
#'   passability column are not within this range they will be normalized.
#' Similarly weighting values are probability from 0 to 1. Rivers with weights
#'   of either 0 or NA will not be considered when calculating the DCI.
#' When DCI results are returned succesfully teh global DCI of the given river
#'   network will be printed to the console.
#' @param net A \code{\link{river_net}} object.
#' @param form A string specifying the form of the DCI to calculate: either
#'   "potamodromous", "diadromous", or "invasive".
#' @param pass The name of a column in the nodes table of net which holds the
#'   numeric passability of nodes. If none is specified all barriers are
#'   automatically considered to have 0 passability.
#' @param weight The name of column in the edges tables of net which holds
#'   numeric weights to be applied to river lengths. If none is specified, the
#'   DCI is calculated only with river lengths.
#' @param threshold An optional numeric value specifying a dispersal limit in
#'   map units. If NULL, the default, no limit is considered.
#' @param n.cores An optional integer value indicating the number of cores to
#'   use. Defaults to 1. Currently only works on MacOS and Linux.
#' @param quiet A logical value indicating whether the global DCI and a map of
#'   segments should be printed to the console. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @return A \code{\link{sf}} object of the rivers from the provided
#'   \code{\link{river_net}} object with new columns specifying the segmental
#'   DCI values at each river location. If sites is not \code{NULL}, a \code{\link{sf}}
#'   object of the site points with their associated DCI scores.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calculate_dci(net = net_name, form = "all", pass = "pass",
#'   weight = "river_weight", threshold = 1500)
#' calculate_dci(net = net_name, form = "potamodromous")
#' calculate_dci(net = net_name, form = "diadromous", threshold = 2100)
#' }
calculate_dci <- function(net, form, pass = NULL, weight = NULL, threshold = NULL, n.cores = 1, quiet = FALSE){

  # Check that network is valid
  if(!("river_net" %in% class(net))){
    stop("A valid river_net object is required.")
  # Check that form is valid
  if(!(form %in% c("potamodromous", "diadromous", "invasive"))){
    stop("A valid form of the DCI must be requested.")

  # Extract edges
  net_edges <- as.data.frame(activate(net, edges))

  # Extract nodes
  net_nodes <- as.data.frame(activate(net, nodes))

  # Check that passability is valid
    user_perm <- tryCatch(
      error = function(e) {
        stop("Supplied passability field cannot be assigned:", e, call. = FALSE)
      warning = function(w) {
        stop("Supplied passability field cannot be assigned:", w, call. = FALSE)
    # Set non-barrier node permeabilities to 1
    non_bar <- which(net_nodes$type != "barrier")
    user_perm[non_bar] <- 1
    # Check that passability is between 0 and 1
    if(any(user_perm > 1)){
      user_perm <- (user_perm - min(user_perm)) / (max(user_perm) - min(user_perm))
    # Set active passability column
    net_nodes$pass <- user_perm
  # Set binary passability if pass is left NULL
  } else {
    net_nodes$pass <- 1
    net_nodes[net_nodes$type == "barrier",]$pass <- 0

  # Check that weight is valid
    user_weight <- tryCatch(
      error = function(e) {
        stop("Supplied weight field cannot be assigned:", e, call. = FALSE)
      warning = function(w) {
        stop("Supplied weight field cannot be assigned:", w, call. = FALSE)
    # Replace NA values with 0
      user_weight[is.na(user_weight)] <- 0
    # Check that weight is between 0 and 1
    if(any(user_weight > 1)){
      user_weight <- (user_weight - min(user_weight)) / (max(user_weight) - min(user_weight))
    # Set active weighting column
    net_edges$riv_weight <- user_weight

  # Move edge attributes to nodes
  # Weights from edges associated w/ upstream nodes
  net_nodes <- net_nodes %>%
    dplyr::mutate(nodeID = dplyr::row_number()) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(net_edges, by = c("nodeID" = "from"), multiple = "any")
  net_nodes <- sf::st_as_sf(net_nodes, sf_column_name = "geometry.x")
  # Set outlet length to 0
  net_nodes[net_nodes$type == "outlet",]$riv_length <- 0

    # Calculate total weighted length of segments
    seg_weights <- as.data.frame(net_nodes) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(weighted_len = .data$riv_length * .data$riv_weight) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$member.label) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(segweight = sum(.data$weighted_len, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
      # Remove members with 0 length
      dplyr::filter(.data$segweight != 0)
  } else {
    # Calculate segment total lengths
    seg_weights <- as.data.frame(net_nodes) %>%
      dplyr::group_by(.data$member.label) %>%
      dplyr::summarise(segweight = sum(.data$riv_length, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$segweight != 0)

  # Calculate total weight of network
  totweight <- sum(seg_weights$segweight)

  # Gather member IDs
  all_members <- seg_weights$member.label

  # Identify outlet segment for diadromous or invasive
  if(form %in% c("diadromous", "invasive")){
  outlet_seg <- activate(net, nodes) %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$type == "outlet") %>%

  # If no distance threshold is supplied

    # Calculate relative length of segments
    seg_weights$segweight <- seg_weights$segweight / totweight

    # Potamodromous case
    if(form == "potamodromous") DCIs <- calculate_dci_pot(all_members, net_nodes, seg_weights, n.cores, quiet)
    # Diadromous case
    if(form == "diadromous") DCIs <- calculate_dci_dia(all_members, net_nodes, seg_weights, outlet_seg, n.cores, quiet)
    # Invasive case
    if(form == "invasive") DCIs <- calculate_dci_inv(all_members, net_nodes, seg_weights, outlet_seg, n.cores, quiet)

    # Return calculated DCI values
    DCIs <- structure(DCIs, class = c("dci_results", class(DCIs)))

  # If distance threshold is supplied
  } else {

    # Check if weighting is requested
    weighted <- FALSE
    if(!is.null(weight)) weighted <- TRUE

    # Potamodromous case
    if(form == "potamodromous") DCIs <- calculate_dci_pot_thresh(net, all_members, net_nodes, seg_weights, weighted, threshold, totweight, n.cores, quiet)
    # Diadromous case
    if(form == "diadromous") DCIs <- calculate_dci_dia_thresh(net, all_members, net_nodes, seg_weights, weighted, threshold, totweight, outlet_seg, n.cores, quiet)
    # Invasive case
    if(form == "invasive") DCIs <- calculate_dci_inv_thresh(net, all_members, net_nodes, seg_weights, weighted, threshold, totweight, outlet_seg, n.cores, quiet)

    # Return calculated DCI values
    DCIs <- structure(DCIs, class = c("dci_results", class(DCIs)))


#' Calculate non-thresholded potamodromous DCI
#' @inheritParams calculate_dci
#' @param all_members An integer vector holding all assigned membership labels
#'   in the \code{\link{river_net}} object.
#' @param net_nodes An \code{\link{sf}} object of the nodes of the \code{\link{river_net}}
#'   object with river attributes joined.
#' @param seg_weights A data frame of each segments total length. Either
#'   weighted or unweighted depending on parameters.
#' @param n.nodes An optional integer value indicating the number of cores to
#'   use. Defaults to 1. Currently only works on MacOS and Linux.
#' @return A data frame which holds raw and relative DCI scores for each segment.
#' @keywords internal
calculate_dci_pot <- function(all_members, net_nodes, seg_weights, n.cores, quiet){

  # Determine segment pairs
  from_segment <- rep(all_members,
                      each = length(all_members))
  to_segment <- rep(all_members,
                    times = length(all_members))

  # Calculate passability between each pair of segments
  if(n.cores > 1){
    pass <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes), mc.cores = n.cores)
  } else{
    pass <- mapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes))

  # Gather DCI inputs and calculate sub-segmental DCI
  DCIs_sub <- data.frame(from = from_segment,
                         to = to_segment,
  DCIs_sub <- dplyr::left_join(DCIs_sub, seg_weights, by = c("from" = "member.label"))
  names(DCIs_sub)[names(DCIs_sub) == "segweight"] <- "from_len"
  DCIs_sub <- dplyr::left_join(DCIs_sub, seg_weights, by = c("to" = "member.label"))
  names(DCIs_sub)[names(DCIs_sub) == "segweight"] <- "to_len"
  DCIs_sub$DCIs <- DCIs_sub$from_len * DCIs_sub$to_len * DCIs_sub$pass * 100

  # Group DCI results by from segment to obtain segmental DCI
  DCIs <- DCIs_sub %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$from) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(DCI = sum(.data$DCIs))
  names(DCIs)[names(DCIs) == "from"] <- "segment"
  DCI_glob <- sum(DCIs$DCI)
  DCIs$DCI_rel <- DCIs$DCI / DCI_glob * 100
  DCIs <- as.data.frame(DCIs)

  # Print global dci
    message(paste0("potamodromous DCI: ", DCI_glob))

  # Return DCIs summary


#' Calculate non-thresholded diadromous DCI
#' @inheritParams calculate_dci
#' @inheritParams calculate_dci_pot
#' @param outlet_seg An integer indicating the membership label of the outlet segment
#' @return A data frame which holds raw and relative DCI scores for each segment.
#' @keywords internal
calculate_dci_dia <- function(all_members, net_nodes, seg_weights, outlet_seg, n.cores, quiet){

  # Determine segment pairs
  to_segment <- all_members[all_members != 0]
  from_segment <- rep(outlet_seg, times = length(to_segment))

  # Calculate passability between each pair of segments
  if(n.cores > 1){
    pass <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes), mc.cores = n.cores)
  } else{
    pass <- mapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes))

  # Gather DCI inputs and calculate sub-segmental DCI
  DCIs_sub <- data.frame(from = from_segment,
                         to = to_segment,
  DCIs_sub <- dplyr::left_join(DCIs_sub, seg_weights, by = c("to" = "member.label"))
  names(DCIs_sub)[names(DCIs_sub) == "segweight"] <- "to_len"
  DCIs_sub$DCIs <- DCIs_sub$to_len * DCIs_sub$pass * 100

  # Group DCI results by from segment to obtain segmental DCI
  DCIs <- DCIs_sub %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$to) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(DCI = sum(.data$DCIs))
  names(DCIs)[names(DCIs) == "to"] <- "segment"
  DCI_glob <- sum(DCIs$DCI)
  DCIs$DCI_rel <- DCIs$DCI / DCI_glob * 100
  DCIs <- as.data.frame(DCIs)

  # Print global dci
    message(paste0("diadromous DCI: ", DCI_glob))

  # Return DCIs summary


#' Calculate non-thresholded invasive DCI
#' @inheritParams calculate_dci
#' @param all_members An integer vector holding all assigned membership labels
#'   in the \code{\link{river_net}} object.
#' @param net_nodes An \code{\link{sf}} object of the nodes of the \code{\link{river_net}}
#'   object with river attributes joined.
#' @param seg_weights A data frame of each segments total length. Either
#'   weighted or unweighted depending on parameters.
#' @param n.nodes An optional integer value indicating the number of cores to
#'   use. Defaults to 1. Currently only works on MacOS and Linux.
#' @return A data frame which holds raw and relative DCI scores for each segment.
#' @keywords internal
calculate_dci_inv <- function(all_members, net_nodes, seg_weights, outlet_seg, n.cores, quiet){

  # Potamodromous: Determine invasive sources
  inv_sources <- unique(net_nodes$member.label[which(net_nodes$invaded)])

  # Potamodromous: Determine segment pairs for potamodromous measure
  from_segment <- rep(inv_sources, each = length(all_members))
  to_segment <- rep(all_members, times = length(inv_sources))

  # Potamodromous: Calculate passability between each pair of segments
  if(n.cores > 1){
    pass <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes), mc.cores = n.cores)
  } else{
    pass <- mapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes))

  # Potamodromous: Gather DCI inputs and calculate sub-segmental DCI
  DCIs_sub_pot <- data.frame(from = from_segment,
                         to = to_segment,
  DCIs_sub_pot <- dplyr::left_join(DCIs_sub_pot, seg_weights, by = c("from" = "member.label"))
  names(DCIs_sub_pot)[names(DCIs_sub_pot) == "segweight"] <- "from_len"
  DCIs_sub_pot <- dplyr::left_join(DCIs_sub_pot, seg_weights, by = c("to" = "member.label"))
  names(DCIs_sub_pot)[names(DCIs_sub_pot) == "segweight"] <- "to_len"
  DCIs_sub_pot$DCIs <- DCIs_sub_pot$from_len * DCIs_sub_pot$to_len * DCIs_sub_pot$pass * 100

  # Potamodromous: Group DCI results by from segment to obtain segmental DCI
  DCIs_pot <- DCIs_sub_pot %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$to) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(DCI_pot = sum(.data$DCIs))
  names(DCIs_pot)[names(DCIs_pot) == "to"] <- "segment"
  DCI_glob_pot <- sum(DCIs_pot$DCI_pot)
  DCIs_pot$DCI_rel_pot <- DCIs_pot$DCI_pot / DCI_glob_pot * 100
  DCIs_pot <- as.data.frame(DCIs_pot)

  # Diadromous
  DCIs_dia <- calculate_dci_dia(all_members, net_nodes, seg_weights, outlet_seg, n.cores, quiet = TRUE)

  # # Diadromous: Determine segment pairs
  # to_segment <- all_members[all_members != 0]
  # from_segment <- rep(outlet_seg, times = length(to_segment))
  # # Diadromous: Calculate passability between each pair of segments
  # if(n.cores > 1){
  #   pass <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes), mc.cores = n.cores)
  # } else{
  #   pass <- mapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes))
  # }
  # # Diadromous: Gather DCI inputs and calculate sub-segmental DCI
  # DCIs_sub_dia <- data.frame(from = from_segment,
  #                            to = to_segment,
  #                            pass)
  # DCIs_sub_dia <- dplyr::left_join(DCIs_sub_dia, seg_weights, by = c("to" = "member.label"))
  # names(DCIs_sub_dia)[names(DCIs_sub_dia) == "segweight"] <- "to_len"
  # DCIs_sub_dia$DCIs <- DCIs_sub_dia$to_len * DCIs_sub_dia$pass * 100
  # # Diadromous: Group DCI results by from segment to obtain segmental DCI
  # DCIs_dia <- DCIs_sub_dia %>%
  #   dplyr::group_by(.data$to) %>%
  #   dplyr::summarise(DCI_dia = sum(.data$DCIs))
  # names(DCIs_dia)[names(DCIs_dia) == "to"] <- "segment"
  # DCI_glob_dia <- sum(DCIs_dia$DCI_dia)
  # DCIs_dia$DCI_rel_dia <- DCIs_dia$DCI_dia / DCI_glob_dia * 100
  # DCIs_dia <- as.data.frame(DCIs_dia)

  # Add segment 0 row
  DCIs_dia <- rbind(c(0, 0, 0), DCIs_dia)

  # Join potamodromous and diadromous results
  DCIs_inv <- cbind(DCIs_pot, DCIs_dia[,2:3])

  # Print global dci
    message(paste0("invasion spread DCI: ", DCI_glob_pot))
    message(paste0("new invasion DCI: ", sum(DCIs_dia[,2], na.rm = TRUE)))

  # Rename DCI results columns
  DCIs_inv <- DCIs_inv %>%
    dplyr::rename(DCI_spread = DCI_pot) %>%
    dplyr::rename(DCI_rel_spread = DCI_rel_pot) %>%
    dplyr::rename(DCI_newinv = DCI) %>%
    dplyr::rename(DCI_rel_newinv = DCI_rel)

  # Return DCIs summary


#' Calculate thresholded potamodromous DCI
#' @inheritParams calculate_dci_pot
#' @inheritParams calculate_dci
#' @param weighted A logical value indicating whether river lengths in
#'   seg_weights are weighted.
#' @param totweight The total length or weighted length of the whole network.
#' @return A data frame which holds raw and relative DCI scores for each segment.
#' @keywords internal
calculate_dci_pot_thresh <- function(net, all_members, net_nodes, seg_weights, weighted, threshold, totweight, n.cores, quiet){

  # Determine segment pairs
  from_segment <- rep(all_members,
                      each = length(all_members))
  to_segment <- rep(all_members,
                    times = length(all_members))

  # Calculate segment-segment distance between each pair
  if(n.cores > 1){
    distances <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_dist, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes), mc.cores = n.cores)
  } else{
    distances <- mapply(gather_dist, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes))

  # Remove pairs with distances larger than the threshold
  discard_pairs <- which(distances > threshold)
  if(length(discard_pairs) != 0){
    from_segment <- from_segment[-discard_pairs]
    to_segment <- to_segment[-discard_pairs]
    distances <- distances[-discard_pairs]

  # Calculate passability between remaining pairs
  if(n.cores > 1){
    perms <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes), mc.cores = n.cores)
  } else{
    perms <- mapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes))

  # Calculate DCI
  if(n.cores > 1){
    DCIs <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_dci, from_segment, to_segment, distances, perms, MoreArgs = list(net = net, nodes = net_nodes, seg_weights, threshold, totweight, weighted, form = "potamodromous"), mc.cores = n.cores)
  } else{
    DCIs <- mapply(gather_dci, from_segment, to_segment, distances, perms, MoreArgs = list(net = net, nodes = net_nodes, seg_weights, threshold, totweight, weighted, form = "potamodromous"))
  DCI_glob <- sum(DCIs, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Print global dci
    message(paste0("potamodromous DCI with distance limit of ", threshold, ": ", DCI_glob))

  # Return result
  DCI_res <- data.frame(from_segment, to_segment, DCIs)
  DCI_res <- DCI_res %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$from_segment) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(DCI = sum(.data$DCIs, na.rm = TRUE))
  DCI_res$DCI_rel <- DCI_res$DCI / DCI_glob * 100
  names(DCI_res)[names(DCI_res) == "from_segment"] <- "segment"
  DCI_res <- as.data.frame(DCI_res)

#' Calculate thresholded diadromous DCI
#' @inheritParams calculate_dci
#' @inheritParams calculate_dci_pot_thresh
#' @param outlet_seg An integer indicating the membership label of the outlet segment
#' @keywords internal
calculate_dci_dia_thresh <- function(net, all_members, net_nodes, seg_weights, weighted, threshold, totweight, outlet_seg, n.cores, quiet){

  # Determine segment pairs
  to_segment <- all_members[all_members != 0]
  from_segment <- rep(outlet_seg, times = length(to_segment))

  # Remove pairs of segments further than threshold
  if(n.cores > 1){
    distances <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_dist, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes), mc.cores = n.cores)
  } else{
    distances <- mapply(gather_dist, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes))

  # Remove pairs with distances larger than the threshold
  discard_pairs <- which(distances > threshold)
  if(length(discard_pairs) != 0){
    from_segment <- from_segment[-discard_pairs]
    to_segment <- to_segment[-discard_pairs]
    distances <- distances[-discard_pairs]

  # Calculate passability between remaining pairs
  if(n.cores > 1){
    perms <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes), mc.cores = n.cores)
  } else{
    perms <- mapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes))

  # Calculate DCI
  if(n.cores > 1){
    DCIs <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_dci, from_segment, to_segment, distances, perms, MoreArgs = list(net = net, nodes = net_nodes, seg_weights, threshold, totweight, weighted, form = "diadromous"), mc.cores = n.cores)
  } else{
    DCIs <- mapply(gather_dci, from_segment, to_segment, distances, perms, MoreArgs = list(net = net, nodes = net_nodes, seg_weights, threshold, totweight, weighted, form = "diadromous"))
  DCI_glob <- sum(DCIs)

  # Print global dci
    message(paste0("diadromous DCI with distance limit of ", threshold, ": ", DCI_glob))

  # Gather results
  DCI_res <- data.frame(from_segment, to_segment, DCIs)
  DCI_res <- DCI_res[c("to_segment","DCIs")]
  names(DCI_res)[names(DCI_res) == "to_segment"] <- "segment"
  names(DCI_res)[names(DCI_res) == "DCIs"] <- "DCI"
  DCI_res$DCI_rel <- DCI_res$DCI / DCI_glob * 100

  # Add missing segments
  missing_segs <- all_members[!(all_members %in% DCI_res$segment)]
  if(length(missing_segs != 0)){
    missing_rows <- list(missing_segs, rep(0, times = length(missing_segs)), rep(0, times = length(missing_segs)))
    DCI_res <- rbind(missing_rows, DCI_res)
    DCI_res <- dplyr::arrange(DCI_res, "segment")


#' Calculate thresholded invasive DCI
#' @inheritParams calculate_dci_inv
#' @inheritParams calculate_dci
#' @param weighted A logical value indicating whether river lengths in
#'   seg_weights are weighted.
#' @param totweight The total length or weighted length of the whole network.
#' @return A data frame which holds raw and relative DCI scores for each segment.
#' @keywords internal
calculate_dci_inv_thresh <- function(net, all_members, net_nodes, seg_weights, weighted, threshold, totweight, outlet_seg, n.cores, quiet){

  # Potamodromous: Determine invasive sources
  inv_sources <- unique(net_nodes$member.label[which(net_nodes$invaded)])

  # Potamodromous: Determine segment pairs for potamodromous measure
  from_segment <- rep(inv_sources, each = length(all_members))
  to_segment <- rep(all_members, times = length(inv_sources))

  # Potamodromous: Calculate segment-segment distance between each pair
  if(n.cores > 1){
    distances <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_dist, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes), mc.cores = n.cores)
  } else{
    distances <- mapply(gather_dist, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes))

  # Potamodromous: Remove pairs with distances larger than the threshold
  discard_pairs <- which(distances > threshold)
  if(length(discard_pairs) != 0){
    from_segment <- from_segment[-discard_pairs]
    to_segment <- to_segment[-discard_pairs]
    distances <- distances[-discard_pairs]

  # Potamodromous: Calculate passability between remaining pairs
  if(n.cores > 1){
    perms <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes), mc.cores = n.cores)
  } else{
    perms <- mapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes))

  # Potamodromous: Calculate DCI
  if(n.cores > 1){
    DCIs_pot <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_dci, from_segment, to_segment, distances, perms, MoreArgs = list(net = net, nodes = net_nodes, seg_weights, threshold, totweight, weighted, form = "potamodromous"), mc.cores = n.cores)
  } else{
    DCIs_pot <- mapply(gather_dci, from_segment, to_segment, distances, perms, MoreArgs = list(net = net, nodes = net_nodes, seg_weights, threshold, totweight, weighted, form = "potamodromous"))
  DCI_glob_pot <- sum(DCIs_pot, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Potamodromous: summarize results by from segment
  DCIs_pot <- data.frame(from = from_segment,
                         to = to_segment,
                         DCI_pot = DCIs_pot)
  DCIs_pot <- DCIs_pot %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$to) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(DCI_pot = sum(.data$DCI_pot, na.rm = TRUE))
  DCIs_pot$DCI_rel_pot <- DCIs_pot$DCI_pot / DCI_glob_pot * 100
  names(DCIs_pot)[names(DCIs_pot) == "to"] <- "segment"
  DCIs_pot <- as.data.frame(DCIs_pot)

  # Diadromous: Determine segment pairs for potamodromous measure
  to_segment <- all_members[all_members != 0]
  from_segment <- rep(outlet_seg, times = length(to_segment))

  # Diadromous: Calculate segment-segment distance between each pair
  if(n.cores > 1){
    distances <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_dist, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes), mc.cores = n.cores)
  } else{
    distances <- mapply(gather_dist, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes))

  # Diadromouss: Remove pairs with distances larger than the threshold
  discard_pairs <- which(distances > threshold)
  if(length(discard_pairs) != 0){
    from_segment <- from_segment[-discard_pairs]
    to_segment <- to_segment[-discard_pairs]
    distances <- distances[-discard_pairs]

  # Diadromous: Calculate passability between remaining pairs
  if(n.cores > 1){
    perms <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes), mc.cores = n.cores)
  } else{
    perms <- mapply(gather_perm, from_segment, to_segment, MoreArgs = list(nodes = net_nodes))

  # Diadromous: Calculate DCI
  if(n.cores > 1){
    DCIs_dia <- parallel::mcmapply(gather_dci, from_segment, to_segment, distances, perms, MoreArgs = list(net = net, nodes = net_nodes, seg_weights, threshold, totweight, weighted, form = "diadromous"), mc.cores = n.cores)
  } else{
    DCIs_dia <- mapply(gather_dci, from_segment, to_segment, distances, perms, MoreArgs = list(net = net, nodes = net_nodes, seg_weights, threshold, totweight, weighted, form = "diadromous"))
  DCI_glob_dia <- sum(DCIs_dia, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Diadromous: summarize results by segment
  DCIs_dia <- data.frame(from = from_segment,
                         to = to_segment,
                         DCI_dia = DCIs_dia)
  DCIs_dia <- DCIs_dia %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$to) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(DCI_dia = sum(.data$DCI_dia))
  names(DCIs_dia)[names(DCIs_dia) == "to"] <- "segment"
  DCIs_dia$DCI_rel_dia <- DCIs_dia$DCI_dia / DCI_glob_dia * 100
  DCIs_dia <- as.data.frame(DCIs_dia)

  # Add missing segments
  missing_segs <- all_members[!(all_members %in% DCIs_dia$segment)]
  if(length(missing_segs != 0)){
    missing_rows <- list(missing_segs, rep(0, times = length(missing_segs)), rep(0, times = length(missing_segs)))
    DCIs_dia <- rbind(missing_rows, DCIs_dia)
    DCIs_dia <- dplyr::arrange(DCIs_dia, "segment")

  # Print global dci
    message(paste0("invasion spread DCI with distance limit of ", threshold, ": ", DCI_glob_pot))
    message(paste0("new invasion DCI with distance limit of ", threshold, ": ", DCI_glob_dia))

  # Rename DCI results columns
  DCIs_pot <- DCIs_pot %>%
    dplyr::rename(DCI_spread = DCI_pot) %>%
    dplyr::rename(DCI_rel_spread = DCI_rel_pot)

  DCIs_dia <- DCIs_dia %>%
    dplyr::rename(DCI_newinv = DCI_dia) %>%
    dplyr::rename(DCI_rel_newinv = DCI_rel_dia)

  # Return result
  DCI_res <- cbind(DCIs_pot, DCIs_dia[,2:3])


#' Calculate sub-segmental DCI component between a single pair of segments
#' @inheritParams calculate_dci_pot_thresh
#' @param from The origin segment's membership label.
#' @param to The destination segment's membership label.
#' @param distance The distance, in map units, between the two segments as calculated by \code{\link{gather_dist}}.
#' @param pass The passability between the two segments as calculated by \code{\link{gather_perm}}.
#' @param nodes An \code{\link{sf}} object of the nodes of the \code{\link{river_net}} object with river attributes joined.
#' @return The sub-segmental DCI component between given pair of segments.
#' @keywords internal
gather_dci <- function(net, form, from, to, distance, pass, nodes, seg_weights, threshold, totweight, weighted){

  # Diadromous case
  if(form == "diadromous"){

    # Case when from and to segment are the same
    if(from == to){

      seg_length <- seg_weights[seg_weights$member.label == from,]$segweight
      DCI <- seg_length/totweight * 1 * 100


    # Extract sinks and barriers
    sinks_bars <- subset(nodes, nodes$type %in% c("outlet", "barrier"))

    # Get from segment local outlet (always outlet of network)
    from_sink <- sinks_bars[sinks_bars$type == "outlet",]$node.label

    # Get to segment local outlet
    to_sink <- sinks_bars[sinks_bars$member.label == to,]$node.label

    # Get path between sinks
    path <- path_between(from_sink, to_sink)

    # Join node attributes to nodes on path
    full_path <- nodes[nodes$node.label %in% path,]

    # Determine final entrance and exit nodes for pair of segments

    # Select most downstream barrier as entrance, extract row index
    barriers <- full_path[full_path$type == "barrier",]
    barriers$depth <- unlist(lapply(barriers$node.label, length))
    ent_label <- as.integer(rownames(barriers[which.min(barriers$depth),]))

    # Calculate length remaining after segment-segment distance
    rem_length <- threshold - distance

    # Gather neighbourhood around exit (from segment)
    weights <- as.data.frame(activate(net, edges))
    weights <- weights$riv_length
    target <- seq_len(igraph::gorder(net))
    source <- ent_label
    dist <- igraph::distances(graph = net, v = source, to = target,
                              mode = "all", weights = weights, algorithm = "automatic")
    neighb_nodes <- which(dist <= rem_length)
    neighb_nodes <- nodes[nodes$nodeID %in% neighb_nodes,]
    neighb_nodes <- neighb_nodes[neighb_nodes$member.label == to,]
    neighb_length <- sum(neighb_nodes$riv_length, na.rm = T)

      # Calculate full length of to neighbourhood
      to_length <- sum(nodes[nodes$member.label == to,]$riv_length * nodes[nodes$member.label == to,]$riv_weight, na.rm = TRUE)

    } else{
      # Calculate full length of to neighbourhood
      to_length <- sum(nodes[nodes$member.label == to,]$riv_length, na.rm = TRUE)

    # Calculate relative neighbourhood length for segment
    neighb_rel <- neighb_length / to_length

    # Calculate sub-segmental DCI for pair of segments
    DCI <- to_length/totweight * neighb_rel * pass * 100


  # Potamodromous case
  if(form == "potamodromous"){

    # Case when from and to segment are the same
    if(from == to){

      seg_length <- seg_weights[seg_weights$member.label == from,]$segweight
      DCI <- seg_length/totweight * seg_length/totweight * 1 * 100


    # Extract sinks and barriers
    sinks_bars <- subset(nodes, nodes$type %in% c("outlet", "barrier"))

    # Get from segment local outlet
    from_sink <- sinks_bars[sinks_bars$member.label == from,]$node.label

    # Get to segment local outlet
    to_sink <- sinks_bars[sinks_bars$member.label == to,]$node.label

    # Get path between sinks
    path <- path_between(from_sink, to_sink)

    # Join node attributes to nodes on path
    full_path <- nodes[nodes$node.label %in% path,]

    # Determine final entrance and exit nodes for pair of segments
    # If from segment is upstream of to segment
    if(length(unlist(from_sink)) > length(unlist(to_sink))){

      # Set exit to one node upstream of from outlet, extract row index
      exit_label <- list(append(unlist(from_sink), FALSE))
      exit_label <- as.integer(rownames(nodes[nodes$node.label %in% exit_label,]))

      # If from segment is downstream of to segment
    } else {

      # Select most downstream barrier as exit, extract row index
      barriers <- full_path[full_path$type == "barrier",]
      barriers$depth <- unlist(lapply(barriers$node.label, length))
      exit_label <- as.integer(rownames(barriers[which.min(barriers$depth),]))

    # Calculate length remaining after segment-segment distance
    rem_length <- threshold - distance

    # Gather neighbourhood around exit (from segment)
    weights <- as.data.frame(activate(net, edges))
    weights <- weights$riv_length
    target <- seq_len(igraph::gorder(net))
    source <- exit_label
    dist <- igraph::distances(graph = net, v = source, to = target,
                              mode = "all", weights = weights, algorithm = "automatic")
    neighb_nodes <- which(dist <= rem_length)
    neighb_nodes <- nodes[nodes$nodeID %in% neighb_nodes,]
    neighb_nodes <- neighb_nodes[neighb_nodes$member.label == from,]
    neighb_length <- sum(neighb_nodes$riv_length, na.rm = T)

      # Calculate full length of from neighbourhood
      from_length <- sum(nodes[nodes$member.label == from,]$riv_length * nodes[nodes$member.label == from,]$riv_weight, na.rm = TRUE)
      # Calculate full length of to neighbourhood
      to_length <- sum(nodes[nodes$member.label == to,]$riv_length * nodes[nodes$member.label == to,]$riv_weight, na.rm = TRUE)

    } else{
      # Calculate full length of from neighbourhood
      from_length <- sum(nodes[nodes$member.label == from,]$riv_length, na.rm = TRUE)
      # Calculate full length of to neighbourhood
      to_length <- sum(nodes[nodes$member.label == to,]$riv_length, na.rm = TRUE)

    # Calculate relative neighbourhood length for segment
    neighb_rel <- neighb_length / from_length

    # Calculate sub-segmental DCI for pair of segments
    DCI <- from_length/totweight * to_length/totweight * neighb_rel * pass * 100



#' Gather total distance between two nodes
#' @param from The from node's label
#' @param to The to node's label
#' @param nodes An \code{\link{sf}} object of the nodes of the \code{\link{river_net}} object with river attributes joined.
#' @return The distance, in map units, between the two given segments.
#' @keywords internal
gather_dist <- function(from, to, nodes){

  # Extract sinks and barriers
  sinks_bars <- subset(nodes, nodes$type %in% c("outlet", "barrier"))

  # Get from segment local outlet
  from_sink <- sinks_bars[sinks_bars$member.label == from,]$node.label

  # Get to segment local outlet
  to_sink <- sinks_bars[sinks_bars$member.label == to,]$node.label

  # Get outlet-to-outlet path between segments
  path <- path_between(from_sink, to_sink)

  # Join member labels for nodes on path
  full_path <- nodes %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$node.label %in% path)
  full_path <- full_path[c("node.label", "member.label")]

  # Case when segments are neighbours
  if(length(unique(full_path$member.label)) == 2){

  # Trim path to only segment-segment distance
  path_ss <- full_path[!(full_path$member.label %in% c(from, to)),]$node.label
  #' @param from The from node's label
  # Get segment-segment path distance
  dist_ss <- sum(nodes %>%
                   dplyr::filter(.data$node.label %in% path_ss) %>%
                   dplyr::pull(.data$riv_length), na.rm = TRUE)

  # Return segment-segment distance


#' Gather passability between two nodes
#' @inheritParams gather_dist
#' @return The passability from 0 to 1 between the given nodes.
#' @keywords internal
gather_perm <- function(from, to, nodes){

  # Condition when from and to are the same
  if(from == to){

  # Extract sinks and barriers
  sinks_bars <- subset(nodes, nodes$type %in% c("outlet", "barrier"))

  # Get from segment local outlet
  from_sink <- sinks_bars[sinks_bars$member.label == from,]$node.label

  # Get to segment local outlet
  to_sink <- sinks_bars[sinks_bars$member.label == to,]$node.label

  # Get path between segments
  path <- path_between(from_sink, to_sink)

  # Gather permeabilities across path
  path_perm <- prod(nodes[nodes$node.label %in% path,]$pass)

  # Return passability between segments


#' Find the path between two nodes
#' @param s1 The label, a logical vector, of the origin node
#' @param s2 The label, a logical vector, of the destination node
#' @return A list of logical vectors in order to move from the origin to the destination node.
#' @keywords internal
path_between <- function(s1, s2){
  # Get path from segments to root
  s1_path <- path_to_root(s1)
  s2_path <- path_to_root(s2)

  # Determine non-repeating nodes
  path_sub <- s1_path[!(s1_path %in% s2_path)]
  path <- append(path_sub, s2_path[!(s2_path %in% s1_path)])

  # Return list of nodes across path

#' Find the path to the root (outlet) of the river network
#' @param seg A node label represented by a logical vector.
#' @return A list of logical vectors in order to move from the origin to the root (outlet).
#' @keywords internal
path_to_root <- function(seg){
  # Prepare input vectors
  path <- rep(seg, each = length(unlist(seg)))
  len <- length(unlist(seg)):1
  # Sequentially remove final element from path until 1 left
  path_out <- mapply(function(x, y) unlist(x)[1:y],
                     path, len, SIMPLIFY = TRUE)
  # Return list of nodes to the root
aarkilanian/dci documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 7:12 p.m.