
#' Title
#' @param x 
#' @param y 
#' @param se.y 
#' @param xlab 
#' @param ylab 
#' @param residuals 
#' @param rugplot 
#' @param scale 
#' @param se 
#' @param xlim 
#' @param ylim 
#' @param fit 
#' @param ... 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
function (x, y, se.y = NULL, xlab, ylab, residuals = NULL, rugplot = FALSE, 
    scale = 0, se = FALSE, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, fit = TRUE, 
    if (length(x) != length(y)) 
        stop("x and y do not have the same length; possibly a consequence of an na.action")
    nn <- as.numeric(table(x))
    codex <- as.numeric(x)
    ucodex <- seq(nn)[nn > 0]
    o <- match(ucodex, codex, 0)
    uy <- as.numeric(y[o])
    ylim <- range(ylim, uy)
    xlim <- range(c(0, sum(nn), xlim))
    rightx <- cumsum(nn)
    leftx <- c(0, rightx[-length(nn)])
    ux <- ((leftx + rightx)/2)
    delta <- (rightx - leftx)/8
    jx <- runif(length(codex), (ux - delta)[codex], (ux + delta)[codex])
    nnajx <- jx[!is.na(jx)]
    if (rugplot) 
        xlim <- range(c(xlim, nnajx))
    if (se && !is.null(se.y)) {
        se.upper <- uy + 2 * se.y[o]
        se.lower <- uy - 2 * se.y[o]
        ylim <- range(c(ylim, se.upper, se.lower))
    if (!is.null(residuals)) {
        if (length(residuals) == length(y)) {
            residuals <- y + residuals
            ylim <- range(c(ylim, residuals))
        else {
            residuals <- NULL
            warning(paste("Residuals do not match x in \"", ylab, 
                "\" preplot object", sep = ""))
    ylim <- ylim.scale(ylim, scale)
    Levels <- levels(x)
    if (!all(nn > 0)) {
        keep <- nn > 0
        ux <- ux[keep]
        delta <- delta[keep]
        leftx <- leftx[keep]
        rightx <- rightx[keep]
        Levels <- Levels[keep]
    plot(ux, uy, ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, xlab = "", type = "n", 
        ylab = ylab, xaxt = "n", ...)
    mtext(xlab, 1, 2,...)
    axis(side = 1, at = ux - delta, labels = Levels, srt = 45, 
        tick = FALSE, adj = 0,...)
    if (fit) 
        segments(leftx + delta, uy, rightx - delta, uy)
    if (!is.null(residuals)) 
        points(jx, residuals)
    if (rugplot) 
    if (se) {
        segments(ux + delta, se.upper, ux - delta, se.upper)
        segments(ux + delta, se.lower, ux - delta, se.lower)
        segments(ux, se.lower, ux, se.upper, lty = 2)
ablanda/Esame documentation built on May 30, 2019, 6:11 p.m.