
Defines functions flex2rmd surprisal tab.search bt cn pdf_kable print_kable ColSeeker FindVars formatP markSign roundR

Documented in bt cn ColSeeker FindVars flex2rmd formatP markSign pdf_kable print_kable roundR surprisal tab.search

#' Automatic rounding to a reasonable length, based on largest number
#' \code{roundR} takes a vector or matrix of numbers and returns rounded values
#' with selected precision and various formatting options.
#' @param roundin A vector or matrix of numbers.
#' @param smooth A logical specifying if you want rounding before the dot
#' (e.g. 12345 to 12300).
#' @param level A number specifying number of relevant digits to keep.
#' @param textout A logical if output is converted to text.
#' @param drop0 A logical if trailing zeros should be dropped.
#' @param .german A logical if german numbers should be reported.
#' @param .bigmark A logical if big.mark is to be shown, mark itself
#' depends on parameter .german.
#' @return vector of type character (default) or numeric,
#' depending on parameter textout.
#' @examples
#' roundR(1.23456, level = 3)
#' roundR(1.23456, level = 3, .german = TRUE)
#' roundR(1234.56, level = 2, smooth = TRUE)
#' @export
roundR <- function(roundin, level = 2, smooth = FALSE,
                   textout = TRUE, drop0 = FALSE, .german = FALSE, .bigmark = FALSE) {
  if (.german) {
    textout <- TRUE
  decimalmark <- ifelse(.german, ",", ".")
  bigmark <- ifelse(.german, ".", ",")
  if (!.bigmark) {
    bigmark <- ""
  if (!is.matrix(roundin)) {
    roundin <- matrix(roundin)
  roundin <- as.numeric(roundin)
  roundout <- roundin
  roundlevel <- 0
  roundlevel <- max(
    level - floor(
        max(abs(roundin), na.rm = TRUE)
      ) + 1
  if(is.infinite(roundlevel)) {
    roundlevel <- level
  roundout[which(!is.na(roundout))] <-
    round(roundin[which(!is.na(roundin))], roundlevel)
  if (smooth & max(abs(roundout), na.rm = TRUE) != 0) {
    roundout[which(!is.na(roundout))] <-
        roundin[which(!is.na(roundin))] /
          10^ceiling(log10(max(abs(roundin), na.rm = TRUE)) - level)
      ) *
      10^ceiling(log10(max(abs(roundin), na.rm = TRUE)) - level)
  if (textout) {
    roundout[which(!is.na(roundout))] <-
              format = "f",
              digits = roundlevel, drop0trailing = drop0,
              big.mark = bigmark,
              decimal.mark = decimalmark

#' Convert significance levels to symbols
#' \code{markSign} returns the symbol associated with a significance level.
#' @param SignIn A single p-value.
#' @param plabel A translation table, predefined with the usual symbols.
#' @returns factor with label as defined in plabel.
#' @examples
#' markSign(0.012)
#' @export
markSign <- function(SignIn, plabel = c("n.s.", "+", "*", "**", "***")) {
  SignIn <- as.numeric(SignIn)
  SignOut <- cut(SignIn,
                 breaks = c(-Inf, .001, .01, .05, .1, 1),
                 labels = rev(plabel)

#' Re-format p-values, avoiding rounding to 0 and adding surprisal if requested
#' \code{formatP} simplifies p-values by rounding to the maximum of p or a
#' predefined level. Optionally < or = can be added, as well as
#' symbols according to significance level.
#' @param pIn A numeric vector or matrix with p-values.
#' @param ndigits Number of digits (default=3).
#' @param textout Cast output to character (default=TRUE)?
#' @param pretext Should = or < be added before p (default=FALSE)?
#' @param mark Should significance level be added after p (default=FALSE)?
#' @param german_num change dot (default) to comma?
#' @param add.surprisal Add surprisal aka Shannon information to p-value (default=FALSE)?
#' @param sprecision Rounding level for surprisal (default=1).
#' @returns vector or matrix (depending on type of pIn) with type character (default) or numeric,
#' depending on parameter textout
#' @examples
#' formatP(0.012345)
#' formatP(0.012345, add.surprisal = TRUE)
#' formatP(0.012345, ndigits = 4)
#' formatP(0.000122345, ndigits = 3, pretext = TRUE)
#' @export
formatP <- function(pIn, ndigits = 3, textout = TRUE, pretext = FALSE, 
                    mark = FALSE, german_num = FALSE,
                    add.surprisal = FALSE, sprecision = 1) {
  decimal.mark <- ifelse(german_num, ",", ".")
  pIn_is_matrix <- is.matrix(pIn)
    pIn <- apply(pIn,c(1,2),as.numeric)
  } else{
    pIn <- as.numeric(pIn)
  formatp <- NA_character_
  if (length(na.omit(pIn))>0) {
    if (!pIn_is_matrix) {
      pIn <- matrix(pIn)
    formatp <- apply(
      X = pIn, MARGIN = c(1, 2), max,
      10**(-ndigits), na.rm = FALSE
    ) |>
      apply(MARGIN = c(1, 2), round, ndigits) |>
        MARGIN = c(1, 2),
        formatC, format = "f",
        digits = ndigits, drop0trailing = FALSE,
        decimal.mark = decimal.mark
      apply(MARGIN=c(1,2), gsub, pattern = ".*NA.*",replacement = "")
    if (pretext) {
      for (row_i in 1:nrow(pIn)) {
        for (col_i in 1:ncol(pIn)) {
          formatp[row_i, col_i] <- paste(
            ifelse(pIn[row_i, col_i] < 10**(-ndigits),
                   "<", "="
            formatp[row_i, col_i]
          ) |> 
            gsub(pattern = "NA.*",replacement = "", x=_) 
      formatp <-  
        apply(formatp,MARGIN=c(1,2), gsub, pattern = ".*NA.*",replacement = "")
    if (mark) {
      formatp <- matrix(
          apply(gsub("[\\<\\=]", "", formatp) |> 
                  gsub(",",".",x=_), c(1, 2), markSign)
        ncol = ncol(pIn)
      ) |> apply(MARGIN = c(1, 2), 
                       gsub, pattern = ".*NA.*",replacement = "")
      s <- apply(pIn,MARGIN = c(1,2),surprisal, precision = sprecision) 
        s <- gsub('\\.',',',s)
      for (row_i in 1:nrow(pIn)) {
        for (col_i in 1:ncol(pIn)) {
          formatp[row_i, col_i] <- paste0(formatp[row_i, col_i],
            ', s = ',s[row_i,col_i])|> 
        gsub(pattern = ".*NA.*",replacement = "",x=_)
    if (textout == FALSE & pretext == FALSE & add.surprisal == FALSE) {
      formatp <- apply(formatp, MARGIN = c(1, 2), as.numeric)
      formatp <- as.vector(formatp)
  } else{

#' Find numeric index and names of columns based on patterns
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge('superseded')`
#' Function [ColSeeker] extends this by adding class-checks.
#' \code{FindVars} looks up colnames (by default for data-frame rawdata)
#' based on parts of names, using regular expressions. Be warned that
#' special characters as e.g. `[` `(` need to be escaped or replaced by `.`
#' Exclusion rules may be specified as well.
#' New function [ColSeeker()] extends this by adding class-checks.
#' @param varnames Vector of pattern to look for.
#' @param allnames Vector of values to detect pattern in; by default: colnames(rawdata).
#' @param exact Partial matching or exact only (adding ^ and $)?
#' @param exclude Vector of pattern to exclude from found names.
#' @param casesensitive Logical if case is respected in matching (default FALSE: a<>A)
#' @param fixed Logical, match as is, argument is passed to [grep()]. 
#' @param return_symbols Should names be reported as symbols additionally? (Default FALSE)
#' @export
#' @return A list with index, names, backticked names, and symbols
#' @examples
#' FindVars(varnames = c("^c", "g"), allnames = colnames(mtcars))
#' FindVars(varnames = c("^c", "g"), allnames = colnames(mtcars), exclude = "r")
## rawdata <- mtcars
## FindVars(varnames = c("^c", "g"))

FindVars <- function(varnames, allnames = colnames(rawdata),
                     exact = FALSE, exclude = NA, casesensitive = TRUE,
                     fixed = FALSE, return_symbols=FALSE) {
  # if (is.null(allnames)) {
  #   allnames <- colnames(get("rawdata"))
  # }
  if (fixed) {
    exact <- FALSE
  allnames_tmp <- allnames
  if (!casesensitive) {
    varnames <- tolower(varnames)
    allnames_tmp <- tolower(allnames)
    exclude <- tolower(exclude)
  vars <- numeric()
  evars <- numeric()
  if (exact) {
    for (i in 1:length(varnames)) {
      vars <- c(vars, grep(paste0("^", varnames[i], "$"), allnames_tmp))
    vars <- unique(vars)
  } else {
    for (i in 1:length(varnames)) {
      vars <- c(vars, grep(varnames[i], allnames_tmp,
                           fixed = fixed
    vars <- sort(unique(vars))
    if (any(!is.na(exclude))) {
      for (i in 1:length(exclude))
        evars <- c(evars, grep(exclude[i], allnames_tmp))
      evars <- unique(na.omit(match(
        sort(unique(evars)), vars
      if (length(evars) > 0) {
        vars <- vars[-evars]
    vars <- unique(vars)
  if(return_symbols) {
    return_list <- list(
      index = vars,
      names = allnames[vars],
      bticked = bt(allnames[vars]),
      symbols = rlang::syms(allnames[vars]),
      count = length(vars))
  } else {
    return_list <- list(
      index = vars,
      names = allnames[vars],
      bticked = bt(allnames[vars]),
      count = length(vars))

#' Find numeric index and names of columns based on class(es) and patterns
#' \code{ColSeeker} looks up colnames (by default for tibble rawdata)
#' based on type and parts of names, using regular expressions. 
#' Be warned that special characters as e.g. `[` `(` need to be escaped or replaced by `.`
#' Exclusion rules may be specified as well.
#' @param data tibble or data.frame, where columns are to be found; by default rawdata 
#' @param namepattern Vector of pattern to look for.
#' @param varclass Vector, only columns of defined class(es) are returned
#' @param exclude Vector of pattern to exclude from found names.
#' @param excludeclass Vector, exclude columns of specified class(es)
#' @param casesensitive Logical if case is respected in matching (default FALSE: a<>A)
#' @param returnclass Logical if classes should be included in output
#' @export
#' @return A list with index, names, backticked names, and count;  optionally the classes as well
#' @examples
#' ColSeeker(data = mtcars, namepattern = c("^c", "g"))
#' ColSeeker(data = mtcars, namepattern = c("^c", "g"), exclude = "r")
#' assign("rawdata", mtcars)
#' ColSeeker(namepattern = c("^c", "g"), varclass="numeric")
#' num_int_data <- data.frame(num1=rnorm(10), num2=runif(10), int1=1:10, int2=11:20)
#' ColSeeker(num_int_data, varclass="numeric")  # integers are not found
#' ColSeeker(num_int_data, varclass=c("numeric","integer")) 
ColSeeker <- function(data=rawdata,
                      namepattern = '.',
                      varclass = NULL, 
                      exclude = NULL, 
                      excludeclass = NULL,
                      casesensitive = TRUE,
                      returnclass = FALSE) {
  allclasses <- sapply(sapply(data,class),paste,collapse = '+')
  # allclasses <- allclasses[which(allclasses!='ordered')]
  allnames_tmp <- allnames <- colnames(data)
  if (!casesensitive) {
    namepattern <- tolower(namepattern)
    allnames_tmp <- tolower(allnames)
    if(!is.null(exclude)) {
      exclude <- tolower(exclude)
  vars <- numeric()
  evars <- numeric()
  for (i in 1:length(namepattern)) {
    vars <- c(vars, grep(namepattern[i], allnames_tmp,
                         fixed = FALSE
  vars <- sort(unique(vars))
  if (!is.null(exclude)) {
    for (i in 1:length(exclude))
      evars <- c(evars, grep(exclude[i], allnames_tmp))
    evars <- unique(na.omit(match(
      sort(unique(evars)), vars
    if (length(evars) > 0) {
      vars <- vars[-evars]
  vars <- unique(vars)
    vars_typed <- NULL
    for(type_i in seq_along(varclass)){
      vars_typed <- c(vars_typed,
                      which(grepl(pattern = varclass[type_i], allclasses)))
    vars <- vars[which(vars %in% vars_typed)]
    vars_typed <- NULL
    for(type_i in seq_along(excludeclass)){
      vars_typed <- c(vars_typed,
    vars <- vars[-which(vars %in% vars_typed)]
    return_list <- list(
      index = vars,
      names = allnames[vars],
      bticked = bt(allnames[vars]),
      count = length(vars),
      varclass = allclasses[vars])
  } else {
    return_list <- list(
      index = vars,
      names = allnames[vars],
      bticked = bt(allnames[vars]),
      count = length(vars))

#' Enhanced [knitr::kable] with definable number of rows and/or columns for splitting
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge('superseded')`
#' package flextable is a more powerful alternative
#' \code{print_kable} formats and prints tibbles/df's in markdown with splitting
#' into sub-tables with repeated caption and header.
#' @param t table to print.
#' @param nrows number of rows (30) before splitting.
#' @param ncols number of columns (100) before splitting.
#' @param caption header.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to [kable].
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' print_kable(mtcars, caption = "test")
#' }
#' @export
print_kable <- function(t, nrows = 30, caption = "",
                        ncols = 100, ...) {
  lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = '0.8.0',
                            what = 'print_kable()',
                            with = 'flextable::flextable()') # require(knitr)
  for (block_i in 1:ceiling(nrow(t) / nrows)) {
    for (col_i in 1:ceiling((ncol(t) - 1) / ncols)) {
      if (block_i + col_i > 2) {
            (1 + (block_i - 1) * nrows):
              min(nrow(t), block_i * nrows),
            c(1, (2 + (col_i - 1) * ncols):min((1 + col_i * ncols), ncol(t)))
          row.names = FALSE,
          caption = paste0(
            ifelse(block_i + col_i > 2, "continued: ", ""),
            "  \n  \n   "
      cat("  \n   \n")

#' Enhanced [knitr::kable] with latex
#' \code{pdf_kable} formats tibbles/df's for markdown
#' @param .input table to print
#' @param twidth Default 14
#' @param width1 Width of 1st column, default 6.
#' @param tposition Default left
#' @param innercaption subheader
#' @param caption header
#' @param foot footnote
#' @param escape see kable
#'@return A character vector of the table source code. 
#' @export
pdf_kable <- function(.input, width1 = 6,
                      twidth = 14,
                      tposition = "left",
                      innercaption = NULL,
                      caption = "",
                      foot = NULL,
                      escape = TRUE) {
  ncols <- ncol(.input)
  out <- knitr::kable(.input,
                      format = "latex", booktabs = TRUE,
                      linesep = "",
                      escape = escape, caption = caption,
                      align = c("l", rep("c", ncols - 1))
  ) |>
      position = tposition,
      latex_options = c(
    ) |>
    kableExtra::column_spec(-1, # border_left = TRUE,
                            width = paste0((twidth - width1) / (ncols - 1), "cm"),
    ) |>
    kableExtra::column_spec(1, bold = TRUE, width = paste0(width1, "cm")) |>
    kableExtra::row_spec(0, bold = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(innercaption)) {
    caption1 <- c(caption = ncols)
    names(caption1) <- caption
    out <- out |>
      kableExtra::add_header_above(caption1, bold = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(foot)) {
    out <- out |>
      kableExtra::footnote(general = foot)

#' Shortcut for colnames()
#' \code{cn} lists column names, by default for variable rawdata.
#' @param data Data structure to read column names from.
#' @return Character vector with column names.
#' @examples 
#' cn(mtcars)
#' @export
cn <- function(data = rawdata) {

#' Add backticks to names or remove them
#' \code{bt} adds leading and trailing backticks to make illegal variable names
#' usable. Optionally removes them.
#' @param x Names to add backtick to.
#' @param remove Option to remove existing backticks, default=FALSE.
#' @return Character vector with backticks added.
#' @examples
#' bt('name 1')
#' @export
bt <- function(x, remove = FALSE) {
  if (remove) {
    return(gsub("`", "", x))
  } else {
    return(paste0("`", x, "`"))

#' Search within data.frame or tibble
#' \code{tab.search} searches for pattern within a data-frame or tibble,
#' returning column(s) and row(s)
#' @param searchdata table to search in, predefined as rawdata
#' @param pattern regex, for exact matches add ^findme$
#' @param find.all return all row indices or only 1st per column,default=TRUE
#' @param names.only return only vector of colnames rather than list with names
#' and rows, default=FALSE
#' @return A list with numeric vectors for each column giving row numbers
#' of matched elements
#' @export
tab.search <- function(searchdata = rawdata, pattern,
                       find.all = T, names.only = FALSE) {
  if (!is.character(pattern)) {
    pattern <- as.character(pattern)
  positions <- purrr::map(searchdata, str_which, pattern = pattern) |> purrr::compact()
  if (!find.all) {
    positions <- purrr::map(positions, nth, n = 1)
  if (names.only) {
    positions <- names(positions)

#' Compute surprisal aka Shannon information from p-values
#' \code{surprisal} takes p-values and returns s, a value representing the
#' number of consecutive heads on a fair coin, that would be as surprising 
#' as the p-value
#' @param p a vector of p-values
#' @param precision rounding level with default 1
#' @return a character vector of s-values
#' @export
surprisal <- function(p, precision = 1){
  round(-log2(as.numeric(p)),precision) |> as.character()

#' Transform flextable to rmd if non-interactive
#' \code{flex2rmd} takes a flextable and returns a markdown table if not in an interactive session
#' @param ft a flextable
#' @return either a markdown table or the flextable
#' @export
flex2rmd <- function(ft){
  } else {
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