#' Twitter dataset
#' This dataset is having actual tweets. It contains more than 100k tweets.


#' Read text files in binary mode
#' This function reads text files in the binary mode
#' @param fileName A path to the text file
#' @param encoding Read text data with encoding
#' @return a list having all the text data from file
#' @examples \dontrun{sampleTextData("data/twitter.txt","UTF-8")}
#' @export

readTextFile <- function(fileName,encoding){

  # Open file in binary mode
  con <- file(fileName,'rb')

  # I used skipnul because in twitter dataset there are few nulls
  data <- readLines(con,encoding = encoding,skipNul = T)

  # Close connection

  # Return the data

#' Sample text data
#' This function reads text files in the binary mode
#' @param data Data read by \code{\link{readTextFile}}
#' @param proportion Value between 0 to 1 which represents portion of data
#' @return a list having sampled text data
#' @seealso \code{\link{rbinom}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats rbinom

sampleTextData <- function(data,proportion){

  # Rbinom function is used to sample data
  # It will return data as per proportion argument

#' Clean and tokenize string data
#' This function applies different cleaning techniques to clean corpus data.
#' @param data Data read by \code{\link{readTextFile}}
#' @return a list having sampled text data
#' @details
#' This function removes non english characters, numbers, white spaces, brackets, punctuation. It also handles cases like abbreviation, contraction. It converts entire text to lower case.
#' @seealso \code{\link{tm_map}} \code{\link{iconv}} \code{\link{content_transformer}} \code{\link{removeNumbers}} \code{\link{replace_contraction}} \code{\link{replace_abbreviation}} \code{\link{bracketX}} \code{\link{removePunctuation}} \code{\link{tolower}} \code{\link{stripWhitespace}}
#' @importFrom qdap replace_contraction replace_abbreviation bracketX
#' @importFrom utils read.delim2
#' @import tm
#' @export

cleanTextData <- function(data){

  # Remove non english characters
  data.cleaned <- iconv(data,"latin1","ASCII",sub="'")

  # Create corpus of data
  corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(list(data.cleaned)))

  # Remove numbers from the data
  corpus.cl <- tm_map(corpus,removeNumbers)

  # replace contraction with full form
  corpus.cl <- tm_map(corpus.cl,content_transformer(replace_contraction))

  # replace abbreviation with full form
  corpus.cl <- tm_map(corpus.cl,content_transformer(replace_abbreviation))

  # Remove text which is within brackets
  corpus.cl <- tm_map(corpus.cl,content_transformer(bracketX))

  # Remove punctuation from the data
  corpus.cl <- tm_map(corpus.cl,removePunctuation)

  # Convert all data to lower case
  corpus.cl <- tm_map(corpus.cl,content_transformer(tolower))

  # Strip whitespaces from the data
  corpus.cl <- tm_map(corpus.cl, stripWhitespace)


#' Build N gram model
#' This function is an abstract function used by \code{\link{generateTDM}}
#' @param N size of n-gram model
#' @return function which can be used to build N-gram model
#' @seealso \code{\link{NGramTokenizer}}
#' @importFrom qdap replace_contraction replace_abbreviation bracketX
#' @importFrom RWeka NGramTokenizer Weka_control
#' @export

buildNgramModel <- function(N){

  # Build N gram model
  return(function(x) NGramTokenizer(x, Weka_control(min = N, max = N, delimiters = " \\r\\n\\t.,;:\"()?!")))
  #return(function(x) ngramrr(x,ngmin = N,ngmax = N))


#' Generate term document frequency table from corpus
#' This function builds term documement sparse matrix
#' @param data It can be text corpus/data cleaned by \code{\link{cleanTextData}}
#' @param N size of n-gram model
#' @param isTrace for debugging purpose, use this if you want to track time to build model.
#' @return term document matrix for terms having N words
#' @details
#' This function generates terms with N number of words specified in argument. This can be used in many tasks like information retrival, document similarity etc.
#' @seealso \code{\link{TermDocumentMatrix}} \code{\link{buildNgramModel}}
#' @importFrom tm TermDocumentMatrix
#' @export

generateTDM <- function(data,N,isTrace = F){

    startTime = Sys.time()
    print(paste0("Build started: ",N,"-gram model"," @ ",startTime))

  tdm = TermDocumentMatrix(data,control = list(tokenize = buildNgramModel(N)))

  tdm.df = data.frame(word=tdm$dimnames[[1]],freq=rowSums(as.matrix(tdm)),row.names = NULL)

  tdm.df = tdm.df[order(-tdm.df$freq),]

  #tdm <- textcnt(data, n = N, method = "string", recursive = TRUE)
  #tdm.df <- data.frame(word = names(tdm), freq = unclass(tdm),row.names = NULL)

  #tdm.df <- tdm.df[tdm.df$char.length > 2,]

  #tdm.df <- tdm.df[order(-tdm.df$freq),]

    print(paste0("Time to build ",N,"-gram model"," :- ", Sys.time() - startTime))


#' Predict next word using backoff method
#' This function predicts next word using back-off algorithm.
#' @param testline Line on which we are performing algorithm to predict next word
#' @param modelsList List having all Ngram models generated by \code{\link{generateTDM}}
#' @param isDebugMode for debugging purpose, this will print out debug statements
#' @return next predicted word
#' @details
#' This function predicts next word based on previous N number of words using N-gram models generated by \code{\link{generateTDM}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{generateTDM}} \code{\link{TermDocumentMatrix}}
#' @import dplyr
#' @export

predict_Backoff <- function(testline,modelsList,isDebugMode = F){

  # Max number of ngrams supported
  maxNGramIndex = length(modelsList)

  # Clean the test string
  line = iconv(testline,"latin1","ASCII",sub="")
  line = line %>% replace_abbreviation %>% replace_contraction %>% removeNumbers %>%  removePunctuation %>% tolower  %>% stripWhitespace


  # Tokenize the test string
  words <- unlist(strsplit(line, split=" "));
  len <- length(words);

    print(paste("Length of the string is: ",len))

  # If test string is lower than the max number of ngrams then we do not need to go through all the ngram model
  # Instead we will look into N-gram models having N less than the length of test string
  if(len < maxNGramIndex){
    nGramIndex = len + 1

    localModelsList = modelsList[(maxNGramIndex-len):maxNGramIndex]

    nGramIndex = maxNGramIndex
    localModelsList = modelsList

    print(paste("Number of models will be used: ",length(localModelsList)))
  index = 0
  predictions = NULL
  for(model in localModelsList){

    # +2 offest to match number of words with nGram model
    #if(nGramIndex != maxNGramIndex)
    pattern = paste0("^",paste(words[(len - nGramIndex + 2):len],collapse = " "))


    # Find the pattern in the respective n-gram model
    nextWords = model[grep(pattern,model$word)[1:3],1]
    nextWords = nextWords[!is.na(nextWords)]
    # if(length(nextWords) != 0){
    #   nextWordIndex = sample(1:length(nextWords),3)
    #   nextWord = nextWords[nextWordIndex]
    # }else{
    #   nextWord = NA
    # }

    # Print top 5 match

      print(paste("Predicated word: ",nextWords))

    nGramIndex = nGramIndex - 1

    # If the next word is predicted then return the answer
    # Else backoff to check the word with n-1 gram models
    # if(!is.na(nextWord)){
    #   # The returned word will have have queried word as it was used to match
    #   # Just remove the queried word from the predicted word for better user experience
    #   tempNextWord = unlist(strsplit(as.character(nextWord)," "))
    #   if(isDebugMode)
    #     print(paste("Splitted text: ",tempNextWord))
    #   nextWord = paste(tempNextWord[length(tempNextWord)])
    #   break
    # }

    if(length(nextWords) != 0){
      for(word in nextWords){
        index = index + 1
        tempWord = unlist(strsplit(as.character(word)," "))
        if(sum(predictions == tempWord[length(tempWord)])>0)

        predictions  = c(predictions, tempWord[length(tempWord)])
        if(length(predictions) == 3){
      if(length(predictions) == 3){




  if(length(predictions) < 3){
      print(paste("No match found in ",paste(1:maxNGramIndex,collapse = ","),"Gram models so returning the most frequent word"))
      predictions = c(predictions,modelsList[[maxNGramIndex]][1:(3-length(predictions)),1])

    print(paste("The next predicated word using",nGramIndex+1,"gram model:-", nextWords))

achalshah20/AchalNLP documentation built on May 10, 2019, 5:10 a.m.