
Defines functions rnaSeqData

Documented in rnaSeqData

#' Get normalized RNA-seq expression data
#' @export
#' @note Updated 2021-09-03.
#' @details
#' Examples of cancer studies with different mRNA data types:
#' - RNA-seq v2: `gbm_tcga_pub2013_rna_seq_v2_mrna`.
#' - RNA-seq v1: `nbl_target_2018_pub_rna_seq_mrna`.
#' - Microarray: `gbm_tcga_pub_mrna`.
#' @section The cBioPortal Z-Score calculation method:
#' cBioPortal currently generates two z-score profiles using two different base
#' populations:
#' Distribution based on **diploid** samples only: The expression distribution
#' for unaltered copies of the gene is estimated by calculating the mean and
#' variance of the expression values for samples in which the gene is diploid
#' (i.e. value is "0" as reported by discrete CNA data). We call this the
#' unaltered distribution. If the gene has no diploid samples, then its
#' normalized expression is reported as `NA`.
#' Distribution based on **all** samples: The expression distribution of the
#' gene is estimated by calculating the mean and variance of all samples with
#' expression values (excludes zero's and non-numeric values like `NA`, `NULL`
#' or `NaN`). If the gene has samples whose expression values are all zeros or
#' non-numeric, then its normalized expression is reported as `NA`.
#' Otherwise for every sample, the gene's normalized expression for both the
#' profiles is reported as:
#' ```
#' (r - mu)/sigma
#' ```
#' where `r` is the raw expression value, and `mu` and `sigma` are the mean and
#' standard deviation of the base population, respectively.
#' See also:
#' - https://github.com/cBioPortal/cbioportal/blob/master/docs/
#' Z-Score-normalization-script.md
#' @param cancerStudy `character(1)`.
#' Cancer study identifier (e.g. ""acc_tcga_pan_can_atlas_2018").
#' See `cancerStudies()` for details.
#' @param geneNames `character`.
#' HUGO gene symbols (e.g. "TP53").
#' @param zscore `character`.
#' - `"all samples"`:
#' mRNA expression z-Scores relative to all samples (log RNA Seq RPKM).
#' Log-transformed mRNA z-Scores compared to the expression distribution of
#' all samples (RNA Seq RPKM).
#' - `"diploid samples"`:
#' mRNA expression z-Scores relative to diploid samples (RNA Seq RPKM).
#' mRNA z-Scores (RNA Seq RPKM) compared to the expression distribution of
#' each gene tumors that are diploid for this gene.
#' @return `SummarizedExperiment`.
#' Samples (e.g. patient tumors) in the columns and genes in the rows.
#' @examples
#' geneNames <- c("MYC", "TP53")
#' ## ACC TCGA 2018 ====
#' cancerStudy <- "acc_tcga_pan_can_atlas_2018"
#' x <- rnaSeqData(cancerStudy = cancerStudy, geneNames = geneNames)
#' print(x)
#' ## CCLE Broad 2019 ====
#' cancerStudy <- "ccle_broad_2019"
#' x <- rnaSeqData(cancerStudy = cancerStudy, geneNames = geneNames)
#' print(x)
rnaSeqData <-
             zscore = c("all samples", "diploid samples")) {
        ## RNA-seq:
        ## [1] "_rna_seq_v2_mrna_median_Zscores"
        ## [2] "_rna_seq_v2_mrna_median_all_sample_Zscores"
        ## Microarray:
        ## [1] "_mrna_median_all_sample_Zscores"
        zscore <- match.arg(zscore)
        zscorePattern <- switch(
            EXPR = zscore,
            "all samples" = "_rna_seq(_v2)?_mrna_median_all_sample_Zscores$",
            "diploid samples" = "_rna_seq(_v2)?_mrna_median_Zscores$"
        cgds <- .cgds()
        ## Get the case list identifier.
        df <- caseLists(cancerStudy = cancerStudy)
        ## e.g. "acc_tcga_pan_can_atlas_2018_rna_seq_v2_mrna".
        caseList <- grep(
            pattern = "_rna_seq(_v2)?_mrna$",
            x = df[["caseListId"]],
            value = TRUE
        ## Fall back for CCLE (e.g. "ccle_broad_2019_sequenced").
        if (!isString(caseList)) {
            caseList <- grep(
                pattern = "_sequenced$",
                x = df[["caseListId"]],
                value = TRUE
            msg = sprintf("No RNA-seq data: {.var %s}.", cancerStudy)
        ## Get mRNA expression.
        df <- geneticProfiles(cancerStudy = cancerStudy)
        keep <- grepl(
            pattern = zscorePattern,
            x = df[["geneticProfileId"]]
            msg = sprintf(
                "Missing zscore: {.var %s} ({.var %s}).",
                cancerStudy, zscorePattern
        df <- df[keep, , drop = FALSE]
            nrow(df) == 1L,
                x = df[["geneticAlterationType"]],
                y = "MRNA_EXPRESSION"
                x = df[["showProfileInAnalysisTab"]],
                y = "true"
        geneticProfile <- df[["geneticProfileId"]]
            "Importing RNA-seq data: {.var %s}.",
        df <- getProfileData(
            x = cgds,
            genes = geneNames,
            caseList = caseList,
            geneticProfiles = geneticProfile
            identical(colnames(df), geneNames),
        counts <- makeDimnames(t(as.matrix(df)))
        ## Get the clinical metadata corresponding to the column values
        ## (e.g. patient and/or cell line info).
        colData <- clinicalData(caseList = caseList)
            is(colData, "DataFrame"),
            isSubset(rownames(colData), colnames(counts))
        colData <- colData[colnames(counts), , drop = FALSE]
            assays = list("counts" = counts),
            colData = colData,
            metadata = list(
                "caseLists" = caseLists,
                "geneticProfiles" = geneticProfiles
            denylist = FALSE
acidgenomics/cBioPortalAnalysis documentation built on Jan. 10, 2024, 6:29 p.m.