
Defines functions shorten_station find_pdftk yesno shift_point_y Cap

Cap <- function(string) {
    s <- tolower(string)
    s <- strsplit(s, " ")
    unlist(lapply(s, function(i) {
        paste(toupper(substring(i, 1,1)), substring(i, 2), sep="", collapse=" ")

shift_point_y <- function(df, group, y, shift_prop = 0.1, ymin = NULL, ymax = NULL) {
  df <- as.data.frame(df)
  lu <- data.frame(unique(df[order(df[, group]), group, drop = FALSE]),
                   cutoff =  tapply(df[, y], df[, group], function(x) mean(range(x))),
                   shift = tapply(df[, y], df[, group], function(x)
                     max(utils::combn(c(ymin, ymax, range(x)), 2, diff)) * shift_prop)
#                   shift = tapply(df[, y], df[, group], function(x) range(x)))
  df$adj_y <- ifelse(df[, y, drop = TRUE] < lu$cutoff[match(df[, group, drop = TRUE], lu$spp_cn)],
                     df[, y, drop = TRUE] + lu$shift[match(df[, group, drop = TRUE], lu$spp_cn)],
                     df[, y, drop = TRUE] - lu$shift[match(df[, group, drop = TRUE], lu$spp_cn)])

texble <- function (x, digits = getOption("digits"), row_names = NA,
                   col_names = LETTERS[1:ncol(x)], caption = NULL,
                   col_widths = rep(14/ncol(x), ncol(x)), col_units = "cm",
                   col_types = rep("C", ncol(x)),
                   linespace = "3pt", tbl_float = c("h", "t", "b", "p", "H"),
                   longtable = FALSE, centering = TRUE) {

    tbl_float <- match.arg(tbl_float)
    # h "here" - place figure in the text where the figure environment is written, if enough room left on the page
    # t "top" - place it at the top of a page
    # b "bottom" - place it at the bottom of a page
    # p "page" - place it on a page containing only floats
    # H "right here" - force it at this point...the others are suggestions

#    if (!is.null(caption) && !is.na(caption))
#        caption <- paste0(knitr:::create_label("tab:", opts_current$get("label")),
#                         caption)
    if (identical(col_names, NA))
        col_names <- colnames(x)
    if (!is.matrix(x))
        x <- as.data.frame(x)
    m <- ncol(x)
    isn <- sapply(x, is.numeric)
    x[, isn] <- round(x[, isn], digits)
    if (is.na(row_names))
        row_names <- !is.null(rownames(x)) && !identical(rownames(x),
    if (row_names) {
        x <- cbind(` ` = rownames(x), x)
        if (length(col_names) + 1 == ncol(x)) {
            if (!is.null(col_names))
                col_names <- c(" ", col_names)

    if (!identical(length(col_names), length(col_types), length(col_widths), ncol(x)))
        stop(paste("Column names, widths, and types must have same length.",
                    paste0("Names (", length(col_names), "), widths (", length(col_widths),
                           "), and types (", length(col_types), ") do not agree."),
                    "Are you including row names?", sep = "\n"))
    n <- nrow(x)
    x <- base::format(as.matrix(x), trim = TRUE, justify = "none")
    if (!is.matrix(x))
        x <- matrix(x, nrow = n)
    x <- gsub("^\\s*|\\s*$", "", x)
    x <- ifelse(x == "TRUE", "\\checkmark", x)
    x <- gsub("FALSE", "", x)
    colnames(x) <- col_names
    table_env <- "table"

    if (identical(caption, NA))
        caption <- NULL
    env1 <- sprintf("\\begin{%s}[%s]", table_env, tbl_float)
    env2 <- sprintf("\\end{%s}", table_env)
    tabular <- if(longtable) "longtable" else "tabular"

    col_widths <- paste0(col_widths, col_units)
    col_specs <- paste(paste0(col_types, "{", col_widths, "}"), collapse = "")
    header_lu <- data.frame(col_type = c("L", "C", "R"),
                            head_type = c("H", "I", "J"))
    head_types <- c("H", "I", "J")[match(col_types, c("L", "C", "R"))]
    head_specs <- paste0(head_types, "{", col_widths, "}")

    if (!is.null(linespace)) linespace <- paste(c("[", linespace, "]"), collapse = "")

    centering <- if (centering && !is.null(caption)) "\\centering"

    res <- paste(c(if (!longtable) c(env1, sprintf("\\caption{%s}", caption), centering),
                   sprintf("\\begin{%s}{%s}", tabular, col_specs),
                   if(longtable) paste0(sprintf("\\caption{%s}", caption), "\\\\"),
                   paste0(paste(paste0("\\multicolumn{1}{", head_specs, "}{", colnames(x), "}"),
                                collapse = " & "), "\\\\", linespace),
                   if(longtable) c("\\endfirsthead",
                                   paste0(paste(paste0("\\multicolumn{1}{", head_specs, "}{", colnames(x), "}"),
                                                collapse = " & "), "\\\\", linespace),
                                   paste0("\\multicolumn{", length(col_widths), "}{c}{Continued on next page}\\\\"),
                                   "\\bottomrule", "\\endfoot"),
                   if(longtable) c("\\bottomrule", "\\endlastfoot"),
                   paste0(apply(x, 1, paste, collapse = " & "), "\\\\", linespace),
                   if(!longtable) "\\bottomrule",
                   sprintf("\\end{%s}", tabular),
                   if (!longtable) env2),
                 collapse = "\n")

    structure(res, format = "latex", class = "knitr_kable")

yesno <- function() {
  ans <- substr(readline(prompt="Are MABM DB exports in (or to be exported to) the current directory (y/n/c)?"), 1L, 1L)

find_pdftk <- function() {
  two_deep <- utils::getFromNamespace("two_deep", "MABM")
  pdftk <- grep("pdftk", two_deep("C:/"), ignore.case = TRUE, value = TRUE)
  if (length(pdftk) == 0) return(character(0))
  pdftk <- paste(pdftk, "bin", "pdftk.exe", sep = "/")

shorten_station <- function(station) {
  station %>% gsub("national wildlife refuge", "NWR", ., ignore.case = TRUE) %>%
  gsub("ecological services", "ES", ., ignore.case = TRUE) %>%
  gsub(" |\\.", "", .)

add_blanks <- function(x, nth) {
  x[1:nth != 1] <- ""
adamdsmith/MABMreportr documentation built on Feb. 1, 2023, 11:17 p.m.