
Defines functions predictMaxNet

Documented in predictMaxNet

#' Predictions from a MaxNet model
#' This function is the same as the \code{predict} function in the \pkg{maxnet} package, except that:
#' \itemize{
#'		\item	If the input is a data frame, the output is a vector as output (not a single-column matrix);
#'		\item	If the input is a \code{SpatRaster} or \code{Raster*}, the output is of the same type;
#'		\item	The default output is on the cloglog scale
#'		\item   The function can be explicitly called (versus doing, say, \code{maxnet:::predict.maxnet}, which does not work even when that would be really useful...).
#' }
#' @param model	Object of class \code{maxnet}.
#' @param newdata	Object of class \code{data.frame}, \code{SpatRaster} (\pkg{terra} package), or any of \code{Raster}, \code{RasterBrick}, or \code{RasterStack} (\pkg{raster} package).
#' @param clamp		If \code{TRUE} (default), predict outside the range of training data by 'clamping' values to the last value.
#' @param type		One of:
#' \itemize{
#'		\item		\code{cloglog} (default): Predictions are on a complementary log-log scale.
#'		\item		\code{logistic}: Predictions are on a logistic scale (and thus technically the same to several decimal places as predictions from MaxEnt <=3.3.3k, except for differences in default features).
#'		\item		\code{link}: Predictions are on the scale of the predictors.
#'		\item		\code{exponential}: Predictions are on an exponential ('raw') scale.
#'	}
#' @param ... Other arguments (unused).
#' @return Numeric vector.
#' @seealso \code{\link[raster]{predict}} from the \pkg{raster} package, \code{\link[terra]{predict}} from the \pkg{terra} package, and \code{\link[maxnet]{maxnet}} (see the \code{predict} function therein)
#' @export

predictMaxNet <- function(model, newdata, clamp=TRUE, type='cloglog', ...) {
	if (inherits(newdata, 'Raster')) {
		out <- raster::predict(newdata, model, fun=predictMaxNet, ...)
	} else if (inherits(newdata, 'SpatRaster')) {
		out <- terra::predict(newdata, model, fun=predictMaxNet, ...)
	} else {

		if (clamp) {
			for (v in intersect(names(model$varmax), names(newdata))) {
				newdata[ , v] <- pmin(pmax(newdata[ , v], model$varmin[v]), model$varmax[v])
		terms <- sub('hinge\\((.*)\\):(.*):(.*)$', 'maxnet:::hingeval(\\1,\\2,\\3)', names(model$betas))
		terms <- sub('categorical\\((.*)\\):(.*)$', 'maxnet:::categoricalval(\\1,\'\\2\')', terms)
		terms <- sub('thresholds\\((.*)\\):(.*)$', 'maxnet:::thresholdval(\\1,\\2)', terms)
		f <- formula(paste('~', paste(terms, collapse=' + '), '-1'))
		mm <- model.matrix(f, data.frame(newdata))
		if (clamp) mm <- t(pmin(pmax(t(mm), model$featuremins[names(model$betas)]), 
		link <- (mm %*% model$betas) + model$alpha
		if (type=='cloglog') out <- 1 - exp(0 - exp(model$entropy + link))
		if (type=='logistic') out <- 1 / (1 + exp(-model$entropy - link))
		if (type=='exponential') out <- exp(link)
		if (type=='link') out <- link
		out <- out[ , 1]
adamlilith/enmSdm documentation built on Jan. 6, 2023, 11 a.m.