#' Compare-methods operations on GRasters and GRegions
#' @description You can do comparative operations on `GRaster`s using normal operators in **R**: `<`, `<=`, `==`, `!=`, `>=`, and `>`. You can also use \code{\link[fasterRaster]{%in%}} for categorical `GRasters` (see `vignette("GRasters", package = "fasterRaster")`).
#' You can also compare two `GRegion`s using the `==` and `!=` operators. Most users of **fasterRaster** will not have to work much with "regions" (see `vignette("regions", package = "fasterRaster")`), so can ignore this functionality. `GRegion`s are the same if they have the same coordinate reference system, location/project and mapset (see `vignette("projects_mapsets", package = "fasterRaster")`), topology (2D or 3D), extent, and resolution. If both are 3D, then they must also have the same vertical extent and number of depths.
#' @param e1,e2 Values depend on the type of comparison:
#' * Comparing `GRaster`s to logical, numeric, character values: `e1` and `e2` can be any one of these. Comparison to a character string can be useful when using a categorical raster, in which case you can use something like `raster1 == "Wetlands"` to coerce all "wetland" cells to be 1 (TRUE) and all others 0 (FALSE) or `NA` (if it was originally `NA`).
#' * Comparing a `GRegion` to another `GRegion`: `e1` and `e2` must be `GRegion`s!
#' @returns Comparing `GRaster`s: An "integer" `GRaster` with values of 0 (FALSE), 1 (TRUE), or `NA` (neither).
#' Comparing `GRegion`s: Output is logical.
#' @example man/examples/ex_GRaster_comparison_logic.r
#' @aliases Compare-methods
#' @rdname Compare-methods
#' @exportMethod Compare
# raster raster
f = "Compare",
signature(e1 = "GRaster", e2 = "GRaster"),
function(e1, e2) {
compareGeom(e1, e2)
if (nlyr(e1) > 1L & nlyr(e2) == 1L) {
e2 <- e2[[rep(1L, nlyr(e1))]]
} else if (nlyr(e1) == 1L & nlyr(e2) > 1L) {
e1 <- e1[[rep(1L, nlyr(e2))]]
} else if (nlyr(e1) != nlyr(e2)) {
stop("Rasters must have the same number of layers, or at least one raster must have a single layer.")
oper <- as.vector(.Generic)[1L]
for (i in 1L:nlyr(e1)) {
name <- paste0(names(e1)[i], "_", names(e2)[i])
src <- .makeSourceName("comparison", "raster")
ex <- paste0(src, "= int(if(", sources(e1)[i], oper, sources(e2)[i], "))")
this <- .genericArithRast(name = name, src = src, ex = ex)
if (i == 1L) {
out <- this
} else {
out <- c(out, this)
} # EOF
# logical raster
#' @aliases Compare-methods
#' @rdname Compare-methods
#' @exportMethod Compare
f = "Compare",
signature(e1 = "logical", e2 = "GRaster"),
function(e1, e2) {
e1 <- as.integer(e1)
if (is.na(e1)) e1 <- "null()"
oper <- as.vector(.Generic)[1L]
for (i in 1L:nlyr(e2)) {
name <- names(e2)[i]
src <- .makeSourceName("comparison", "rast")
ex <- paste(src, "= int(if(", e1, " ", oper, " ", sources(e2)[i], "))")
this <- .genericArithRast(name = name, src = src, ex = ex)
if (i == 1L) {
out <- this
} else {
out <- c(out, this)
} # EOF
# raster logical
#' @aliases Compare-methods
#' @rdname Compare-methods
#' @exportMethod Compare
f = "Compare",
signature(e1 = "GRaster", e2 = "logical"),
function(e1, e2) {
e2 <- as.integer(e2)
if (is.na(e2)) e2 <- "null()"
oper <- as.vector(.Generic)[1L]
for (i in 1L:nlyr(e1)) {
name <- names(e1)[i]
src <- .makeSourceName("comparison", "rast")
ex <- paste(src, "= int(if(", sources(e1)[i], " ", oper, " ", e2, "))")
this <- .genericArithRast(name = name, src = src, ex = ex)
if (i == 1L) {
out <- this
} else {
out <- c(out, this)
} # EOF
# numeric raster
#' @aliases Compare-methods
#' @rdname Compare-methods
#' @exportMethod Compare
f = "Compare",
signature(e1 = "numeric", e2 = "GRaster"),
function(e1, e2) {
if (is.na(e1)) e1 <- "null()"
oper <- as.vector(.Generic)[1L]
for (i in 1L:nlyr(e2)) {
name <- names(e2)[i]
src <- .makeSourceName("comparison", "rast")
ex <- paste(src, "= int(if(", e1, " ", oper, " ", sources(e2)[i], "))")
this <- .genericArithRast(name = name, src = src, ex = ex)
if (i == 1L) {
out <- this
} else {
out <- c(out, this)
} # EOF
# raster numeric
#' @aliases Compare-methods
#' @rdname Compare-methods
#' @exportMethod Compare
f = "Compare",
signature(e1 = "GRaster", e2 = "numeric"),
function(e1, e2) {
if (is.na(e2)) e2 <- "null()"
oper <- as.vector(.Generic)[1L]
for (i in 1L:nlyr(e1)) {
name <- names(e1)[i]
src <- .makeSourceName("comparison", "raster")
ex <- paste(src, "= int(if(", sources(e1)[i], " ", oper, " ", e2, "))")
this <- .genericArithRast(name = name, src = src, ex = ex)
if (i == 1L) {
out <- this
} else {
out <- c(out, this)
} # EOF
# raster integer
#' @aliases Compare-methods
#' @rdname Compare-methods
#' @exportMethod Compare
f = "Compare",
signature(e1 = "GRaster", e2 = "integer"),
function(e1, e2) {
if (is.na(e2)) e2 <- "null()"
oper <- as.vector(.Generic)[1L]
for (i in 1L:nlyr(e1)) {
name <- names(e1)[i]
src <- .makeSourceName("comparison", "rast")
ex <- paste(src, "= int(if(", sources(e1)[i], " ", oper, " ", e2, "))")
this <- .genericArithRast(name = name, src = src, ex = ex)
if (i == 1L) {
out <- this
} else {
out <- c(out, this)
} # EOF
# integer raster
#' @aliases Compare-methods
#' @rdname Compare-methods
#' @exportMethod Compare
f = "Compare",
signature(e1 = "integer", e2 = "GRaster"),
function(e1, e2) {
if (is.na(e1)) e1 <- "null()"
oper <- as.vector(.Generic)[1L]
for (i in 1L:nlyr(e2)) {
name <- names(e2)[i]
src <- .makeSourceName("comparison", "rast")
ex <- paste(src, "= int(if(", e1, " ", oper, " ", sources(e2)[i], "))")
this <- .genericArithRast(name = name, src = src, ex = ex)
if (i == 1L) {
out <- this
} else {
out <- c(out, this)
} # EOF
# raster character
#' @aliases Compare-methods
#' @rdname Compare-methods
#' @exportMethod Compare
f = "Compare",
signature(e1 = "GRaster", e2 = "character"),
function(e1, e2) {
if (!all(is.factor(e1))) stop("Raster must be categorical for this type of comparison.")
oper <- as.vector(.Generic)[1L]
levs <- levels(e1)
acs <- activeCat(e1, names = TRUE)
nLayers <- nlyr(e1)
srcs <- .makeSourceName("comparison", "raster", nLayers)
for (i in seq_len(nLayers)) {
# get value of this category
ac <- acs[i]
thisVal <- eval(parse(text = paste0("levs[[", i, "]][", ac, " == e2]")))
thisVal <- thisVal[[1L]]
if (length(thisVal) == 0L) {
this <- 0L * not.na(e1)
} else {
if (oper == "<") {
thisVal <- min(thisVal)
ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = if(", sources(e1)[i], " ", oper, " ", thisVal, ", 1, 0)")
} else if (oper == "<=") {
thisVal <- max(thisVal)
ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = if(", sources(e1)[i], " ", oper, " ", thisVal, ", 1, 0)")
} else if (oper == ">") {
thisVal <- max(thisVal)
ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = if(", sources(e1)[i], " ", oper, " ", thisVal, ", 1, 0)")
} else if (oper == ">=") {
thisVal <- min(thisVal)
ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = if(", sources(e1)[i], " ", oper, " ", thisVal, ", 1, 0)")
} else if (oper == "==") {
ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = if(", sources(e1)[i], " == ", thisVal[1L])
if (length(thisVal) > 1L) {
for (count in 2L:length(thisVal)) {
ex <- paste0(ex, " | ", sources(e1)[i], " == ", thisVal[count])
ex <- paste0(ex, ", 1, 0)")
} else if (oper == "!=") {
ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = if(", sources(e1)[i], " != ", thisVal[1L])
if (length(thisVal) > 1L) {
for (count in 2L:length(thisVal)) {
ex <- paste0(ex, " & ", sources(e1)[i], " != ", thisVal[count])
ex <- paste0(ex, ", 1, 0)")
rgrass::execGRASS(cmd = "r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
} # next layer
.makeGRaster(srcs, "logical")
} # EOF
# character raster
#' @aliases Compare-methods
#' @rdname Compare-methods
#' @exportMethod Compare
f = "Compare",
signature(e1 = "character", e2 = "GRaster"),
function(e1, e2) {
if (!all(is.factor(e2))) stop("Raster must be categorical for this type of comparison.")
oper <- as.vector(.Generic)[1L]
levs <- levels(e2)
acs <- activeCat(e2, names = TRUE)
nLayers <- nlyr(e2)
srcs <- .makeSourceName("comparison", "raster", nLayers)
for (i in seq_len(nLayers)) {
# get value of this category
ac <- acs[i]
thisVal <- eval(parse(text = paste0("levs[[", i, "]][", ac, " == e1]")))
thisVal <- thisVal[[1L]]
if (length(thisVal) == 0L) {
this <- 0L * not.na(e2)
} else {
if (oper == "<") {
thisVal <- min(thisVal)
ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = if(", sources(e2)[i], " ", oper, " ", thisVal, ", 1, 0)")
} else if (oper == "<=") {
thisVal <- max(thisVal)
ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = if(", sources(e2)[i], " ", oper, " ", thisVal, ", 1, 0)")
} else if (oper == ">") {
thisVal <- max(thisVal)
ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = if(", sources(e2)[i], " ", oper, " ", thisVal, ", 1, 0)")
} else if (oper == ">=") {
thisVal <- min(thisVal)
ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = if(", sources(e2)[i], " ", oper, " ", thisVal, ", 1, 0)")
} else if (oper == "==") {
ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = if(", sources(e2)[i], " == ", thisVal[1L])
if (length(thisVal) > 1L) {
for (count in 2L:length(thisVal)) {
ex <- paste0(ex, " | ", sources(e2)[i], " == ", thisVal[count])
ex <- paste0(ex, ", 1, 0)")
} else if (oper == "!=") {
ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = if(", sources(e2)[i], " != ", thisVal[1L])
if (length(thisVal) > 1L) {
for (count in 2L:length(thisVal)) {
ex <- paste0(ex, " & ", sources(e2)[i], " != ", thisVal[count])
ex <- paste0(ex, ", 1, 0)")
cmd = "r.mapcalc",
expression = ex,
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")
} # next layer
.makeGRaster(srcs, "logical")
} # EOF
# GRegion GRegion
#' @aliases Compare-methods
#' @rdname Compare-methods
#' @exportMethod Compare
f = "Compare",
signature(e1 = "GRegion", e2 = "GRegion"),
function(e1, e2) {
oper <- as.vector(.Generic)[1L]
if (!(oper %in% c("==", "!="))) stop("Can only use == and != operators when performing comparisons involving GRegions.")
out <- TRUE
if (.location(e1) != .location(e2)) out <- FALSE
if (!terra::same.crs(e1, e2)) out <- out & FALSE
if ((is.3d(e1) & !is.3d(e2)) | (!is.3d(e1) & is.3d(e2))) {
out <- out & FALSE
} else if (is.3d(e1) & is.3d(e2)) {
top1 <- top(e1)
top2 <- top(e2)
bottom1 <- bottom(e1)
bottom2 <- bottom(e2)
out <- out & omnibus::compareFloat(top1, top2, "==") & omnibus::compareFloat(bottom1, bottom2, "==") & ndepth(e1) == ndepth(e2)
ext1 <- ext(e1, vector = TRUE)
ext2 <- ext(e2, vector = TRUE)
res1 <- res(e1)
res2 <- res(e2)
out <- out & all(omnibus::compareFloat(ext1, ext2, "==")) & all(omnibus::compareFloat(res1, res2, "=="))
if (oper == "!=") out <- !out
} # EOF
### The problem with comparing GRasters and GRegions is that GRegions are always 3D, and GRasters may not be, so the test will always fail.
# # # # GRegion GRaster
# # # #' @aliases Compare-methods
# # # #' @rdname Compare-methods
# # # #' @exportMethod Compare
# # # methods::setMethod(
# # # f = "Compare",
# # # signature(e1 = "GRegion", e2 = "GRaster"),
# # # function(e1, e2) {
# # # oper <- as.vector(.Generic)[1L]
# # # .compareGRegionGRaster(e1 = e1, e2 = e2, oper = oper)
# # # } # EOF
# # # )
# # # # GRaster GRegion
# # # #' @aliases Compare-methods
# # # #' @rdname Compare-methods
# # # #' @exportMethod Compare
# # # methods::setMethod(
# # # f = "Compare",
# # # signature(e1 = "GRaster", e2 = "GRegion"),
# # # function(e1, e2) {
# # # oper <- as.vector(.Generic)[1L]
# # # .compareGRegionGRaster(e1 = e1, e2 = e2, oper = oper)
# # # } # EOF
# # # )
# # # #' @noRd
# # # .compareGRegionGRaster <- function(e1, e2, oper) {
# # # if (!(oper %in% c("==", "!="))) stop("Can only use == and != operators when performing comparisons involving GRegions.")
# # # out <- TRUE
# # # if (.location(e1) != .location(e2)) out <- FALSE
# # # if (!terra::same.crs(e1, e2)) out <- out & FALSE
# # # if (is.3d(e1) & is.3d(e2)) {
# # # top1 <- top(e1)
# # # top2 <- top(e2)
# # # bottom1 <- bottom(e1)
# # # bottom2 <- bottom(e2)
# # # out <- out & omnibus::compareFloat(top1, top2, "==") & omnibus::compareFloat(bottom1, bottom2, "==") & ndepth(e1) == ndepth(e2)
# # # }
# # # ext1 <- ext(e1, vector = TRUE)
# # # ext2 <- ext(e2, vector = TRUE)
# # # res1 <- res(e1)
# # # res2 <- res(e2)
# # # out <- out & all(omnibus::compareFloat(ext1, ext2, "==")) & all(omnibus::compareFloat(res1, res2, "=="))
# # # if (oper == "!=") out <- !out
# # # out
# # # }
# # # # GRegion GVector
# # # #' @aliases Compare-methods
# # # #' @rdname Compare-methods
# # # #' @exportMethod Compare
# # # methods::setMethod(
# # # f = "Compare",
# # # signature(e1 = "GRegion", e2 = "GVector"),
# # # function(e1, e2) {
# # # oper <- as.vector(.Generic)[1L]
# # # .compareGRegionGVector(e1 = e1, e2 = e2, oper = oper)
# # # } # EOF
# # # )
# # # # GVector GRegion
# # # #' @aliases Compare-methods
# # # #' @rdname Compare-methods
# # # #' @exportMethod Compare
# # # methods::setMethod(
# # # f = "Compare",
# # # signature(e1 = "GVector", e2 = "GRegion"),
# # # function(e1, e2) {
# # # oper <- as.vector(.Generic)[1L]
# # # .compareGRegionGVector(e1 = e1, e2 = e2, oper = oper)
# # # } # EOF
# # # )
# # # #' @noRd
# # # .compareGRegionGVector <- function(e1, e2, oper) {
# # # if (!(oper %in% c("==", "!="))) stop("Can only use == and != operators when performing comparisons involving GRegions.")
# # # out <- TRUE
# # # if (.location(e1) != .location(e2)) out <- FALSE
# # # if (!terra::same.crs(e1, e2)) out <- out & FALSE
# # # ext1 <- ext(e1, vector = TRUE)
# # # ext2 <- ext(e2, vector = TRUE)
# # # out <- out & all(omnibus::compareFloat(ext1, ext2, "==")) & all(omnibus::compareFloat(res1, res2, "=="))
# # # if (oper == "!=") out <- !out
# # # out
# # # }
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