#' Extract values from a GRaster at locations in a points GVector
#' @description `extract()` obtains the values of a `GRaster` or `GVector` associated with the locations of a set of points. The output depends on the input:
#' * **Case #1: `x` is a numeric or integer `GRaster` and `y` is a points `GVector`**: Returns values of cells that have points. If `xy` is `TRUE`, also returns the coordinates of the points.
#' * **Case #2: `x` is a categorical (factor) `GRaster` and `y` is a points `GVector`**: Same as case #1, but if `cats` is `TRUE`, returns category labels of cells that have points. If `xy` is `TRUE`, also returns the coordinates of the points.
#' * **Case #3: `x` is a categorical `GRaster` and `y` is a lines or polygons `GVector`**: Returns a summary (e.g., mean, standard deviation, etc.) of all cells that overlap the line(s) or polygon(s).
#' * **Case #4: `x` is a `GVector` and `y` is a points `GVector`**: Returns the data table row associated each point. If `xy` is `TRUE`, also returns the coordinates of the points.
#' Note that whenever a points `GVector` is allowed for `y`, a `data.frame`, `data.table`, `matrix`, or `numeric` values representing points can be used instead.
#' @param x A `GRaster` or `GVector`.
#' @param y A `GVector`, *or* a `data.frame` or `matrix` where the first two columns represent longitude and latitude (in that order), *or* a two-element numeric vector where the first column represents longitude and the second latitude. Values of `x` will be extracted from the points in `y`. `GVector`s can be of types points, lines, or polygons.
#' @param fun Character vector: Name(s) of function(s) to apply to values. This is used when `x` is a `GRaster` and `y` is a lines or polygons `GVector`. The method(s) specified by `fun` will be applied to all cell values that overlap with each geometry (i.e., individual cell values will not be returned). Valid functions include:
#' * `"countNonNA"`: Number of overlapping cells.
#' * `"countNA"`: Number of overlapping `NA` cells.
#' * `"mean"`: Average.
#' * `"min"`: Minimum.
#' * `"max"`: Minimum.
#' * `"sum"`: Sum.
#' * `"range"`: Maximum - minimum.
#' * `"sd"`: Sample standard deviation (same as [stats::sd()]).
#' * `"sdpop"`: Population standard deviation.
#' * `"var"`: Sample variance (same as [stats::var()]).
#' * `"varpop"`: Population variance.
#' * `"cv"`: Coefficient of variation.
#' * `"cvpop"`: Population coefficient of variation.
#' * `"median"`: Median.
#' * `"quantile"`: Quantile; you can specify the quantile using the `prob` argument.
#' @param prob Numeric in the range from 0 to 1: Quantile which to calculate. The value of `prob` will be rounded to the nearest hundredth.
#' @param overlap Logical: If `TRUE` (default), and `y` is a lines or polygons `GVector`, then account for potential overlap of geometries when extracting. This can be slow, so if you are sure geometries do not overlap, you can change this to `FALSE`. This argument is ignored if `y` is a points `GVector`.
#' @param xy Logical: If `TRUE` and `y` represents points, also return the coordinates of each point. Default is `FALSE.`
#' @param cats Logical (extracting from a raster): If `TRUE` (default) and `x` is a categorical `GRaster`, then return the category labels instead of the values.
#' @param verbose Logical: If `TRUE`, display progress (will only function when extracting from points on a `GRaster` when the number of `GRaster`s is large, or when extracting using a "points" `GVector` with lots of points).
#' @param ... Arguments to pass to [project()]. This is used only if extracting from a `GRaster` at locations specified by a `GVector`, and they have a different coordinate reference system. In this case, users should specify the `wrap` argument to [project()].
#' @returns A `data.frame` or `data.table`.
#' @example man/examples/ex_extract.r
#' @seealso [terra::extract()], and modules `r.what` and `v.what` in **GRASS**
#' @aliases extract
#' @rdname extract
#' @exportMethod extract
f = "extract",
signature = c(x = "GRaster", y = "GVector"),
fun = "mean",
prob = 0.5,
overlap = TRUE,
xy = FALSE,
cats = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
) {
sameCRS <- compareGeom(x, y, stopOnError = FALSE, messages = FALSE)
if (!sameCRS) {
warning("The GVector has a different coordinate reference system than the GRaster.\n The GVector was projected to the CRS of the GRaster. If the GVector spans\n the international date line, you may need to specify `wrap = TRUE` when\n using this function.", immediate. = TRUE)
dots <- list(...)
if (any(names(dots) == "wrap")) {
wrap <- dots$wrap
} else {
wrap = FALSE
y <- project(y, x, wrap = wrap)
compareGeom(x, y)
nLayers <- nlyr(x)
gtype <- geomtype(y)
### if GVector is lines/polygons
if (gtype %in% c("lines", "polygons")) {
### assuming may be overlap in geometries
if (overlap) {
numGeoms <- ngeom(y)
for (i in seq_len(numGeoms)) {
yy <- y[i]
yy <- .aggregate(yy, gtype = "polygons", dissolve = FALSE)
yy <- .makeGVector(yy)
thisOut <- extract(
x = x, y = yy,
fun = fun,
prob = prob,
overlap = FALSE
if (i == 1L) {
out <- thisOut
} else {
out <- rbind(out, thisOut)
} # next geometry
### assuming no overlap in geometries
} else {
funs <- c(
fun <- omnibus::pmatchSafe(fun, funs)
# get sample versions
sampleSd <- any(fun == "sd")
sampleVar <- any(fun == "var")
sampleCv <- any(fun == "cv")
if (any(fun == "quantile")) {
if (length(prob) > 1L) stop("Argument `prob` can only have one value.")
if (prob > 1 | prob < 0) stop("Argument `prob` must be in the range [0, 1].")
prob <- round(100 * prob)
method <- fun
method <- method[!(method %in% c("sd", "var", "cv"))]
method[method == "countNonNA"] <- "number"
method[method == "countNA"] <- "null_cells"
method[method == "min"] <- "minimum"
method[method == "max"] <- "maximum"
method[method == "mean"] <- "average"
method[method == "sdpop"] <- "stddev"
method[method == "varpop"] <- "variance"
method[method == "cvpop"] <- "coeff_var"
method[method == "quantile"] <- "percentile"
method <- unique(method)
for (i in seq_len(nLayers)) {
prefix <- omnibus::rstring(1L)
if (length(method) > 0L) {
if (!.vHasDatabase(y)) .vAttachDatabase(y)
args <- list(
cmd = "v.rast.stats",
raster = sources(x)[i],
map = sources(y),
column_prefix = prefix,
method = method,
flags = c(.quiet())
if (gtype == "lines") args$flags <- c(args$flags, "d")
if (any(method == "percentile")) args$percentile <- prob
do.call(rgrass::execGRASS, args = args)
extracted <- .vAsDataTable(y)
} else {
extracted <- data.table::data.table(NULL)
# sample SD, var, CV
if (sampleSd | sampleVar | sampleCv) {
sampleStats <- .sampleStatsFromRast(i = i, x = x, y = y, fun = fun, extracted = extracted, prefix = prefix)
extracted <- cbind(extracted, sampleStats)
extracted <- extracted[!duplicated(extracted)]
if (any(names(extracted) == "cat")) extracted$cat <- NULL
if (any(names(extracted) == "cat_")) extracted$cat_ <- NULL
nms <- names(extracted)
nms <- gsub(nms, pattern = paste0(prefix, "_"), replacement = "")
nms[nms == "number"] <- "countNonNA"
nms[nms == "null_cells"] <- "countNA"
nms[nms == "minimum"] <- "min"
nms[nms == "maximum"] <- "max"
nms[nms == "average"] <- "mean"
nms[nms == "stddev"] <- "sdpop"
nms[nms == "variance"] <- "varpop"
nms[nms == "coeff_var"] <- "cvpop"
nms[grepl(nms, pattern = "percentile")] <- "quantile"
names(extracted) <- nms
if (any(fun == "cvpop")) {
cvpop <- NULL
extracted[ , cvpop := cvpop / 100]
extracted <- extracted[ , ..fun]
names(extracted) <- paste0(names(x)[i], "_", names(extracted))
if (i == 1L) {
out <- extracted
} else {
out <- cbind(out, extracted)
} # next raster layer
} # no overlap/overlap in geometries
### if GVector is points
} else {
if (xy) {
coords <- crds(y, z = is.3d(y))
out <- data.table::as.data.table(coords)
vals <- .extractFromRasterAtPoints(x = x, y = y, cats = cats, verbose = verbose)
if (exists("out", inherits = FALSE)) {
out <- cbind(out, vals)
} else {
out <- vals
} # if lines/polygons or points
if (!faster("useDataTable")) out <- as.data.frame(out)
} # EOF
#' Function to calculate sample sd, variance, and CV from raster
#' @noRd
.sampleStatsFromRast <- function(i, x, y, fun, extracted, prefix) {
### calculate variance
x2 <- x[[i]]^2
# n * SUM(x^2)
if (any(fun == "countNonNA")) {
count <- extracted[[paste0(prefix, "_number")]]
numer1 <- extract(
x = x2,
y = y,
fun = "sum"
numer1 <- numer1[[1L]]
numer1 <- numer1 * count
} else {
numer1 <- extract(
x = x2,
y = y,
fun = c("countNonNA", "sum")
count <- numer1[[paste0(names(x2), "_countNonNA")]]
count <- as.numeric(count) # avoid integer overflow
sums <- numer1[[paste0(names(x2), "_sum")]]
sums <- as.numeric(sums)
numer1 <- count * sums
# (SUM(x))^2
if (!any(fun == "sum")) {
numer2 <- extract(
x = x[[i]],
y = y,
fun = "sum"
numer2 <- numer2[[paste0(names(x), "_sum")]]
} else {
numer2 <- extracted[[paste0(prefix, "_sum")]]
numer2 <- as.numeric(numer2)
numer2 <- numer2^2
denom <- count * (count - 1)
variance <- (numer1 - numer2) / denom
### calculate mean for CV
if (any(fun == "cv")) {
if (any(fun == "mean")) {
means <- extracted[[paste0(prefix, "_average")]]
} else {
means <- extract(
x = x[[i]],
y = y,
fun = "mean"
means <- means[[paste0(names(x), "_mean")]]
thisExtracted <- data.table::data.table(NULL)
if (any(fun == "var")) {
var <- NULL
thisExtracted[ , var := variance]
if (any(fun == "sd")) {
sd <- NULL
thisExtracted[ , sd := sqrt(variance)]
if (any(fun == "cv")) {
cv <- NULL
thisExtracted[ , cv := sqrt(variance) / means]
#' @aliases extract
#' @rdname extract
#' @exportMethod extract
f = "extract",
signature = c(x = "GRaster", y = "data.frame"),
xy = FALSE,
cats = TRUE
) {
if (ncol(y) < 2L) stop("Argument `y` must have at least two columns. The first must represent longitude and the second latitude.")
if (ncol(y) > 2L) warning("Argument `y` has more than two columns. The first will be assumed to represent longitude and the second latitude.")
y <- terra::vect(y, geom = colnames(y)[1L:2L], crs = crs(x), keepgeom = FALSE)
y <- fast(y)
extract(x = x, y = y, xy = xy, cats = cats)
} # EOF
#' @aliases extract
#' @rdname extract
#' @exportMethod extract
f = "extract",
signature = c(x = "GRaster", y = "data.table"),
xy = FALSE,
cats = TRUE
) {
y <- as.data.frame(y)
extract(x = x, y = y, xy = xy, cats = cats)
} # EOF
#' @aliases extract
#' @rdname extract
#' @exportMethod extract
f = "extract",
signature = c(x = "GRaster", y = "matrix"),
xy = FALSE,
cats = TRUE
) {
y <- as.data.frame(y)
extract(x = x, y = y, xy = xy, cats = cats)
} # EOF
#' @aliases extract
#' @rdname extract
#' @exportMethod extract
f = "extract",
signature = c(x = "GRaster", y = "numeric"),
xy = FALSE,
cats = TRUE
) {
if (length(y) != 2L) stop("Argument `y` must have two values, longitude and latitude.")
y <- cbind(y)
colnames(y) <- c("x", "y")
extract(x = x, y = y, xy = xy, cats = cats)
} # EOF
#' @aliases extract
#' @rdname extract
#' @exportMethod extract
f = "extract",
signature = c(x = "GVector", y = "GVector"),
function(x, y, xy = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
if (geomtype(y) != "points") stop("Argument`y` must be a points vector.")
if (is.3d(y)) warning("Coordinates in the z-dimension will be ignored.")
coords <- crds(y, z = FALSE)
.extractFromVect(x, coords, xy, verbose = verbose)
} # EOF
#' @aliases extract
#' @rdname extract
#' @exportMethod extract
f = "extract",
signature = c(x = "GVector", y = "data.frame"),
function(x, y, xy = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) .extractFromVect(x, y[ , 1L:2L], xy, verbose = verbose)
#' @aliases extract
#' @rdname extract
#' @exportMethod extract
f = "extract",
signature = c(x = "GVector", y = "data.table"),
function(x, y, xy = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
y <- as.data.frame(y)
.extractFromVect(x, y[ , 1L:2L], xy, verbose = verbose)
} # EOF
#' @aliases extract
#' @rdname extract
#' @exportMethod extract
f = "extract",
signature = c(x = "GVector", y = "matrix"),
function(x, y, xy = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) .extractFromVect(x, y[ , 1L:2L], xy, verbose = verbose)
#' @aliases extract
#' @rdname extract
#' @exportMethod extract
f = "extract",
signature = c(x = "GVector", y = "numeric"),
function(x, y, xy = FALSE) {
y <- cbind(y)
.extractFromVect(x, y, xy, verbose = FALSE)
} # EOF
# #' For internal use by other functions
# #'
# #' @param y Character: [sources()] of points vector
# #'
# #' @noRd
# methods::setMethod(
# f = "extract",
# signature = c(x = "GVector", y = "character"),
# function(x, y, xy = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) {
# y <- .crdsVect(y, z = FALSE, gm = "points", verbose = verbose)
# .extractFromVect(x, y, xy)
# } # EOF
# )
#' @param x GVector
#' @param coords 2-column matrix of coordinates
#' @param xy T/F: Return coordinates
#' @param nperSet Number of points to extract... too large throws an error. 1000 seems to break, so going with 900.
#' @param data.table return as `data.table`
#' @param verbose Logical.
#' @noRd
.extractFromVect <- function(x, y, xy, nPerSet = 900L, data.table = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
if (!inherits(y, "data.table")) y <- data.table::as.data.table(y)
colnames(y) <- c("x", "y")
n <- nrow(y)
if (n > nPerSet) {
sets <- ceiling(n / nPerSet)
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) {
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = sets, initial = 0, style = 3, width = 30)
out <- data.table::data.table()
for (set in seq_len(sets)) {
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, set)
yy <- y[(1L + (set - 1L) * nPerSet):min(set * nPerSet, n)]
thisOut <- .extractFromVect(x, y = yy, xy = xy, data.table = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
out <- rbind(out, thisOut)
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) close(pb)
} else {
coords <- rep(NA_real_, 2L * n)
coords[seq(1L, 2 * n, by = 2L)] <- y[["x"]]
coords[seq(2L, 2 * n, by = 2L)] <- y[["y"]]
gtype <- geomtype(x, grass = TRUE)
info <- rgrass::execGRASS(
cmd = "v.what",
map = sources(x),
coordinates = coords,
type = gtype,
flags = c(.quiet(), "verbose"), # could use "g" to make output easier to parse
intern = TRUE
nonnas <- which(grepl(info, pattern = "Category: "))
nas <- which(grepl(info, pattern = "Nothing found."))
lenNonnas <- length(nonnas)
lenNas <- length(nas)
# get index of non-NAs
if (lenNonnas > 0L & lenNas >= 0L) {
names(nonnas) <- rep("notna", lenNonnas)
names(nas) <- rep("na", lenNas)
together <- c(nonnas, nas)
together <- sort(together)
nonnasIndex <- which(names(together) == "notna")
} else if (lenNonnas > 0L & lenNas == 0) {
nonnasIndex <- 1L:n
### at least one point was on the vector
if (lenNonnas > 0L) {
nons <- info[nonnas]
nons <- sub(nons, pattern = "Category: ", replacement = "")
nons <- as.integer(nons)
# vector has no data table (return IDs)
if (nrow(x) == 0L) {
id.x <- NULL
out <- data.table::data.table(id.y = 1L:n, id.x = NA_integer_)
if (lenNonnas > 0L) out[nonnasIndex, id.x := nons]
# vector has data table
} else {
# make template of data table (1 row, all NAs)
out <- as.data.table(x)[1L]
classes <- sapply(out, class)
cols <- names(x)
for (i in seq_along(classes)) {
if (classes[i] == "integer") {
assign <- NA_integer_
} else if (classes[i] == "numeric") {
assign <- NA_real_
} else if (classes[i] == "character") {
assign <- NA_character_
} else {
assign <- NA
col <- cols[i]
out[1L, (col) := assign]
# create template data table with all NAs
out <- out[rep(1L, n)]
id.y <- data.table::data.table(id.y = 1L:n)
out <- cbind(id.y, out)
# assign values to rows
if (lenNonnas > 0L) {
for (i in seq_along(cols)) {
col <- cols[i]
out[nonnasIndex, (col) := x@table[nons, get(col)]]
} # vector has a data.table
if (xy) out <- cbind(y, out)
if (!data.table & !faster("useDataTable")) out <- as.data.frame(out)
} # EOF
#' Extract values from a set of rasters at points
#' @param x `GRaster` or [sources()] name of one or more `GRaster`s.
#' @param y A points `GVector` or [sources()] name of one
#' @param dtype **GRASS** format `datatype` of each raster in `x`. Will be obtained from `x` if `x` is a `GRaster`.
#' @param xNames [names()] of `x`. Will be obtained from `x` if `x` is a `GRaster`.
#' @param levels [levels()] of a `GRaster`. Will be taken from `x` if `NULL` and `x` is a `GRaster`.
#' @param cats Logical: Extract category labels instead of values
#' @param verbose Logical.
#' @returns A `data.table`.
#' @noRd
.extractFromRasterAtPoints <- function(
xNames = NULL,
dtype = NULL,
levels = NULL,
cats = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE
) {
if (inherits(x, "GRaster")) {
nLayers <- nlyr(x)
dtype <- datatype(x, "GRASS")
xNames <- names(x)
xSrc <- sources(x)
levels <- levels(x)
} else {
if (is.null(xNames)) stop("If `x` is the sources() name of a GRaster, `xNames` must be supplied (i.e., not NULL).")
if (is.null(levels)) stop("If `x` is the sources() name of a GRaster, `levels` must be supplied (i.e., not NULL).")
if (is.null(dtype)) stop("If `x` is the sources() name of a GRaster, `dtype` must be supplied (i.e., not NULL).")
nLayers <- length(x)
xSrc <- x
if (inherits(y, "GVector")) {
ySrc <- sources(y)
} else {
ySrc <- y
### extracting sets of rasters at a time to obviate issues with too-long of a GRASS command string if there are too many rasters
layersAtATime <- 30L
sets <- ceiling(nLayers / layersAtATime)
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) {
omnibus::say("Extracting values...")
if (sets > 1) pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = sets, initial = 0, style = 3, width = 30)
# # don't know why, but having this here obviates extraction of all NAs on first extract attempt
# if (inherits(x, "GRaster")) x[[1L]] <- x[[1L]] + 0
for (set in seq_len(sets)) {
if ((verbose | faster("verbose")) & sets > 1) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, set)
index <- (layersAtATime * (set - 1) + 1):min(layersAtATime * set, nLayers)
xxSrc <- xSrc[index]
vals <- rgrass::execGRASS(
cmd = "r.what",
map = xxSrc,
points = ySrc,
null_value = "NA",
separator = "pipe",
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"),
intern = TRUE
vals <- strsplit(vals, split = "\\|")
vals <- do.call(rbind, vals)
vals <- vals[ , 4L:ncol(vals)]
vals <- data.table::as.data.table(vals)
names(vals) <- xNames[index]
for (i in 1:ncol(vals)) {
dt <- dtype
col <- names(vals)[i]
if (dt[i] == "CELL") {
vals[ , (col) := as.integer(get(col)), by = .SD]
} else {
vals[ , (col) := as.numeric(get(col)), by = .SD]
if (exists("out", inherits = FALSE)) {
out <- cbind(out, vals)
} else {
out <- vals
} # next set of rasters
if ((verbose | faster("verbose")) & sets > 1) close(pb)
# category label instead of value
levelRows <- sapply(levels, nrow)
if (cats & any(levelRows > 0)) {
facts <- which(levelRows > 0)
for (fact in facts) {
factName <- xNames[fact]
levs <- levels[[fact]]
if (!inherits(levs, "data.table")) levs <- data.table::as.data.table(levs)
this <- levs[match(out[[fact]], levs[[1L]]), 2L]
# names(this) <- names(xx)[fact]
# this <- this[ , lapply(.SD, as.factor)] # convert to factor... do we want this?
# out[ , (factName) := this[[1L]]]
out[ , (factName) := this[[1]]]
} # extracting category labels
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