#' Landscape fragmentation class following Riitters et al. (2020)
#' @description Riitters et al. (2020) propose a classification scheme for forest fragmentation (which can be applied to any habitat type). The scheme relies on calculating density (e.g., number of forested cells in a window around a focal cell) and connectivity (number of cases where neighboring cells are both forested). This function calculates these classes from a `GRaster` or `SpatRaster` in which the focal habitat type has cell values of 1, and non-focal habitat type has cell values of 0 or `NA`.
#' Note that by default, the `SpatRaster` and `GRaster` versions will create different results around the border of the raster. The `SpatRaster` version uses the [terra::focal()] function, which will not return an `NA` value when its window overlaps the raster border if the `na.rm` argument is `TRUE`. However, the `GRaster` version uses the **GRASS** module `r.neighbors`, which does return `NA` values in these cases.
#' The fragmentation classes are:
#' * Value provided by `none`: None (i.e., no forest; default is `NA`).
#' * 1: Patch
#' * 2: Transitional
#' * 3: Perforated
#' * 4: Edge
#' * 5: Undetermined (not possible to obtain when `w = 3`)
#' * 6: Interior
#' @param x A `SpatRaster` or `GRaster`.
#' @param w An odd, positive integer: Size of the window across which fragmentation is calculated (in units of "rows" and "columns"). The default is 3, meaning the function uses a 3x3 moving window to calculate fragmentation. For large rasters, compute time is ~*O*(`N`) + *O*(`N * w^2`), where `N` is the number of cells in the raster. So, even a small increase in `w` can increase compute time by a lot.
#' @param undet Character: How to assign the "undetermined" case. Valid values are `"perforated"` (default), `"edge"`, and `"undetermined"`. Partial matching is used. If `Pf` is the proportional density raster cell value and `Pff` the proportional connectivity raster cell value, the undetermined case occurs when `Pf` > 0.6 and `Pf == Pff`.
#' @param none Integer or `NA` (default): Value to assign to a cell with no focal habitat. Riitters et al. use `NA`. This will be forced to an integer if it is not an actual integer.
#' @param na.rm Logical: If `TRUE` (default) and `x` is a `SpatRaster`, then cells near the edge of the raster where the window overlaps the edge can still be assigned a fragmentation class. If `FALSE`, these cells will be assigned a value of `none`.
#' @param cores Integer: Number of processor cores to use for when processing a `SpatRaster`.
#' @param verbose Logical: If `TRUE` (default), display progress.
#' @returns A categorical `SpatRaster` or `GRaster`. The values assigned to each class can be seen with [levels()].
#' @references Riitters, K., J. Wickham, R. O'Neill, B. Jones, and E. Smith. 2000. Global-scale patterns of forest fragmentation. *Conservation Ecology* 4:3. URL: [http://www.consecol.org/vol4/iss2/art3/](http://www.consecol.org/vol4/iss2/art3/). Also note the [errata](https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol4/iss2/art3/errata/january26.2001.html).
#' @example man/examples/ex_fragmentation.r
#' @aliases fragmentation
#' @rdname fragmentation
#' @exportMethod fragmentation
f = "fragmentation",
signature = c(x = "SpatRaster"),
function(x, w = 3, undet = "undetermined", none = NA, na.rm = TRUE, cores = faster("cores"), verbose = TRUE) {
# errors?
if (!omnibus::is.wholeNumber(w) || w < 1L || w %% 2 == 0) stop("Argument `w` must be an odd, positive integer.")
undet <- omnibus::pmatchSafe(undet, c("undetermined", "perforated", "edge"), nmax = 1L)
# setup
nLayers <- terra::nlyr(x)
# zeros matrix to store each set of neighbors
ww <- matrix(0L, w, w)
# assess if each pair of neighboring cell in cardinal direction has 1 or 2 forested cells or not (0 = no, 1 = 1 cell, 2 = 2 cells)
# 1st make a list of possible cell neighbors by cell index
# 2nd assess if neighbors both have target habitat type
cells <- list()
w1 <- matrix(1L:(w^2), nrow = w, ncol = w)
w2 <- w1[1L:(w - 1), 1L:(w - 1)]
for (i in 1L:(w - 1L)^2) {
len <- length(cells)
wFrom <- w2[i]
# left-to-right neighbors
cells[[len + 1L]] <- c(wFrom, wFrom + w)
# top-to-bottom neighbors
cells[[len + 2L]] <- c(wFrom, wFrom + 1L)
# add left-to-right neighbors of bottom row
for (i in w1[w, 1L:(w - 1L)]) {
len <- length(cells)
wFrom <- w1[i]
cells[[len + 1L]] <- c(wFrom, wFrom + w)
# add top-to-bottom neighbors of right column
for (i in w1[1L:(w - 1L), w]) {
len <- length(cells)
wFrom <- w1[i]
cells[[len + 1L]] <- c(wFrom, wFrom + 1L)
# for each layer
nSteps <- nLayers * (1 + length(cells) + 17)
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) {
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nSteps, initial = 0, style = 3, width = 30)
steps <- 0
for (i in seq_len(nLayers)) {
xx <- x[[i]]
# convert NAs to 0s
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
# xx <- terra::app(xx, fun = function(x) ifelse(is.na(x), 0L, x), cores = cores) # VERY slow!!!
xx[is.na(x)] <- 0L
unis <- unique(xx)
unis <- unis[ , 1L]
if (length(unis) != 2L) {
stop("The raster must have values of 0 and 1, NA and 1,\n or the values must be all NA, all 0, or all 1.")
connectivities <- list()
for (j in seq_along(cells)) {
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
pair <- cells[[j]]
www <- ww
www[pair] <- 1L
connectivities[[j]] <- focal(xx, w = www, fun = "sum", na.rm = TRUE)
# stack pff rasters
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
pffConnected <- do.call(c, connectivities)
# indicate if at least one cell of pair is forested
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
pffEither <- pffConnected >= 1L
# convert to 1 if both cells are forested
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
pffConnected <- pffConnected == 2L
# sum forested neighbors across rasters
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
pffNeighs <- sum(pffConnected)
# sum either forested across rasters
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
pffForests <- sum(pffEither)
# calculate pff
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
pff <- pffNeighs / pffForests
# calculate cover
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
pf <- terra::focal(xx, w = w, "mean", na.rm = na.rm)
### assign classes
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
thisOut <- xx * 0L
# pre-calculate interior mask
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
interiorMask <- pf == 1 & pff == 1
notInteriorMask <- 1L - interiorMask
# pre-calculate difference
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
delta <- pf - pff
# patch
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
mask <- pf > 0 & pf <= 0.4
thisOut <- terra::mask(thisOut, mask, maskvalues = 1L, updatevalue = 1L)
# transitional
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
mask <- pf > 0.4 & pf <= 0.6
thisOut <- terra::mask(thisOut, mask, maskvalues = 1L, updatevalue = 2L)
# perforated
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
if (undet == 'perforated') {
mask <- pf > 0.6 & delta >= 0
} else {
mask <- pf > 0.6 & delta > 0
thisOut <- terra::mask(thisOut, mask, maskvalues = 1L, updatevalue = 3L)
# edge
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
if (undet == 'edge') {
mask <- pf > 0.6 & delta <= 0
} else {
mask <- pf > 0.6 & delta < 0
thisOut <- terra::mask(thisOut, mask, maskvalues = 1L, updatevalue = 4L)
# undetermined
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
if (undet == 'undetermined') {
mask <- pf > 0.6 & delta == 0
thisOut <- terra::mask(thisOut, mask, maskvalues = 1L, updatevalue = 5L)
# interior
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
thisOut <- terra::mask(thisOut, interiorMask, maskvalues = 1L, updatevalue = 6L)
# no focal habitat in focal cell
# Riitters et al.: "If the center pixel was not forest, then a null value was assigned to that location."
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
thisOut <- terra::mask(thisOut, xx, maskvalues = 0L, updatevalue = none)
levs <- .fragmentationLevels(undet = undet, none = none)
levels(thisOut) <- levs
if (i == 1L) {
out <- thisOut
} else {
out <- c(out, thisOut)
} # next layer
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) close(pb)
} # EOF
#' @aliases fragmentation
#' @rdname fragmentation
#' @exportMethod fragmentation
f = "fragmentation",
signature = c(x = "GRaster"),
function(x, w = 3, undet = "undetermined", none = NA, verbose = TRUE) {
undet <- omnibus::pmatchSafe(undet, c("perforated", "edge", "undetermined"), nmax = 1L)
mm <- minmax(x)
msg <- "Raster must be binary (only 1 and/or 0, with NAs allowed."
if (any(!(mm %in% c(0L, 1L)))) stop(msg)
# force to integer to obviate issues with floating-point precision
dtype <- datatype(x)
if (any(dtype != "integer")) {
nonIntegers <- which(dtype != "integer")
for (i in nonIntegers) {
x[[i]] <- as.int(x[[i]])
# setup
nLayers <- terra::nlyr(x)
# assess if each pair of neighboring cell in cardinal direction has 1 or 2 forested cells or not (0 = no, 1 = 1 cell, 2 = 2 cells)
ww <- matrix(0L, w, w)
#### calculate connectivities for Pff
# list of offset pairs relative to focal cell in cardinal directions
offsets <- list()
center <- (w + 1L) / 2L
# get left-right cell pairs referenced by offset from window center
i <- 1L
for (row in seq_len(w)) {
for (col in 1L:(w - 1L)) {
offsets[[i]] <- c(row - center, col - center, row - center, col - center + 1L)
i <- i + 1L
# get up-down cell pairs referenced by offset from window center
i <- length(offsets) + 1L
for (row in 1L:(w - 1L)) {
for (col in seq_len(w)) {
offsets[[i]] <- c(row - center, col - center, row - center + 1L, col - center)
i <- i + 1L
# for each layer
nSteps <- nLayers * (1 + length(offsets) + 6)
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) {
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nSteps, initial = 0, style = 3, width = 30)
steps <- 0
# to keep `sources` of temporary files for deletion
created <- character()
srcs <- rep(NA_character_, nLayers)
for (i in seq_len(nLayers)) {
### remove NAs
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
srcIn <- sources(x)[i]
srcXZeros <- .makeSourceName("fragmentation_xSansNAs", "raster")
ex <- paste0(srcXZeros, " = if(isnull(", srcIn, "), 0, ", srcIn, ")")
rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
created <- c(created, srcXZeros)
### connectivities (for Pff)
srcConnectivities <- .makeSourceName("fragmentation_connectivities", "raster", n = length(offsets))
srcEither <- .makeSourceName("fragmentation_either", "raster", n = length(offsets))
srcBoth <- .makeSourceName("fragmentation_both", n = length(offsets))
for (j in seq_along(offsets)) {
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
# tally occurrences of habitat in each pair of cells
y1 <- offsets[[j]][1L]
x1 <- offsets[[j]][2L]
y2 <- offsets[[j]][3L]
x2 <- offsets[[j]][4L]
# sum of pairs of cells
ex <- paste0(srcConnectivities[j], " = ", srcXZeros, "[", y1, ",", x1, "] + ", srcXZeros, "[", y2, ",", x2, "]")
rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
# does either cell in a pair have habitat?
ex <- paste0(srcEither[j], " = if(", srcConnectivities[j], " >= 1)")
rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
# do both cells have habitat?
ex <- paste0(srcBoth[j], " = if(", srcConnectivities[j], " == 2)")
rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
created <- c(created, srcConnectivities, srcEither, srcBoth)
# number of neighbor cell pairs with at least one with habitat
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
srcNumEithers <- .makeSourceName("fragmentation_sum_eithers", "raster")
ex <- paste0(srcNumEithers, " = ", paste(srcEither, collapse = " + "))
rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
created <- c(created, srcNumEithers)
# number of neighbor cell pairs both with habitat
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
srcNumBoths <- .makeSourceName("fragmentation_sum_both", "raster")
ex <- paste0(srcNumBoths, " = ", paste(srcBoth, collapse = " + "))
rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
created <- c(created, srcNumBoths)
# calculate Pff
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
srcPff <- .makeSourceName("fragmentation_pff", "raster")
ex <- paste0(srcPff, " = double(", srcNumBoths, ") / double(", srcNumEithers, ")")
rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
created <- c(created, srcPff)
# calculate cover (Pf)
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
srcPf <- .makeSourceName("fragmentation_pf", "raster")
cmd = "r.neighbors",
input = srcXZeros,
output = srcPf,
size = w,
method = "average",
nprocs = faster("cores"),
memory = faster("memory"),
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")
created <- c(created, srcPf)
# calculate difference between Pf and Pff (used for "perforated", "edge", and "undetermined" cases)
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
srcDelta <- .makeSourceName("fragmentation_delta", "raster")
ex <- paste0(srcDelta, " = ", srcPf, " - ", srcPff)
rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
created <- c(created, srcDelta)
### assign classes
# NB: The first condition in each forces cases where focal cell does not have focal habitat to NA as per Riitters et al.: "If the center pixel was not forest, then a null value was assigned to that location."
src <- .makeSourceName("fragmentation_class", "raster")
if (is.na(none)) {
noneValue <- "null()"
} else {
noneValue <- as.int(none)
if (undet == "undetermined") {
ex <- paste0(src, " = if (", srcXZeros, " == 0, ", noneValue, ", if (", srcPf, " == 0, 0, if (", srcPf, " == 1 & ", srcPff, " == 1, 6, if (", srcPf, " <= 0.4, 1, if (", srcPf, " <= 0.6, 2, if (", srcDelta, " > 0, 3, if (", srcDelta, " < 0, 4, if (", srcDelta, " == 0, 5, null()))))))))")
} else if (undet == "edge") {
ex <- paste0(src, " = if (", srcXZeros, " == 0, ", noneValue, ", if (", srcPf, " == 0, 0, if (", srcPf, " == 1 & ", srcPff, " == 1, 6, if (", srcPf, " <= 0.4, 1, if (", srcPf, " <= 0.6, 2, if (", srcDelta, " > 0, 3, if (", srcDelta, " <= 0, 4, null())))))))")
} else if (undet == "perforated") {
ex <- paste0(src, " = if (", srcXZeros, " == 0, ", noneValue, ", if (", srcPf, " == 0, 0, if (", srcPf, " == 1 & ", srcPff, " == 1, 6, if (", srcPf, " <= 0.4, 1, if (", srcPf, " <= 0.6, 2, if (", srcDelta, " >= 0, 3, if (", srcDelta, " < 0, 4, null())))))))")
steps <- steps + 1
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
# ex <- paste0(src, " = ",
# "if (pf == 0, 0,
# if (pf == 1 & pff == 1, 6,
# if (pf <= 0.4, 1,
# if (pf <= 0.6, 2,
# if (pf - pff > 0, 3,
# if (pf - pff < 0, 4,
# if (pf == pff, 5, null())
# )
# )
# )
# )
# )
# )"
# )
# # if masking to just focal habitat
# if (restrict) {
# # multiply by focal habitat (1)/non-focal habitat (0 or NA)
# srcMask <- .makeSourceName("fragmentation_mask", "raster")
# ex <- paste0(srcMask, " = if (", srcIn, " == 1, 1, null())")
# rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
# srcIn <- src
# src <- .makeSourceName("fragmentation_class_masked")
# ex <- paste0(src, " = ", srcIn, " * ", srcMask)
# rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
# # make mask, copy with mask in place, remove mask
# # # rgrass::execGRASS(cmd = "r.mask", raster = srcIn, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
# # # src <- .copyGRaster(src, topo = topology(x)[i], reshapeRegion = FALSE)
# # # .removeMask()
# } # else {
# # mask to non-NA cells in input
# srcIn <- src
# src <- .makeSourceName("fragmentation_mask_NAs", "raster")
# ex <- paste0(src, " = if(isnull(", sources(x)[i], "), null(), ", srcIn, ")")
# rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
# }
srcs[i] <- src
if (faster("clean")) .rm(created, type = "raster", warn = FALSE)
created <- character()
} # next layer
if (verbose | faster("verbose")) close(pb)
levs <- .fragmentationLevels(undet = undet, none = none)
levels <- list()
for (i in seq_len(nLayers)) {
levels[[i]] <- levs
.makeGRaster(srcs, names = "fragmentation", levels = levels)
} # EOF
#' Create levels table for `fragmentation()`.
#' @param undet Value of `undet`.
#' @param none Value of `none`.
#' @returns A `data.frame`.
#' @noRd
.fragmentationLevels <- function(undet, none) {
if (undet %in% c("perforated", "edge")) {
if (is.na(none)) {
levs <- data.frame(value = c(1L:4L, 6L), class = c("patch", "transitional", "perforated", "edge", "interior"))
} else {
levs <- data.frame(value = c(none, 1L:4L, 6L), class = c("none", "patch", "transitional", "perforated", "edge", "interior"))
} else if (undet == "undetermined") {
if (is.na(none)) {
levs <- data.frame(value = 1L:6L, class = c("patch", "transitional", "perforated", "edge", "undetermined", "interior"))
} else {
levs <- data.frame(value = c(none, 1L:6L), class = c("none", "patch", "transitional", "perforated", "edge", "undetermined", "interior"))
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