#' Mask values in a raster
#' @description The output of `mask()` is a `GRaster` that has the same as values as the input raster. However, if the `mask` argument is a `GRaster`, the output will have `NA` values in the same cells that the `mask` raster has `NA` cells. If the `mask` argument is a `GVector`, then the output raster will have `NA` values in cells the `GVector` does not cover.
#' @param x A `GRaster`.
#' @param mask A `GRaster` or `GVector`.
#' @param inverse Logical: If `TRUE`, the effect of the mask is inverted. That is, a copy of the input raster is made, but cells that overlap with an `NA` in the mask raster or are not covered by the mask vector retain their values. Cells that overlap with an `NA` in the mask raster or overlap with the mask vector are forced to `NA`.
#' @param maskvalues Numeric vector, including `NA` (only for when `mask` is a `GRaster`): The value(s) in the mask raster cells that serve as the mask. The default is `NA`, in which case cells in the input raster that overlap with `NA` cells in the mask are forced to `NA`.
#' @param updatevalue Numeric, including `NA` (default): The values assigned to masked cells.
#' @returns A `GRaster`.
#' @seealso [terra::mask()], **GRASS** module `r.mask`
#' @example man/examples/ex_mask.r
#' @aliases mask
#' @rdname mask
#' @exportMethod mask
f = "mask",
signature = c(x = "GRaster", mask = "GRaster"),
function(x, mask, inverse = FALSE, maskvalues = NA, updatevalue = NA) {
xname <- names(x)
if (nlyr(mask) > 1L) warning("The mask raster has >1 layer. Only the first layer will be used.")
cats <- cats(x)
ac <- activeCats(x)
x <- sources(x)
mask <- sources(mask)[1L]
srcs <- .mask(x = x, mask = mask, maskType = "raster", inverse = inverse, maskvalues = maskvalues, updatevalue = updatevalue)
.makeGRaster(srcs, xname, levels = cats, ac = ac)
} # EOF
#' @aliases mask
#' @rdname mask
#' @exportMethod mask
f = "mask",
signature = c(x = "GRaster", mask = "GVector"),
function(x, mask, inverse = FALSE, updatevalue = NA) {
xname <- names(x)
cats <- cats(x)
ac <- activeCats(x)
x <- sources(x)
mask <- sources(mask)
srcs <- .mask(x = x, mask = mask, maskType = "vector", inverse = inverse, maskvalues = NA, updatevalue = updatevalue)
.makeGRaster(srcs, xname, levels = cats, ac = ac)
} # EOF
#' @param x [sources()] name of a `GRaster`.
#' @param mask [sources()] name of the mask `GRaster` or `GVector`.
#' @param maskType "raster" or "vector".
#' @param inverse Logical.
#' @param maskvalues Numeric or `NA`.
#' @param updatevalue Numeric or `NA`
#' @noRd
.mask <- function(x, mask, maskType, inverse = FALSE, maskvalues = NA, updatevalue = NA) {
# remove mask on exit
on.exit(.removeMask(), add = TRUE)
### mask is a raster
if (maskType == "raster") {
# custom mask values
if (length(maskvalues) > 1L || !is.na(maskvalues)) {
maskSrc <- .makeSourceName("mask_r_mapcalc", "raster")
if (anyNA(maskvalues)) {
maskValuesHaveNAs <- TRUE
maskvalues <- maskvalues[!is.na(maskvalues)]
} else {
maskValuesHaveNAs <- FALSE
maskvalues <- as.character(maskvalues)
maskvalues <- paste(paste0(sources(mask), "=="), maskvalues)
if (maskValuesHaveNAs) maskvalues <- c(maskvalues, paste0("isnull(", sources(mask), ")"))
maskvalues <- paste(maskvalues, collapse = " | ")
ex <- paste0(maskSrc, " = if(", maskvalues, ",1,null())")
args <- list(
cmd = "r.mapcalc",
expression = ex,
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")
do.call(rgrass::execGRASS, args = args)
} else {
maskSrc <- mask
### create a mask
args <- list(
cmd = "r.mask",
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")
args$raster <- maskSrc
### mask is a vector
} else if (maskType == "vector") {
args <- list(
cmd = "r.mask",
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")
args$vector <- mask
if (inverse) args$flags <- c(args$flags, "i")
### create mask
do.call(rgrass::execGRASS, args = args)
### copy rasters with mask operative
### NOT CORRECT AS OF 2023/07/19: Using g.copy/.copyGSpatial() will not allow the mask to be retained on exiting the function when the mask is automatically removed.
n <- length(x)
srcs <- .copyGRaster(x, topo = topology(x), reshapeRegion = FALSE)
# srcs <- .makeSourceName("mask", "raster", n)
# for (i in seq_len(n)) {
# ex <- paste0(srcs[i], " = ", sources(x))
# rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"), intern = TRUE)
# }
### change masked values
if (!is.na(updatevalue)) {
nLayers <- length(x)
srcsUpdate <- .makeSourceName("mask_r_mapcalc", "raster", nLayers)
for (i in seq_len(nLayers)) {
ex <- paste0(srcsUpdate[i], " = if(!isnull(", srcs[i], "), ", updatevalue, ", null())")
expression = ex,
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")
} # next raster
srcs <- srcsUpdate
} else {
out <- srcs
} # EOF
### remove mask on exit from within a function
#' @noRd
.removeMask <- function() {
cmd = "r.mask",
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite", "r")
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