
Defines functions .rasterize

#' Convert a GVector to a GRaster
#' @description The `rasterize()` function converts a `GVector` into a `GRaster`.
#' @param x A `GVector`.
#' @param y A `GRaster`: The new raster will have the same extent and resolution as this raster.
#' @param field Character: Name of a column in the data table of `y` to "burn" into the raster. If not `""` (default), then the output will be a categorical `GRraster`. If `field` is `""`, then all geometries will be "burned" to the raster and have the same value.
#' @param background Numeric or `NA` (default): Value to put in cells that are not covered by the `GVector`. Note that if this is not `NA` and not an integer, then the output cannot be a categorical raster (i.e., there will be no "levels" table associated with it).
#' @param by Either `NULL` (default) or character: If this is not `NULL`, then the `GVector` will be subset by the values in the field named by `by`. The output will be a multi-layer raster, with one layer per unique value in `by`.
#' @param verbose Logical: If `by` is not `NULL`, display progress.
#' @returns A `GRaster`.
#' @seealso [terra::rasterize()], **GRASS** module `v.to.rast` (see `grassHelp("v.to.rast")`)
#' @example man/examples/ex_rasterize.r
#' @aliases rasterize
#' @rdname rasterize
#' @exportMethod rasterize
	f = "rasterize",
	signature = c(x = "GVector", y = "GRaster"),
		field = "",
		background = NA,
		by = NULL,
		verbose = TRUE
	) {
	compareGeom(x, y)

	gtype <- geomtype(x, grass = TRUE)
	out <- .rasterize(x = x, y = y, field = field, background = background, by = by, gtype = gtype, verbose = verbose)
	.makeGRaster(out$src, levels = out$levels)

	} # EOF

#' @param x [sources()] name of a `GVector`.
#' @param y [sources()] name of a `GRaster`
#' @param field Name of a field in the data table of `x` (can be `""`).
#' @param background Numeric or `NA`.
#' @param by `NULL` or name of a field in the data table of `x`.
#' @param verbose Logical.
#' @param gtype `geomtype(..., grass = TRUE)` of `x` ("area", "line", "point")
#' @returns A `list` with the [sources()] name of the output raster, plus a `levels` table (can be `NULL`).
#' @noRd
.rasterize <- function(x, y, field, background, by, gtype, verbose) {

	### create different raster layer for each geometry
	if (!is.null(by)) {

		bys <- unique(x@table[[by]])
		nBys <- length(bys)
		src <- rep(NA_character_, nBys)
		levels <- list()
		if ((verbose | faster("verbose")) & nBys > 1L) pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nBys, initial = 0, style = 3, width = 30)

		for (i in seq_len(nBys)) {

			if (verbose | faster("verbose")) {
				utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)

			index <- which(x@table[[by]] == bys[i])
			xx <- x[index]

			thisOut <- .rasterize(xx, y, gtype = gtype, field = field, background = background, by = NULL, verbose = FALSE)
			src[i] <- thisOut$src
			levels[[i]] <- thisOut$levels
		if (verbose | faster("verbose")) close(pb)

	} else {

		src <- .makeSourceName("rasterize_v_to_rast", "raster")

		# if by geometry but burned to the same raster
		if (field == "") {

			levels <- data.table::data.table(NULL)

			args <- list(
				cmd = "v.to.rast",
				input = sources(x),
				output = src,
				use = "val",
				value = 1,
				type = gtype,
				memory = faster("memory"),
				flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")
		} else {
			# rasterize by field in data table
			cats <- .vCats(x)
			uniCats <- sort(unique(cats))
			fieldVals <- x@table[[field]]
			renums <- omnibus::renumSeq(fieldVals)
			levels <- data.table::data.table(value = unique(renums), DUMMYDUMMY_ = unique(fieldVals))
			names(levels)[2L] <- field
			levels <- levels[order(levels$value)]
			db <- data.table::data.table(cat = uniCats, DUMMYDUMMY_ = renums)
			.vAttachDatabase(x, db, cats = cats)

			args <- list(
				cmd = "v.to.rast",
				input = sources(x),
				output = src,
				use = "attr",
				attribute_column = "DUMMYDUMMY_",
				type = gtype,
				memory = faster("memory"),
				flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")


		if (gtype == "line") args$flags <- c(args$flags, "d")
		do.call(rgrass::execGRASS, args = args)

		if (!is.na(background)) {

			srcIn <- src
			src <- .makeSourceName("rasterize_r_mapcalc", "vector")
			ex <- paste0(src, " = if(isnull(", srcIn, "), ", background, ", ", srcIn, ")")

			rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression  = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
			.rm(srcIn, type = "raster", warn = FALSE)

			if (nrow(levels) > 0L) {
				if (is.integer(background) | omnibus::is.wholeNumber(background)) {

					background <- as.integer(background)

					levAdd <- data.table::data.table(value = background, DUMMYDUMMY_ = "background")
					names(levAdd) <- names(levels)
					levels <- rbind(levels, levAdd)
					levels <- levels[!duplicated(levels)]
					levels <- levels[order(levels$value)]

				} else {
					levels <- data.table::data.table(NULL)



	list(src = src, levels = levels)

adamlilith/fasterRaster documentation built on Dec. 21, 2024, 2:04 a.m.