
#' Rescale values in a GRaster
#' @description `stretch()` rescales the values in a `GRaster`. All values can be rescaled, or just values in a user-defined range. This range can be given by specifying either the lower and upper bounds of the range using `smin` and `smax`, and/or by the quantiles (across all cells of the raster) using `minq` and `maxq`.
#' @param x A `GRaster`.
#' @param minv,maxv Numeric: Minimum and maximum values to which to rescale values.
#' @param minq,maxq Numeric: Specifies range of values to rescale, given by their quantiles. The default is to stretch all values (the 0th and 100th quantiles). One or both are  ignored if `smin` and/or `smax` are provided.
#' @param smin,smax Numeric or `NA`: Specifies range of values to rescale. If `NA` (default), then all values are rescaled.
#' @returns A `GRaster`.
#' @seealso [terra::stretch()] and module `r.rescale` in **GRASS** (not used on this function)
#' @example man/examples/ex_stretch.r
#' @aliases stretch
#' @rdname stretch
#' @exportMethod stretch
    f = "stretch",
    signature = c(x = "GRaster"),
    definition = function(
        minv = 0, maxv = 255,
        minq = 0, maxq = 1,
        smin = NA, smax = NA
    ) {

    if (is.na(minv)) stop("Invalid lower bound to which to stretch.")
    if (is.na(maxv)) stop("Invalid upper bound to which to stretch.")

    if (is.na(minq) & is.na(smin)) stop("Invalid lower bound of range to stretch.")
    if (!is.na(minq) && minq < 0) stop("Invalid lower bound of range to stretch.")

    if (is.na(maxq) & is.na(smax)) stop("Invalid upper bound of range to stretch.")
    if (!is.na(maxq) && maxq > 1) stop("Invalid upper bound of range to stretch.")

	versionNumber <- grassInfo("versionNumber")

    mm <- minmax(x)
    for (i in 1L:nlyr(x)) {
        ### lower "from" bound
        if (!is.na(smin)) {
            lowerFrom <- smin
        } else {
            if (minq == 0) {
                lowerFrom <- mm[1L, i]
            } else {

                # get lower quantile
                args <- list(
                    cmd = "r.univar",
                    flags = c(.quiet(), "r", "e"),
                    map = sources(x)[i],
                    Sys_show.output.on.console = FALSE,
                    echoCmd = FALSE,
                    intern = TRUE,
                    percentile = minq * 100

                # nprocs became available with GRASS eight point three
                if (versionNumber >= 8.3) args$nprocs <- faster("cores")

                info <- do.call(rgrass::execGRASS, args)
                pattern <- "percentile: "
                lowerFrom <- info[grepl(info, pattern=pattern)]
                lowerFrom <- strsplit(lowerFrom, split=":")[[1L]][2L]
                lowerFrom <- as.numeric(lowerFrom)

            } # if calculating quantile
        } # if calculating lower quantile

        ### upper "from" bound
        if (!is.na(smax)) {
            upperFrom <- smax
        } else {
            if (maxq == 1) {
                upperFrom <- mm[2L, i]
            } else {

                # get lower quantile
                args <- list(
                    cmd = "r.univar",
                    flags = c(.quiet(), "r", "e"),
                    map = sources(x)[i],
                    Sys_show.output.on.console = FALSE,
                    echoCmd = FALSE,
                    intern = TRUE,
                    percentile = maxq * 100

                # nprocs became available with GRASS eight point three
                if (versionNumber >= 8.3) args$nprocs <- faster("cores")

                info <- do.call(rgrass::execGRASS, args)
                pattern <- "percentile: "
                upperFrom <- info[grepl(info, pattern=pattern)]
                upperFrom <- strsplit(upperFrom, split=":")[[1L]][2L]
                upperFrom <- as.numeric(upperFrom)

            } # if calculating quantile
        } # if calculating upper quantile

        ### truncate values at min/max
        if (mm[1L, i] < lowerFrom | mm[2L, i] > upperFrom) {

            gnTrunc <- .makeSourceName("truncated", "rast")
            ex <- paste0(gnTrunc, " = if(", sources(x)[i], " < ", lowerFrom, ", ", lowerFrom, ", if(", sources(x)[i], " > ", upperFrom, ", ", upperFrom, ", ", sources(x)[i], "))")

            args <- list(
                cmd = "r.mapcalc",
                expression = ex,
                flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"),
                intern = TRUE

            do.call(rgrass::execGRASS, args=args)

        } else {
            gnTrunc <- sources(x)[i]

        src <- .makeSourceName("stretch", "rast")
        scale <- (maxv - minv) / (upperFrom - lowerFrom)
        ex <- paste0(src, " = ", minv, " + (", scale, " * (", gnTrunc, " - ", lowerFrom, "))")
        args <- list(
            cmd = "r.mapcalc",
            expression = ex,
            flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"),
            intern = TRUE

        do.call(rgrass::execGRASS, args=args)

        this <- .makeGRaster(src, names(x)[i])
        if (i == 1L) {
            out <- this
        } else {
            out <- c(out, this)

    } # next layer

    } # EOF
adamlilith/fasterRaster documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 1:23 p.m.