#' Slope, aspect, curvature, and partial slopes
#' `terrain()` calculates topographic indices, including slope, aspect, curvature, and partial slopes (slopes in the east-west or north-south directions).
#' @param x A `GRaster` (typically representing elevation).
#' @param v Name of the topographic metric(s) to calculate. Valid values include one or more of:
#' * `"slope"`: Slope. Units are given by argument `units`.
#' * `"aspect"`: Aspect. When argument `northIs0` is `TRUE` (default), then aspect is given in degrees from north going clockwise (0 = north, 90 = east, 180 = south, 270 = west). Units are given by argument `units`.
#' * `"profileCurve"`: Profile curvature.
#' * `"tanCurve"`: Tangential curvature.
#' * `"dx"`: Slope in east-west direction.
#' * `"dy"`: Slope in north-south direction.
#' * `"dxx"`: Second partial derivative in east-west direction.
#' * `"dyy"`: Second partial derivative in north-south direction.
#' * `"dxy"`: Second partial derivative along east-west and north-south direction.
#' * `"*"`: All of the above.
#' @param units Character: "Units" in which to calculate slope and aspect: either `"degrees"` for degrees (default), `"radians"`, or `"percent"`. Partial matching is used.
#' @param undefinedAspect Numeric or `NA` (default): Value to assign to flat areas for which aspect cannot be calculated.
#' @param northIs0 Logical: If `TRUE` (default), aspect will be reported in "north orientation," such that 0 is north, and degrees run clockwise (90 is east, 180 south, 270 west). If `FALSE`, then aspect will be reported in "east orientation," such that 0 is east, and degrees run counterclockwise (90 is north, 180 west, 270 south). The latter is the default in **GRASS**, but the former is the default in [terra::terrain()] function, so is used here as the default. **Note:** The [sun()] function requires aspect to be in east orientation.
#' @returns A `GRaster` with one or more layers.
#' @seealso [terra::terrain()], [ruggedness()], [wetness()], [geomorphons()], module `r.slope.aspect` in **GRASS**
#' @example man/examples/ex_terrain.r
#' @aliases terrain
#' @rdname terrain
#' @exportMethod terrain
f = "terrain",
signature = c(x = "GRaster"),
definition = function(
v = "slope",
units = "degrees",
undefinedAspect = NA,
northIs0 = TRUE
) {
metrics <- c("slope", "aspect", "profileCurve", "tanCurve", "dx", "dy", "dxx", "dyy", "dxy")
if (any(v == "*")) v <- metrics
v <- sort(v)
v <- omnibus::pmatchSafe(v, metrics, useFirst = TRUE)
units <- omnibus::pmatchSafe(units, c("degrees", "percent", "radians"), n = 1L)
if (units == "radians") {
unitRadians <- TRUE
units <- "degrees"
} else {
unitRadians <- FALSE
if (nlyr(x) > 1) {
warning("The input raster has > 1 layer. Only the first will be used.")
x <- x[[1L]]
args <- list(
cmd = "r.slope.aspect",
elevation = sources(x),
nprocs = faster("cores"),
memory = faster("memory"),
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite", "e")
if ("slope" %in% v) {
args$slope <- .makeSourceName("slope", "rast")
units <- omnibus::pmatchSafe(units, c("degrees", "percent"))
args$format <- units
if ("aspect" %in% v) {
args$aspect <- .makeSourceName("aspect", "rast")
units <- omnibus::pmatchSafe(units, c("degrees", "percent"))
args$format <- units
if (northIs0) args$flags <- c(args$flags, "n")
if ("profileCurve" %in% v) args$pcurvature = .makeSourceName("profileCurve", "rast")
if ("tanCurve" %in% v) args$tcurvature = .makeSourceName("tanCurve", "rast")
if ("dx" %in% v) args$dx = .makeSourceName("dx", "rast")
if ("dy" %in% v) args$dy = .makeSourceName("dy", "rast")
if ("dxx" %in% v) args$dxx = .makeSourceName("dxx", "rast")
if ("dyy" %in% v) args$dyy = .makeSourceName("dyy", "rast")
if ("dxy" %in% v) args$dxy = .makeSourceName("dxy", "rast")
do.call(rgrass::execGRASS, args)
if ("slope" %in% v) {
# convert to radians
if (unitRadians) {
oldSlopeSrc <- args$slope
slopeSrc <- .makeSourceName("terrain_r_mapcalc_slope", "raster")
ex <- paste0(slopeSrc, " = ", pi, " * ", oldSlopeSrc, " / 180")
rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
on.exit(.rm(oldSlopeSrc, type = "raster", warn = FALSE), add = TRUE)
} else {
slopeSrc <- args$slope
out <- .makeGRaster(slopeSrc, "slope")
if ("aspect" %in% v) {
# force undefined aspect to a new value (r.terrain assigns undefined aspect to -9999)
oldAspectSrc1 <- args$aspect
aspectSrc <- .makeSourceName("terrain_r_mapcalc_undefined", "raster")
if (is.na(undefinedAspect)) {
ex <- paste0(aspectSrc, " = if(", oldAspectSrc1, " < 0, null(), ", oldAspectSrc1, ")")
} else {
ex <- paste0(aspectSrc, " = if(", oldAspectSrc1, " < 0, ", undefinedAspect, ", ", oldAspectSrc1, ")")
rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
on.exit(.rm(oldAspectSrc1, type = "raster", warn = FALSE), add = TRUE)
# convert to radians
if (unitRadians) {
oldAspectSrc2 <- aspectSrc
aspectSrc <- .makeSourceName("terrain_r_mapcalc_radians", "raster")
ex <- paste0(aspectSrc, " = ", pi, " * ", oldAspectSrc2, " / 180")
rgrass::execGRASS("r.mapcalc", expression = ex, flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite"))
on.exit(.rm(oldAspectSrc2, type = "raster", warn = FALSE), add = TRUE)
this <- .makeGRaster(aspectSrc, "aspect")
if (exists("out", inherits = FALSE)) {
out <- c(out, this)
} else {
out <- this
if ("profileCurve" %in% v) {
this <- .makeGRaster(args$pcurvature, "profileCurve")
if (exists("out", inherits = FALSE)) {
out <- c(out, this)
} else {
out <- this
if ("tanCurve" %in% v) {
this <- .makeGRaster(args$tcurvature, "tanCurve")
if (exists("out", inherits = FALSE)) {
out <- c(out, this)
} else {
out <- this
if ("dx" %in% v) {
this <- .makeGRaster(args$dx, "dx")
if (exists("out", inherits = FALSE)) {
out <- c(out, this)
} else {
out <- this
if ("dy" %in% v) {
this <- .makeGRaster(args$dy, "dy")
if (exists("out", inherits = FALSE)) {
out <- c(out, this)
} else {
out <- this
if ("dxx" %in% v) {
this <- .makeGRaster(args$dxx, "dxx")
if (exists("out", inherits = FALSE)) {
out <- c(out, this)
} else {
out <- this
if ("dyy" %in% v) {
this <- .makeGRaster(args$dyy, "dyy")
if (exists("out", inherits = FALSE)) {
out <- c(out, this)
} else {
out <- this
if ("dxy" %in% v) {
this <- .makeGRaster(args$dxy, "dxy")
if (exists("out", inherits = FALSE)) {
out <- c(out, this)
} else {
out <- this
} # EOF
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