
.DB.CONFIG       <- 'db.config'
.DATABASE.YML    <- 'database.yml'
.DB.CONNECTIONS  <- 'db.connections'
.RPORT.STORE     <- 'rport.store'
.DB.DRIVER       <- 'db.driver'

.OPTION.MAX.QUERY.LENGTH <- 'rport-max-sql-query-log-length'
.OPTION.MAX.CON          <- 'rport-max-db-driver-connections'
.OPTION.DB.CON.CONFIG    <- 'rport-database-yml-file'

.DEFAULT.MAX.CON          <- 32

#' Read from a Database (currently only PostgreSQL) connection.
#' @param con.names a vector of connection names as defined in database.yml (or
#' using custom connection definitions).
#' \code{db} parallelizes if multiple connections or queries are given. If more than one connection names is
#' given then the same query is performed on all connections in parallel. This
#' is particularly useful for analytical queries on sharded setup. For example:
#' \preformatted{
#'   shards <- paste('shard', 1:16, sep='')
#'   db(shards, 'select count(*) from events'))
#' }
#' will run in parallel on all 16 shards.
#' If more than one SQL queries is given, then each of them are run in parallel on the
#' single DB connection. If the same length of connections and the same length
#' of SQL queries is given, they are parallelized in pairs. See
#' \link{https://github.com/adjust/rport/} for examples.
#' @param cores determines the size of the parallel cluster for parallel
#' queries.
#' @param params binds SQL parameters to the SQL query using parameter binding.
#' The PostgreSQL R driver takes care for the quoting. Parameter binding is very
#' important against SQL injection. For example, to get id=123:
#' \preformatted{
#'   db(shards, 'select count(*) from events where id = $1', 123)
#' }
#' @param outfile the outfile variable passed on to makeCluster
#' @seealso db.connection, db.disconnect, list.connections, reload.db.config,
#' register.connections
#' @export
db <- function(con.names, sql, params=c(), cores=4, outfile='') {
  if (length(con.names) == 1 & length(sql) == 1) {
    return(.db.query(con.names[1], sql, params))

  if (length(con.names) == 1 & length(sql) > 1) {
    return(.parallelize.queries(con.names, sql, params, cores, outfile))

  if (length(con.names) > 1 & length(sql) == 1) {
    return(.parallelize.connections(con.names, sql, params, cores, outfile))

  if (length(con.names) == length(sql)) {
    return(.parallelize.index(con.names, sql, params, cores, outfile))

  stop('con.names and sql have incompatible lengths')

#' Reload database connection config from the database.yml
#' Rport stores database configuration settings by default in \code{config/database.yml} (or the
#' file given in the value of environment variable RPORT_DB_CONFIG). Once a
#' database connection is read from the config, it doesn't get read again. This
#' function lets the user reload the YAML config. It's useful when the config is
#' changed during an ongoing R session.
#' @export
reload.db.config <- function() {

#' Define DB connection settings at run time.
#' This function lets users define DB connection settings from sources other
#' than the database.yml config. This is useful for DB setups where a master
#' node maintains a dynamic list of DB nodes. This function only lets you define
#' the connection settings. The actual connection will be open by a subsequent
#' \code{db('my-custom-con1', 'select 1')} call. This function doesn't check or validate the input, the caller is responsible
#' for making sure that the list has the correct format, otherwise the
#' connection (i.e. the \code{db} call) would fail.
#' @param db.config is a list of format:
#' \preformatted{
#' list(
#'   my-custom-con1=list(
#'     database='db1',
#'     username='analytics',
#'     password='',
#'     host='db-1',
#'     port=5432,
#'     application_name='rport'
#'   ),
#'   my-custom-con2=list(
#'     database='db2',
#'     username='analytics',
#'     password='',
#'     host='db-2',
#'     port=5432,
#'     application_name='rport'
#'   )
#' )
#' }
#' Note, that if a list with multiple definitions for the same connection name
#' is given, there'll be an error.
#' @param strict default TRUE. If strict is TRUE, no connection definitions
#' cannot be overwritten and if you try to add a connection name that already
#' exists - either from an earlier \code{register.connections()} call or from
#' a database.yml definition, there'll be an error. If strict is FALSE,
#' connections can be overwritten.
#' @seealso reload.db.config, list.connections
#' @export
register.connections <- function(db.config, strict=TRUE) {
  names(db.config) <- sprintf('%s::%s', .DB.CONFIG, names(db.config))

  if (any(duplicated(names(db.config))))
    stop('Duplicated connection definitions in the given settings.')

  store <- .store()

  if (strict && any(duplicated(c(names(db.config), names(store)))))
    stop('Some of the provided connection settings are already defined.')

  assign(.RPORT.STORE, modifyList(store, db.config), envir=.RportRuntimeEnv)

#' Get the DBIConnection connection object by config name.
#' @param con.name connection names are either defined in database.yml or registered
#' at runtime using register.connections(). If connection configuration exists,
#' but the DB connection has not yet been established,
#' calling this function will also try to connect to the database.
#' @seealso list.connections, register.connections
#' @export
db.connection <- function(con.name) {
  .get(c(.DB.CONNECTIONS, con.name), setter=.db.connect, con.name)

#' List open DB connections.
#' This only lists all connections that have been open. No new connections will be opened by this call.
#' @export
list.connections <- function() {
  Filter(function(x) inherits(x, 'DBIConnection'), .store())

#' Disconnect database connections.
#' @param con.name specify connection name as defined (in e.g. database.yml).
#' If it is not NA, then a connection is closed by the given name. Otherwise
#' all open database connections are closed.
#' @seealso list.connections
#' @export
db.disconnect <- function(con.name=NA) {
  .db.disconnect <- function(con) {
    if (!inherits(con, 'DBIConnection')) stop('Attempted to close object of class ', class(con), ', which is not a DBI connection')

      if (!dbDisconnect(con)) stop('Connection failed to close.')

      .rport.log('Connection closed successfully.')
    }, error = function(e) {
      .rport.log('Error closing database connection', con, geterrmessage())

  if (!is.na(con.name)) {
    con <- list.connections()[[.build.key(c(.DB.CONNECTIONS, con.name))]]
    if (is.null(con)) stop('No DBI connection by name: ', con.name, ' has been open.')
    .set(c(.DB.CONNECTIONS, con.name), NULL)

  lapply(list.connections(), .db.disconnect)
  assign(.RPORT.STORE, list(), envir=.RportRuntimeEnv)

### Private functions

.parallelize.index <- function(con.names, sql, params, cores, outfile) {
  res <- list()

  cl <- makeCluster(min(cores, length(sql)), outfile=outfile)
    clusterEvalQ(cl, library(rport, quietly=TRUE))

    res <- parLapply(cl, 1:length(sql), function(index) {
      db(con.names[index], sql[index], params)
  }, finally=stopCluster(cl))


.parallelize.queries <- function(con.name, sql, params, cores, outfile) {
  res <- list()

  cl <- makeCluster(min(cores, length(sql)), outfile=outfile)
    clusterEvalQ(cl, library(rport, quietly=TRUE))

    res <- parLapply(cl, 1:length(sql), function(index) {
      db(con.name, sql[index], params)
  }, finally=stopCluster(cl))


.parallelize.connections <- function(con.names, sql, params, cores, outfile) {
  res <- list()

  cl <- makeCluster(min(cores, length(con.names)), outfile=outfile)
    clusterEvalQ(cl, library(rport, quietly=TRUE))

    res <- parLapply(cl, con.names, db, sql, params)
  }, finally=stopCluster(cl))


.db.query <- function(con.name, sql, ...) {
  con <- db.connection(con.name)

  .rport.log('Executing:', substr(sql, 1, .query.output.length()), 'on', con.name)
  res <- data.table(dbGetQuery(con, sql, ...))
  .rport.log('Done:', con.name)


.db.connect <- function(con.name) {
  if (!.exists(.DATABASE.YML)) reload.db.config()

  conninfo <- .get(c(.DB.CONFIG, con.name))

  if (is.null(conninfo))
    stop(sprintf('Database connection name %s not defined in database.yml', con.name))

  # We need to make sure that db() doesn't open more connections than the driver
  # supports. Potentially here we could be smarter and instead of disconnecting
  # _all_ connections, we can maintain some kind of usage ranking.
  d <- .driver()
  if (dbGetInfo(d)$num_con == .max.con()) {
    .rport.log('Max DB connections limit by the R driver hit, reconnecting.')

  .dbConnect(drv=d, application_name=conninfo$application_name,
                  dbname=conninfo$database, user=conninfo$user,
                  password=conninfo$password, port=conninfo$port,

.read.yml.config <- function() {
  if (! is.null(.user.defined.config()))
    db.config.file <- .user.defined.config()
    db.config.file <- file.path(.rport.root(), 'config', 'database.yml')

  if (!file.exists(db.config.file))
    stop('No configuration found here:', db.config.file, '\n',
              'Perhaps you are on the wrong directory.')

  db.config <- yaml.load_file(db.config.file)
  .set(.DATABASE.YML, db.config)

  if (is.null(names(db.config)))
    stop('No valid database connections defined in:', db.config.file)

  register.connections(db.config, strict=FALSE)

# A wrapper around dbConnect()
# See https://github.com/rstats-db/RPostgres/issues/75 for a better solution
.dbConnect <- function(drv, application_name, ...) {
  if (is.null(application_name)) return(dbConnect(drv, ...))

  old <- Sys.getenv("PGAPPNAME")
  conn <- dbConnect(drv, ...)

.exists <- function(keys) {
  .build.key(keys) %in% names(.store())

.get <- function(keys, setter=NULL, ...) {
  obj <- .store()[[.build.key(keys)]]

  if (!is.null(obj)) return(obj)

  if (is.null(setter)) return(NULL)

  obj <- setter(...)
  .set(keys, obj)

.set <- function(keys, value) {
  store <- .store()
  store[[.build.key(keys)]] = value
  assign(.RPORT.STORE, store, envir=.RportRuntimeEnv)

.build.key <- function(keys) {
  paste(keys, collapse='::')

.rport.root <- function() {

.rport.log <- function(...) {
  cat(as.character(Sys.time()), '--', Sys.getpid(), ..., "\n")

.driver <- function() {
  .get(.DB.DRIVER, setter=dbDriver, "PostgreSQL", max.con=.max.con())

.store <- function() {
  get(.RPORT.STORE, envir=.RportRuntimeEnv)

# The options here is mostly so that it makes testing easier.
.max.con <- function() {
  as.numeric(getOption(.OPTION.MAX.CON, default=.DEFAULT.MAX.CON))

.query.output.length <- function() {
  as.numeric(getOption(.OPTION.MAX.QUERY.LENGTH, default=.DEFAULT.MAX.QUERY.LENGTH))

.user.defined.config <- function() {
  if (! is.null(getOption(.OPTION.DB.CON.CONFIG)))

  if (Sys.getenv(.RPORT.DB.CONFIG) != '')


#' The structure of the store variable living in .RportRuntimeEnv is like this:
#' rport.store <- list(
#'   db.connections::shard1="PgConnection",
#'   db.connections::shard2="PgConnection",
#'   ...
#'   db.config=list(shard1=list(dbname=shard1), shard2=list(dbname=shard2)),
#'   db.driver="DbDriver",
#' )
.RportRuntimeEnv <- new.env()
assign(.RPORT.STORE, list(), envir=.RportRuntimeEnv)
adjust/rport documentation built on May 10, 2019, 5:55 a.m.