
Defines functions scan_to_spdf scan_to_raster scan_to_spatial

Documented in scan_to_raster scan_to_spatial

#' convert a polar scan into a spatial object.
#' Georeferences the center of  pixels for a scan into a SpatialPointsDataFrame object.
#' @inheritParams beam_height
#' @param scan a scan (sweep) of class scan
#' @param lat Geodetic latitude of the radar in degrees. If missing taken from `scan`.
#' @param lon Geodetic longitude of the radar in degrees. If missing taken from `scan`.
#' @return a SpatialPointsDataFrame
#' @export
#' @details Beam altitude accounts for the curvature of the earth, using [beam_height].
#' Distance from the radar over the earth's surface is calculated using [beam_distance].
#' @examples
#' # load example scan:
#' data(example_scan)
#' # convert to a SpatialPointsDataFrame:
#' scan_to_spatial(example_scan)
scan_to_spatial <- function(scan, lat, lon, k = 4 / 3, re = 6378, rp = 6357) {
  if (is.null(scan$geo$lat) && missing(lat)) stop("radar latitude cannot be found in scan, specify using 'lat' argument")
  if (is.null(scan$geo$lon) && missing(lon)) stop("radar longitude cannot be found in scan, specify using 'lon' argument")
  if (missing(lat)) lat <- scan$geo$lat
  if (missing(lon)) lon <- scan$geo$lon

  proj4string <- sp::CRS(paste("+proj=aeqd +lat_0=", lat,
    " +lon_0=", lon,
    " +units=m",
    sep = ""

  rscale <- scan$geo$rscale
  ascale <- scan$geo$ascale
  elev <- scan$geo$elangle
  rstart <- ifelse(is.null(scan$geo$rstart), 0, scan$geo$rstart)
  astart <- ifelse(is.null(scan$geo$astart), 0, scan$geo$astart)

  data <- data.frame(
    azim = astart + c(t(matrix(rep(seq(0, dim(scan)[3] - 1) * ascale + ascale / 2, dim(scan)[2]), nrow = dim(scan)[3]))),
    range = rstart + rep(seq(1, dim(scan)[2]) * rscale, dim(scan)[3]) - rscale / 2
  data$distance <- beam_distance(range = data$range, elev = elev, k = k, lat = lat, re = re, rp = rp)
  data$height <- scan$geo$height + beam_height(data$range, elev, k = k, lat = lat, re = re, rp = rp)
  data <- cbind(data, as.data.frame(sapply(scan$params, c)))
  coords <- data.frame(
    x = data$distance * cos(pi / 2 - data$azim * pi / 180),
    y = data$distance * sin(pi / 2 - data$azim * pi / 180)
  sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = coords, data = data, coords.nrs = c(3, 4), proj4string = proj4string)

#' convert a polar scan into a raster
#' convert an object of class 'scan' into a raster of class 'RasterBrick'
#' @inheritParams scan_to_spatial
#' @param nx number of raster pixels in the x (longitude) dimension
#' @param ny number of raster pixels in the y (latitude) dimension
#' @param xlim x (longitude) range
#' @param ylim y (latitude) range
#' @param param scan parameters to include. If `NA` include all scan parameters. Reducing the number
#' of scan parameters speeds up evaluation.
#' @param crs character or object of class CRS. PROJ.4 type description of a Coordinate Reference System (map projection).
#' When 'NA' (default), an azimuthal equidistant projection with origin at the radar location is used.
#' To use a WSG84 (lat,lon) projection, use crs="+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"
#' @param res numeric vector of length 1 or 2 to set the resolution of the raster (see [res][raster::res]).
#' If this argument is used, arguments `nx` and `ny` are ignored. Unit is identical to `xlim` and `ylim`.
#' @param raster (optional) RasterLayer with a CRS. When specified this raster topology is used for the output, and nx, ny, res
#' arguments are ignored.
#' @return a RasterBrick
#' @details uses [scan_to_spatial] to georeference the scan's pixels. If multiple scan pixels fall within
#' the same raster pixel, the last added pixel is given (see [rasterize][raster::rasterize] for details).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # default projects full extent on 100x100 pixel raster:
#' scan_to_raster(example_scan)
#' # crop the scan and project at a resolution of 0.1 degree:
#' scan_to_raster(example_scan, ylim = c(55, 57), xlim = c(12, 13), res = .1)
#' # using a template raster
#' template_raster <- raster::raster(raster::extent(12, 13, 56, 58), crs = sp::CRS("+proj=longlat"))
#' scan_to_raster(example_scan, raster = template_raster)
#' }
scan_to_raster <- function(scan, nx = 100, ny = 100, xlim, ylim, res = NA, param, raster = NA, lat, lon, crs = NA, k = 4 / 3, re = 6378, rp = 6357) {
  if (!is.scan(scan)) stop("'scan' should be an object of class scan")
  if (get_elevation_angles(scan) == 90) stop("georeferencing of 90 degree birdbath scan not supported")
  if (!assertthat::is.number(nx) && missing(res)) stop("'nx' should be an integer")
  if (!assertthat::is.number(ny) && missing(res)) stop("'ny' should be an integer")
  if (!missing(xlim)) {
    if (length(xlim) != 2 & !is.numeric(xlim)) stop("'xlim' should be an integer vector of length two")
    if (is.na(xlim[1]) | is.na(xlim[2]) | xlim[1] > xlim[2]) stop("'xlim' should be a vector with two numeric values for upper and lower bound")
  if (!missing(ylim)) {
    if (length(ylim) != 2 & !is.numeric(ylim)) stop("'ylim' should be an integer vector of length two")
    if (is.na(ylim[1]) | is.na(ylim[2]) | ylim[1] > ylim[2]) stop("'ylim' should be a vector with two numeric values for upper and lower bound")
  if (!missing(res) && !is.na(res)) {
    assertthat::assert_that(length(res) <= 2)
  if (!missing(param)) {
    if (FALSE %in% (param %in% c(names(scan$params), "azim", "range", "distance"))) stop("'param' contains scan parameter not found in scan")
    if (!(FALSE %in% (param %in% c("azim", "range", "distance")))) stop("'param' should contain the name of one or more scan parameters contained in 'scan'")

    param_to_use <- param
  else {
    param_to_use <- names(scan$params)
  if (!assertthat::are_equal(raster, NA)) {
    assertthat::assert_that(inherits(raster, "RasterLayer"))

  if (is.null(scan$geo$lat) && missing(lat)) stop("radar latitude cannot be found in scan, specify using 'lat' argument")
  if (is.null(scan$geo$lon) && missing(lon)) stop("radar longitude cannot be found in scan, specify using 'lon' argument")

  if (missing(lat)) lat <- scan$geo$lat
  if (missing(lon)) lon <- scan$geo$lon

  localCrs <- sp::CRS(paste("+proj=aeqd +lat_0=", lat,
    " +lon_0=", lon,
    " +units=m",
    sep = ""
  if (missing(crs) | is.na(crs)) {
    crs <- localCrs
  else {
    # check crs argument as in raster::raster()
    crs <- sp::CRS(as.character(raster::projection(crs)))
  if (!assertthat::are_equal(raster, NA)) {
    crs <- raster::crs(raster)

  rscale <- scan$geo$rscale
  ascale <- scan$geo$ascale
  rstart <- ifelse(is.null(scan$geo$rstart), 0, scan$geo$rstart)
  astart <- ifelse(is.null(scan$geo$astart), 0, scan$geo$astart)

  nrang <- dim(scan)[2]
  nazim <- dim(scan)[3]

  # extent not fully specified, determine it
  if (missing(xlim) | missing(ylim)) {
    # georeference the data
    spdf <- scan_to_spatial(scan, k = k, lat = lat, lon = lon, re = re, rp = rp)
    # keep only selected scan parameters
    if (!missing(param)) spdf <- spdf[param]
    # transform spatialpoints to coordinate system of the raster
    if (!missing(crs)) spdf <- sp::spTransform(spdf, crs)
    # get extent of the available data
    spdf_extent <- raster::extent(spdf)
    # prepare a raster matching the data extent (or user-specified extent)
    if (missing(xlim)) xlim <- c(spdf_extent@xmin, spdf_extent@xmax)
    if (missing(ylim)) ylim <- c(spdf_extent@ymin, spdf_extent@ymax)
  if (!assertthat::are_equal(raster, NA)) {
    r <- raster::raster(raster)
  } else {
    if (missing(res) | is.na(res)) {
      r <- raster::raster(ncols = nx, nrows = ny, ext = raster::extent(c(xlim, ylim)), crs = crs)
    else {
      r <- raster::raster(ncols = nx, nrows = ny, ext = raster::extent(c(xlim, ylim)), crs = crs, res = res)
  # convert raster coordinates to local Cartesian CRS
  crds <- sp::coordinates(sp::spTransform(raster::rasterToPoints(r, spatial = TRUE), localCrs))
  # convert raster coordinates to polar indices
  polar_coords <- cartesian_to_polar(crds, elev = scan$geo$elangle, k = k, lat = lat, re = re, rp = rp)
  index <- polar_to_index(polar_coords, rangebin = rscale, azimbin = ascale, rangestart = rstart, azimstart = astart)
  # set indices outside the scan's matrix to NA
  index$row[index$row > nrang] <- NA
  index$col[index$col > nazim] <- NA
  # rstart can result in locations outside of the radar scope close to the radar
  index$row[index$row < 1] <- NA
  stopifnot(all(index$col >= 1))

  # convert 2D index to 1D index
  index <- (index$col - 1) * nrang + index$row

  # generate brick for each scan parameter
  param_to_add <- setdiff(param_to_use, c("distance", "range", "azim"))
  output <- raster::brick(r, nl = length(param_to_add), filename = "")
  names(output) <- param_to_add
  # fill the rasterbrick
  for (name in param_to_add) {
    # suppress warning 'In readAll(x) : cannot read values; there is no file associated with this RasterBrick
      raster::values(output[[name]]) <- scan$params[[name]][index]
  if ("distance" %in% param_to_use) output$distance <- beam_distance(polar_coords$range, elev = scan$geo$elangle, k = k, lat = lat, re = re, rp = rp)
  if ("range" %in% param_to_use) output$range <- polar_coords$range
  if ("azim" %in% param_to_use) output$azim <- polar_coords$azim

# hidden helper function that projects a scan on points of a SpatialPointsDataFrame
# allows for faster projections of multiple scans to the same grid in
# integrate_to_ppi function, see issue #293
scan_to_spdf <- function(scan, spdf, param, lat, lon, k = 4 / 3, re = 6378, rp = 6357) {
  if (!is.scan(scan)) stop("'scan' should be an object of class scan")
  if (get_elevation_angles(scan) == 90) stop("georeferencing of 90 degree birdbath scan not supported")
  if (!inherits(spdf, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")) {
    stop("spdf should be of class spdf")
  if (!missing(param)) {
    if (FALSE %in% (param %in% c(names(scan$params), "azim", "range", "distance"))) stop("'param' contains scan parameter not found in scan")
    if (!(FALSE %in% (param %in% c("azim", "range", "distance")))) stop("'param' should contain the name of one or more scan parameters contained in 'scan'")

    param_to_use <- param
  else {
    param_to_use <- names(scan$params)

  if (is.null(scan$geo$lat) && missing(lat)) stop("radar latitude cannot be found in scan, specify using 'lat' argument")
  if (is.null(scan$geo$lon) && missing(lon)) stop("radar longitude cannot be found in scan, specify using 'lon' argument")

  if (missing(lat)) lat <- scan$geo$lat
  if (missing(lon)) lon <- scan$geo$lon

  localCrs <- sp::CRS(paste("+proj=aeqd +lat_0=", lat,
    " +lon_0=", lon,
    " +units=m",
    sep = ""
  stopifnot(all.equal(localCrs, sp::CRS(sp::proj4string(spdf))))

  rscale <- scan$geo$rscale
  ascale <- scan$geo$ascale
  rstart <- ifelse(is.null(scan$geo$rstart), 0, scan$geo$rstart)
  astart <- ifelse(is.null(scan$geo$astart), 0, scan$geo$astart)

  nrang <- dim(scan)[2]
  nazim <- dim(scan)[3]

  crds <- sp::coordinates(spdf)
  # convert raster coordinates to polar indices
  polar_coords <- cartesian_to_polar(crds, elev = scan$geo$elangle, k = k, lat = lat, re = re, rp = rp)
  index <- polar_to_index(polar_coords, rangebin = rscale, azimbin = ascale, rangestart = rstart, azimstart = astart)
  # set indices outside the scan's matrix to NA
  index$row[index$row > nrang] <- NA
  index$col[index$col > nazim] <- NA
  # rstart can result in locations outside of the radar scope close to the radar
  index$row[index$row < 1] <- NA
  stopifnot(all(index$col >= 1))
  # convert 2D index to 1D index
  index <- (index$col - 1) * nrang + index$row

  # generate brick for each scan parameter
  param_to_add <- setdiff(param_to_use, c("distance", "range", "azim"))
  output <- spdf[, F]
  # fill the rasterbrick
  for (name in param_to_add) {
    # suppress warning 'In readAll(x) : cannot read values; there is no file associated with this RasterBrick
    output[T, name] <- scan$params[[name]][index]
  if ("distance" %in% param_to_use) output$distance <- beam_distance(polar_coords$range, elev = scan$geo$elangle, k = k, lat = lat, re = re, rp = rp)
  if ("range" %in% param_to_use) output$range <- polar_coords$range
  if ("azim" %in% param_to_use) output$azim <- polar_coords$azim
adokter/birdRad documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 6:25 a.m.