
Defines functions MCrow

Documented in MCrow

#' MCrow
#' This function simulates MC step for a single row. Should not need to be used by user directly.
#' @author Bryan Martin
#' @param Yi row of logratio matrix
#' @param Wi corresponding row of count matrix
#' @param eYi current expected value of logratio matrix
#' @param Q number of OTUs, or length of Wi
#' @param base OTU index used for base
#' @param sigInv current estimate of sigma inverse
#' @param MCiter number of MC samples to generate
#' @param stepsize variance used for MH samples, defaults to 1. Tweak to adjust acceptance ratio
MCrow <- function(Yi, Wi, eYi, Q, base, sigInv, MCiter, stepsize = 1) {
  # extra column for acceptance indicator
  Yi.MH <- matrix(0, MCiter, Q)

  # Precompute all the normal dist. vals we will need.
  norm_vals <- matrix(
    rnorm((Q - 1) * MCiter, 0, stepsize),
    ncol = MCiter

  # Precompute all uniform dist. vals we will need.
  unif_vals <- runif(MCiter)

  for (i in 1:MCiter) {
    # cat(i,'\n') proposal

    # Access normal dist. vals by column for speed.
    Yi.star <- Yi + norm_vals[, i]

    # denominator
    Eq5pt1 <- sum(Wi) * (log(sum(exp(Yi)) + 1) - log(sum(exp(Yi.star)) + 1))
    # numerator
    Eq5pt2 <- sum(Wi[-base] * (Yi.star - Yi))
    Eq5pt3 <- -0.5 * crossprod((Yi.star - eYi), sigInv) %*% (Yi.star - eYi)
    Eq5pt4 <- -0.5 * crossprod((Yi - eYi), sigInv) %*% (Yi - eYi)
    fullRat <- Eq5pt1 + Eq5pt2 + Eq5pt3 - Eq5pt4
    acceptance <- min(1, exp(fullRat))
    temp <- unif_vals[[i]]
    aVal <- 0
    if (temp < acceptance | is.nan(acceptance)) {
      Yi <- Yi.star
      aVal <- 1
    # each row is a resampling of Yi, first col is whether accepted or not
    Yi.MH[i, ] <- c(aVal, Yi)

  ## returns a matrix Yi.MH: MH samples of row, first column ind if accepted (MCiter rows, Q cols)
adw96/DivNet documentation built on Oct. 2, 2023, 11:49 a.m.