
Defines functions gloss_example

Documented in gloss_example

#' Gloss an example
#' Creates an interlinear glossed example for linguistics.
#' @author George Moroz <agricolamz@gmail.com>
#' @param transliteration character vector of the length one for the transliteration line.
#' @param glosses character vector of the length one for the glosses line.
#' @param free_translation character vector of the length one for the free translation line.
#' @param annotation character vector of the length one for the annotation line (above translation).
#' @param grammaticality character vector with the grammaticality value.
#' @param audio_path character string with the path to the sound in .wav format.
#' @param audio_label character string for the label to display.
#' @param video_path character string with the path to the video.
#' @param video_width width argument for the video in px.
#' @param video_height height argument for the video in px.
#' @param comment character vector of the length one for the comment line (under the free translation line).
#' @param line_length integer vector of the length one that denotes maximum number of characters per one line.
#' @param italic_transliteration logical variable that denotes, whether user wants to italicize your example.
#' @param drop_transliteration logical variable that denotes, whether user wants to have an example without transliteration.
#' @param intext logical variable that denotes, whether example should be considered as part of the text (\code{TRUE}) or as a standalone paragraph (\code{FALSE})
#' @param write_to_db logical variable that denotes, whether example should be added to the example database.
#' @return html/latex output(s) with glossed examples.
#' @examples
#' gloss_example("bur-e-**ri** c'in-ne-s:u",
#'               "fly-NPST-**INF** know-HAB-NEG",
#'               "I cannot fly. (Zilo Andi, East Caucasian)",
#'               grammaticality = "*",
#'               comment = "(lit. do not know how to)")
#' gloss_example("bur-e-**ri** c'in-ne-s:u",
#'               "fly-NPST-**INF** know-HAB-NEG",
#'               "I cannot fly.",
#'               intext = TRUE)
#' @importFrom knitr is_latex_output
#' @importFrom knitr is_html_output
#' @importFrom kableExtra kable_minimal
#' @importFrom kableExtra kbl
#' @importFrom kableExtra footnote
#' @importFrom methods missingArg
#' @importFrom methods hasArg
#' @export

gloss_example <- function(transliteration,
                          free_translation = "",
                          comment = "",
                          annotation = NULL,
                          grammaticality = NULL,
                          audio_path = NULL,
                          audio_label = "\u266A",
                          video_path = NULL,
                          video_width = 320,
                          video_height = 240,
                          line_length = 70,
                          italic_transliteration = getOption("lingglosses.italic_transliteration"),
                          drop_transliteration = FALSE,
                          intext = FALSE,
                          write_to_db = TRUE){

# add 1 to the counter -----------------------------------------------------
# it is for the function convert_to_df()
  example_counter <- getOption("lingglosses.example_counter")
  options("lingglosses.example_counter" = as.double(example_counter)+1)

# fix for missing transliteration -----------------------------------------
    drop_transliteration = TRUE
# fix for missing glosses -----------------------------------------
  if(methods::missingArg(glosses) & methods::hasArg(transliteration)){
    drop_transliteration = TRUE
      glosses = paste0("_", unlist(strsplit(transliteration, " ")), "_",
                       collapse = " ")
    } else {
      glosses = transliteration


# fix for multiple glosses line --------------------------------------------
  length_glosses <- length(glosses)
  if(length_glosses > 1){
    glosses <- c(paste0(glosses[-length_glosses], " "), glosses[length_glosses])

# check arguments ----------------------------------------------------------
  if(length(line_length) != 1 | typeof(line_length) != "double"){
                " argument should be a character vector of length 1"))

# fix the apostrophe and "> <" problem
    transliteration <- gsub(pattern = "\\s{2,}", replacement = " ", transliteration)
    transliteration <- gsub(pattern = "[\u2019\u02BC]", replacement = "'", transliteration)
    transliteration <- gsub(pattern = "<", replacement = "&lt;", transliteration)
    transliteration <- gsub(pattern = ">", replacement = "&gt;", transliteration)
    transliteration <- gsub(pattern = "!\\[\\]\\(", replacement = "pictures_inside_turn_me_back_please", transliteration)
    transliteration <- gsub(pattern = "\\[", replacement = "\uFF3B", transliteration)
    transliteration <- gsub(pattern = "\\]", replacement = "\uFF3D", transliteration)
    transliteration <- gsub(pattern = "\t", replacement = " ", transliteration)
    transliteration <- gsub(pattern = "pictures_inside_turn_me_back_please", replacement = "!\\[\\]\\(", transliteration)
  glosses <- gsub(pattern = "\\s{2,}", replacement = " ", glosses)
  glosses <- gsub(pattern = "\t", replacement = " ", glosses)
  glosses <- gsub(pattern = "[\u2019\u02BC]", replacement = "'", glosses)
  glosses <- gsub(pattern = "!\\[\\]\\(", replacement = "pictures_inside_turn_me_back_please", glosses)
  glosses <- gsub(pattern = "\\[", replacement = "\uFF3B", glosses)
  glosses <- gsub(pattern = "\\]", replacement = "\uFF3D", glosses)
  glosses <- gsub(pattern = "pictures_inside_turn_me_back_please", replacement = "!\\[\\]\\(", glosses)

    grammaticality <- gsub(pattern = "\\*", replacement = "\uFF0A", grammaticality)

# split arguments by spaces ------------------------------------------------
    transliteration <- glosses

  transliteration <- unlist(strsplit(transliteration, " "))
  glosses_by_word <- unlist(strsplit(glosses, " "))

    annotation <- unlist(strsplit(annotation, " "))

# prepare vector of splits of the glosses by line --------------------------
  longest <- if(sum(nchar(transliteration)) > sum(nchar(glosses))){
  } else {

# add example to the example list ------------------------------------------
    glossed_df <- lingglosses::convert_to_df(
      transliteration = paste0(transliteration, collapse = " "),
      glosses = glosses,
      free_translation = free_translation,
      comment = comment,
      annotation = annotation,
      drop_transliteration = drop_transliteration)

# add glosses to the document gloss list -----------------------------------
  single_gl <- unlist(strsplit(glosses_by_word, "[-\\.=:\\)\\(!\\?<>\\~\\+\uFF3D\uFF3B]"))
  starts_with_punctuation <- single_gl[1] == ""
  single_gl <- gsub(pattern = "<", replacement = "&lt;", single_gl)
  single_gl <- gsub(pattern = ">", replacement = "&gt;", single_gl)
  single_gl <- lingglosses::add_gloss(single_gl)
  if(starts_with_punctuation){single_gl <- c("", single_gl)}

# get delimiters back ------------------------------------------------------
  delimiters <- unlist(strsplit(glosses,
"[^-:\\.= \\)\\(!\\?\u201E\u201C\u2019\u201D\u00BB\u00AB\u201F<>\\~\\+\uFF3B\uFF3D]"))
  delimiters <- c(delimiters[delimiters != ""], "")
  if(!starts_with_punctuation){single_gl <- c(single_gl, rep("", sum(delimiters == ">")))}
  glosses <- paste0(single_gl, delimiters, collapse = "")
  glosses <- gsub("<span style=", "<span_style=", glosses)
  glosses <- unlist(strsplit(glosses, " "))
  glosses <- gsub("<span_style=", "<span style=", glosses)

# italic of the language line ----------------------------------------------
  if(isTRUE(italic_transliteration) & !drop_transliteration){
      transliteration <- paste0("\\textit{", transliteration, "}")
    } else {
      transliteration <- paste0("_", transliteration, "_")

# long line splitting ------------------------------------------------------
  splits_by_line <- as.double(cut(cumsum(nchar(longest)),
                                  breaks = 0:1e5*line_length))

# for inline examples ------------------------------------------------------
      inline_transliteration <- paste(transliteration, collapse = " ")
      sep1 <- " ("
      sep2 <- ")"
    } else {
      inline_transliteration <- ""
      sep1 <- ""
      sep2 <- ""

    result <- paste0(inline_transliteration,
                     paste(glosses, collapse = " "),
                     if(nchar(free_translation) > 0){
                       paste0(" '", free_translation, "'")} else {""},
                     if(nchar(comment) > 0){
                       paste0(" ", comment)} else {""},
                     collapse = "")
  } else {

# long line splitting ------------------------------------------------------

    if(length(unique(splits_by_line)) > 1){
      multiline_result <- lapply(unique(splits_by_line), function(i){
        nchar_tr <- nchar(paste(transliteration[splits_by_line == i], collapse = " "))
        nchar_gl <- nchar(paste(glosses_by_word[splits_by_line == i], collapse = " "))
        max_nchar <- ifelse(nchar_tr > nchar_gl, nchar_tr, nchar_gl)
          transliteration = paste(transliteration[splits_by_line == i],
                                  collapse = " "),
          glosses = paste(glosses_by_word[splits_by_line == i], collapse = " "),
          free_translation = if(i == max(splits_by_line)){free_translation} else {""},
          grammaticality = if(i == min(splits_by_line)){grammaticality} else {NULL},
          annotation = if(!is.null(annotation)){
            paste(annotation[splits_by_line == i], collapse = " ")} else {NULL},
          comment = if(i == max(splits_by_line)){comment} else {""},
          italic_transliteration = FALSE,
          line_length = max_nchar+1,
          drop_transliteration = drop_transliteration,
          audio_path = if(i == max(splits_by_line)){audio_path} else {NULL},
          audio_label = audio_label,
          video_path = if(i == max(splits_by_line)){video_path} else {NULL},
          intext = FALSE,
          write_to_db = FALSE)
    } else {

# combine everything into table --------------------------------------------
        annotation <- unlist(strsplit(annotation, " "))

      ann <- if(!is.null(annotation)){annotation} else{NULL}
      trans <- if(!drop_transliteration){transliteration} else{NULL}
      for_matrix <- c(ann, trans, glosses)
      nrow_matrix <- length_glosses + (length(ann) > 0) + (length(trans) > 0)

      result <- matrix(for_matrix, nrow = nrow_matrix, byrow = TRUE)

        if(nrow_matrix == 2){
          result <- cbind(matrix(c(grammaticality, "")), result)
        } else if(nrow_matrix == 3){
          result <- cbind(matrix(c("", grammaticality, "")), result)
      result <- kableExtra::kbl(result, align = "l", centering = FALSE,
                                escape = FALSE, vline = "")
      result <- kableExtra::kable_minimal(result,
                                          position = "left",
                                          full_width = FALSE)

# add video ---------------------------------------------------------------
      if(!is.null(video_path) & knitr::is_html_output()){
        if(length(video_path) > 1){
          stop("video_path argument should be of the length 1")
        result <- kableExtra::footnote(kable_input = result,
                                       general = as.character(
                                       general_title = "",
                                       escape = FALSE)

# add comment --------------------------------------------------------------
      if(nchar(comment) > 0){
        result <- kableExtra::footnote(kable_input = result,
                                       general = comment,
                                       general_title = "")

# add audio ---------------------------------------------------------------
      if(!is.null(audio_path) & knitr::is_html_output()){
        if(length(audio_path) > 1){
          stop("audio_path argument should be of the length 1")
        if(length(audio_label) > 1){
          stop("audio_label argument should be of the length 1")
        # if(!file.exists(audio_path)){
        #   stop(paste("It look like there is no file", audio_path))
        # }
        add_to_translation <- paste("'", add_sound(audio_path, audio_label))
      } else {
        add_to_translation <- "'"
# add free translation -----------------------------------------------------
      if(nchar(free_translation) > 0){
        result <- kableExtra::footnote(kable_input = result,
                                       general = paste0("'",
                                       general_title = "",
                                       escape = FALSE)

# remove lines from LaTeX --------------------------------------------------
        result <- gsub("\\\\toprule", "", result)
        result <- gsub("\\\\midrule", "", result)
        result <- gsub("\\\\bottomrule", "", result)
        result <- gsub("\\\\hline", "", result)

# return output ------------------------------------------------------------
  if(length(unique(splits_by_line)) > 1){
  } else{
agricolamz/lingglosses documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 3:18 p.m.